72s Strat: Backtesting Adaptive HMA+ pt.1This is a follow up to my previous publication of Adaptive HMA+ few months ago, as a mean to provide some kind of initial backtesting tools. Which can be use to explore many possible strategies, optimise its settings to better conform user's pair/tf, and hopefully able to help tweaking your general strategy.
If you haven't read the study or use the indicator, kindly go here first to get the overall idea.
The first strategy introduce in this backtest is one most basic already described in the study; buy/sell is when movement is there and everything is on the right side; When RSI has turned to other side, we can use it as exit point (if in profit of course, else just let it hit our TP/SL, why would we exit before profit). Also, base on RSI when we make entry, we can further differentiate type of signals. --Please check all comments in code directly where the signals , entries , and exits section are.
Second additional strategy to check; is when we also use second faster Adaptive HMA+ for exit. So this is like a double orders on a signal but with different exit-rule (/more on this on snapshots below). Alternatively, you can also work the code so to only use this type of exit.
There's also an additional feature which you can enable its visuals, the Distance Zone , is to help measuring price distance to our xHMA+. It's just a simple atr based envelope really, I already put the sample code in study's comment section, but better gonna update it there directly for non-coder too, after this.
In this sample I use Lot for order quantity size just because that's what I use on my broker. Also what few friends use while we forward-testing it since the study is published, so we also checked/compared each profit/loss report by real number. To use default or other unit of measurement, change the entry code accordingly.
If you change your order size, you should also change the commission in Properties Tab. My broker commission is 5 USD per order/lot, so in there with example order size 0.1 lot I put commission 0.5$ per order (I'll put 2.5$ for 0.5 lot, 10$ for 2 lot, and so on). Crypto usually has higher charge. --It is important that you should fill it base on your broker.
I'm trying to keep it short. Please explore it further again. (Beginner should also first get acquaintance with terms use here.)
Base Minimum Profit Before Exit:
The number is multiplier of ongoing ATR. Means that when basic exit condition is met, algo will check whether you're already in minimum profit or not, if not, let it still run to TP or SL, or until it meets subsequent exit condition, then it will check again.
Default Target Profit:
Multiplier of ATR at signal. If reached before any eligible exit condition is met, exit TP.
Base StopLoss Point:
You can change directly in code to use other like ATR Trailing SL, fix percent SL, or whatever. In the sample, 4 options provided.
Maximum StopLoss:
This is like a safety-net, that if at some point your chosen SL point from input above happens to be exceeding this maximum input that you can tolerate, then this max point is the one will be use as SL.
Activate 2nd order...:
The additional doubling of certain buy/sell with different exits as described above. If enable, you should also set pyramiding to at least: 2. If not, it does nothing.
Many users already have their own settings for these. So in here I only sample the default as first presented in the study. Make it to your adaptive.
(1) Now you can check in realtime how much slope degree is best to define your specific pair/tf is out of congestion (yellow) area. And (2) also able to check directly what ATR lengths are more suitable defining your pair's volatility.
Distance Multiplier. Each pair/tf has its own best distance zone (in xHMA+ perspective). The zone also determine whether a signal should appear or not. (Or what type of signal, if you wanna go more detail in constructing your strategy)
(Provided you already have your own comfortable settings for minimum-maximum period of Adaptive HMA+. Best if you already have backtested it manually too and/or apply as an add-on to your working strategy)
1. In our experiences, first most important to define is both elements in the Market Movement Settings . These also tend to be persistent for whole season since it's kinda describing that pair/tf overall behaviour. Don't worry if you still get a low Profit Factor here, but by tweaking you should start to see positive changes in one of Max Drawdown and Net Profit, or Percent Profitable.
2. Afterwards, find your pair/tf Distance Zone . When optimising this, what we seek is just a "not to bad" equity curves to start forming. At least Max Drawdown should lessen more. Doesn't have to be great already, but should be better, no red in Net Profit.
3. Then go manage the "Trailing Minimum Profit", TP, SL, and max SL.
4. Repeat 1,2,3. 👻
5. Manage order size, commission, and/or enable double-order (need pyramiding) if you like. Check if your equity can handle max drawdown before margin call.
6. After getting an acceptable backtest result, go to List of Trades tab and find the biggest loss or when many sequencing loss in a row happened. Click on it to go to exact point on chart, observe why the signal failed and get at least general idea how it can be prevented . The rest is yours, you should know your pair/tf more than other.
You can also re-explore your minimum-maximum period for both Major and minor xHMA+.
Keep in mind that all numbers in Setting are conceptually in a form of range . You don't want to get superb equity curves but actually a "fragile" , means one can easily turn it to disaster just by changing only a fraction in one/two of the setting.
If you just wanna test the strength of the indicator alone, you can disable "Use StopLoss" temporarily while optimising settings.
Using no SL might be tempting in overall result data in some cases, but NOTE: It is not recommended to not using SL, don't forget that we deliberately enter when it's in high volatility. If want to add flexibility or trading for long-term, just maximise your SL. ie.: chose SL Point>ATR only and set it maximum. (Check your max drawdown after this).
I think this is quite important specially for beginners, so here's an example; Hypothetically in below scenario, because of some settings, the buy order after the loss sell signal didn't appear. Let's say if our initial capital only 1000$ using leverage and order size 0,5 lot (risky position sizing already), moreover if this happens at the beginning of your trading season, that's half of account gone already in one trade . Your max SL should've made you exit after that pumping bar.
The Trailing Minimum Profit is actually look like this. Search in the code if you want to plot it. I just don't like too many lines on chart.
To maximise profit we can try enabling double-order. The only added rule coded is: RSI should rising when buy and falling when sell. 2nd signal will appears above or below default buy/sell signal. (Of course it's also prone to double-loss, re-check your max drawdown after. Profit factor play its part in here for a long run). Snapshot in comparison:
Two default sell signals on left closed at RSI exit, the additional sell signal closed later on when price crossover minor xHMA+. On buy side, price haven't met our minimum profit when first crossunder minor xHMA+. If later on we hit SL on this "+buy" signal, at least we already profited from default buy signal. You can also consider/treat this as multiple TP points.
For longer-term trading, what you need to maximise is the Minimum Profit , so it won't exit whenever an exit condition happened, it can happen several times before reaching minimum profit. Hopefully this snapshot can explain:
Notice in comparison default sell and buy signal now close in average after 3 days. What's best is when we also have confirmation from higher TF. It's like targeting higher TF by entering from smaller TF.
As also mention in the study, we can still experiment via original HMA by putting same value for minimum-maximum period setting. This is experimental EU 1H with Major xHMA+: 144-144, Flat market 13, Distance multiplier 3.6, with 2nd order activated.
Kiwi was a bit surprising for me. It's flat market is effectively below 6, with quite far distance zone of 3.5. Probably because I'm using big numbers in adaptive period.
The result you see in strategy tester report below for EURUSD 15m is using just default settings you see in code, as follow:
0,1 lot for each order (which is the smallest allowed by my broker).
No pyramiding. Commission: 0.5 usd per order. Slippage: 3
Opening position is only using basic strategy #1 (RSI exit). Additional exit not activated.
Minimum Profit: 1. TP: 3.
SL use: Half-distance zone. Max SL: 4.5.
Major xHMA+: 172-233. minor xHMA+: 89-121
Distance Zone Multiplier: 2.7
RSI: Standard 14.
(From our forward-testing, the difference we get from net profit is because of the spread, our entry isn't exactly at the close/open price. Not so much though, but not the same. If somebody can direct me to any example where we can code our entry via current bid/ask price, that would be awesome!)
It's already a long post (sorry), think I'm gonna pause here. Check out the code :)
DISCLAIMER: Past performance is no guarantee of future results , and so on.. you know the drill ;)
Please read whole description first before using, don't take 1-2 paragraph and claim it's the whole logic, you are responsible of your own actions and understanding.
Full strategy Psar+ adx + cmf + rsi This ia full strategy made with a combination of a trender, volume, volatility and oscillator.
In this case we only go long.
Indicators used:
Default PSAR
Default CMF
Modified RSI logic, not using OB/OS
ADX with EMA applied
The rules are : we check if we are in a uptrend on psar, together with a positive value in volume, rsi is above the middle line(50), using a big length, and lastly the ADx is superior to the ema ADx
For exit, we check the opposite, like downtrend psar, negative value volume, rsi < 50, and adx < ema adx
If you have any questions let me know.
RSI Strategy [Nostradanis]Strategy based on an adaptation of the Relative Strength Index and slow exponential moving average.
Green lines: uptrend
Gray lines: lateral trend
Red Lines: downtrend
When RSI crosses up 40 and 50 lines can be a good long entry if ema trend is clearly bullish.
55 line confirms entry.
Designed for swing with under $20 shares but can be adapted to scalping
3commas BNB/USD 1H Strategy*** DISCLAIMER ***
This script is speculative - it uses a highly aggressive model and may not make you money. It has worked well for me so far but you need to do your own DD and make your own decisions. I accept no liability for anything that happens as a result of using this script. Use this at your own caution.
My first published work! I took a few concepts I found in other scripts, tweaked them to match what I had in mind, added some ideas of my own and then added 3commas hooks. Essentially this script is a variable MACD indicator with linear regression and a lot of curve smoothing. It will buy and sell like any other MACD indicator, though it won't exactly match the MACD line you will see on regular MACD indicators due to the smoothing and linear regression. The stop loss should prevent the biggest losses though you will still lose some rounds as this is very aggressive. The parameters I have set up here work best for BNB however feel free to experiment with other coins. The linear regression is set high by default which is what I've found works best for BNB/USD.
Charts should be set to BNB/USD 1HR. I used Binance.us as I was building this but you should have success using other exchanges that offer BNB as well.
This script is set up to use with a 3commas DCA bot though you need access to the entire script in order for that to happen. You can add it and manually place orders or use alarms to test. If you want full access so you can set your 3commas alerts, message me and we can figure something out!
Trading Con Propositomy scrip intention is to make easier and simpler my analisis, having everything toghether helps me take desicions when to enter the market, the estrategy is based in moving averages, pivot points and structure, and the bollinger bands and the sthochastic are just another tool of confirmation when i'm goin to execute the trade.
the market for this strategy is more focused on futures and us stocks but it can be use in any other market. the way to use this strategy is simple, every time a candle goes thru a MA and pull's back to it is a sign of a possible trade, samething when it cuts thru a pivot point and the perfect condition is when the bollinger bands and the sthocasthic are in oversold and overbuy areas.
TV Community AlgoTV Community Algo is a free TradingView script that I designed from the ground to benefit the traders of this community. It has plenty of features that you will enjoy, and I have included documentation for how to use this below!
Turn the Void Lines on or off
Turn the Dashboard on or off
Turn the Signal Bars on or off
Turn the Support & Resistance Lines on or off
Turn the EMA 8 and EMA 200 on or off
Turn the Buy & Sell Signals on or off
Turn the Fibonacci Retracement Tool on or off
Change the Dashboard's distance from the price action
Change the Dashboard's Color and Transparency
Change the Dashboard Text Color
Change the Fibonacci Deviation
Make the Fibonacci Retracement Tool reverse
Make the Fibonacci Lines extend left, right, both directions, or none
Turn Fibonacci Prices on or off
Turn Fibonacci Levels on or off and change between percent or value
Change Fibonacci Label Position from the left or the right
This algo has many uses including but not limited to:
Finding entries and exits using the EMA 8 and EMA 200 crossovers
Using the Void Lines to identify bounces or reversals
Using the Signal Bars to identify trend and confirmation for entries and exits
Using the Dashboard information for confirmation and informational purposes
In the images below, I give a few examples of the many uses of the TV Community Algo!
The Void Lines are very helpful when it comes to identifying reversals.
The Dashboard is filled with useful information that all traders can benefit from!
The colored candles known as Signal Bars inform you of when the price action is above or below the midpoint of the Void Lines.
These lines help traders find accurate levels of support & resistance on all time frames, and the lines change color depending on if the price is above or below them.
EMA 8 AND 200
The EMA 8 and EMA 200 crossovers can be used as entry and exit signals.
The BUY & SELL signals can be used to find optimal entries and exits for trades on any time frame. Smaller time frames are best for scalping, while larger time frames are more suited for longer trades. When combined with the EMA lines and Dashboard information, these signals can produce incredibly profitable trades.
The Auto Fibonacci Retracement Tool allows you to plot perfect Fib Lines every time.
I truly hope that the TV Community Algo benefits the TradingView community and that you all find some value in it. I worked very hard on this product and I would love to see it put to good use.
with love,
-Lemon 🍋
This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) creativecommons.org
RSI OverTrend Strategy (by Marcoweb) v1.0Hi guys, just adapted the CCI Level zero Strategy with the Over Bought and Over Sold levels provided by the Relative Strength Index. The strat is opening a long position at RSI Oversold 30 Level closing it at RSI Overbought 70 Level flipping the position.
Enjoy :D
Carpe Diem [Strategy]Carpe Diem Strategy, a wave cycle strategy that only enters when markets are up trending.
The script uses 3 different trend detection indicators including volume which helps with confirmation.
This script has 10 variations built within it which are fitted for the coins differnt coinditions
The coins included are
How to use the Indicator
You can change what plots are shown in the settings Cog
When the wave lines are green, the market is up trending and will be looking for a trade whereas when they are red, the market is in a sideways or downtrend.
The buy signal is given by the fast wave either crossing over the slow wave line, or crossing over the value of 25.
The exit signal is when the wave crosses back under the 75 value
This strategy includes Fees and there is NO Repaint. The script is written in version 4
There is an option in the settings cog to choose from 10 Coins and timeframes which the Strategies have been optimised for.
There is also another option in the settings cog to change the backtesting range.
There is also another option to adjust the stop loss. I have left it on the Default value which I believe works best
This strategy performs best on the Binance listings
The Box Percent StratHi guys,
Version Zero (more work needed) of an idea I've been meaning to out into a strategy for a while. 🤯
This uses percent boxes🤔 instead of traditional indicators like RSI, MACD etc. 🤫
Takes the first close price of the series and creates a Top Band 10% up, buys if price reaches that level, and puts a stop on a Bot Band, 10% down
When the first trade is in profit by another 10%, it enters another trade and moves the stop of the first trade to breakeven ~ this way it only has one unit of risk at a time
/// Designed for LONG only on Daily, 2D or 3D Charts👌🏻
/// Uses fixed investment risk amount, meaning you're willing to lose that amount per trade
/// Limit buy to not overpay on entries
/// Idea Based on the Darvas system:
/// System only enters trades on strength, when prices equals of exceeds the green line
/// It ads onto the trades, but only *IF* the previous trade is in profit by the UpBoxSize percent size
/// The trailing stop loss is moved up, with the red line
/// A key idea is to only take one unit of risk at a time, meaning for a new add on trade to be taken, the previous trade should be in profit by the same box size as the new new trade's stop loss
/// This will keep adding trades again and again, and they will stop out at the same stop loss
/// Yellow Circles is an MA that filters out choppy areas -- this system only does really well on trending linear markets like: TQQQ, SSO, SPX, SPY
/// Base setting is 10% UpBox Size and 10% DnBox Size: 15% & 15% will be more accurate but fewer signals. 13% profit and 10% stop loss will give a higher risk to reward ratio
Trend Surfers - Premium Breakout + AlertsTrend Surfers - Premium Breakout Strategy with Alerts
I am happy today to release the first free Trend Surfers complete Breakout Strategy!
The strategy includes:
Entry for Long and Short
Position Size
Exit Signal
Risk Management Feature
How the strategy works
This is a Trend Following strategy. The strategy will have drawdowns, but they will be way smaller than what you would go through with buy and old.
As a Trend Following strategy, we will buy on strength, when a breakout occurs. And sell on weakness.
The strategy includes a FIX Stoploss determined by an ATR multiple and a trailing Stoploss/Takeprofit also determined by an ATR multiple.
You can also manage your risk by entering the maximum % you are willing to risk on every trade. Additionally, there is an option to enter how many pairs you will be trading with the strategy. This will change your position size in order to make sure that you have enough funds to trade all your favorite pairs.
Use the strategy with alerts
This strategy is alert-ready. All you have to do is:
Go on a pair you would like to trade
Create an alert
Select the strategy as a Trigger
Wait for new orders to be sent to you
Every Entry (Long/Short) will include:
Market Entry (Enter position NOW!)
Stoploss price
Position Size
* If you do not wish to use leverage, you can multiply the Position Size by the Leverage. But doing that, you might end up with a position greater than your equity. Trading on Futures is better in order to have accurate risk management.
Exit signals:
When you receive an exit signal, you need to close the position ASAP. If you want to keep your results as close as possible to the backtest results, you need to execute quickly and follow what the strategy is telling you.
Do not try to outsmart the strategy
Leave your emotion out of trading! If you trust the strategy, you will have way better returns than if you try to outsmart it. Follow each signal you receive even if it doesn't seem logical at the moment.
Become a machine that executes. Don't look at fundamentals. Follow the trend! Trust the strategy!
I hope you enjoy it!
BitcoinNinjas NINJASIGNALS V4 (Script)BitcoinNinjas NINJASIGNALS V4 (Script)
(for Cryptocurrencies, Forex, GunBot, ProfitTrailer, Autoview, CryptoHopper, manual or automated trading, and more)
This is version 4 of our Ninja Signals trading script, with accompanying backtesting strategy.
BitcoinNinjas NINJASIGNALS V4 (Strategy)
•Allows users to easily set automated buy/long and sell/short alerts on TradingView for use with automatic and manual trading of cryptocurrencies, Forex securities, and more (alerts are compatible with automatic trading software such as GunBot, ProfitTrailer, Autoview, CryptoHopper, and more).
•Synthesizes many powerful indicators [e.g., Relative Strength Index (RSI), Stochastic RSI, Money Flow Index (MFI), Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), etc.) into one powerful script to generate very precise buy and sell signals in virtually all market conditions.
•Features user-defined adjustable calibration settings, allowing traders to customize the script to fit any currency / security on any exchange available through TradingView.com, simply by adjusting settings.
•Buy/Long arrows, Sell/Short arrows, & EMA trendline can be customized or hidden, if desired.
•Complete with backtesting strategy version of script which allows users to test various trading strategies based on the alerts the script generates (see information and screenshots below).
•Backtesting strategy features a user-defined adjustable date range, so traders can estimate performance of the script over specific periods of time, such as the last week, month, or year.
•Script and backtesting strategy feature many user-adjustable settings including stop loss and take profit alerts, an ‘only sell for profit’ option (Gunbot-specific), many different buy and sell filters, and more. Simply adjust the script settings and the backtesting results will automatically refresh.
•Backtesting strategy allows for pyramid buying to test various average down / dollar cost average trading strategies. Simply adjust the number of pyramid buys and the quantity of each buy.
•Fully compatible with margin and futures trading for any currency / security on TradingView.com.
DISCLAIMER: By using our BitcoinNinjas ‘Ninja Signals’ planning script, you agree to the BitcoinNinjas 'Terms of Use'. No sharing, copying, reselling, modifying, or any other forms of use are authorized for our documents, script / strategy, and the information published with them. This informational planning script / strategy is strictly for individual use and educational purposes only. This is not financial or investment advice. Investments are always made at your own risk and are based on your personal judgement. BitcoinNinjas is not responsible for any losses you may incur. Please invest wisely.
BitcoinNinjas NINJASIGNALS V4 (Strategy)BitcoinNinjas NINJASIGNALS V4 (Strategy)
(for Cryptocurrencies, Forex, GunBot, ProfitTrailer, Autoview, CryptoHopper, manual or automated trading, and more)
This is version 4 of our Ninja Signals trading script, with accompanying backtesting strategy.
BitcoinNinjas NINJASIGNALS V4 (Script)
•Allows users to easily set automated buy/long and sell/short alerts on TradingView for use with automatic and manual trading of cryptocurrencies, Forex securities, and more (alerts are compatible with automatic trading software such as GunBot, ProfitTrailer, Autoview, CryptoHopper, and more).
•Synthesizes many powerful indicators [e.g., Relative Strength Index (RSI), Stochastic RSI, Money Flow Index (MFI), Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), etc.) into one powerful script to generate very precise buy and sell signals in virtually all market conditions.
•Features user-defined adjustable calibration settings, allowing traders to customize the script to fit any currency / security on any exchange available through TradingView.com, simply by adjusting settings.
•Buy/Long arrows, Sell/Short arrows, & EMA trendline can be customized or hidden, if desired.
•Complete with backtesting strategy version of script which allows users to test various trading strategies based on the alerts the script generates (see information and screenshots below).
•Backtesting strategy features a user-defined adjustable date range, so traders can estimate performance of the script over specific periods of time, such as the last week, month, or year.
•Script and backtesting strategy feature many user-adjustable settings including stop loss and take profit alerts, an ‘only sell for profit’ option (Gunbot-specific), many different buy and sell filters, and more. Simply adjust the script settings and the backtesting results will automatically refresh.
•Backtesting strategy allows for pyramid buying to test various average down / dollar cost average trading strategies. Simply adjust the number of pyramid buys and the quantity of each buy.
•Fully compatible with margin and futures trading for any currency / security on TradingView.com.
DISCLAIMER: By using our BitcoinNinjas ‘Ninja Signals’ planning script, you agree to the BitcoinNinjas 'Terms of Use'. No sharing, copying, reselling, modifying, or any other forms of use are authorized for our documents, script / strategy, and the information published with them. This informational planning script / strategy is strictly for individual use and educational purposes only. This is not financial or investment advice. Investments are always made at your own risk and are based on your personal judgement. BitcoinNinjas is not responsible for any losses you may incur. Please invest wisely.
MACD BTC Long/Short Strategy v1.0This strategy will use only default MACD with Simple MA(Signal Line) mode 'ON' to determine when it's time to long/short using its histogram value.
Current version has 2 more entries added to increase more trades and profits along the way while maintaining low 'max drawdown' and high returns.
Entry will be opened when macd line(blue) crossed with signal line(red).
Entry will be closed when histogram increased/decreased opposite its previous histogram.
Re-enter will opened a position when histogram continues after X delay (Re-enter Delay setting).
Sculp will opened a position when histogram is still in light colors for X delay (Sculp Delay setting).
Bollinger Bands Trending Reverse StrategyWelcome to yet another script. This script was a lot easier since I was stuck for so long on the Donchian Channels one and learned so much from that one that I could use in this one.
This code should be a lot cleaner compared to the Donchian Channels, but we'll leave that up to the pro's.
This strategy has two entry signals, long = when price hits lower band, while above EMA, previous candle was bearish and current candle is bullish.
Short = when price hits upper band, while below EMA, previous candle was bullish and current candle is bearish.
Take profits are the opposite side's band(lower band for long signals, upper band for short signals). This means our take profit price will change per bar.
Our stop loss doesn't change, it's the difference between entry price and the take profit target divided by the input risk reward.
Dankland Playground DCAing multi-strategy OPThis is essentially a script that I made for myself before deciding it may be good enough for you all as well.
How it works basically is this... you have 18 oscillators which can all be used as independently as you wish. That means there are 20 groups which they can be split amongst as you choose.
When in separate groups they should not be able to sell eachothers positions without triggering a stop loss. Every single oscillator has its own position sizing and exit sizing which can be stated as either a percent of balance or a flat amount of contracts. Each oscillator has a minimum amount of profit you can tell it to sell it, which is calculated from the average cost of your current position, which does include all groups. This works out to help you average out better entry and exit prices, essentially a method of DCAing.
You can set the minimum sale amount, which is to keep it from placing orders below your exchanges minimum dollar trade cost.
The included oscillators are as follows:
Chande Momentum cross
Moving Average Cross
MACD cross
%B Bollinger cross
Stochastic cross + region filter
Stochastic RSI cross + region filter
SMII cross and region
Three RMIs
Standard RSI
LSMA-smoothed RSI
Know Sure Thing
Coppock Curve
RSI of Curve
RSI of Trix
So the idea is that this is essentially multiple strategies combined into one backtestable house. Balance is calculated for all position sizes in order to try to prevent false entries that plague so many scripts (IE, you set pyramiding to 2, each buy $1000, initial balance $1000, and yet it buys two orders off the bat for $2000 total and nets 400% profit because the second was considered free)/
You tune each side and position size them so that they work together as well as you can and in doing so you are able to create a single backtest that is capable of running a bot, essentially, between multiple strategies - you can run a slower Moving Average cross, a faster SMI cross or MACD, or Bollinger that grabs big moves only, all the while having MACD trade small bonuses along the way. This way you can weight the Risk to Reward of each against eachother.
I will not try to claim this is something you can open and with no work have the best bot on the planet. This scripts intention is to take a lot of relatively common trading strategies and combine them under on roof with some risk management and the ability to weigh each against eachother.
If you are looking for a super advanced singular algorithm that tries to capture every peak and valley exactly on the dot, this is not for you. If you are looking for a tool with a high level of customizability, with a publisher who intends to update it to the best of his ability in accordance to seeking to make the best product that I personally can make for both myself and the community (because I will be using this myself of course!) that was specifically designed with the intention of performing well in spot markets by averaging low entry costs and high exit costs, this is for you! That is the exact intention here.
I do not trade margin currently, I trade spot. I am sure this script can be tuned to work on margin but this is not my intention or area so if this is you and there is something you need for margin specifically implemented, ask, because I likely don't know what you need yet.
The current backtest shown is hand-optimized by myself for BTC/USD 1hr market with NO stop loss enabled and all sales weighed to be around 0% minimum profit from the total average entry cost.
I chose to run it myself with no stop losses because Bitcoin is so bullish to me. The stop losses can still be very profitable, but not 1495% net profit. This style of automation is not for everyone as when running with no stop loss and the requirement every sale is somewhat profitable, or at least no very noticeable loss, you wind up relying on yourself to manually stop out if things crash too much and the bot has to stop trading to wait for market to go back up. The thing to do here if you are playing without a stop loss is to have your own alerts set at your fear level, a % drop in a period of time or something like that, and when you reach that point I would consider resetting the bot so it continues to take trades. I personally will accept a temporary drop in USD as long as I can keep my BTC holdings up overall as the goal should always be to have as many BTC as possible by the start and end of the bull run.
Volume AdvancedI have found out this script some time ago. In fact it is not my code (just have modified a little) and I don't know the author (couldn't find). So now I would like to share with the community, maybe somebody would have some idea how to make it better. The script itself is modified volatility oscillator (like ATR) based on volume, making a deal at the moment of price change. To recognize the current trend I have add simple function just to compare the current price with the N bars before, because sometimes in moments of high volatility there may be wrong signals.
Anti-Breakout StrategyAnti-Breakout Strategy
This is a contrarian entry strategy for trading false breakouts. The high/low of the breakout bar is used for the entry in the opposite direction.
To reduce repainting set ptype variable to OHL3.
HatiKO Envelopes v3Published source code is subject to the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Old flaws have been resolved.
This script describes and provides backtesting functionality to internal strategy of algorithmic crypto trading software "HatiKO bot".
Suitable for backtesting any Cryptocurrency Pair on any Exchange/Platform, any Timeframe.
Core Mechanics of this strategy are based on theory of price always returning to Moving Average + Envelopes indicator (Moving_average_envelope from Wiki)
Developement of this script and trading software is inspired by:
"Essential Technical Analysis: Tools and Techniques to Spot Market Trends" by Leigh Stevens (published on 12th of April 2002)
"Moving Average Envelopes" by ChartSchool, StockCharts platform (published on 13th of April 2015 or earlier)
"Коля Колеснік" from Crypto Times channel ("Метод сетка", published on 19th of August 2018)
"3 ways to use Moving Average Envelopes" by Rich Fitton, published on Trader's Nest (published on 28st of November 2018 or earlier)
noro's "Robot WhiteBox ShiftMA" strategy v1 script, published on TradingView platform (published on 29th of August 2018)
"Moving Average Envelopes: A Popular Trading Tool" Investopedia article (published 25th of June 2019)
and KROOL1980's blogpost on Argolabs ("Гридерство или Сетка как источник прибыли на форекс", published on 27th of February 2015)
Core Features:
1) Up to 9 Envelopes in each direction (Long/Short)
2) Use any of 6 different basis MAs, optionally use different MAs for Opening and Closure
3) Use different Timeframes for MA calculation, without any repainting and lookahead bias.
4) Fixed order size, not Martingale strategy
5) Close open position earlier by using Deviation parameter
6) PineScript v4 code
7) Anti-Spire (protection against situations like LTCUSD (Bitmex) 12/26/2020)
9) Lottery for each level
10) Total profit for the day. When activated, a histogram is drawn.
Options description:
Lot - % from your initial balance to use for order size calculation
Timeframe Short - Timeframe to use for Short Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is Current Graph Timeframe
MA Type Short - Type of MA to use for Short Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is SMA
Data Short - Source of Price for Short Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is OHLC4
MA Length Short - Period used for Short Opening MA calculation, should be >=1, default is 3
MA offset Short - Offset for MA value used for Short Envelopes calculation, should be >= 0, default is 0
Timeframe Long - Timeframe to use for Long Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is Current Graph Timeframe
MA Type Long - Type of MA to use for Long Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is SMA
Data Long - Source of Price for Long Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is OHLC4
MA Length Long - Period used for Long Opening MA calculation, should be >=1, default is 3
MA offset Long - Offset for MA value used for Long Envelopes calculation, should be >= 0, default is 0
Mode close MA Short - Enable different MA for Short position Closure, default is "false". If false, Closure MA = Opening MA
Timeframe Short Close - Timeframe to use for Short Position Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is Current Graph Timeframe
MA Type Close Short - Type of MA to use for Short Position Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is SMA
Data Short Close - Source of Price for Short Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is OHLC4
MA Length Short Close - Period used for Short Opening MA calculation, should be >=1, default is 3
Short Deviation - % to move from MA value, used to close position above or beyond MA, can be negative, default is 0
MA offset Short Close - Offset for MA value used for Short Position Closure calculation, should be >= 0, default is 0
Mode close MA Long - Enable different MA for Long position Closure, default is "false". If false, Closure MA = Opening MA
Timeframe Long Close - Timeframe to use for Long Position Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is Current Graph Timeframe
MA Type Close Long - Type of MA to use for Long Position Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is SMA
Data Long Close - Source of Price for Long Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is OHLC4
MA Length Long Close - Period used for Long Opening MA calculation, should be >=1, default is 3
Long Deviation - % to move from MA value, used to close position above or beyond MA, can be negative, default is 0
MA offset Long Close - Offset for MA value used for Long Position Closure calculation, should be >= 0, default is 0
Short 1..9 - % from MA value to put Envelopes at, for Shorts numbers should be positive, the higher is number, the higher should be Short n position, example: "Short 1 = 1, Short 2 = 2, etc."
Long 1..9 - % from MA value to put Envelopes at, for Longs numbers should be negative, the lower is number, the lower should be Long n position, example: "Long 1 = -1, Long 2 = -2, etc."
Graph notes:
Green lines - Long Envelopes .
Red lines - Short Envelopes .
Orange line - MA for closing of Short positions.
Lime line - MA for closing of Long positions.
Histogram - Profit for the last day. Black = 0, Green> 0, Red <0.
Old flaws have been resolved.
At the moment, there is one bug - if the closing and opening occurs on the same candle, then there is no close on the same candle. The situation is possible with small values of Envelope.
Опубликованный исходный код регулируется Условиями Стандартной Общественной Лицензии GNU Affero v3.0
Старые недоработки были решены.
Этот скрипт описывает и предоставляет функции бектеста для внутренней стратегии алгоритмического программного обеспечения "HatiKO bot".
Подходит для тестирования любой криптовалютной пары на любой бирже/платформе, на любом таймфрейме.
Кор-механика этой стратегии основана на теории всегда возвращающейся к значению МА цены с использованием индикатора Envelopes (Moving_average_envelope from Wiki)
Разработка этого скрипта и программного обеспечения для торговли вдохновлена следующими источниками:
Книга "Essential Technical Analysis: Tools and Techniques to Spot Market Trends" Ли Стивенса (опубликовано 12 апреля 2002 года)
«Moving Average Envelopes» от ChartSchool, платформа StockCharts (опубликовано 13 апреля 2015 года или раньше)
«Коля Колеснік» с канала Crypto Times («Метод сетка», опубликовано 19 августа 2018 года)
«Moving Average Envelopes: A Popular Trading Tool», статья Investopedia (опубликовано 25 июня 2019 года)
Блог KROOL1980 из Argolabs («Гридерство или Сетка как источник прибыли на форекс», опубликовано 27 февраля 2015 года)
Основные особенности:
1) До 9-х Ордеров в каждом из направлении (Лонг / Шорт)
2) Выбор из 6-ти разных базовых МА, опционально используйте разные МА для открытия и закрытия.
3) Используйте разные таймфреймы для расчета MA, без перерисовки и "эффекта стеклянного шара".
4) Фиксированный размер ордера, а не стратегия Мартингейла
5) Возможность закрытия открытой позиции заблаговременно, используя параметр Deviation
6) Код реализован на PineScript v4
7) Антишпиль ( защита от ситуаций типа LTCUSD ( Bitmex ) 26.12.2020 )
9) Лотность для каждого уровня
10) Суммарный профит за день. При активации рисуется гистограмма.
Описание параметров:
Lot - % от вашего первоначального баланса, используется при расчете размера Ордера
Timeframe Short - таймфрейм, используемый для расчета МА Открытия Шорт позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию - таймфрейм текущего графика
MA Type Short - тип MA, используемый для расчета МА Открытия Шорт позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию SMA
Data Short - источник цены для расчета МА Открытия Шорт позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию OHLC4
MA Length Short - период, используемый для расчета МА Открытия Шорт позиций, должен быть >= 1, по умолчанию 3
MA Offset Short - смещение значения MA, используемого для расчета Шорт Ордеров, должно быть >= 0, по умолчанию 0
Timeframe Long - таймфрейм, используемый для расчета МА Открытия Лонг позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию - таймфрейм текущего графика
MA Type Long - тип MA, используемый для расчета МА Открытия Лонг позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию SMA
Data Long - источник цены для расчета МА Открытия Лонг позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию OHLC4
MA Length Long - период, используемый для расчета МА Открытия Лонг позиций, должен быть >= 1, по умолчанию 3
MA Offset Long - смещение значения MA, используемого для расчета Лонг Ордеров, должно быть >= 0, по умолчанию 0
Mode close MA Short - Включает отдельное MA для закрытия Шорт позиции, по умолчанию «false». Если false, MA Закрытия = MA Открытия
Timeframe Short Close - таймфрейм, используемый для расчета МА Закрытия Шорт позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию - таймфрейм текущего графика
MA Type Close Short - тип MA, используемый при расчете МА Закрытия Шорт позиции. Mожно выбрать из списка, по умолчанию SMA
Data Short Close - источник цены для расчета МА Закрытия Шорт позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию OHLC4
MA Length Short Close - период, используемый для расчета МА Закрытия Шорт позиции, должен быть >= 1, по умолчанию 3
Short Deviation - % отклонения от значения MA, используется для закрытия позиции выше или ниже рассчитанного значения MA, может быть отрицательным, по умолчанию 0
MA Offset Short Close - смещение значения MA, используемого для расчета закрытия Шорт позиции, должно быть >= 0, по умолчанию 0
Mode close MA Long - Включает разные MA для закрытия Лонг позиции, по умолчанию «false». Если false, MA Закрытия = MA Открытия
Timeframe Long Close - таймфрейм, используемый для расчета МА Закрытия Лонг позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию - таймфрейм текущего графика
MA Type Close Long - тип MA, используемый при расчете МА Закрытия Лонг позиции. Mожно выбрать из списка, по умолчанию SMA
Data Long Close - источник цены для расчета МА Закрытия Лонг позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию OHLC4
MA Length Long Close - период, используемый для расчета МА Закрытия Лонг позиции, должен быть >= 1, по умолчанию 3
Long Deviation -% для перехода от значения MA, используется для закрытия позиции выше или ниже рассчитанного значения MA, может быть отрицательным, по умолчанию 0
MA Offset Long Close - смещение значения MA, используемого для расчета закрытия Лонг позиции, должно быть >= 0, по умолчанию 0
Short 1..9 - % от значения MA для размещения Ордеров, для Шорт Ордеров должен быть положительным, чем выше номер, тем выше должна располагаться позиция Short n, например: « Short 1 = 1, Short 2 = 2 и т.д. "
Long 1..9 - % от значения MA для размещения Ордеров, для Лонг Ордеров должно быть отрицательным, чем ниже число, тем ниже должна располагаться позиция Long n, например: « Long 1 = -1, Long 2 = -2, и т.д."
Пояснения к графику:
Зеленые линии - Лонг Ордера.
Красные линии - Шорт Ордера.
Оранжевая линия - MA Закрытия Шорт позиций.
Лаймовая линия - MA Закрытия Лонг позиций.
Гистограмма - Профит за последние сутки.Черная = 0, Зеленая > 0, красная < 0.
Старые недоработки были решены.
На данный момент есть один баг - если закрытие и открытие происходит на одной свече, то на этой же свече нет закрытия. Ситуация возможна при небольших значениях Envelope.
Published source code is subject to the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Old flaws have been resolved.
This script describes and provides backtesting functionality to internal strategy of algorithmic crypto trading software "HatiKO bot".
Suitable for backtesting any Cryptocurrency Pair on any Exchange/Platform, any Timeframe.
Core Mechanics of this strategy are based on theory of price always returning to Moving Average + Envelopes indicator (Moving_average_envelope from Wiki)
Developement of this script and trading software is inspired by:
"Essential Technical Analysis: Tools and Techniques to Spot Market Trends" by Leigh Stevens (published on 12th of April 2002)
"Moving Average Envelopes" by ChartSchool, StockCharts platform (published on 13th of April 2015 or earlier)
"Коля Колеснік" from Crypto Times channel ("Метод сетка", published on 19th of August 2018)
"3 ways to use Moving Average Envelopes" by Rich Fitton, published on Trader's Nest (published on 28st of November 2018 or earlier)
noro's "Robot WhiteBox ShiftMA" strategy v1 script, published on TradingView platform (published on 29th of August 2018)
"Moving Average Envelopes: A Popular Trading Tool" Investopedia article (published 25th of June 2019)
and KROOL1980's blogpost on Argolabs ("Гридерство или Сетка как источник прибыли на форекс", published on 27th of February 2015)
Core Features:
1) Up to 9 Envelopes in each direction (Long/Short)
2) Use any of 6 different basis MAs, optionally use different MAs for Opening and Closure
3) Use different Timeframes for MA calculation, without any repainting and lookahead bias.
4) Fixed order size, not Martingale strategy
5) Close open position earlier by using Deviation parameter
6) PineScript v4 code
7) Anti-Spire (protection against situations like LTCUSD (Bitmex) 12/26/2020)
9) Lottery for each level
10) Total profit for the day. When activated, a histogram is drawn.
Options description:
Lot - % from your initial balance to use for order size calculation
Timeframe Short - Timeframe to use for Short Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is Current Graph Timeframe
MA Type Short - Type of MA to use for Short Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is SMA
Data Short - Source of Price for Short Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is OHLC4
MA Length Short - Period used for Short Opening MA calculation, should be >=1, default is 3
MA offset Short - Offset for MA value used for Short Envelopes calculation, should be >= 0, default is 0
Timeframe Long - Timeframe to use for Long Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is Current Graph Timeframe
MA Type Long - Type of MA to use for Long Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is SMA
Data Long - Source of Price for Long Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is OHLC4
MA Length Long - Period used for Long Opening MA calculation, should be >=1, default is 3
MA offset Long - Offset for MA value used for Long Envelopes calculation, should be >= 0, default is 0
Mode close MA Short - Enable different MA for Short position Closure, default is "false". If false, Closure MA = Opening MA
Timeframe Short Close - Timeframe to use for Short Position Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is Current Graph Timeframe
MA Type Close Short - Type of MA to use for Short Position Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is SMA
Data Short Close - Source of Price for Short Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is OHLC4
MA Length Short Close - Period used for Short Opening MA calculation, should be >=1, default is 3
Short Deviation - % to move from MA value, used to close position above or beyond MA, can be negative, default is 0
MA offset Short Close - Offset for MA value used for Short Position Closure calculation, should be >= 0, default is 0
Mode close MA Long - Enable different MA for Long position Closure, default is "false". If false, Closure MA = Opening MA
Timeframe Long Close - Timeframe to use for Long Position Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is Current Graph Timeframe
MA Type Close Long - Type of MA to use for Long Position Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is SMA
Data Long Close - Source of Price for Long Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is OHLC4
MA Length Long Close - Period used for Long Opening MA calculation, should be >=1, default is 3
Long Deviation - % to move from MA value, used to close position above or beyond MA, can be negative, default is 0
MA offset Long Close - Offset for MA value used for Long Position Closure calculation, should be >= 0, default is 0
Short 1..9 - % from MA value to put Envelopes at, for Shorts numbers should be positive, the higher is number, the higher should be Short n position, example: "Short 1 = 1, Short 2 = 2, etc."
Long 1..9 - % from MA value to put Envelopes at, for Longs numbers should be negative, the lower is number, the lower should be Long n position, example: "Long 1 = -1, Long 2 = -2, etc."
Graph notes:
Green lines - Long Envelopes .
Red lines - Short Envelopes .
Orange line - MA for closing of Short positions.
Lime line - MA for closing of Long positions.
Histogram - Profit for the last day. Black = 0, Green> 0, Red <0.
Old flaws have been resolved.
At the moment, there is one bug - if the closing and opening occurs on the same candle, then there is no close on the same candle. The situation is possible with small values of Envelope.
Опубликованный исходный код регулируется Условиями Стандартной Общественной Лицензии GNU Affero v3.0
Старые недоработки были решены.
Этот скрипт описывает и предоставляет функции бектеста для внутренней стратегии алгоритмического программного обеспечения "HatiKO bot".
Подходит для тестирования любой криптовалютной пары на любой бирже/платформе, на любом таймфрейме.
Кор-механика этой стратегии основана на теории всегда возвращающейся к значению МА цены с использованием индикатора Envelopes (Moving_average_envelope from Wiki)
Разработка этого скрипта и программного обеспечения для торговли вдохновлена следующими источниками:
Книга "Essential Technical Analysis: Tools and Techniques to Spot Market Trends" Ли Стивенса (опубликовано 12 апреля 2002 года)
«Moving Average Envelopes» от ChartSchool, платформа StockCharts (опубликовано 13 апреля 2015 года или раньше)
«Коля Колеснік» с канала Crypto Times («Метод сетка», опубликовано 19 августа 2018 года)
«Moving Average Envelopes: A Popular Trading Tool», статья Investopedia (опубликовано 25 июня 2019 года)
Блог KROOL1980 из Argolabs («Гридерство или Сетка как источник прибыли на форекс», опубликовано 27 февраля 2015 года)
Основные особенности:
1) До 9-х Ордеров в каждом из направлении (Лонг / Шорт)
2) Выбор из 6-ти разных базовых МА, опционально используйте разные МА для открытия и закрытия.
3) Используйте разные таймфреймы для расчета MA, без перерисовки и "эффекта стеклянного шара".
4) Фиксированный размер ордера, а не стратегия Мартингейла
5) Возможность закрытия открытой позиции заблаговременно, используя параметр Deviation
6) Код реализован на PineScript v4
7) Антишпиль ( защита от ситуаций типа LTCUSD ( Bitmex ) 26.12.2020 )
9) Лотность для каждого уровня
10) Суммарный профит за день. При активации рисуется гистограмма.
Описание параметров:
Lot - % от вашего первоначального баланса, используется при расчете размера Ордера
Timeframe Short - таймфрейм, используемый для расчета МА Открытия Шорт позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию - таймфрейм текущего графика
MA Type Short - тип MA, используемый для расчета МА Открытия Шорт позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию SMA
Data Short - источник цены для расчета МА Открытия Шорт позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию OHLC4
MA Length Short - период, используемый для расчета МА Открытия Шорт позиций, должен быть >= 1, по умолчанию 3
MA Offset Short - смещение значения MA, используемого для расчета Шорт Ордеров, должно быть >= 0, по умолчанию 0
Timeframe Long - таймфрейм, используемый для расчета МА Открытия Лонг позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию - таймфрейм текущего графика
MA Type Long - тип MA, используемый для расчета МА Открытия Лонг позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию SMA
Data Long - источник цены для расчета МА Открытия Лонг позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию OHLC4
MA Length Long - период, используемый для расчета МА Открытия Лонг позиций, должен быть >= 1, по умолчанию 3
MA Offset Long - смещение значения MA, используемого для расчета Лонг Ордеров, должно быть >= 0, по умолчанию 0
Mode close MA Short - Включает отдельное MA для закрытия Шорт позиции, по умолчанию «false». Если false, MA Закрытия = MA Открытия
Timeframe Short Close - таймфрейм, используемый для расчета МА Закрытия Шорт позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию - таймфрейм текущего графика
MA Type Close Short - тип MA, используемый при расчете МА Закрытия Шорт позиции. Mожно выбрать из списка, по умолчанию SMA
Data Short Close - источник цены для расчета МА Закрытия Шорт позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию OHLC4
MA Length Short Close - период, используемый для расчета МА Закрытия Шорт позиции, должен быть >= 1, по умолчанию 3
Short Deviation - % отклонения от значения MA, используется для закрытия позиции выше или ниже рассчитанного значения MA, может быть отрицательным, по умолчанию 0
MA Offset Short Close - смещение значения MA, используемого для расчета закрытия Шорт позиции, должно быть >= 0, по умолчанию 0
Mode close MA Long - Включает разные MA для закрытия Лонг позиции, по умолчанию «false». Если false, MA Закрытия = MA Открытия
Timeframe Long Close - таймфрейм, используемый для расчета МА Закрытия Лонг позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию - таймфрейм текущего графика
MA Type Close Long - тип MA, используемый при расчете МА Закрытия Лонг позиции. Mожно выбрать из списка, по умолчанию SMA
Data Long Close - источник цены для расчета МА Закрытия Лонг позиций, может быть выбран из списка, по умолчанию OHLC4
MA Length Long Close - период, используемый для расчета МА Закрытия Лонг позиции, должен быть >= 1, по умолчанию 3
Long Deviation -% для перехода от значения MA, используется для закрытия позиции выше или ниже рассчитанного значения MA, может быть отрицательным, по умолчанию 0
MA Offset Long Close - смещение значения MA, используемого для расчета закрытия Лонг позиции, должно быть >= 0, по умолчанию 0
Short 1..9 - % от значения MA для размещения Ордеров, для Шорт Ордеров должен быть положительным, чем выше номер, тем выше должна располагаться позиция Short n, например: « Short 1 = 1, Short 2 = 2 и т.д. "
Long 1..9 - % от значения MA для размещения Ордеров, для Лонг Ордеров должно быть отрицательным, чем ниже число, тем ниже должна располагаться позиция Long n, например: « Long 1 = -1, Long 2 = -2, и т.д."
Пояснения к графику:
Зеленые линии - Лонг Ордера.
Красные линии - Шорт Ордера.
Оранжевая линия - MA Закрытия Шорт позиций.
Лаймовая линия - MA Закрытия Лонг позиций.
Гистограмма - Профит за последние сутки.Черная = 0, Зеленая > 0, красная < 0.
Старые недоработки были решены.
На данный момент есть один баг - если закрытие и открытие происходит на одной свече, то на этой же свече нет закрытия. Ситуация возможна при небольших значениях Envelope.
B1rd's Moving AverageThis special moving average is supported by many filters such as the RSI, CCI, Waddah attar, Ichimoku cloud, DMF, TSI and ATR. Combining these indicators will acts as a powerful tool to help us find the direction in trend.
With this indicator, we aim to provide you the best trend trading strategy that includes take profit and stop loss levels.
The fast moving average is named the base line, the slow moving channel is called the secondairy baseline.
Basic instructions:
The strategy prints signals in the form of a green circle in the case of a LONG signal, a red circle in the case of a SHORT signal and white cross above the candle in the case of an exit signal.
Regarding Baselines
There are two Baselines, the primary orange baseline and the secondary which changes color. Both these trendlines are used to determine price trend.
The secondary Baseline consists of a Keltner Channel which is an average True Range of the secondary baseline moving average. The color red on the secondary baseline indicates a bearish trend and the green color indicates a bullish trend. A white secondary baseline indicates a NO TRADE ZONE
Regarding Signals
When price is above both baselines, a LONG signal may be printed by the strategy depending on further verification by other internal calculations.
The LONG signal indicates a bullish trend and allows you to open a long trade. The most optimal way to long the asset is when price is near or at the primary baseline. The qualifier zone also satisfies this criterion, especially when dealing with high momentum in price.
Trend continuation Signals are the color of the relative Trend and they have a diamond shape. They indicate continuation of the trend.
In the case of a SHORT signal, price must be below both baselines. A SHORT signal indicates a bearish trend and indicates opening a short trade. Regarding when to short the position, the same criteria for a long position apply. Namely when price is near or at the baseline or in the qualifier zone.
When an Exit Signal prints, a white cross above the candle for a Long and below the candle for a short, closing of the position in question is recommended.
Regarding stoploss, profit, closing of the trade
The plot tp/sl lines is used to indicate a hard stoploss and take profit level based on an average true range of price.
When a candle closes below both baselines after an active LONG signal or above both baselines after an active SHORT signal, closing the trade is recommended. These criteria serve as secondary exit indicators.
The initial setting allows us to select a template from a list of already tested settings. We can change the Template with this setting, make sure to use the corresponding chart and timeframe to get accurate results. More template settings will be updated in the future. Choosing any template setting but custom will override any other setting within the indicator.
Second, we have settings that allow us to input the Smoothing Type and Length on both baselines.
This also manipulates the Keltner Channel surrounding the Secondairy Base Line.
Below this you can find the exit signal option, which will cause the indicator to print exit signals.
The next setting will call upon a forecast on the primary baseline, which could help you determine future support levels based on the selected moving average.
The show Qualifier line option will plot the Entry Qualifier. It will automatically determine trend based on close relative to the Base Line, however you can Override this with the boolean option.
Finally we can enable the Take Profit and Stop Loss options. By default, these will not plot. If you desire to see recommended Take Profit and Stop Loss Levels, you can enable the checkbox in this section.
The primary function of this indicator is to detect changes in trend. But it can also be used to supply entry levels, take profit levels and stop loss levels.
Three moving average strategies
If the short term (Default 7) moving average cuts the medium term (default 25) moving average, BUY. Conversely, it generates the SELL signal. If the long term (Default 99) moving average cuts its short term moving average, Quick SELL. Conversely, it can be interpreted as Fast SELL. You can change the moving average and the number of days as you wish, and you can trade in the short or long term. I hope it was useful.
GG ES Scalp IBTT Momentum Strategy v1.0Script for Scalping the ES. Apply it to a 15 second chart. The Momentum Multiplier is a float input and the lower the number the less conservative the strategy is. It doesn't fire signals everyday but its pretty accurate. Send me a message to get access.
Risk Reduction Ultimate TemplateThis is a template not actually meant for trading. I picked two random oscillators. This is a template meant to turn into a live trading strategy, however.
It's literally just a specialized take profit/stop loss system. It is to ensure your bot doesn't make any bad moves that you wouldn't have manually. The code should be pretty well annotated. Putting this into my scripts has made them much better. I will work on a Multiple Trigger template next.
Strange RSI (sRSI) Backtesting strategyThis is the backtesting strategy module for my Strange RSI (sRSI) oscillator. The main scheme is grounded on setting up a long strategy for RSI crossing above a certain number, and shorting when RSI crosses below a certain number. This module allows you to:
*change these crossing thresholds
*change the Take Profit limits for long and short strategies
*change the RSI length
In this way, you may optimize to the parameters which fit best to your goals.