Consolidation Finder Expo [serkany88]It's relatively easy to create a repainting system where you can detect consolidation but it can be pretty hard to detect breakouts while the consolidation is happening live. This experimental approach came to my mind after brainstorming a bit.
What it does
This indicator DOES NOT REPAINT and try to show consolidation zones by coloring the bars or background to a selected color(default white)
How it works
In this approach we use weighted standard deviation of Vidya (Variable Index Dynamic Average created by Tushar Chande). The reason we use vidya is it's length is actually being adapted to volatility and lookback is dynamically adjusted. After getting vidya of base we also create same length vidya of high's and low's and get weighted standard deviation of those. After this we add and subtract those with base vidya and and get their average with our multiplier weight starting from the first bar. If our current value is higher than the average it means we are not in consolidation, else we are thus the bar and background will be painted.
How to use
Consolidation Finder can be used with your existing bot strategy as an additional filter or can be used with your manual trading system as an additional filter or detect breakouts. But be aware that you might need to tinker with length and multipliers in the settings depending on your timeframe to get best results possible before using it reliably. You can also enable the plots of vidya's from the style tab which is disabled by default to see how the deviations actually move if you are interested in it.
Komut dosyalarını "bot" için ara
Cloud Levels [Import Price Levels]This script allows you to import TA and price levels from an external source. For example, you may do some TA on a different software but want to import it to TradingView. Or you may have a script or bot that calculates levels for you end-of-day. Or you may be part of a community that provides TA and levels. There are many different reasons why you may want to import levels from an external source.
All you need is a source for the data. The data format shouldn't really matter since it can usually be converted fairly easily to a custom format. Information about the necessary format can be found below.
The script currently supports:
Labelled lines with customs style and colors
Boxes / zones with custom fill color and borders
Fibonacci ratios
In the plans:
Channel support
Trend lines
The input format looks like this:
FIGURE 1 - Lines with labels
Columns: ,,,,;
Example: 1677724019999,3976.50,Label text,255/255/0/125,sol
FIGURE 2 - Boxes
Columns: ,,,,,,,;
Example: 1686715971428,4430.18,1686773561538,4409.52,68/98/194/15,1,1,153/204/255/204
FIGURE 3 - Fibonacci ratios
Columns: ,,,,,,,,
Example: 1656649151300,4588.75,1656649151300,3639,dot,1,3,0.236|0.382|0.5|0.618|0.706|0.786|0.886,170/200/255/76|170/200/255/76|170/200/255/76|0/255/0/76|255/153/0/76|255/153/0/76|255/153/0/76
*ratios and ratio colors are separated by '|'
*RGBA colors must look like this: 255/255/0/125, each value separated by '/'
*Line style s must be one of these values: dsh, sol or dot (dashed, solid or dotted)
Separate each item within the same figure with a semicolon (;), e.g for two labelled lines: 1677724019999,3976.50,Label text,255/255/0/125,sol;1677724019999,4026,Label text 2,255/255/0/125,sol
Only put a semicolon at the end if there is a new item after it.
Finally, put all figures together with '§' separator between each figure/category, in the correct order:
1 - Lines with labels
2 - Boxes
3 - Fibonacci ratios
The result looks like this for the examples above:
1677724019999,3976.50,Label text,255/255/0/125,sol§1686715971428,4430.18,1686773561538,4409.52,68/98/194/15,1,1,153/204/255/204§1656649151300,4588.75,1656649151300,3639,dot,1,3,0.236|0.382|0.5|0.618|0.706|0.786|0.886,170/200/255/76|170/200/255/76|170/200/255/76|0/255/0/76|255/153/0/76|255/153/0/76|255/153/0/76
An incorrect format will give you errors.
With basic programming skills you can create a simple tool to convert your data to this format, that's what I do. If needed, I may be able to provide a customized converting tool for this, PM if interested.
ATR GOD Strategy by TradeSmart (PineConnector-compatible)This is a highly-customizable trading strategy made by TradeSmart, focusing mainly on ATR-based indicators and filters. The strategy is mainly intended for trading forex , and has been optimized using the Deep Backtest feature on the 2018.01.01 - 2023.06.01 interval on the EUR/USD (FXCM) 15M chart, with a Slippage value of 3, and a Commission set to 0.00004 USD per contract. The strategy is also made compatible with PineConnector , to provide an easy option to automate the strategy using a connection to MetaTrader. See tooltips for details on how to set up the bot, and check out our website for a detailed guide with images on how to automate the strategy.
The strategy was implemented using the following logic:
Entry strategy:
A total of 4 Supertrend values can be used to determine the entry logic. There is option to set up all 4 Supertrend parameters individually, as well as their potential to be used as an entry signal/or a trend filter. Long/Short entry signals will be determined based on the selected potential Supertrend entry signals, and filtered based on them being in an uptrend/downtrend (also available for setup). Please use the provided tooltips for each setup to see every detail.
Exit strategy:
4 different types of Stop Losses are available: ATR-based/Candle Low/High Based/Percentage Based/Pip Based. Additionally, Force exiting can also be applied, where there is option to set up 4 custom sessions, and exits will happen after the session has closed.
Parameters of every indicator used in the strategy can be tuned in the strategy settings as follows:
Plot settings:
Plot Signals: true by default, Show all Long and Short signals on the signal candle
Plot SL/TP lines: false by default, Checking this option will result in the TP and SL lines to be plotted on the chart.
Supertrend 1-4:
All the parameters of the Supertrends can be set up here, as well as their individual role in the entry logic.
Exit Strategy:
ATR Based Stop Loss: true by default
ATR Length (of the SL): 100 by default
ATR Smoothing (of the SL): RMA/SMMA by default
Candle Low/High Based Stop Loss: false by default, recent lowest or highest point (depending on long/short position) will be used to calculate stop loss value. Set 'Base Risk Multiplier' to 1 if you would like to use the calculated value as is. Setting it to a different value will count as an additional multiplier.
Candle Lookback (of the SL): 50 by default
Percentage Based Stop Loss: false by default, Set the stop loss to current price - % of current price (long) or price + % of current price (short).
Percentage (of the SL): 0.3 by default
Pip Based Stop Loss: Set the stop loss to current price - x pips (long) or price + x pips (short). Set 'Base Risk Multiplier' to 1 if you would like to use the calculated value as is. Setting it to a different value will count as an additional multiplier.
Pip (of the SL): 10 by default
Base Risk Multiplier: 4.5 by default, the stop loss will be placed at this risk level (meaning in case of ATR SL that the ATR value will be multiplied by this factor and the SL will be placed that value away from the entry level)
Risk to Reward Ratio: 1.5 by default, the take profit level will be placed such as this Risk/Reward ratio is met
Force Exiting:
4 total Force exit on custom session close options: none applied by default. If enabled, trades will close automatically after the set session is closed (on next candle's open).
Base Setups:
Allow Long Entries: true by default
Allow Short Entries: true by default
Order Size: 10 by default
Order Type: Capital Percentage by default, allows adjustment on how the position size is calculated: Cash: only the set cash amount will be used for each trade Contract(s): the adjusted number of contracts will be used for each trade Capital Percentage: a % of the current available capital will be used for each trade
ATR Limiter:
Use ATR Limiter: true by default, Only enter into any position (long/short) if ATR value is higher than the Low Boundary and lower than the High Boundary.
ATR Limiter Length: 50 by default
ATR Limiter Smoothing: RMA/SMMA by default
High Boundary: 1000 by default
Low Boundary: 0.0003 by default
MA based calculation: ATR value under MA by default, If not Unspecified, an MA is calculated with the ATR value as source. Only enter into position (long/short) if ATR value is higher/lower than the MA.
MA Type: RMA/SMMA by default
MA Length: 400 by default
Waddah Attar Filter:
Explosion/Deadzone relation: Not specified by default, Explosion over Deadzone: trades will only happen if the explosion line is over the deadzone line; Explosion under Deadzone: trades will only happen if the explosion line is under the deadzone line; Not specified: the opening of trades will not be based on the relation between the explosion and deadzone lines.
Limit trades based on trends: Not specified by default, Strong Trends: only enter long if the WA bar is colored green (there is an uptrend and the current bar is higher then the previous); only enter short if the WA bar is colored red (there is a downtrend and the current bar is higher then the previous); Soft Trends: only enter long if the WA bar is colored lime (there is an uptrend and the current bar is lower then the previous); only enter short if the WA bar is colored orange (there is a downtrend and the current bar is lower then the previous); All Trends: only enter long if the WA bar is colored green or lime (there is an uptrend); only enter short if the WA bar is colored red or orange (there is a downtrend); Not specified: the color of the WA bar (trend) is not relevant when considering entries.
WA bar value: Not specified by default, Over Explosion and Deadzone: only enter trades when the WA bar value is over the Explosion and Deadzone lines; Not specified: the relation between the explosion/deadzone lines to the value of the WA bar will not be used to filter opening trades.
Sensitivity: 150 by default
Fast MA Type: SMA by default
Fast MA Length: 10 by default
Slow MA Type: SMA
Slow MA Length: 20 by default
Channel MA Type: EMA by default
BB Channel Length: 20 by default
BB Stdev Multiplier: 2 by default
Trend Filter:
Use long trend filter 1: false by default, Only enter long if price is above Long MA.
Show long trend filter 1: false by default, Plot the selected MA on the chart.
TF1 - MA Type: EMA by default
TF1 - MA Length: 120 by default
TF1 - MA Source: close by default
Use short trend filter 1: false by default, Only enter long if price is above Long MA.
Show short trend filter 1: false by default, Plot the selected MA on the chart.
TF2 - MA Type: EMA by default
TF2 - MA Length: 120 by default
TF2 - MA Source: close by default
Volume Filter:
Only enter trades where volume is higher then the volume-based MA: true by default, a set type of MA will be calculated with the volume as source, and set length
MA Type: RMA/SMMA by default
MA Length: 200 by default
Date Range Limiter:
Limit Between Dates: false by default
Start Date: Jan 01 2023 00:00:00 by default
End Date: Jun 24 2023 00:00:00 by default
Session Limiter:
Show session plots: false by default, show market sessions on chart: Sidney (red), Tokyo (orange), London (yellow), New York (green)
Use session limiter: false by default, if enabled, trades will only happen in the ticked sessions below.
Sidney session: false by default, session between: 15:00 - 00:00 (EST)
Tokyo session: false by default, session between: 19:00 - 04:00 (EST)
London session: false by default, session between: 03:00 - 11:00 (EST)
New York session: false by default, session between: 08:00 - 17:00 (EST)
Trading Time:
Limit Trading Time: true by default, tick this together with the options below to enable limiting based on day and time
Valid Trading Days Global: 123567 by default, if the Limit Trading Time is on, trades will only happen on days that are present in this field. If any of the not global Valid Trading Days is used, this field will be neglected. Values represent days: Sunday (1), Monday (2), ..., Friday (6), Saturday(7) To trade on all days use: 123457
(1) Valid Trading Days: false, 123456 by default, values represent days: Sunday (1), Monday (2), ..., Friday (6), Saturday(7) The script will trade on days that are present in this field. Please make sure that this field and also (1) Valid Trading Hours Between is checked
(1) Valid Trading Hours Between: false, 1800-2000 by default, hours between which the trades can happen. The time is always in the exchange's timezone
All other options are also disabled by default
PineConnector Automation:
Use PineConnector Automation: false by default, In order for the connection to MetaTrader to work, you will need do perform prerequisite steps, you can follow our full guide at our website, or refer to the official PineConnector Documentation. To set up PineConnector Automation on the TradingView side, you will need to do the following:
1. Fill out the License ID field with your PineConnector License ID;
2. Fill out the Risk (trading volume) with the desired volume to be traded in each trade (the meaning of this value depends on the EA settings in Metatrader. Follow the detailed guide for additional information);
3. After filling out the fields, you need to enable the 'Use PineConnector Automation' option (check the box in the strategy settings);
4. Check if the chart has updated and you can see the appropriate order comments on your chart;
5. Create an alert with the strategy selected as Condition, and the Message as {{strategy.order.comment}} (should be there by default);
6. Enable the Webhook URL in the Notifications section, set it as the official PineConnector webhook address and enjoy your connection with MetaTrader.
License ID: 60123456789 by default
Risk (trading volume): 1 by default
NOTE! Fine-tuning/re-optimization is highly recommended when using other asset/timeframe combinations.
D-BoT Alpha 'Short' SMA and RSI StrategyDostlar selamlar,
İşte son derece basit ama etkili ve hızlı, HTF de çok iyi sonuçlar veren bir strateji daha, hepinize bol kazançlar dilerim ...
Nedir, Nasıl Çalışır:
Strateji, iki ana girdiye dayanır: SMA ve RSI. SMA hesaplama aralığı 200 olarak, RSI ise 14 olarak ayarlanmıştır. Bu değerler, kullanıcı tercihlerine veya geriye dönük test sonuçlarına göre ayarlanabilir.
Strateji, iki koşul karşılandığında bir short sinyali oluşturur: RSI değeri, belirlenen bir giriş seviyesini (burada 51 olarak belirlenmiş) aşar ve kapanış fiyatı SMA değerinin altındadır.
Strateji, kısa pozisyonu üç durumda kapatır: Kapanış fiyatı, takip eden durdurma seviyesinden (pozisyon açıldığından beri en düşük kapanış olarak belirlenmiştir) büyükse, RSI değeri belirlenen bir durdurma seviyesini (bu durumda 54) aşarsa veya RSI değeri belirli bir kar al seviyesinin (bu durumda 32) altına düşerse.
Güçlü Yönleri:
İki farklı gösterge (SMA ve RSI) kullanımı, yalnızca birini kullanmaktan daha sağlam bir sinyal sağlayabilir.
Strateji, karları korumaya ve fiyat dalgalanmalarında kayıpları sınırlamaya yardımcı olabilecek bir iz süren durdurma seviyesi içerir.
Script oldukça anlaşılır ve değiştirmesi nispeten kolaydır.
Zayıf Yönleri:
Strateji, hacim, oynaklık veya daha geniş piyasa eğilimleri gibi diğer potansiyel önemli faktörleri göz önünde bulundurmaz.
RSI seviyeleri ve SMA süresi için belirli parametreler sabittir ve tüm piyasa koşulları veya zaman aralıkları için optimal olmayabilir.
Strateji oldukça basittir. Trade maliyetini (kayma veya komisyonlar gibi) hesaba katmaz, bu da trade performansını önemli ölçüde etkileyebilir.
Bu Stratejiyle Nasıl İşlem Yapılır:
Strateji, short işlemler için tasarlanmıştır. RSI, 51'in üzerine çıktığında ve kapanış fiyatı 200 periyotluk SMA'nın altında olduğunda işleme girer. RSI, 54'ün üzerine çıktığında veya 32'nin altına düştüğünde veya fiyat, pozisyon açıldığından beri en düşük kapanış fiyatının üzerine çıktığında işlemi kapatır.
Lütfen Dikkat, bu strateji veya herhangi bir strateji izole bir şekilde kullanılmamalıdır. Tüm bu çalışmalar eğitsel amaçlıdır. Yatırım tavsiyesi içermez.
This script defines a trading strategy based on Simple Moving Average (SMA) and the Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicators. Here's an overview of how it works, along with its strengths and weaknesses, and how to trade using this strategy:
How it works:
The strategy involves two key inputs: SMA and RSI. The SMA length is set to 200, and the RSI length is set to 14. These values can be adjusted based on user preferences or back-testing results.
The strategy generates a short signal when two conditions are met: The RSI value crosses over a defined entry level (set at 51 here), and the closing price is below the SMA value.
When a short signal is generated, the strategy opens a short position.
The strategy closes the short position under three conditions: If the close price is greater than the trailing stop (which is set as the lowest close since the position opened), if the RSI value exceeds a defined stop level (54 in this case), or if the RSI value drops below a certain take-profit level (32 in this case).
The use of two different indicators (SMA and RSI) can provide a more robust signal than using just one.
The strategy includes a trailing stop, which can help to protect profits and limit losses as the price fluctuates.
The script is straightforward and relatively easy to understand and modify.
The strategy doesn't consider other potentially important factors, such as volume, volatility, or broader market trends.
The specific parameters for the RSI levels and SMA length are hard-coded, and may not be optimal for all market conditions or timeframes.
The strategy is very simplistic. It doesn't take into account the cost of trading (like slippage or commissions), which can significantly impact trading performance.
How to trade with this strategy:
The strategy is designed for short trades. It enters a trade when the RSI crosses above 51 and the closing price is below the 200-period SMA. It will exit the trade when the RSI goes above 54 or falls below 32, or when the price rises above the lowest closing price since the position was opened.
Please note, this strategy or any strategy should not be used in isolation. It's important to consider other aspects of trading such as risk management, capital allocation, and combining different strategies to diversify. Back-testing the strategy on historical data and demo trading before going live is also a recommended practice.
D-Bot Alpha RSI Breakout StrategyHello dear Traders,
Here is a simple yet effective strategy to use, for best profit higher time frame, such as daily.
Structure of the code
The code defines inputs for SMA (simple moving average) length, RSI (relative strength index) length, RSI entry level, RSI stop loss level, and RSI take profit level. The default values of these variables can be customized as per the user's preferences.
The script calculates SMA and RSI based on the input parameters and the closing price of the asset.
Trading logic
This strategy allows the placement of a long position when:
The RSI crosses above the RSI entry level and
The close price is above the SMA value.
After entering a long position, it applies a trailing stop mechanism. The stop price is updated to the close price if the close price is lower than the last close price.
The script closes the long position when:
RSI falls below the stop loss level.
RSI reaches or exceeds the take profit level.
If the trailing stop is activated (once RSI reaches or exceeds the take profit level), the closing price falls below the trailing stop level.
The strategy includes mechanisms for entering a position, taking profit, and stopping losses, which are fundamental aspects of a trading strategy.
It applies a trailing stop mechanism that allows to capture further gains if the price keeps increasing while protecting from losses if the price starts to decrease.
This strategy only contemplates long positions. Depending on the market situation, the strategy may miss opportunities for short selling when the market is on a downward trend.
The choice of the fixed RSI entry, stop loss, and take profit levels may not be ideal for all market conditions or assets. It might benefit from a more adaptive mechanism that adjusts these levels according to market volatility or trend.
The strategy doesn't factor in trading costs (such as spread or commission), which could have a significant impact on the net profit, especially if the user is trading with a high frequency or in a low liquidity market.
How to trade with this strategy
Given these parameters and the strategy outlined by the code, the trader would enter a long position when the RSI crosses above the RSI entry level (default 34) and the closing price is above the SMA value (SMA calculated with default period of 200). The trader would exit the position when either the RSI falls below the RSI stop loss level (default 30), or RSI rises above the RSI take profit level (default 50), or when the trailing stop is hit.
Remember "The strategies I have prepared are entirely for educational purposes and should not be considered as investment advice. Support your trades using other tools. Wishing everyone profitable trades..."
D-BoT Alpha ReversalsHello traders, today I'm going to share with you a strategy that I use very frequently. I wanted to share this strategy that I use in my manual trades by translating it into code. I'm sharing it with you with completely open source code.
RSI of ROC: The indicator initially calculates RSI (Relative Strength Index) on ROC (Rate of Change). This is a method that tracks the rate of price change (ROC) over a certain period and applies it to the RSI calculation.
Adaptive RSI: The code then calculates the RSI for all periods between the minimum and maximum RSI lengths. It takes the average of these calculations and names it as avg_rsi66. In addition, it checks whether each RSI value exceeds the determined overbought and oversold limits.
Signal Triggers: If both RSI of ROC and avg_rsi66 are above or below the specified overbought or oversold levels and the difference between these two values is less than the specified threshold value (Extremities Sensitivity), a signal is triggered. In addition, the color of the bar is also checked: An overbought (sell) signal is triggered for a red bar and an oversold (buy) signal is triggered for a green bar.
Signal Visualization: Signals are shown on the chart at appropriate places with "Sell" or "Buy" shapes. Also, each of these conditions is defined as an alert condition.
The general purpose of this indicator is to determine the turning points of the market. Overbought and oversold signals are based on the idea that the price may turn from these areas. That is, a "Sell" signal indicates a turning point where the price may start to fall, while a "Buy" signal indicates a turning point where the price may start to rise.
These types of indicators usually have some weak points:
False Signals: Like any kind of technical analysis indicator, this indicator can also give false signals. That is, you may get a "Buy" or "Sell" signal but the price may not move in the expected direction.
Market Conditions: This indicator may perform better under certain market conditions. For example, a trend-following indicator usually works well in trending markets, but can be misleading in range-bound markets. This indicator too can perform better or worse in a particular market situation.
Parameter Selection: The choice of the parameters of the indicator (ROC and RSI lengths, overbought/oversold levels, etc.) can significantly affect the quality of the indicator signals. Parameters should be optimized for various assets and time frames.
In conclusion, it would be better to use this indicator not as a standalone trading system, but in conjunction with other technical analysis tools or fundamental analysis. Also, it is always beneficial to test a new trading strategy on past data or on a demo account before trading with real money."
Stay tuned for more of my original strategies :)
Happy trading...
D-BoT Alpha Volume SpikeHello traders, Let me explain the code and provide an example of how to trade using this indicator.
The code you provided is a Pine Script indicator that combines multiple technical indicators, such as Supertrend, ADX, RSI, and MFI, to generate buy and sell signals. Here's a breakdown of the code:
User Settings:
The user can adjust parameters like overbought_limit, oversold_limit, volume_multiplier, volume_ma_length, volume_spike_multiple, lookback_period, and use_extremities_confirmation according to their preference.
Calculate Supertrend:
The Supertrend indicator is calculated using three different ATR lengths (supertrend_atr_period1, supertrend_atr_period2, supertrend_atr_period3) and corresponding factors (supertrend_factor1, supertrend_factor2, supertrend_factor3).
The supertrend_value1, supertrend_value2, and supertrend_value3 represent the Supertrend values, while trend_direction1, trend_direction2, and trend_direction3 indicate the trend direction (negative for downtrend, positive for uptrend).
Candle calculations:
The high and low values are checked to identify bullish and bearish candles based on specific conditions.
Volume Spikes:
Volume spikes are detected by comparing the current volume with a median volume over a specified lookback period.
If the volume exceeds a certain multiple of the median volume and the DI+ value is greater than the DI- value, an "up" signal is generated. Similarly, if the DI- value is greater than the DI+ value, a "down" signal is generated.
Additional Filters (RSI and MFI):
Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Money Flow Index (MFI) are used as additional filters.
The RSI and MFI parameters can be adjusted according to the user's preference.
The signals generated by the volume spikes are filtered based on RSI and MFI conditions.
The indicator plots shapes (triangles) to represent buy and sell signals.
The Supertrend lines are plotted using different colors and transparency levels based on the distance from the current price.
The "bodyMiddle" plot is used for filling the area between the Supertrend lines.
Example Trade Scenario:
Let's consider an example trade scenario using this indicator:
When the indicator generates an "up" signal (trendBuy = true), indicating a potential bullish trend, and all the confirmation conditions (RSI, MFI, Supertrend) are met, you can consider opening a long position.
Conversely, when the indicator generates a "down" signal (trendSell = true), indicating a potential bearish trend, and all the confirmation conditions are met, you can consider opening a short position.
Remember, this is just an example, and it's crucial to perform thorough analysis and consider other factors before making trading decisions. It's recommended to backtest the strategy, assess risk management, and apply appropriate position sizing techniques.
Please note that the code provided is a simplified version, and there might be additional factors and considerations specific to your trading strategy that are not included in this code. *******"I have also reviewed the following indicators, and the volume calculation approaches of my friends have been very helpful in creating this indicator: "Volume Spikes " © tradeforopp and "Volume Spikes & Growing Volume Signals With Alerts & Scanner" © FriendOfTheTrend."*******
BBWAS Enhanced with Webhook Alerts and Money ManagementThe Enhanced BBWAS Indicator is a powerful tool designed to identify breakouts in the price of a security or asset. It utilizes Bollinger Bands, which consist of three lines: the upper band, the lower band, and the middle band (or basis). These bands help define the expected price range within which the asset is likely to fluctuate.
When the price breaks above the upper band or below the lower band, it indicates a potential breakout. A bullish breakout occurs when the price closes above the upper band, while a bearish breakout occurs when the price closes below the lower band.
In this enhanced version of the indicator, several new features have been added to provide more flexibility and functionality:
Webhook Alerts: Traders now have the ability to configure webhook alerts to trigger a bot or any external system. This allows for timely notifications when a breakout occurs, enabling automated actions or manual intervention as desired.
Multiple Moving Average Types: The indicator now supports different types of moving averages for increased customization. Traders can choose from popular moving average types such as Simple Moving Average (SMA), Exponential Moving Average (EMA) and Weighted Moving Average (WMA). This enables users to experiment and find the moving average type that best suits their trading strategy.
Money Management: To assist traders in managing risk, a money management feature has been incorporated into the indicator. It calculates the optimal position size or number of units to purchase for each trade, considering the desired risk per trade. By specifying a maximum risk per trade, traders can ensure that their position sizes are adjusted accordingly, helping to maintain risk control in their trading activities.
Dear traders, while we strive to provide you with the best trading tools and resources, we want to remind you to exercise caution and diligence in your investing decisions.
It is important to always do your own research and analysis before making any trades. Remember, the responsibility for your investments ultimately lies with you.
Happy trading!
Premium MTF Layered RSI - Bitcoin Bot [wbburgin]This the premium version of my MTF Layered RSI strategy, which improves significantly on the original strategy (publicly available on my profile). Improvements are below. This strategy will also appear as an overlay on your chart. It is completely non-repainting.
The MTF Layered RSI strategy uses the current timeframe and two configurable higher timeframes to enter a long position when Bitcoin is oversold on all three timeframes, and exit the long position when Bitcoin is overbought on the current timeframe. This hedges against situations where the RSI on higher timeframes never reaches the overbought level and we are left "holding the bag" so to speak with the classic "enter long at oversold and enter short at overbought" strategy.
IMPORTANT: This strategy does not work on ranges. It will work on all timeframes and assets, but does not work on ranges (Renko blocks and some other advanced types of charts).
********** My Background
I am an investor, trader, and entrepreneur with 10 years of cryptocurrency and equity trading experience and founder of two fintech startups. I am a graduate of a prestigious university in the United States and carry broad and inclusive interests in mathematical finance, computer science, machine learning / artificial intelligence, as well as other fields.
Improvements over the original MTF RSI strategy include:
Filters for Uptrends and Downtrends → The Premium RSI strategy will adjust its buy and sell thresholds depending on whether the instrument is trending. This means that, in uptrends, the Premium strategy will buy more frequently, bringing in potentially greater profit, and in downtrends, the strategy will stop buying altogether. These filters and dynamic buy/sell thresholds have made this strategy more profitable in my backtesting across random timeframes, but I cannot guarantee that the strategy will be profitable for you on the default settings. To that end, I have enabled a number of different configurations that you can change in the settings of the strategy.
Stop Loss / Take Profit Calculation Per Tick → Stop loss and take profit are now both enabled in the script and each has their own alerts. You can specify what type of stop loss or take profit you want: percentage or ATR. If you have alerts configured, you will be alerted mid-bar, instead of at close. This helps prevent loss from abrupt falls in price between closing price and next bar open.
Customizable Alert Messages In-Strategy → In the settings, there will be text boxes where you can create your own alerts. All you will need to do is create an alert in the alert panel on Tradingview and leave the message box blank - if you fill out the alert boxes in the settings, these will automatically populate into your alerts. There are in total eight different customizable alerts messages: Entry, Exit, Stop loss, and Take profit alerts for both Long and Short sides. If you disable stop loss and/or take profit, these alerts will also be disabled. Similarly, if you disable shorts, all short alerts will be disabled.
Configuring Stop Loss or Take Profit will make their corresponding displays appear.
Separately from the trading boxes, background colors (green, red) signify extended uptrends and downtrends, respectively.
Configuring Alerts
In TradingView desktop, go to the ‘Alerts’ tab on the right panel. Click the “+” button to create a new alert. Select this strategy for the condition and one of the two options that includes alert() function calls. Name the alert what you wish and clear the default message, because your text in the settings will replace this message.
Now that the alert is configured, you can go to the settings of the strategy and fill in your chosen text for the specific alert condition. You will need to check “Long and Short” in the “Trade Direction” setting in order for any Short Alerts to become active. Similarly, you will need to check “Enable Stop Loss” for stop loss alerts to become active and “Enable Take Profit” for take profit alerts to become active.
Copyright by wbburgin.
The information contained in my Scripts/Indicators/Algorithms does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, backtest, or individual's trading does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
Notes on the Strategy Performance below: This is 3% of equity per trade, with a pyramiding number of 3. I did not include fees because Binance US on Bitcoin/USD does not charge fees on the instrument; however, I heavily encourage you to include fees in your backtesting if you use a different brokerage. To mitigate fees, this strategy is designed with a high average %/trade. If your current fees are greater than the strategy's average %/trade, I encourage you to choose a higher RSI period, such as 14 or 28, which will result in less trades but potentially a higher %/trade.
Bollinger Bands %B (ValueRay)One of the key features of this BB%B is its ability to highlight overbought and oversold conditions. This allows you to make informed decisions on when to enter and exit a trade, helping you maximize your profits and minimize your losses.
- Bollinger Bands %B with the ability to change to a different Time Frame.(Defaults to current Chart Time Frame).
- Ability To Turn On/Off Background Highlighting if BB %B is Above/Below 0 / 1 thresholds.
- Ability To Turn On/Off Background Highlighting when BB %B Crosses back above/unser 0/1 thresholds.
My personal recommandation use: combine with CM_Ultimate RSI Multi Time Frame (ChrisMoody) and have solid oversold/overbought levels, when hes RSI and my BB %B are bot red/green
Risk Reward Calculator [lovealgotrading]
This Risk Reward Calculator strategy can help you maximize your RR value with help of algorithmic trading.
I wanted to setup my trades more easier with this indicator, I didn't want to calculate everytime before orders, with help this indicator we can calculate R:R value, avarage price, stoploss price, take-profit price, order prices, all position cost and more ...
Our strategy is a risk revard calculation indicator that is made easy to use by using visualized lines and panels, and also has algorithmic trading support.
With the help of this indicator, we can quickly and easily calculate our risk reward values and enter the positions.
If we want to ensure that our balance grows regularly while trading in the stock market, we need to manage the risks and rewards otherwise we may fall below our initial balance at the end of the day, even if we seem to be winning.
What is the Risk-Reward value ?
This value is a value that shows how many times the amount of risk we take when entering the position is successful, we will earn.
- For example, you risked $100 while entering the trade, so if your trade stops, you will lose 100 $.
Your Risk-Reward(RR) value is 2 means that if your position is successful, you will have 200 $ in your pocket.
A trader's success is determined by the amount of R he earns monthly or yearly, not how much money he makes.
What is different in this indicator ?
I want to say thank you to © EvoCrypto. His Calculator (weighted) – evo indicator helped me when I was developed my indicator.
I want to explain what I have improved:
1-In this strategy, we can determine the time period in which we want to open our positions.
2-We can open a maximum of 4 positions in the same direction and close our positions at a single level. StopLoss or TakeProfit
3-This indicator, which works in the form of a strategy, shows where our positions have been opened or closed. With the help of this, it helps us to determine our strategy in our future positions more accurately.
4-The most important improvement is that we do not miss our positions with the help of alarms (WEB HOOK). if we want, we receive by quickly connecting all these positions to our robot, the software can enter and exit the position while we are busy.
1 - We can set the start and end dates of the positions we will take.
2- We can set our take profit, stoploss levels.
3- If your trade is stopped, we can determine the amount of the trade that we will lose.
4- We can adjust our entry levels to positions and our position sizes at entry levels.
(Sum of positions weight must be 100%)
5- We can receive our positions even if we are busy with the help of algorithmic trading. For this, we must paste our Jshon codes into the fields specified in the settings panel.
6- Finally, we can change the settings we want and don't want to have in our visual elements.
Let's make a LONG side example together
We have determined our positions to enter stoploss, take profit and long positions. We did not forget to set the start time of our strategy
Our strategy appear on the graph as follows.
Our strategy has calculated the total position size, our R-R value, the distance of the current price to the stop and take profit levels, in short, a lot of things we could look visually.
If you're going to connect this bot to an automatic Long or Short direction,
Don’t forget! you need to Webhook URL,
Don’t miss paste this code to your message window {{strategy.order.alert_message}}
If you have any ideas what to add to my work to add more sources or make calculations cooler, feel free to write me.
Spaghetti by RainbowLabsWhen I started trading, very few people gave me a hand or even a small piece of advice. One of them was @btc_charlie. From Charlie, I first saw the spaghetti chart, and he explained to me how it was useful in identifying which coin made the most sense to trade at a specific time.
In practice, it worked like this: in the "add" section, you add all the pairs you want and overlap them on the chart, creating the spaghetti chart. Although it worked, and still works, this way, I wondered if it would be better to write an indicator that does the same thing, maybe less invasive on the chart, that you can call as many times as you want and in different versions. In short, I tried to recreate the same thing but potentially better, let's see if I succeeded.
Introducing Spaghetti chart by RainbowLabs:
This indicator takes 20 different pairs as user input and works with any pair on any exchange provided the name is spelled correctly. In the settings, there are four columns: the first for the exchange, the second for the ticker, the third for the base pair, and lastly, the color. Again, it works with any pair on any exchange, but if you put something that does not exist or is misspelled, it will cause the script to error.
The second thing to do is to set when our spaghetti will be reset. By default, it resets every hour, but you can change it to any preferred timeframe in the menu, keeping in mind that we will write the timeframe in minutes, not alphanumeric. For example, 4h will not be four hours, but you will have to write 240.
In the settings, we can also change the position and size of the table.
How it works:
All pairs are reset when the timeframe defined by the user in the settings changes. The script then calculates the percentage difference from that moment onwards for each pair at the closing of the candle of the timeframe we are in. For example: by default, the timeframe resets every hour, so we will use it on one minute. It does not make sense on larger timeframes, and you will have to increase the reset timeframe.
How to use it:
Risk on\off BTC vs alts
As Charlie says in his tweet: "should I be risk on or off?" for SIX:ALTS rule might be ">70% of Alts recovering after a dip."
Identify a dip on bitcoin and compare what happens immediately after. If more than 70% of alts gain more than BTC, it may be better to remain positioned in alts. When the opposite happens, it is better to stay on BTC or stable.
Sell-off, Rally
During a significant sell-off or rally, it is important to analyze which coins were performing better or worse in the immediate past. It is statistically more profitable to trade those pairs that were over-performing, positively or negatively, just before the event.
Arbitrage and Triangular Arbitrage.
While it may be difficult to find large arbitrage opportunities in current market conditions, we can use tools to identify the best price of the same pair on multiple exchanges and compare it with one or multiple pairs on other exchanges. Having a comprehensive view of the market can be useful for anyone who is not using advanced trading bots to find arbitrage opportunities.
Quick Screener
You can add multiple spaghetti indicators to a single chart, and with the paid version of TradingView, you can use multiple layouts to plot as many coins on as many exchanges as you want. In the picture, you can see 240 pairs on four different exchanges all together. This feature allows you to quickly screen for potential trading opportunities and identify trends across multiple pairs and exchanges.
Known issues:
When the currency exchange rate is equal to 0.0000, the plotted line may not be visible.
MTF Diagonally Layered RSI - 1 minute Bitcoin Bot [wbburgin]This is a NON-REPAINTING multi-timeframe RSI strategy (long-only) that enters a trade only when two higher timeframes are oversold. I wrote it on BTC/USD for 1min, but the logic should work on other assets as well. It is diagonally layered to be profitable for when the asset is in a downtrend.
Diagonal layering refers to entry and exit conditions spread across different timeframes. Normally, indicators can become unprofitable because in downtrends, the overbought zones of the current timeframe are not reached. Rather, the overbought zones of the faster timeframes are reached first, and then a selloff occurs. Diagonally-layered strategies mitigate this by selling diagonally, that is, selling once the faster timeframe reaches overbought and buying once the slower timeframe reaches oversold.
Thus this strategy is diagonally layered down . I may create a separate script that alternates between diagonal-up and diagonal-down based off of overall trend, as in extended trend periods up this indicator may not flash as frequently. This can be visualized in a time series x timeframe chart as an "X" shape. Something to consider...
Let me know if you like this strategy. Feel free to alter the pyramiding entries, initial capital, and entry size, as well as commission regime. My strategies are designed to maximize average profit instead of flashing super frequently, as the fees will eat you up. Additionally, at the time of publication, all of my strategy scripts are intended to have profitable Sharpe and Sortino ratios.
Timeframes, RSI period, and oversold/overbought bounds are configurable.
Legend Scanning System - Telegram SenderHello traders, I'm Only Fibonacci.
This is what i posted, not really an indicator or strategy. An alarm mechanism.
What does it do?
First, you select a period during which the vehicle will scan.
Then, with this system, you adjust the settings of the strategies installed on our vehicle. Then you select forty symbols and specify which strategy you want the symbols to be scanned.
We come to the alarm setting screen, select the alarm, and enter your telegram bot's token-hosted message request link from the webhook section. You should contact me for assistance in these matters.
You can see most of the settings in the image below.
You can see most of the settings in the image below.
Important note: The period of the open graph must be less than the scanned period. Otherwise, the results may be erroneous.
Strategies will be constantly updated and become more customizable.
Proper use of this tool gives you:
It serves to scan different strategies on forty symbols different instruments of your choice. And not only that, you will receive these results in telegram.
The strategies loaded in these scans consist of the strategies in the techniques section in tradingview.
Vertical Lines 2A vertical line plotting function is missing in Pinescript. This is another method to plot vertical line on a chart, and an improvement on my previous script "vertical lines" .
The script hacks the plotcandle function to display just the wicks without the body. This hack simulates a vertical line. The body of the candle is non-existing since the open and close are the same and its color is set to null. The wicks are abutting resulting in a continuous vertical line.
Drawbacks include inability to set width and transparency of the lines. The plotcandle function does not allow setting the width and transparency of the wicks. This feature would be desirable.
The crossing of the RSI of overbought and undersold zones is used as an example in this published script. Any indicator can be used and this script can be executed on any other indicator by using "add indicator" on the desired indicator, and selecting the indicator as the source. I added crossover lines on the plotted RSI as an example.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////Breakdown of the script////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
The src input determines which price data is used for the highest value calculation. By default, it is set to the close price.
The length input determines the length of the RSI calculation. By default, it is set to 14.
The mult input determines the multiplier of the highest value that is used to determine the height of the vertical lines. By default, it is set to 100%, meaning the lines will reach the highest value in the dataset.
The top and bot inputs determine the overbought and oversold levels for the RSI. By default, they are set to 70 and 30, respectively.
The current_rsi and previous_rsi variables calculate the RSI values for the current bar and the previous bar, respectively.
The hi_value variable finds the highest value in the dataset, and the hi variable calculates the height of the vertical lines based on the highest value and the user-defined multiplier. The lo variable calculates the distance between the highest value and the current price data.
The uph, dnh, upl, and dnl variables determine the height and low of the vertical lines for when the RSI crosses overbought or oversold levels.
The if statements check if the RSI has crossed overbought or oversold levels and set the uph, dnh, upl, and dnl variables accordingly.
Finally, the plotcandle() function is used to plot the vertical lines on the chart. The open and close values are set to the src input, and the high and low values are set to the uph, dnh, upl, and dnl variables. The bordercolor argument is set to na to hide the borders of the lines, and the wickcolor argument is set to green or red, depending on whether the line is an overbought or oversold crossover.
basilGrid GridBot Live [basilChart]This strategy is a full implementation of Live Grid Trading.
Prominent features of this live grid trading strategy are:
- Logarithmic Chart Support: This strategy can support Log Scale on graph. Meaning that grid lines won't have irregular gaps in between the lines if you would like to view the chart Log Scaled. Every line will be aligned correctly even if you use Log Scale or not.
- Precise Buy & Sell: Script will execute precise Buy and Sell orders.
- Dynamic Grid Level Count: From 2 grid levels to n amount of grid levels are supported. There is no limitation on grid level count, however there may be irregularities because of limitations when higher grid levels are used. You can pick any number starting from 2.
- Average Price: Traders can monitor average price of positions.
- Alerts: When order is filled trader can receive notification. Create new alert > Select basilGrid Live > Order fills only()
Characteristics of this script:
- Able to fill more than one order in one single candle.
- Levels will keep being updated with every trade.
- There will be always one grid level ignored and it will be the level which made the last order filling possible. This is normal behavior of grid trading system.
- You can both use Log Scale and Normal Scale with this script. No issue will be on grid levels.
Using the script:
- Add this script to the chart from indicators tab
- Set starting date for the live grid bot either by dragging and dropping the vertical line or by the date-time picker from indicator Inputs tab.
- Set highest and lowest limit for the script. These will be the boundary limits. Highest and lowest price for the script to work on. Lines will populate between these two values
- Set grid level count. Number of levels of the grid.
- Set amount to spend on per level. This quantity of order will be placed on each level when needed.
After setting the above settings, there is one last thing to do in order to get precise results. It is setting the Initial Capital.
- We can set this setting from 'Properties' tab. Named 'Initial Capital'. After setting the boundaries all we need to is to navigate to TradingView's own 'Data Window', and get the value there. Then paste it on the strategy's own related setting area.
In this example we used pair BTCUSDT 1D timeframe, our settings are:
Inputs Tab:
- Grid Count: 19
- High Limit: 65 500
- Low Limit: 15 000
- Quantity per level: 0.1
- Toggle Log Scale: Checked (because I always use Log Scale on charts, if Log Scale is turned on for the chart, this needs to be checked)
- Terminate Grid At The Upmost Level: Not checked
- Show Grid Levels: Checked
- Show Average Position Price: Checked
Properties Tab:
- Initial Capital: 22 628
- Slippage: 5
- Commission: 0.1% (this is the broker commission value)
This script's purpose is to make it easier to get the idea of grid trading, experiencing it in live session.
Divergence for Many [Dimkud - v5]Strategy is based on "Divergence for Many Indicators v4 ST" strategy by CannyTolany01
which is based on "Divergence for Many Indicator" indicator by LonesomeTheBlue
This strategy is searching for divergences on 18 indicators which you can select and optimise one by one.
Additionally you can connect any other External Indicator value. (just add this indicator the the chart and select option in settings)
To the original indicator/strategy I have added 9 additional indicators:
( Money Flow Index, Williams_Vix, Stochastic RSI , SMI Ergodic Oscillator, Volume Weighted MACD , Bull Bear Power, Balance of Power , Relative Volatility Index , Logistic Settings).
Converted strategy to v5 of Pine Script.
Added Static SL/TP in percents (%).
Added filters to filter enters:
1. Volume Weighted MACD - Multi-TimeFrame Filter
(It checks for histogram to falling or rising for a set periods of bars)
2. Money Flow Index - Multi-TimeFrame Filter
(It checks if MFI Oscillator is in the set diapason.
Also It checks if MFI is falling or rising for a set periods of bars )
3. ATR filter
(check changes in fast ATR to slow ATR )
Strategy shows good backtest results on many crypto tokens on 45m - 1h periods. (with parameters optimisation for every indicator)
To find best parameters - you can enable indicators one-by one, and optimise best parameters for each of them.
Then enable all indicators with successful results.
Optimise SL/TP.
Then try to enable and optimise filters (channels etc.)
The better is to optimise parameters separately for Short and Long trading. And run two separate bots (in settings enable only Long or only Short.)
- Added visualisation for open trades (SL/TP)
- Added Volatility filter by ATR with many options for tests.
- Fixed some small bugs.
- Added second RSI filter (you can use two RSIs with different TF or settings)
- Updated ATR volatility and MFI filter. Removed non-effective options
- Added CCI filter
- Added option to Enable/Disable visualisation of TP/SL on chart
- Fixed one small quick bug. ("ATR filter short" was not working)
- Added Super Trend filter
- Added Momentum filter
- Added Volume Filter
- All "" MultiTimeFrame calls changed to 100% non-repait function "f_security()"
bc Grid Backtest v1.4This strategy is a full implementation of Grid Trading backtest.
Prominent features of this backtesting strategy are:
- Logarithmic Chart Support: This strategy can support Log Scale on graph. Meaning that grid lines won't have irregular gaps in between the lines if you would like to view the chart Log Scaled. Every line will be aligned correctly even if you use Log Scale or not.
- Precise Buy & Sell: Script will execute precise Buy and Sell orders.
- Dynamic Grid Level Count: From 2 grid levels to n amount of grid levels are supported. There is no limitation on grid level count. You can pick any number starting from 2.
- Customized Backtesting Results Table: A table which includes data for those who want to know has been added at top right. It can be disabled.
Characteristics of this script:
- Able to fill more than one order in one single candle.
- Levels will keep being updated with every trade.
- There will be always one grid level ignored and it will be the level which made the last order filling possible. This is normal behavior of grid trading system.
- You can both use Log Scale and Normal Scale with this script. No issue will be on grid levels.
Using the script:
- Add this script to the chart from indicators tab
- Set starting and ending date for the grid backtesting bot either by dragging and dropping the vertical lines or by the date-time picker from indicator Inputs tab.
- Set highest and lowest limit for the script. These will be the boundary limits. Highest and lowest price for the script to work on. Lines will populate between these two values
- Set grid level count. Number of levels of the grid.
- Set amount to spend on per level. This quantity of order will be placed on each level when needed.
After setting the above settings, there is one last thing to do in order to get precise results. It is setting the Initial Capital.
- We can set this setting from 'Properties' tab. Named 'Initial Capital'. After setting the boundaries all we need to is to navigate to TradingView's own 'Data Window', and get the value there. Then paste it on the strategy's own related setting area.
In this example we used pair BTCUSDT 4h timeframe, our settings are:
Inputs Tab:
- Grid Count: 13
- High Limit: 72 000
- Low Limit: 17 000
- Logarithmic Grids: Checked (because I always use Log Scale on charts, if Log Scale is turned on, this needs to be checked)
- Quantity per level: 0.1
- Show Table: Checked
- Show Grid Levels: Checked
- Show Average Position Price: Checked
Properties Tab:
- Initial Capital: 24 902
- Slippage: 5
- Commission: 0.1% (this is the broker commission value)
This script's purpose is to make simulating possible outcomes between two dates. Therefore making it easier to get the idea of grid trading, finding the best settings for your risk management and for your portfolio.
Buy Sell IndicatorThis Buy Sell Indicator uses price action calculations to determine the bullish or bearish nature of the current market and then calculates if the price action is strong enough to give a signal. The indicator is fully adjustable so you can fine tune it to fit your specific trading style with Scalp Mode, Swing Mode, Long Swing Mode and candle trailing length. It also has an automatic trailing stop loss and take profit features that can be customized.
For price action identification, scalp mode looks at the candle body, candle wicks and size of the body and wicks and compares all of that to the previous candle to see if it is bullish or bearish. Swing mode will compare the current candle to the last 2 candles and long swing mode will compare the current candle to the last 10 candles. It’s looking for higher highs & lower lows, if the candle body is large or small and much more.
There are also filters that prevent signals from being given when the candle is small or has not made a higher high or lower low compared to the previous candle and multiple other filters to help hold positions longer. Once the price action direction has been confirmed, then the script looks at a massive amount of other calculations to determine if a signal should be given or not. These calculations are made up of all of my best indicators combined into a master signal generator as well as more new calculations from things I have learned over time and tested extensively that have not been made available to the public until now.
Price action as well as many other factors will all have to be confirming the direction before a signal can come in, but it reacts very quickly so it can give early signals at the first sign of reversal. Fine tune your settings to match your trading style from within the input settings and then look for potential reversal areas and take signals that appear in that reversal area for the highest probability of winning trades. I decided not to include any support or resistance or similar tools in order to keep the indicator lightweight and respond as fast as possible as well as update the candles as quickly as possible. This also lets you keep your charts clean and only use the support & resistance tools that you prefer since everyone has a different trading style.
There is also a higher timeframe scanner available as a separate indicator titled Buy Sell Signal Scanner that you can find on my profile. It can be customized to show you up to 8 higher timeframes of your current ticker or any other ticker you like. This is useful for trading with the trend of the higher timeframes or you can set it to the same timeframe as your chart and scan other tickers that usually move together or opposite for extra confirmation. Each ticker/timeframe will be displayed in a table on the chart and colored green or red depending if it is currently bullish or bearish. If you are using a different timeframe than the current chart, then it will display the timeframe next to the ticker name.
The candles will paint blue or orange according to the price action detected. This can be customized or turned on/off and will follow the price action according to the trade mode settings. Using these candle colors helps to get rid of anxiety when watching candles come in that are in the opposite direction of your trade. I highly recommend using this feature as it helps you control your emotions much better during trading.
The trade mode settings let you choose between Scalp Mode, Swing Mode and Long Swing mode. They all use the same price calculations, but each mode has its own filters to hold through ranging price action in a slightly different way. You can also adjust the candle trailing length to make it hold positions even longer. The candle trailing length will not let a signal come in until there is a higher high or lower low than the previous X number of candles from this setting.
Scalp mode will get you in and out of positions the earliest. Swing mode will hold signals longer by filtering out ranging price action. Long swing mode uses even more filtering to hold positions even longer than swing mode and let price range more without calling out every move. Each one of these modes will also be affected by the candle trailing length.
It should be noted that using swing mode and long swing mode or increasing the candle trailing length will make the signals not perform as well when price action is whipsawing up and down and also will not have as early of entries and exits as scalp mode due to the range breaks that are needed for a signal to be given. That being said, it will hold positions much longer when markets are trending and still have great entries and exits, so use the longer settings when markets are trending and then switch to scalp mode when the market is chopping around and moving sideways for best results.
Scalp Mode
Swing Mode
Long Swing Mode
There is an automatic stoploss feature as well. It calculates the average candle height and adds/subtracts that from the highest high or lowest low of the past X number of candles according to your Stoploss Candle Trail Length. Use a lower number for a tight trailing stoploss and increase the number for a more loose stoploss. You can also customize the color of the stoploss line and label or turn it off if you prefer. The stoploss will update on every candle for proper trailing but it will not switch to an opposing signal until the candle closes with a new signal.
There is an automatic take profit level generator as well that also uses the average candle height for its calculations. There are 3 settings that let you set the average candle size multiplier for each take profit level. The default settings are evenly spaced at 3, 6 and 9 times the average candle height from where the most recent signal locked in at candle close. Adjust these numbers to suit your preference. You can also customize the color of the take profit lines and label or turn it off if you prefer. The take profit levels will not change to an opposing signal until the opposing signal is confirmed on the candle close.
Auto Stoploss & Take Profit
The default signals are green and red arrows. The color can be adjusted in the settings or you can turn the bull or bear signals on or off if you only want entry signals for the direction of the trend.
There are volume based auto support & resistance levels that are off by default, but can be turned on in the settings. It calculates the average volume over multiple periods and gets the average of that and then looks for volume spikes that were greater than the average, multiplied by the volume spike multiplier in the settings. If set to 3, then the volume spike will need to be 3 times or higher than the average volume bar for a level to show up. Increase or decrease this number to get more or less levels.
If volume is very low compared to normal, then a volume warning label will appear at the top of the chart letting you know that volume is very low and to trade with caution. I recommend not trading during those times though as price can whipsaw very easily.
There are also alerts that can be triggered for buy signals as well as sell signals. They are set to only send signals when the bar is confirmed so you won’t get alerts for signals that repaint while the candle is still open. You can use these alerts to send signals to your own trading bot if you choose to.
This buy sell indicator can be used on any market with price data such as stocks, crypto, forex and futures.
This buy sell indicator can be used on any timeframe.
We recommend pairing this Buy Sell Indicator with our Buy Sell Signal Scanner so you can check other timeframes and trade with the trend or use the scanner to look at other markets that move together or opposite of the ticker you are trading for extra confirmation of direction.
This indicator was born from a personal need to have everything needed in one place and to allow any trader to see the market as I see it, so that everyone, even the novice trader, immediately feels at ease as I do me when I look at the graphs.
Over time I have also developed other indicators which I associate with the LuBot, however it is designed to be used as a standalone indicator which can suit any trading style.
Of course, no indicator or strategy can predict the future. Only a good mindset and good money management can lead you to be a consistently profitable trader in the long run. Which is why together with the indicator I will provide further examples of use with personal insights and thoughts about my way of seeing the market.
Below you will find everything you need to understand what you will get with this indicator and how to use it, but there are so many configurations that you can do that could make you find a better setup than mine as each of us has different needs and different timing.
Some of us don't mind keeping positions open overnight and others want to close everything by the end of the day. There are those who look at charts with very low timeframes and those like me who prefer to look at higher timeframes like the Daily for reasons of practicality and more "relaxed" timing.
Because of this I don't want to limit the use of the indicator to what is my way of using it. Each of us has different needs, and this indicator is used to show you the way forward and satisfy your needs.
LuBot is a multi-piece indicator that provides any trader with everything they need to trade in one place.
The idea is to make it easier to see the market and give everyone the opportunity to start trading with a simple method that is within everyone's reach.
The LuBot indicator works on any TradingView chart and timeframe and includes several basic components including:
- Long and Short signals: distinguishable in SwingSignals and MultiSignals.
SwingSignals have an alternating Long-Short sequence. The logic of these signals is to indicate the trend to follow which, if supported by the other components, allows inputs in favor of swings. MultiSignals signals add intermediate signals to favor entry even on a single signal and could be used both to add further confirmation to the trend-following trade and for scalping, thus exiting the trade as soon as possible.
- Reversal Bands : placed at the ends of the chart, they indicate an area of probable price reversal (overbought and oversold areas). They are divided into colored bands each of which increases its repelling force as the intensity of the color increases. If the price crosses an extreme we expect an even stronger reversal.
- Customizable Moving Averages : 3 in total which can be modified in length, source and type of moving average (ema, sma, wma, etc.). By default I have entered the settings that I use personally.
- Trend Cloud : colored band according to the trend. By default the colors are green for bullish trend, red for bearish trend and gray for sideways/neutral phase. Coupled with moving averages they are a perfect tool to better follow the trend.
- Swings : shows swings on the chart so you can better understand their structure and refine trend tracking. Excellent as reference points for new trades.
- Reversal Signals : small signals shown as arrows above and below the chart. Those above appear when the price is overbought, conversely those below appear when the price is oversold. They are not entry inputs but they help for both entry and exit of the trade.
- Trend Candles : the candles are colored according to the trend defined in the code. Additional support to avoid entering against the trend or to exit the market when the trend reverses.
- Supports and Resistances : supply and demand levels will appear automatically and will update over time. They take the pivot points as references and it is possible to modify their period. A higher value will show wider levels, a lower value will show levels based on the latest price movements.
- Trend Channel : Show an automatic trend channel based on the period entered in the settings. A value of 100 will show a channel based on the price average of the last 100 candles.
- Alerts : finally we find the alerts both for Long and Short signals and for the appearance of a new swing. Before activating alerts, make sure you have chosen the signal settings you prefer so that you only receive that type of alert. The alert will adapt to the parameters you have chosen and will notify you whenever a new signal or swing appears. The "Any function alert" will alert you whenever a Long or Short SwingSignals appear.
These are the signal setting modes.
First we open the indicator settings by clicking on the gear in the upper left next to the indicator name, or by double clicking on one of the indicator components in the chart.
At this point a menu will open in which the various components appear in an orderly manner.
The first group concerns the signal settings.
The first item indicates the Signal Type in which we can choose whether to display the SwingSignals or MultiSignals signals.
The second item indicates the Signal Style in which we can choose a value from 0 to 3.
Value 0 will show all signals not filtered by the trend. The value 1 will add a first trend filter and increase the restriction on the trend by increasing the value.
Next we find 3 selectable boxes called Limit Signals.
Each of these boxes will add further filters to the signals in order to limit the signals in periods of laterality and to avoid an excess of signals shown on the chart.
By acting on these settings we could find the right setup that best suits our needs.
Finally, the last modifiable parameter concerns the display of the last signals which by default is set to 3000. This means that all the signals in the last 3000 candles will be displayed on the chart.
As I wrote above my favorite timeframe is the Daily. This timeframe allows me to study the market very calmly and gives me all the time necessary to decide how to behave on the market. Furthermore, the Daily timeframe fits perfectly with my vision of trading, which is the one that allows you to have time for yourself instead of working all day and not being able to devote yourself to family or other businesses.
In this way I observe the market only in the morning or in the evening and thanks to this indicator I can make decisions very quickly unlike when I had to analyze chart by chart with other manual tools. Moreover, thanks to this configuration I can easily do everything from my smartphone. You don't know what satisfaction it feels like to sit comfortably on your sofa in the evening and observe the markets from your mobile phone and open and close trades thanks to this indicator.
Now let's move on to the practical part and see the main actions I take when I look at a graph from scratch. The examples will cover the Long position but the reverse applies for the Short position.
1- First I set the signals with the Limit Signals type 3 option and use the SwingSignals signals. In this way I avoid too much confusion in the graph and consider the last signal
that points me in the main direction to follow.
2- In the image above we see a Long signal as the last. So from then on I will only look for Long entries.
3- I wait for the TrendCloud to turn green and thus favor the direction bullish.
4- I wait for the price to rise above the ema21 (orange moving average set by default) and the TrendCloud.
5- If the TrendCloud is above the ema100 (blue moving average) and the ema200 (yellow moving average) this increases the idea of bullish strength.
6- I expect a retracement and then a return of prices towards the zone ema21 or TrendCloud.
7- At this point, as we can see from the image below, I start looking at the Swing.
Swings determine the structure and trend of the market.
Increasing highs and lows = Uptrend
Lower highs and lower lows = Bearish trend
If in this case the swing low is positive then HL (HigherLow) we are more likely to enter in favor of a positive trend and be able to bring home a profit.
8- The break of the high of the swing candle (the one where we find the label HL) is already an entry trigger in itself, but to improve the probability of success and avoid
entering false movements we add MultiSignals signals to have input patterns specific.
In this case we have a Long entry pattern so the entry on the break of the maximum is confirmed.
9- A further confirmation is given by the TrendCandles that we can activate from the settings. If the last candles are green and the candle of ours probable trade is also
green, we have a further confirmation of possible rise.
1- The moment we decide to open the position we need to know in advance where you mainly enter the stop loss and then the take profit.
2- To enter the stop loss we can use the last swing low as reference, or the TrendCloud. Based on the risk you want to get on that trade.
If the conditions are particularly positive you can place the stop loss a few pips below the swing low. The take profit instead it depends on how long you want to hold the
trade. Personally I prefer to exit trades as soon as possible to avoid staying too long exposed to reversal risks. This is about a trading approach short term.
So it could be placed on the level of the previous high as in the following example.
In this case the trade lasts only 4 candles and the overnight costs and the risk of closing the trade with a loss are limited.
3- To view the exit levels for TP and SL you can also use the automatic Support and Resistance tool.
In this example we see that the closest support level coincided with the low of the swing so inserting the stop loss below the low of the swing would have had greater validity. The Take Profit, on the other hand, could be placed on the closest Resistance level.
4- A more conservative approach would lead us to place the stop loss below the TrendCloud or below the previous swing low (more recommended approach). In this way we
will avoid the risk of being stopped and subsequently seeing the market continue in our direction as often happens.
In this example we see a Long trade on a subsequent MultiSignals signal which is stopped when the price makes a retracement on the TrendCloud. In this case we see that if we had placed the stop below the previous swing low or below the TrendCloud we would still have remained in the market and would be positive.
5- In the example above, it must also be considered that the market had already made several positive swings without making a more important retracement on the
TrendCloud, so after making 1 or 2 trades I would avoid forcing too much by chasing all the signals because it is the most correct approach.
After 3-4 consecutive swings without retracements, I recommend waiting.
When the market has made a major retracement then the swing count can start over and we could enter on the next swing high mark or break.
As you will have understood, the main approach is Trend is Your Friend, the trend is our main friend in trading and insisting on counter-trend operations is not profitable and sustainable in the long run. Even with LuBot you can do countertrend trades but they are not the ones I recommend so I won't talk about them here.
Last but not least it must be said that the indicator does not repaint, this means that the signals will not disappear over time and the alerts are reliable.
Each of these components has been inserted on the basis of a personal need and on the basis of studies done directly by me in the field. This is the first official release after 3 years of developments.
This indicator is not a strategy, does not show backtest results and does not show Take Profit or Stop Loss levels. The purpose of this indicator is to give everyone an idea of price behavior and to implement a discretionary strategy. Signals are not always a reason to enter and TP and SL levels vary depending on the type of trade, which is why an automated backtest could show different results than you might have.
This indicator is intended to help the trader (beginner or not) to find the trades to make more easily and to allow anyone to follow a strategy. Since this is an indicator for discretionary trading, I don't invite you to follow all the signals, but to reason with all the tools available within it. When there are more elements that match, the chances of success are higher. You have to be patient and avoid getting caught up in haste and emotions. Considering that the market is unpredictable and there can be no certainties about its future movement, I take no responsibility for your use of this indicator.
Assassin's Grid
Introduction: Are you a fan of automated grid-based trading and holding onto your crypto assets like they're the last Snickers bar in the world? If so, this Pine script could be your new best friend!
Grid Trading Genius: The script uses some seriously advanced grid trading techniques to automatically place orders at different price levels, creating a mesh of positions that move with the market like a well-oiled machine. This strategy can be great for traders who are willing to sit back and let their positions grow like a fine wine over time.
Optimization Features: The script comes loaded with all sorts of features and tools to help traders optimize their grid positions, like position exits and custom alerts for creating limit and market orders. This helps keep traders in the loop and allows them to take action as needed, like a ninja in the night.
Unique Twists: One of the unique features of this script is the option to choose between normal or incremental entry steps in a 1,2,3,... ratio. By choosing incremental entries, traders can potentially improve their average price and increase their potential profits like a boss. Just keep in mind that this script doesn't have a stop loss feature, but it does include the option to sell without profit on the final entry or on all entries if desired. Additionally, the script is always open to improvement and any ideas for improving it are welcome, like a blank canvas.
Conclusion: If you love automated trading and have the patience and determination to stick to a solid strategy, this Pine script could be a great fit for you. It's suitable for traders who are comfortable with more complex trading approaches and are willing to put in the time and effort to learn and master the script's various features and techniques, like a Jedi Knight
Selected Dates Filter by @zeusbottradingWe are presenting you feature for strategies in Pine Script.
This function/pine script is about NOT opening trades on selected days. Real usage is for bank holidays or volatile days (PPI, CPI, Interest Rates etc.) in United States and United Kingdom from 2020 to 2030 (10 years of dates of bank holidays in mentioned countries above). Strategy is simple - SMA crossover of two lengts 14 and 28 with close source.
In pine script you can see we picked US and GB bank holidays. If you add this into your strategy, your bot will not open trades on those days. You must make it a rule or a condition. We use it as a rule in opening long/short trades.
You can also add some of your prefered dates, here is just example of our idea. If you want to add your preffered days you can find them on any site like forexfactory, myfxbook and so on. But don’t forget to add function “time_tradingday ! = YourChoosedDate” as it is writen lower in the pine script.
Sometimes the date is substituted for a different day, because the day of the holiday is on Saturday or Sunday.
Made with ❤️ for this community.
If you have any questions or suggestions, let us know.
The script is for informational and educational purposes only. Use of the script does not constitutes professional and/or financial advice. You alone the sole responsibility of evaluating the script output and risks associated with the use of the script. In exchange for using the script, you agree not to hold zeusbottrading TradingView user liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decision you make based on use of the script.
Time Based Crypto DayTrade StrategyThis is a time based strategy, designed to enter and exit within the same day of the week, using different hours for entry and exit.
The script is long only direction, and it has no risk management inside, so use it with caution.
At the same time you can also calculate each individual hour return within a certain day, and make your own idea about the best moments to be enter.
In order to filter a bit from the bad trades, I have applied an ATR filter, to check if that volatility is rising in order to help eliminate some of the bad trades when there is no volatility around.
For this example, on BTC, it seems that for the last years, on tuesday and thursday, enterring at the beginning of the daily candle, 01:00hours and exit at 00:00 hours, seems to give positive results giving the idea that can be converted in some sort of edge into our favor.
However dont take this entirelly for granted and conduct your own searches