[The_lurker] RSI-MFI-WPR Indicatoris an advanced trading indicator developed for the TradingView platform, which synergistically refers to the insights of three popular technical analysis tools: the Relative Strength Index (RSI), the Money Flow Index (MFI) and the Williams Indicator. Percentage range (WPR). This indicator is precisely designed to help traders identify potential buy and sell opportunities by accurately interpreting market momentum, volume, and price position relative to recent highs and lows.
The primary goal of the RSI-MFI-WPR Indicator is to provide a comprehensive tool that leverages the combined power of RSI, MFI and WPR to detect overbought and oversold conditions, indicating potential market reversal points. This multi-faceted approach aims to provide traders with a more robust framework for making informed decisions, and enhance their trading strategy through multi-indicator analysis.
Explanation of the indicator conditions
The essence of this indicator lies in its strategic conditions that indicate possible entry and exit points:
Oversold Condition (Condition): This is determined when the RSI and MFI are below 30, and the WPR drops below -91, indicating a strong oversold condition in the market. Such a scenario usually indicates a buying opportunity, assuming that the market may rebound from this oversold state.
Divergence Condition (Condition 1): Checks if the MFI exceeds 2.1 times the RSI. This unique case aims to highlight instances where there is a significant inflow of funds into an asset, which is not proportionately reflected in its RSI, which may indicate an upcoming price increase or highlight an unusual market situation for further From the analysis.
Overbought Warning (conditionExit): An exit signal is triggered when both the MFI and RSI exceed 85, and the WPR is above -15. This combination indicates an overbought condition in the market, indicating that the asset may be overvalued and that a price correction or reversal may be imminent, thus indicating a potential selling opportunity or a warning of initiating new positions.
Application and visualization
The RSI-MFI-WPR Indicator not only provides numerical insights but also displays these conditions on a TradingView chart. Through the use of color coding and plotting, it provides traders with an intuitive way to distinguish market conditions, enabling quick and effective decision-making. Incorporating alert conditions ensures that traders are immediately notified of important market events, in line with their strategic trading objectives.
Planning and alerts in “RSI-MFI-WPR Indicator”
Collected alert status
CombinedAlertCondition is a logical statement that combines all individual conditions (Condition, Condition1, Condition Exit, and The_lurkerMFI_oversold) into a single alert trigger. This condition becomes true and triggers an alert if any of the conditions specified for potential trading opportunities or warnings are met. It is designed to provide a comprehensive alert system that informs the trader of any important signal identified by the indicator, including entry and exit signals as well as oversold conditions.
Visual indicators
Background color for oversold condition: The script sets the background color to a specific shade of blue ( with 90% transparency) when the custom MFI indicates an oversold condition (The_lurkerMFI_oversold). This visual signal helps traders quickly recognize periods when the market may be undervalued and potentially poised for a rebound.
Drawing warning and exit signs:
Entry Signals: For Condition and Condition 1, which identify potential entry points, the indicator draws upward pointing triangles below the price bars. These triangles are colored in specific shades to differentiate signals from a fundamental oversold condition and a divergence condition, making it intuitive for traders to recognize the type of signal.
Exit Signals: For an exit condition, which indicates overbought conditions that may indicate an impending price correction, red downward-pointing triangles are drawn above the price bars. This serves as a clear visual warning to consider exiting positions or proceed with caution.
Configure the alarm
The script uses the conditional alert function to create an alert based on the AlertCondition combination. When this condition is met, any of the predefined signals are indicated
In short, the “RSI-MFI-WPR Indicator” stands out as a versatile and dynamic indicator that enriches a trader's toolkit by combining the analytical strengths of RSI, MFI and WPR. By setting clear conditions for entry and exit points from the market, it facilitates a proactive approach to trading, based on a detailed examination of market dynamics. This indicator demonstrates how mixing multiple technical tools can lead to more informed and accurate market analysis, with the aim of elevating the trading experience on Tradingview.
هو مؤشر تداول متقدم تم تطويره لمنصة TradingView،
والذي يشير بشكل تآزري إلى رؤى ثلاث أدوات تحليل فني شائعة:
1- مؤشر القوة النسبية (RSI)،
2- مؤشر تدفق الأموال (MFI)،
3- مؤشر ويليامز. نطاق النسبة المئوية (WPR).
تم تصميم هذا المؤشر بدقة لمساعدة المتداولين على تحديد فرص الشراء والبيع المحتملة من خلال التفسير الدقيق لزخم السوق وحجمه وموقع السعر بالنسبة إلى الارتفاعات والانخفاضات الأخيرة.
الهدف الأساسي لمؤشر RSI-MFI-WPR هو توفير أداة شاملة تستفيد من القوة المشتركة لمؤشر RSI وMFI وWPR للكشف عن ظروف ذروة الشراء والمبالغة في البيع، مما يشير إلى نقاط انعكاس السوق المحتملة. ويهدف هذا النهج متعدد الأوجه إلى تزويد المتداولين بإطار أكثر قوة لاتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة، وتعزيز استراتيجية التداول الخاصة بهم من خلال تحليل متعدد المؤشرات.
شرح شروط المؤشر
يكمن جوهر هذا المؤشر في ظروفه الإستراتيجية التي تشير إلى نقاط الدخول والخروج المحتملة:
حالة ذروة البيع (الحالة): يتم تحديد ذلك عندما يكون مؤشر القوة النسبية RSI وMFI أقل من 30، وينخفض WPR إلى أقل من -92، مما يشير إلى حالة ذروة بيع قوية في السوق. يشير مثل هذا السيناريو عادةً إلى فرصة شراء، على افتراض أن السوق قد ينتعش من حالة ذروة البيع هذه.
شرط الاختلاف (الشرط 1): يتحقق مما إذا كانت السيولة تتجاوز 2.1 مرة مؤشر القوة النسبية. تهدف هذه الحالة الفريدة إلى تسليط الضوء على الحالات التي يوجد فيها تدفق كبير للأموال إلى أحد الأصول، وهو ما لا ينعكس بشكل متناسب في مؤشر القوة النسبية الخاص به، مما قد يشير إلى زيادة قادمة في الأسعار أو يسلط الضوء على وضع غير عادي في السوق لمزيد من التحليل.
تحذير ذروة الشراء (conditionExit): يتم إطلاق إشارة خروج عندما يتجاوز مؤشر MFI ومؤشر القوة النسبية 85، ويكون WPR أعلى من -15. يشير هذا المزيج إلى حالة ذروة الشراء في السوق، مما يشير إلى أن الأصل قد يكون مبالغًا في قيمته وأن تصحيح السعر أو انعكاسه قد يكون وشيكًا، مما يشير إلى فرصة بيع محتملة أو تحذير ببدء مراكز جديدة.
التطبيق والتصور
لا يوفر مؤشر RSI-MFI-WPR رؤى رقمية فحسب، بل يعرض أيضًا هذه الشروط على مخطط TradingView. من خلال استخدام الترميز اللوني والتخطيط، فإنه يوفر للمتداولين طريقة بديهية للتمييز بين ظروف السوق، مما يتيح اتخاذ قرارات سريعة وفعالة. يضمن دمج شروط التنبيه إخطار المتداولين على الفور بأحداث السوق المهمة، بما يتماشى مع أهدافهم التجارية الإستراتيجية.
التخطيط والتنبيهات في مؤشر RSI-MFI-WPR
حالة التنبيه التي تم جمعها ( CombinedAlertCondition ) عبارة منطقية تجمع كل الشروط الفردية
Condition، Condition1، Condition Exit، وThe_lurkerMFI_oversold في مشغل تنبيه واحد.
ليصبح هذا الشرط صحيحًا ويطلق تنبيهًا في حالة استيفاء أي من الشروط المحددة لفرص التداول المحتملة أو التحذيرات. وهو مصمم لتوفير نظام تنبيه شامل يُعلم المتداول بأي إشارة مهمة يحددها المؤشر، بما في ذلك إشارات الدخول والخروج بالإضافة إلى ظروف ذروة البيع.
المؤشرات البصرية
لون الخلفية لحالة ذروة البيع: يقوم البرنامج النصي بتعيين لون الخلفية إلى ظل معين من اللون الأزرق (بشفافية 90٪) عندما تشير مؤسسة التمويل الأصغر المخصصة إلى حالة ذروة البيع (The_lurkerMFI_oversold). تساعد هذه الإشارة المرئية المتداولين على التعرف بسرعة على الفترات التي قد تكون فيها السوق مقومة بأقل من قيمتها الحقيقية ومن المحتمل أن تكون مستعدة للانتعاش.
رسم علامات التحذير والخروج:
إشارات الدخول: بالنسبة للحالة والحالة 1، التي تحدد نقاط الدخول المحتملة، يرسم المؤشر مثلثات تشير إلى الأعلى أسفل أشرطة السعر. يتم تلوين هذه المثلثات بظلال محددة لتمييز الإشارات عن حالة ذروة البيع الأساسية وحالة التباعد، مما يجعل من السهل على المتداولين التعرف على نوع الإشارة.
إشارات الخروج: بالنسبة لحالة الخروج، التي تشير إلى ظروف ذروة الشراء التي قد تشير إلى تصحيح وشيك للسعر، يتم رسم مثلثات حمراء تشير إلى الأسفل فوق أشرطة السعر. يعد هذا بمثابة تحذير مرئي واضح للنظر في الخروج من المواقف أو المضي قدمًا بحذر.
تكوين المنبه
يستخدم البرنامج النصي وظيفة التنبيه الشرطي لإنشاء تنبيه بناءً على مجموعة AlertCondition. عند استيفاء هذا الشرط، تتم الإشارة إلى أي من الإشارات المحددة مسبقًا
باختصار، يبرز "مؤشر RSI-MFI-WPR" كمؤشر متعدد الاستخدامات وديناميكي يثري مجموعة أدوات المتداول من خلال الجمع بين نقاط القوة التحليلية لـ RSI وMFI وWPR. ومن خلال وضع شروط واضحة لنقاط الدخول والخروج من السوق، فإنه يسهل اتباع نهج استباقي للتداول، بناءً على فحص تفصيلي لديناميكيات السوق. يوضح هذا المؤشر كيف أن الجمع بين أدوات فنية متعددة يمكن أن يؤدي إلى تحليل سوق أكثر استنارة ودقة، بهدف رفع مستوى تجربة التداول على Tradingview.
باختصار :
1- ظهور المثلث الاصفر يعني تواجد سيولة كبيره ( مفيد جدا لعملات البومب ) .
2- ظهور المثلث الأبيض يعني وصول الى مستويات تشبع البيع وهي فرصة ممتازه للشراء ( منطقة دخول ).
3- ظهور خط افقي يعني قرب عكس الاتجاه الى أعلى ( منطقة دخول ) .
4- ظهور مثلث أحمر يعني قرب عكس الاتجاه الى أسفل ( منطقة خروج ) .
5- التنبيه يعمل على جميع ما ذكر أعلاه في تنبيه واحد حتى تسهل المراقبة .
6- أفضل فواصل الاستخدام ( 4 ساعات ، 12 ساعه ، يوم ) .
Market Activity Risk"Market Activity Risk" (MAR) - Is a dynamic tool designed to structurize the competitive landscape of blockchain transaction blocks, offering traders a strategic edge in anticipating market movements.
By capturing where market participants are actively buying and selling, the MAR indicator provides insights into areas of high competition, allowing traders to make informed decisions and potentially front-run transactions.
At the heart of this tool are blockchain transaction fees , they can represent daily shifts in transaction fee pressures.
By measuring momentum in fees, we can analyze the urgency and competition among traders to have their transactions processed first. This indicator is particularly good at revealing potential support or resistance zones, areas where traders are likely to defend their positions or increase their stakes, thus serving as critical junctures for strategic decision-making.
Key Features:
Adaptable Standard Deviation Settings: Users have the flexibility to adjust the length of the standard deviation and its multipliers, managing the risk bands to their individual risk tolerance.
Color-Coded Risk Levels: The MAR indicator employs an intuitive color scheme, making it easy to interpret the data at a glance.
Multi-Currency Compatibility: While designed with Bitcoin in mind, the MAR indicator is versatile, functioning effectively across various cryptocurrencies including Ethereum, XRP, and several other major altcoins. This broad compatibility ensures that traders across different market segments can leverage the insights provided by this tool.
Customizable Moving Average: The 730-day moving average setting is thoughtfully chosen to reflect the nuances of a typical cryptocurrency cycle, capturing long-term trends and fluctuations. However, recognizing the diverse needs and perspectives of traders, the indicator allows for the moving average period to be modified.
DOUBLE RSI+MA ALERTS SETUPThis is an indicator that provides two verses of relative force indices (RSI) - an RSI Rapid and an RSI Normal, but as moving media (MA) applied with an RSI Rapid for suavização.
Rapid RSI and Normal RSI:
Or RSI is a momentum indicator that mediates the speed and alteração of preço movements of an ativo. No script, we calculate the RSI variations:
O RSI Rápido, com um período configurável que por padrão é but curto (5 períodos), para reactor but quickly to these mudanças no preço.
Or RSI Normal, with a configured period, but with a maximum value (14 periods), proportionate to an analysis but correct.
Media Móvel do RSI Rápido:
We have a simple mobile media (SMA) application with RSI Rapido, using the same number of times as RSI to monitor variations and facilitate viewing of the direction of the trend.
Levels of Overbought and Oversold:
These are the levels of overbought (sobrevendido) and oversold (sobrecomprado). Therefore, the overbought level is set at 80 and the overbought level is 20, depending on the classic RSI settings.
Alert Conditions:
Criamos alert conditions to inform you when the RSI of each type is ultrapassed or they are not defined as overbought and oversold. Assim, we can be notified of potential entry points or conditions based on these extreme market conditions. These messages are personalized to ensure that you quickly identify when the RSI has disappeared or alerted you if it is an overbought or oversold condition.
Visualization Graphic:
The indicator plots as RSI Rapid and RSI Normal lines not graphically for visual analysis, but with horizontal lines indicating the level of overbought and oversold. A cor dessas linehas éjustável para clareza.
Informative Table:
The tab is added to the lower side of the graphic fornecendo values at the real time of the RSI Fast as the RSI Normal, making it easier to visualize quickly and to compare unless it is necessary to print directly for the graphic.
This script has a powerful ferrament for operators that provides integrated analysis of RSI into its strategies, offering flexibility to monitor the dynamics of the preço and different tempo scales. Personal alerts are particularly important to be aware of marketing conditions without the need for constant monitoring. Algum additional functionality that you find useful or extra personalization that you want?
RSI+MA ALERTThis script is a custom indicator for use on the TradingView platform, which combines the Relative Strength Index (RSI) with a moving average applied to the RSI itself to smooth its movements and potentially identify trends or reversals more clearly.
The RSI is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and variation of asset price movements. RSI values range from 0 to 100 and are generally considered overbought when above 70 and oversold when below 30. In our indicator, we adjust these levels to 80 and 20, respectively, to avoid premature or delayed signals. Furthermore, we have inserted customizable options within the script that allow the user to define their own overbought and oversold thresholds, thus improving compatibility with different strategies and market conditions.
The overbought metric means that the price may be at a point of downward reversal, while an oversold state may indicate an imminent upward reversal point. These levels are visualized as dotted horizontal lines on the indicator chart for guidance.
To capture the behavior of the RSI over time, we apply a simple moving average (SMA) to the RSI values, thereby smoothing the RSI graph and highlighting the broader trend of oscillator movement. This helps filter out the noise from smaller price movements and provides a clearer representation of trend momentum.
Regarding alerts, the indicator is programmed to send notifications when the RSI value crosses the defined overbought and oversold levels. This means that when the RSI drops below 20, the indicator triggers an oversold alert, while an RSI above 80 triggers an overbought alert. These levels, however, are user adjustable in code, allowing custom levels to be defined to match individual strategies.
Visually, the indicator plots two lines on the chart below the main price chart: a blue line for the RSI values and an orange line for the RSI moving average. The red (oversold - 20) and green (overbought - 80) horizontal lines delimit the critical levels, although these are also customizable. These are the fundamental features of this indicator that make it a useful tool for analyzing momentum and potentially identifying price reversals.
Triple Trend OscillatorI developed the Triple Trend Oscillator (TTO) to combine the strengths of Supertrend, Sequential Filtered Trend, and Trend Magic indicators, offering a comprehensive view of market trends. This tool is designed to filter out market noise, highlight clear trends, and incorporate volume analysis to pinpoint momentum behind market moves.
Volume Flow Oscillator (VFO)I created the Volume Flow Oscillator (VFO) to explore the intricate interplay between volume and price movements over a specific lookback period. This tool contrasts volumes that move in sync with the price against those that move in opposition, signaling potential overbought or oversold territories. To determine the direction, I compare the current price to its value four periods back, shedding light on underlying bullish or bearish momentum. The VFO enriches my analysis and decision-making by offering a detailed perspective on how volume trends correlate with price changes. Its color-coded visuals are crucial for highlighting optimal trading points based on volume dynamics.
Supertrend Volume OscillatorThe Supertrend Volume Oscillator is an innovative tool that integrates volume analysis with the established Supertrend indicator to offer a unique perspective on market conditions. By comparing directional volume against the aggregate volume over a designated lookback period, this oscillator adeptly signals overbought and oversold states through a volume-weighted methodology. Key settings such as the lookback period, Supertrend factor, and ATR period are adjustable, allowing traders to tailor the trend detection sensitivity to their preference.
Crucially, the oscillator delineates overbought and oversold zones via a channel parameter, with its value represented as a percentage ratio of directional to total volume, visually enhanced by a color gradient shifting from red to green based on oscillator readings. Background coloring further highlights market extremes for easy identification. A continuous line tracks the oscillator's value, anchored by a horizontal zero line as a neutral benchmark.
Additionally, the oscillator is equipped with alert conditions that notify traders when entering critical zones, facilitating informed trading decisions. This fusion of price trend analysis with volume metrics provides traders with a comprehensive tool for gauging market sentiment and trend strength, making the Supertrend Volume Oscillator a valuable addition to any trader's arsenal.
Time Relative Volume Oscillator | Flux Charts💎 GENERAL OVERVIEW
The relative volume indicator aims to improve upon the default existing relative volume indicator by comparing volumes between previous trading sessions rather than previous candles. As such, it works best on lower time frames as there is more data to compare with. The purpose of the indicator is to show how the current bar’s volume compares to the volume at the same time on previous trading days.
There exists a couple different modes and combinations that each provide a different perspective on the trading volume.
Oscillator mode
Oscillator mode starts with the same relative volume calculation, but adds two EMAs of different lengths that diverge and converge. Like the MACD, it plots the difference as a histogram. This functions as an easy way to view when relative volume is increasing or decreasing.
How to use:
The oscillator oscillates between -1 and 1. It moves along with volume direction, so this mode can be used to view the current volume direction in a lagging fashion. In oscillating markets, this indicator can give an idea of how buy/sell volume is moving and where it currently stands. Small arrows mark where reversals are predicted, when the histogram crosses over 0. The biggest pitfall of this mode is that, in a straight trending market, the two EMAs converge and it gives a false reversal signal.
Delta mode
Delta volume mode is a step up from the buy/sell volume mode. It separates both sides into the top and bottom, while also displaying the actual volume behind it in a semi transparent overlay. The best feature, however, is the delta oscillator. This oscillator fluctuates depending on how buy/sell volume is changing and plots bullish/bearish labels when the dominant side (bullish/bearish) changes. The signals, while a bit common, can sometimes dictate large direction changes, started by a dominant volume switch.
On top of different display modes, there is also one more volume mode: buy/sell volume. Instead of only showing the total volume and relative volume, it calculates and separates buying and selling volume.
This volume mode displays differently in all three viewing modes, but the basic principle is the same. It adds a vital piece of information to the chart without adding clutter. The calculation for buy/sell volume uses the candle wicks and body to compare bullish and bearish movement.
Classic mode
Classic mode takes the default volume indicator and improves upon it by also displaying the relative volume on top of the actual volume. Relative volume is calculated similarly between the three display modes: simply by comparing the current bar’s volume to the volume at the same time during previous trading days. Classic mode displays this “relative volume” as well as a simple EMA over top of the actual trading volume.
The script improves upon the existing relative volume indicator by using previous trading days rather than previous candles to generate the relative volume. On top of that, the calculation methods are unique, using different formulas like variations of the sigmoid function to smooth noise. The main issue this script aims to fix is that towards the start or end of the day relative volume indicators all see spikes as volume grows into close. The new relative volume calculations fix this problem and show what the “true” relative volume is because they compare the current bar to the “same” bar on previous trading sessions.
MVRV Z-Score [AlgoAlpha]Introducing the ∑ MVRV Z-Score by AlgoAlpha, a dynamic and sophisticated tool designed for traders seeking to gain an edge in INDEX:BTCUSD analysis. This script employs advanced statistical techniques on Bitcoin On-Chain data to offer a deeper understanding of market conditions, focusing on valuation extremes and momentum trends. Let's explore the features and functionalities that make this tool a valuable addition to your trading arsenal.
Key Features:
🔶 Adjustable Parameters: Customize the Z score lookback length, moving average lookback length, and choose from six moving average types, tailoring the analysis to your trading style.
🔶 Heiken Ashi Compatibility: Incorporate Heiken Ashi plots to visualize market trends, adding a layer of clarity to your technical analysis.
🔶 Divergence Alerts: Detect significant bullish and bearish divergences, allowing for timely identification of potential market reversals.
🔶 Configurable Alerts: Set alerts for overbought, oversold, and divergence conditions, ensuring you never miss an opportunity.
How to Use:
1. ➡️ Parameter Selection: Start by configuring the Z-Score and moving average settings according to your analysis needs. This includes selecting the lookback period and the type of moving average.
2. ➡️ Visualization Options: Choose to enable Heiken Ashi plots for an alternative view of the Z-Score, which can help in identifying trend directions more clearly.
3. ➡️ Monitor for Signals: Keep an eye out for divergence signals and overbought/oversold conditions as potential indicators for entering or exiting trades.
4. ➡️ Alert Setup: Configure alerts based on your selected parameters to receive notifications for important market movements and conditions.
How It Works:
The core of this tool is the Z-Score calculation, which assesses the standard deviation of the current market value from its mean, highlighting overvalued or undervalued market conditions. Here's a brief overview of the script's operational mechanics:
1. 📊 Calculating the Z-Score: The script first calculates the mean over a user-defined lookback period of the MVRV ratio, then it computes the Z-Score to identify deviations from the average.
meanValue = ta.sma(marketValue, zScoreLookback)
zScoreValue = (marketValue - meanValue) / ta.stdev(marketValue, zScoreLookback)
2. 📈 Applying a Moving Average: To smooth the Z-Score data and make trends more discernible, a moving average is applied. Users can choose from several types, such as SMA, EMA, or HMA, based on their preference.
3. 🔄 Heiken Ashi Visualization: For those opting for a more intuitive trend analysis, Heiken Ashi plots can be enabled, transforming the Z-Score data into candlestick charts that simplify trend identification.
4. 🔍 Identifying Divergences: The script is equipped to spot divergences between the market price action and the Z-Score, signaling potential bullish or bearish market reversals.
oscHigherLow = haClose > ta.valuewhen(findPivotLow, haClose , 1) and isInRange(findPivotLow )
priceLowerLow = low < ta.valuewhen(findPivotLow, low , 1)
bullishCondition = enablePlotBullish and priceLowerLow and oscHigherLow and findPivotLow
5. 🚨 Configurable Alerts: Lastly, the script allows for the setting of customizable alerts based on the Z-Score, moving averages, and identified divergences, enabling traders to react promptly to market changes.
The ∑ MVRV Z-Score by AlgoAlpha is an essential tool for traders looking to analyze and interpret market dynamics through a quantitatively rigorous lens. Whether you're focused on identifying market extremes or tracking trend momentum, this script offers the insights needed to support informed trading decisions. 🌟📊💡
Rocket RSI from John EhlersWhat is Rocket RSI
Welles Wilder's original description of the relative strength index (RSI) in his 1978 New Concepts In Technical Trading Systems specified a calculation period of 14 days. This requirement led him on a 40-year quest to find the right length of data for calculating indicators and trading strategy rules. Many technicians touched on RSI and explained its applications. In this study we will obtain a more flexible and easier to interpret formulation (of the indicator). We will also estimate the algorithm to properly handle a statistical approach to technical analysis. Start with RSI Here is the original definition of the RSI indicator:
RSI = 100 - 100 / (1 + RS)
RS = Average gain from downtime over the specified time period / Average loss from downtime over the specified time period My first observation is that the factor of 100 is insignificant. Second, there is no need for averages because we take the ratio of closes (CU) to closes (CD) and if we accumulate the wins and losses independently, the averages emerge. Therefore We will only accumulate CU and CD. He can then write the RSI equation as:
RSI = 1 – 1 / (1 + CU / CD)
If he use a little algebra to put everything on a common denominator on the right side of the equation, the indicator equation becomes:
RSI = CU / (CU + CD)
In this formulation, if CU accumulation is zero, the RSI value is zero, and if CD accumulation is zero, the RSI value is 1. If you reduce the price action to its primitive level as a sine wave, it is easy to see that this RSI only has CU going from valley to peak and only CD going from peak to valley. This RSI follows the shape of the sine wave between these two limits. However, the sine wave oscillates between -1 and +1, not between 0 and +1. If we multiply the above equation by 2 and then subtract 1, we can make the RSI have the same swing limits as the sine wave. the product is as follows:
RSI = 2*CU / (CU + CD) – 1
Again, using a little algebra to put the right-hand side of the equation on a common denominator, the equation develops like this:
MyRSI = (CU – CD) / (CU + CD)
Again, the vertical scale of the RocketRSI indicator is in standard deviations. For example, -2 means it is two standard deviations below the mean. Since exceeding two standard deviations in the Gaussian probability distribution occurs in only 2.4% of the results
Because we are using the momentum of the dominant cycle period, the spike where the indicator falls below -2 provides a surgically precise timing signal to enter a long position. Similarly, exceeding the +2 standard deviation level is a timing signal to exit a long position or return to a short position. Therefore using the RocketRSI indicator is relatively intuitive. The only concern is whether a dominant cycle is present in the data, setting the indicator to half the dominant cycle period, and whether smoothing causes lag.
When you insert the chart you see an example of what the RocketRSI indicator looks like. Here you see that RocketRSI precisely displays cyclical turning points as statistical events. Cator can be applied. I used RS Length 10 because according to Ehlers, stocks and stock indexes usually have a more or less monthly cycle (about 20 bars). A cursory examination of Figure 2 shows that negative increases in the indicator correspond to excellent buying opportunities, while positive increases correspond to excellent selling opportunities. Exceeding +/- 2 on the indicator scale indicates that a cyclical reversal is a high probability event.
RSI MFI WPR Combo [The_lurker]The "RSI MFI WPR Combo" is a sophisticated trading indicator developed for the TradingView platform, which synergistically combines the insights of three renowned technical analysis tools: the Relative Strength Index (RSI), the Money Flow Index (MFI), and the Williams Percent Range (WPR). This indicator is meticulously designed to assist traders in identifying potential buying and selling opportunities through the nuanced interpretation of market momentum, volume, and price position relative to recent highs and lows.
The primary objective of the "RSI MFI WPR Combo" indicator is to offer a comprehensive tool that leverages the combined power of RSI, MFI, and WPR to detect overbought and oversold conditions, signaling potential reversal points in the market. This multifaceted approach aims to provide traders with a more robust framework for making informed decisions, enhancing their trading strategy with a multi-indicator analysis.
Indicator Conditions Explained
The core of this indicator lies in its strategic conditions that signal potential entry and exit points:
Oversold Condition (condition): This is identified when the MFI and RSI are both below 30, and the WPR falls below -91, suggesting a strong oversold market state. Such a scenario typically indicates a buying opportunity, assuming the market might rebound from this excessively sold condition.
Divergence Condition (condition1): It checks if the MFI exceeds 1.93 times the RSI. This unique condition aims to spotlight instances where there's a significant influx of money into an asset, which is not proportionately reflected in its RSI, potentially signaling an upcoming price increase or highlighting an unusual market situation for further analysis.
Overbought Warning (conditionExit): The exit signal is triggered when both the MFI and RSI exceed 85, and the WPR is above -15. This combination is indicative of an overbought market condition, suggesting the asset might be overvalued and a price correction or reversal could be imminent, hence signaling a potential selling opportunity or a caution against initiating new positions.
Application and Visualization
The "RSI MFI WPR Combo" not only provides numerical insights but also visualizes these conditions on the TradingView chart. By employing color-coding and plotting shapes, it offers traders an intuitive way to discern market states, enabling quick and effective decision-making. The integration of alert conditions ensures that traders are promptly notified of significant market events, aligning with their strategic trading objectives.
Plotting and Alerts in "RSI MFI WPR Combo"
Combined Alert Condition
The combinedAlertCondition is a logical statement that consolidates all individual conditions (condition, condition1, conditionExit, and The_lurkerMFI_oversold) into a single alert trigger. This condition becomes true and triggers an alert if any of the specified conditions for potential trading opportunities or warnings are met. It's designed to provide a comprehensive alert system that notifies the trader of any significant signal identified by the indicator, encompassing both entry and exit signals as well as oversold conditions.
Visual Indicators
Background Color for Oversold Condition: The script sets the background color to a specific shade of blue (#13c2e9 with 90% transparency) when the custom MFI indicates an oversold condition (The_lurkerMFI_oversold). This visual cue helps traders quickly identify periods when the market might be undervalued and potentially poised for a rebound.
Plotting Warning and Exit Signals:
Entry Signals: For the condition and condition1, which identify potential entry points, the indicator plots upward-pointing triangles below the price bars. These triangles are colored in specific shades to differentiate between the signals from the basic oversold condition and the divergence condition, making it visually intuitive for traders to recognize the signal type.
Exit Signals: For the conditionExit, signaling overbought conditions that might suggest an imminent price correction, downward-pointing red triangles are plotted above the price bars. This acts as a clear visual warning to consider exiting positions or to proceed with caution.
Alert Configuration
The script utilizes the alertcondition function to create an alert based on the combinedAlertCondition. When this condition is met, indicating any of the predefined signa
In summary, the "RSI MFI WPR Combo" stands out as a versatile and dynamic indicator that enriches a trader's toolkit by combining the analytical strengths of RSI, MFI, and WPR. By delineating clear conditions for market entry and exit points, it facilitates a proactive approach to trading, grounded in a detailed examination of market dynamics. This indicator exemplifies how blending multiple technical tools can lead to a more informed and nuanced market analysis, aiming to elevate the trading experience on the TradingView platform
Entry Buy/Sell with Adjustable EMA-WMA Difference by Brian LeThe "Entry Buy/Sell with RSI-WMA Conditions" script, crafted by Brian Le, is a specialized TradingView indicator designed for traders who seek to capitalize on specific RSI (Relative Strength Index) crossover events relative to key moving averages, specifically the EMA (Exponential Moving Average) and WMA (Weighted Moving Average). This tool is particularly useful for identifying potential entry points in a trading strategy, marked by distinctive visual signals on the chart.
Key Features:
Customizable Timeframes and Lengths: Users can adjust the lengths of the RSI, EMA, and WMA, making the indicator versatile across various timeframes and trading styles.
RSI Crossover Signals: The script generates signals based on the RSI crossing over the EMA. A green dot signifies a potential buy signal when the RSI crosses above the EMA, while a red dot indicates a potential sell signal when the RSI crosses below the EMA.
Special Conditions Based on WMA: The indicator enhances decision-making by including the WMA in its analysis. Buy signals (green dots) are only shown when the RSI is below the WMA, and sell signals (red dots) are displayed when the RSI is above the WMA. This additional condition helps in filtering out less probable trades.
EMA and WMA Difference Filter: A unique feature of this script is the ability to set a minimum point difference between the EMA and WMA, adding another layer of specificity to the generated signals.
RSI Threshold Filters: The indicator includes optional filters to show signals only when the RSI is above 40 (for buy signals) or below 60 (for sell signals), aiding in avoiding overbought or oversold conditions.
Enhanced Visuals for Significant Events: For more prominent trading events, such as the RSI crossing both the EMA and WMA within a single candle, the script plots larger symbols (triangles), making these significant events stand out on the chart.
Top Cap ADD%This is a very basic oscillator that plots the average % change of the top 5 highest market cap stocks in the S&P500. It can be easily modified to suit your needs on which stocks you'd like to track, and or filter out the threshold you're looking for.
Asset Rotation ApertureAsset Rotation Aperture visualizes volume accumulation momentum, of multiple assets, side by side.
It's a surgical, multi-purpose leading indicator of price, market narratives and capital rotation.
Each colored line represents the rolling cumulative volume (or open interest) of an asset, index, narrative, or symbol equation. Normalized to each other, relative to each other.
This enables Asset Rotation Aperture to visualize assets and narratives with dramatically different market caps (and therefore different volume accumulation profiles), side by side.
Asset Rotation Aperture is a fork of Money Flow Index, like a centered On Balance Volume.
Modified to more effectively lead price, smoothed to more clearly visualize with clarity, and recursively printed.
I highly recommend selecting symbols from exchanges that dominate volume for the asset(s) you're visualizing.
For crypto, this typically means Binance pairs.
Keep the exchange consistent across symbols whenever possible.
To construct an index / narrative, use the following formula format:
The Y axis represents the asset's percentage of volume accumulated, relative to its norm AND relative to other assets.
It's a made up figure, and I recommend ignoring it.
A visual scan of the data viz is more effective than studying any Y-axis output.
Intraday volume pressureThis indicator shows the difference of bullish and bearish trading volume during intraday
The idea
Especially in "6E1!" it caught my eye, that often outside regular trading hours the price moves in one direction with thin volume and inside regular trading hours it moves back with much higher volume. It is possible, that the market closes e.g. with a plus. And over some days maybe you can see e.g. weak rising prices. But in this time the movements with high volume are going down every day. And one day - maybe within view minutes - the market rushs a level deeper.
Maybe some are manipulating the market in this way, maybe not, it doesn't matter. So my question was, can I find a way to show such divergences? I guess I can do.
How to use this indicator
Use it at your own risk! I don't take over any responsibility. You are the only one, who is responsible for your decisions. Always collect information from different independent sources!
Watch it in the daily chart - not intraday, not weekly! Of course this indicator just analyzes the past as all indicators. Everytime everything may happen that influences the market in any direction, no indicator can predict any news.
Watch it in sideways market or when the price is moving quite slow over days! An average volume pressure
below zero shows a volume-driven bearish pressure
above zero shows a volume-driven bullish pressure
of the last days. So there is a chance, that the market may follow the volume pressure within the next days. But of course, I cannot guarantee anything. The indicator just can give you an idea, why this will happen, when it will happens. Otherwise, the indicator indicated nothing helpfull.
Of course you also can try other securities. Maybe it will work there better or worse - difficult to say. I guess, it depends on the market.
Possible settings aside of colors
Intraday minute bars: Default is 15 minutes, in 6E in my point of view it is a good value. If you choose a smaller value, the chart gets too noisy, the results are getting too small. With a bigger timeframe some moves are hidden in bigger candles, the results are getting a large spread
Average over days: Default is 5 days - so one week. In 6E in my point of view it is a good value. A smaller value is too noisy. A bigger value reacts too slow. Often 6E has a trend over weeks. Sometimes it changes within some days - the indicator may help. But sometimes the market changes with a buying or selling climax. Such a case this indicator cannot recognize. But with the 5 days average maybe you get a change in the indicator within one or two days. Anyway, it is always a good idea to learn recognizing climaxes otherwise.
How the indicator works
It uses the function request.security_lower_tf to get the intraday candles. The volume of intraday up-candles is added to the intraday summary volume. The volume of down candles is substracted from the intraday summary volume.
In the oscillator area I plot a green bar on a day with a higher close than open and a red bar on a day with a lower close than open. The bar has a positive value, if the volume pressure is positive and a negative value if the volume pressure is negative. So it happens, that a green bar has a negative value or a red bar has a positive value.
The average is calculated with a floating sum. Once we have enough days calculated, I devide the floating sum by the length of the "Average over days" and plot the result. Then I substract the first value of the queue and I remove it.
SuperTrend Fisher [AlgoAlpha]🚀🌟 Introducing the "Super Fisher" by AlgoAlpha, a sophisticated and versatile tool crafted for the discerning trader. This innovative indicator merges the precision of the Fisher Transform with the adaptability of the SuperTrend methodology, offering a fresh perspective on market analysis. 📈🔍
Key Features:
🔶 Customizable Settings: Tailor the indicator to your trading style with adjustable inputs like "Fair-value Period" and "EMA Length". Choose your preferred "Up Color" and "Down Color" for a personalized visual experience.
🔶 Advanced Fisher Transform: At the heart of this tool is the Fisher Transform, an algorithm renowned for pinpointing potential price reversals by normalizing asset prices.
🔶 Integrated SuperTrend Functionality: This feature adds a layer of trend analysis, using the refined Fisher Transform values to generate dynamic, trend-following signals.
🔶 Enhanced Visualization: Clearly distinguishable bullish and bearish market phases, thanks to the color-coded plots of Fisher Transform and SuperTrend values.
🔶 Overbought/Oversold Levels: Visual plots and fills for these levels provide additional insights into market extremities.
🔶 Configurable Alerts: Stay informed with alerts for critical market movements like crossing the zero line or the SuperTrend.
The "Super Fisher" operates on a sophisticated algorithm:
1. Fisher Transform Calculation: It starts by calculating the Detrended Price Oscillator (DPO) and its standard deviation. These values are then transformed using the Fisher Transform formula, which is subsequently smoothed with a Hull Moving Average.
2. SuperTrend Integration: The SuperTrend function employs the Fisher Transform values to create a dynamic trend-following tool. It calculates upper and lower bands and determines which one to use for market direction based on whether the fisher is above or below the bands, offering an insightful view of the price trend.
3. Overbought/Oversold Identification: The tool plots specific levels to indicate overbought and oversold conditions, aiding in the identification of potential reversal points.
Here's a closer look at the core calculations:
Calculates the Fisher Transform:
value = 0.0
value := round_(.66 * ((src - low_) / (high_ - low_) - .5) + .67 * nz(value ))
fish1 = 0.0
fish1 := .5 * math.log((1 + value) / (1 - value)) + .5 * nz(fish1 )
fish1 := ta.hma(fish1, l)
Calculates the SuperTrend:
supertrend(factor, atrPeriod, srcc) =>
src = srcc
atr = atrr(srcc, atrPeriod)
upperBand = src + factor * atr
lowerBand = src - factor * atr
prevLowerBand = nz(lowerBand )
prevUpperBand = nz(upperBand )
lowerBand := lowerBand > prevLowerBand or srcc < prevLowerBand ? lowerBand : prevLowerBand
upperBand := upperBand < prevUpperBand or srcc > prevUpperBand ? upperBand : prevUpperBand
int direction = na
float superTrend = na
prevSuperTrend = superTrend
if na(atr )
direction := 1
else if prevSuperTrend == prevUpperBand
direction := srcc > upperBand ? -1 : 1
direction := srcc < lowerBand ? 1 : -1
superTrend := direction == -1 ? lowerBand : upperBand
How to Use:
📊 To maximize the potential of the "Super Fisher", follow these steps:
1. Customize Settings: Adjust the inputs to match your trading preferences. This includes setting the periods for the Fisher Transform and SuperTrend, as well as choosing colors for better visualization.
2. Analyze the Market: Observe the Fisher Transform and SuperTrend plots to gauge market direction. Pay special attention to color changes, as they indicate shifts in market sentiment.
3. Identify Extremes: Use the overbought and oversold plots to understand potential reversal points.
4. Set Alerts: Utilize the alert functionality to stay informed about significant market movements, ensuring you never miss an opportunity.
🔥 In summary the "Super Fisher" is a comprehensive market analysis tool designed to enhance your trading insights and decision-making process. 📉🌟🚨
Risk Metric combinedAttempt at replicating a simplified Risk-Metric for BTC.
Original code written by user Oakley Wood.
Based on 3 different approaches:
- deviation from 4 year sma
- ln(btc / 20 wma)
- 50D MA / 50W MA
MUJBOT - Multi-TF RSI Table
The "Multi-TF RSI Table" indicator is a comprehensive tool designed to present traders with a quick visual summary of the Relative Strength Index (RSI) across multiple timeframes, all within a single glance. It is crafted for traders who incorporate multi-timeframe analysis into their trading strategy, aiming to enhance decision-making by identifying overall market sentiment and trend direction. Here's a rundown of its features:
User Inputs: The indicator includes customizable inputs for the RSI and Moving Average (MA) lengths, allowing users to tailor the calculations to their specific trading needs. Additionally, there is an option to display or hide the RSI & MA table as well as to position it in various places on the chart for optimal visibility.
Multi-Timeframe RSI & MA Calculations: It fetches RSI and MA values from different timeframes, such as 1 minute (1m), 5 minutes (5m), 15 minutes (15m), 1 hour (1h), 4 hours (4h), and 1 day (1D). This multi-timeframe approach provides a thorough perspective of the momentum and trend across different market phases.
Trend and Sentiment Analysis: For each timeframe, the script determines whether the average RSI is above or below the MA, categorizing the trend as "Rising", "Falling", or "Neutral". Moreover, it infers market sentiment as "Bullish" or "Bearish", based on the relationship between the RSI and its MA.
Dynamic Color-Coding: The indicator uses color-coding to convey information quickly. It highlights the trend and sentiment cells in the table with green for "Bullish" and red for "Bearish" conditions. It also shades the timeframe cells based on the RSI value, with varying intensities of green for "Oversold" conditions and red for "Overbought" conditions, providing an immediate visual cue of extreme market conditions.
Customization and Adaptability: The script is designed with customization in mind, enabling users to adjust the RSI and MA lengths according to their trading strategy. Its adaptable interface, which offers the option to display or hide the RSI & MA table, ensures that the tool fits into different trading setups without cluttering the chart.
Ease of Use: By consolidating critical information into a simple table, the "Multi-TF RSI Table" indicator saves time and simplifies the analysis process for traders. It eliminates the need to switch between multiple charts or timeframes, thus streamlining the trading workflow.
In essence, the "Multi-TF RSI Table" is a powerful indicator for Pine Script users on TradingView, offering a multi-dimensional view of market dynamics. It is ideal for both novice and experienced traders who seek to enhance their technical analysis with an at-a-glance summary of RSI trends and market sentiment across various timeframes.
Williams Percent Range with Trendlines and BreakoutsHere is my "Williams Percent Range with Trendlines and Breakouts" indicator, a simple yet powerful tool for traders. This indicator combines the classic Williams %R oscillator, which helps identify overbought and oversold levels, with added trendlines for easier trend analysis at a glance.
It's designed to make spotting potential breakouts easier by drawing attention to significant price movements. With customizable settings for the Williams %R period and trendline sensitivity, it's a flexible tool for various symbols and trading styles.
Whether you're looking to refine your trading strategy or just need a clearer view of market trends, this indicator should offer a straight forward approach to hopefully enhance your trading decisions.
Disclaimer: This indicator is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Always conduct your own research and analysis before making trading decisions.
QQE MOD + SSL Hybrid + Waddah Attar Explosion IndicatorINDICATOR PURPOSE
This indicator is designed to complement my original QQE MOD + SSL Hybrid + Waddah Attar Explosion strategy.
Multiple users have requested that I convert the strategy to an indicator because alertconditions do not work on strategies and people want to specific set alerts for BUY, SELL, CLOSE BUY and CLOSE SELL. This can only be achieved using alertcondition().
This indicator functions in the exact same way as the strategy, but it doesn't have any backtesting functionality. I recomment that you use the original QQE MOD + SSL Hybrid + Waddah Attar Explosion strategy for parameter tuning and backtesting, then if you need more control on alerts you can use this indicator for that purpose.
Only other difference is that I have added grey exit labels on the chart since it's not obvious where the exits would happen like it was in the strategy version.
QQE MOD byMihkel00
SSL Hybrid by Mihkel00
Waddah Attar Explosion by shayankm
RSI in Candlestick MODEDescription:
The "RSI Bar" indicator is a versatile tool designed to enhance your technical analysis on trading charts. This Pine Script™ code calculates the Relative Strength Index (RSI) for open, close, high, and low prices, and represents the results as bars on the chart. The bars are color-coded based on whether the closing RSI is higher or lower than the opening RSI.
Additionally, the indicator incorporates advanced features such as Pareto analysis and Gaussian smoothing. The Pareto analysis helps identify significant lows and highs in the RSI, providing insights into potential trend reversals. The Gaussian smoothing further refines the analysis, contributing to a more accurate representation of the average RSI trend.
Key Features:
RSI calculation for open, close, high, and low prices.
Color-coded bars for easy visualization of RSI trends.
Pareto analysis to highlight key RSI levels indicating potential reversals.
Gaussian smoothing for improved trend analysis and visualization.
Rotation Factor for TPO and OHLC (Plot)The Rotation Factor objectively measures attempted market direction(or market sentiment) for a given period. It records the cumulative directional attempts of auction rotations within a given period, thus, helping traders determine which way the market is trying to go and which market participant is exerting greater control or influence.
The premise is that a greater number of bars auctioning higher contrasted to bars auctioning lower indicates that buyers are exerting greater control over price within the given period(usually daily). In this case, the market is attempting to go higher (Market is Bullish). The same is true for a greater number of bars auctioning lower than higher, which, in this case, indicates that the sellers are exerting greater control over price within the given period and that the market is attempting to go lower (Market is Bearish).
Each bar is individually measured in relation to the immediate previous bar, and calculations are reset at the beginning of each period.
For every bar, two variables are utilised: One for the highs and another for the lows. During bar start, these variables are initiated at 0.
As the period progresses, these variables are set accordingly: If the high of the current bar is higher than that of the previous bar, then the bar's highs variable is assigned a "+1". If the opposite is true, it is given a "-1". Finally, if both bar highs are equal, it is, instead, assigned a "0". The same is true for the lows: if the low of the current bar is higher than that of the previous low, then the bar's lows variable is assigned a "+1". Similarly, the opposite is given a "-1", while equal lows causes it to be assigned a "0". All highs and lows are then summed together resulting to a total, which becomes the Rotational Factor.
Furthermore, this Rotation Factor Indicator is presented as a plot, which, unlike its classic variation, shows you how the rotation factor is developing. It also includes lines indicating the Top Rotation Factor and the Bottom Rotation Factor individually, the better to observe the developing auction.
Link to the Classic Variation:
1. Customisable Tick Size/Granularity : The calculation tick size/ granularity is customisable which can be accessed through the indicator settings.
2. Customisable Labels and Lines : The colour and sizes used by the labels and lines are customisable the better for accessibility.
3. Period Separator : A separator is rendered to represent period borders (start and end). If separators are already present on your chart, you can remove them from the indicator settings.
4. Individual Top Rotation Factor and Bottom Rotation Factor plots : These two parts which becomes of the Rotation Factor are also presented individually, on their own plots, the better to observe the developing auction.
Works for both split Market Profile(TPO) charts and regular OHLC bars/candle charts
The Rotation Factor is usually used with a Split Market Profile (TPO). However, if no such tool is available, you will still be able to benefit from the Rotation Factor as the price ranges of Split Market Profiles and OHLC bars/candles are one and the same. In such cases, it is recommended that you set your chart to use a 30 minute timeframe and the indicator's period to "daily" to simulate a Split Market Profile.
Note :
The Rotation Factor is, to quote, "by no means not an all-conclusive indication of future market direction.". It only helps determine which way the market is trying to go by objectively measuring the market's directional attempts.
Standardized Orderflow [AlgoAlpha]Introducing the Standardized Orderflow indicator by AlgoAlpha. This innovative tool is designed to enhance your trading strategy by providing a detailed analysis of order flow and velocity. Perfect for traders who seek a deeper insight into market dynamics, it's packed with features that cater to various trading styles. 🚀📊
Key Features:
📈 Order Flow Analysis: At its core, the indicator analyzes order flow, distinguishing between bullish and bearish volume within a specified period. It uses a unique standard deviation calculation for normalization, offering a clear view of market sentiment.
🔄 Smoothing Options: Users can opt for a smoothed representation of order flow, using a Hull Moving Average (HMA) for a more refined analysis.
🌪️ Velocity Tracking: The indicator tracks the velocity of order flow changes, providing insights into the market's momentum.
🎨 Customizable Display: Tailor the display mode to focus on either order flow, order velocity, or both, depending on your analysis needs.
🔔 Alerts for Critical Events: Set up alerts for crucial market events like crossover/crossunder of the zero line and overbought/oversold conditions.
How to Use:
1. Setup: Easily configure the indicator to match your trading strategy with customizable input parameters such as order flow period, smoothing length, and moving average types.
2. Interpretation: Watch for bullish and bearish columns in the order flow chart, utilize the Heiken Ashi RSI candle calculation, and look our for reversal notations for additional market insights.
3. Alerts: Stay informed with real-time alerts for key market events.
Code Explanation:
- Order Flow Calculation:
The core of the indicator is the calculation of order flow, which is the sum of volumes for bullish or bearish price movements. This is followed by normalization using standard deviation.
orderFlow = math.sum(close > close ? volume : (close < close ? -volume : 0), orderFlowWindow)
orderFlow := useSmoothing ? ta.hma(orderFlow, smoothingLength) : orderFlow
stdDev = ta.stdev(orderFlow, 45) * 1
normalizedOrderFlow = orderFlow/(stdDev + stdDev)
- Velocity Calculation:
The velocity of order flow changes is calculated using moving averages, providing a dynamic view of market momentum.
velocityDiff = ma((normalizedOrderFlow - ma(normalizedOrderFlow, velocitySignalLength, maTypeInput)) * 10, velocityCalcLength, maTypeInput)
- Display Options:
Users can choose their preferred display mode, focusing on either order flow, order velocity, or both.
orderFlowDisplayCond = displayMode != "Order Velocity" ? display.all : display.none
wideDisplayCond = displayMode != "Order Flow" ? display.all : display.none
- Reversal Indicators and Divergences:
The indicator also includes plots for potential bullish and bearish reversals, as well as regular and hidden divergences, adding depth to your market analysis.
bullishReversalCond = reversalType == "Order Flow" ? ta.crossover(normalizedOrderFlow, -1.5) : (reversalType == "Order Velocity" ? ta.crossover(velocityDiff, -4) : (ta.crossover(velocityDiff, -4) or ta.crossover(normalizedOrderFlow, -1.5)) )
bearishReversalCond = reversalType == "Order Flow" ? ta.crossunder(normalizedOrderFlow, 1.5) : (reversalType == "Order Velocity" ? ta.crossunder(velocityDiff, 4) : (ta.crossunder(velocityDiff, 4) or ta.crossunder(normalizedOrderFlow, 1.5)) )
In summary, the Standardized Orderflow indicator by AlgoAlpha is a versatile tool for traders aiming to enhance their market analysis. Whether you're focused on short-term momentum or long-term trends, this indicator provides valuable insights into market dynamics. 🌟📉📈