EHMA Range Index Basket StrategyThis script is a modified version of my EHMA Range Strategy.
EHMA Range Strategy
In addition to the EHMA, this script works with a range around the EHMA (which can be modified), in an attempt to be robust against fake signals. Many times a bar will close below a moving average, only to reverse again the next bar, which eats away at your profits. Especially on shorter timeframes, but also on choppy longer timeframes this can make a strategy unattractive to use.
With the range around the EHMA, the strategy only enters a long/exit-short position if a bar crosses above the upper range. Vice versa, it only enters a short/exit-long position if a bar crosses below the lower range. This avoids positions if bars behave choppy within the EHMA range & only enters a position if the market is confident in it's direction. Having said that, fakeouts are still possible, but a lot less frequent. Having backtested this strategy vs the regular EHMA strategy (and having experimented with various settings), this version seems to be a lot more robust & profitable!
EHMA Range Index Basket Strategy
The EHMA Range Index Basket Strategy aims to make the EHMA Range Strategy even more robust, by taking nearly 40 of the most traded crypto trading pairs and applying the EHMA Range Strategy to them. For each pair it assigns a 0 (Sell signal) or 1 (Buy signal) and adds them up. If the number of Buy signals outweigh the number of Sell signals, the index strategy triggers its Buy signal (and vice versa). The results are even more profitable & robust than with the EHMA Range Strategy on its own. Next to that, it performs a lot better on most crypto pairs, due to it's robustness. Because of that, this strategy is a lot less prone to overfitting and will likely produce better results during live trading conditions!
Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results.
Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, the strategy may no longer perform as good as in historical backtesting.
This post and the script don’t provide any financial advice.
Hull Hareketli Ortalaması (HMA)
by RegisL76 (
This script is based on several trend indicators.
* DMI (Directional Movement Index)
* DONCHIAN CANAL Optimized with Colored Bars
* HMA Hull
* Fair Value GAP
* VOLUME/ MA Volume
* PRICE / MA Price
All these indications are visible simultaneously on a single graph. A data table summarizes all the important information to make a good trade decision.
ICHIMOKU Indicator:
The ICHIMOKU indicator is visualized in the traditional way.
ICHIMOKU standard setting values are respected but modifiable. (Traditional defaults = .
An oriented visual symbol, near the last value, indicates the progression (Ascending, Descending or neutral) of the TENKAN-SEN and the KIJUN-SEN as well as the period used.
The CLOUD (KUMO) and the CHIKOU-SPAN are present and are essential for the complete analysis of the ICHIMOKU.
At the top of the graph are visually represented the crossings of the TENKAN and the KIJUN.
Vertical lines, accompanied by labels, make it possible to quickly visualize the particularities of the ICHIMOKU.
A line displays the current bar.
A line visualizes the end of the CLOUD (KUMO) which is shifted 25 bars into the future.
A line visualizes the end of the chikou-span, which is shifted 25 bars in the past.
DIRECTIONAL MOVEMENT INDEX (DMI) : Treated conventionally : DI+, DI-, ADX and associated with a SUPERTREND DMI.
A visual symbol at the bottom of the graph indicates DI+ and DI- crossings
A line of oriented and colored symbols (DMI Line) at the top of the chart indicates the direction and strength of the trend.
Trend following by SUPERTREND calculation.
DONCHIAN CHANNEL: Treated conventionally. (And optimized by colored bars when overshooting either up or down.
The lines, high and low of the last values of the channel are represented to quickly visualize the level of the RANGE.
SUPERTREND HMA (HULL) Treated conventionally.
The HMA line visually indicates, according to color and direction, the market trend.
A visual symbol at the bottom of the chart indicates opportunities to sell and buy.
Calculation of the MOBILE AVERAGE of the volume with comparison of the volume compared to the moving average of the volume.
The indications are colored and commented according to the comparison.
PRICE: Calculation of the MOBILE AVERAGE of the price with comparison of the price compared to the moving average of the price.
The indications are colored and commented according to the comparison.
Visualizes in the form of a box, for a given period, the max high and min low values of the price.
The configuration allows taking into account the high and low wicks of the price or the opening and closing values.
This indicator displays 'GAP' levels over the current time period and an optional higher time period.
The script takes into account the high/low values of the current bar and compares with the 2 previous bars.
The "gap" is generated from the lack of overlap between these bars. Bearish or bullish gaps are determined by whether the gap is above or below HmaPrice, as they tend to fill, and can be used as targets.
NOTE: FAIR VALUE GAP has no values displayed in the table and/or label.
Important information (DATA) relating to each indicator is displayed in real time in a table and/or a label.
Each information is commented and colored according to direction, value, comparison etc.
Each piece of information indicates the values of the current bar and the previous value (in "FULL" mode).
The other possible modes for viewing the table and/or the label allow a more synthetic view of the information ("CONDENSED" and "MINIMAL" modes).
In order not to overload the vision of the chart too much, the visualization box of the RANGE DONCHIAN, the vertical lines of the shifted marks of the ICHIMOKU, as well as the boxes of the HHLL Boxes indicator are only visualized intermittently (managed by an adjustable time delay ).
The "HISTORICAL INFO READING" configuration parameter set to zero (by default) makes it possible to read all the information of the current bar in progress (Bar #0). All other values allow to read the information of a historical bar. The value 1 reads the information of the bar preceding the current bar (-1). The value 10 makes it possible to read the information of the tenth bar behind (-10) compared to the current bar, etc.
At the bottom of the DATAS table and label, lights, red, green or white indicate quickly summarize the trend from the various indicators.
Each light represents the number of indicators with the same trend at a given time.
Green for a bullish trend, red for a bearish trend and white for a neutral trend.
The conditions for determining a trend are for each indicator:
SUPERTREND ICHIMOHU + DMI: the 2 Super trends together are either bullish or bearish.
Otherwise the signal is neutral.
DMI: 2 main conditions:
BULLISH if DI+ >= DI- and ADX >25.
BEARISH if DI+ < DI- and ADX >25.
NEUTRAL if the 2 conditions are not met.
ICHIMOKU: 3 main conditions:
BEARISH if PRICE below the cloud and TENKAN < KIJUN and RED CLOUD AHEAD.
The other additional conditions (Data) complete the analysis and are present for informational purposes of the trend and depend on the context.
DONCHIAN CHANNEL: 1 main condition:
BULLISH: the price has crossed above the HIGH DC line.
BEARISH: the price has gone below the LOW DC line.
NEUTRAL if the price is between the HIGH DC and LOW DC lines
The 2 other complementary conditions (Datas) complete the analysis:
HIGH DC and LOW DC are increasing, falling or stable.
SUPERTREND HMA HULL: The script determines several trend levels:
VOLUME: 3 trend levels:
PRICE: 3 trend levels:
If you are using this indicator/strategy and you are satisfied with the results, you can possibly make a donation (a coffee, a pizza or more...) via paypal to:
Thanks in advance !!!
Have good winning Trades.
by RegisL76 (
Ce script est basé sur plusieurs indicateurs de tendance.
* DMI (Directional Movement Index)
* DONCHIAN CANAL Optimized with Colored Bars
* HMA Hull
* Fair Value GAP
* VOLUME/ MA Volume
* PRIX / MA Prix
Toutes ces indications sont visibles simultanément sur un seul et même graphique.
Un tableau de données récapitule toutes les informations importantes pour prendre une bonne décision de Trade.
I- Indicateur ICHIMOKU :
L’indicateur ICHIMOKU est visualisé de manière traditionnelle
Les valeurs de réglage standard ICHIMOKU sont respectées mais modifiables. (Valeurs traditionnelles par défaut =
Un symbole visuel orienté, à proximité de la dernière valeur, indique la progression (Montant, Descendant ou neutre) de la TENKAN-SEN et de la KIJUN-SEN ainsi que la période utilisée.
Le NUAGE (KUMO) et la CHIKOU-SPAN sont bien présents et sont primordiaux pour l'analyse complète de l'ICHIMOKU.
En haut du graphique sont représentés visuellement les croisements de la TENKAN et de la KIJUN.
Des lignes verticales, accompagnées d'étiquettes, permettent de visualiser rapidement les particularités de l'ICHIMOKU.
Une ligne visualise la barre en cours.
Une ligne visualise l'extrémité du NUAGE (KUMO) qui est décalé de 25 barres dans le futur.
Une ligne visualise l'extrémité de la chikou-span, qui est décalée de 25 barres dans le passé.
Traité de manière conventionnelle : DI+, DI-, ADX et associé à un SUPERTREND DMI
Un symbole visuel en bas du graphique indique les croisements DI+ et DI-
Une ligne de symboles orientés et colorés (DMI Line) en haut du graphique, indique la direction et la puissance de la tendance.
Suivi de tendance par calcul SUPERTREND
Traité de manière conventionnelle.
(Et optimisé par des barres colorées en cas de dépassement soit vers le haut, soit vers le bas.
Les lignes, haute et basse des dernières valeurs du canal sont représentées pour visualiser rapidement la fourchette du RANGE.
Traité de manière conventionnelle.
La ligne HMA indique visuellement, selon la couleur et l'orientation, la tendance du marché.
Un symbole visuel en bas du graphique indique les opportunités de vente et d'achat.
Calcul de la MOYENNE MOBILE du volume avec comparaison du volume par rapport à la moyenne mobile du volume.
Les indications sont colorées et commentées en fonction de la comparaison.
Calcul de la MOYENNE MOBILE du prix avec comparaison du prix par rapport à la moyenne mobile du prix.
Les indications sont colorées et commentées en fonction de la comparaison.
Visualise sous forme de boite, pour une période donnée, les valeurs max hautes et min basses du prix.
La configuration permet de prendre en compte les mèches hautes et basses du prix ou bien les valeurs d'ouverture et de fermeture.
Cet indicateur affiche les niveaux de 'GAP' sur la période temporelle actuelle ET une période temporelle facultative supérieure.
Le script prend en compte les valeurs haut/bas de la barre actuelle et compare avec les 2 barres précédentes.
Le "gap" est généré à partir du manque de recouvrement entre ces barres.
Les écarts baissiers ou haussiers sont déterminés selon que l'écart est supérieurs ou inférieur à HmaPrice, car ils ont tendance à être comblés, et peuvent être utilisés comme cibles.
NOTA : FAIR VALUE GAP n'a pas de valeurs affichées dans la table et/ou l'étiquette.
Les informations importantes (DATAS) relatives à chaque indicateur sont visualisées en temps réel dans une table et/ou une étiquette.
Chaque information est commentée et colorée en fonction de la direction, de la valeur, de la comparaison etc.
Chaque information indique la valeurs de la barre en cours et la valeur précédente ( en mode "COMPLET").
Les autres modes possibles pour visualiser la table et/ou l'étiquette, permettent une vue plus synthétique des informations (modes "CONDENSÉ" et "MINIMAL").
Afin de ne pas trop surcharger la vision du graphique, la boite de visualisation du RANGE DONCHIAN, les lignes verticales des marques décalées de l'ICHIMOKU, ainsi que les boites de l'indicateur HHLL Boxes ne sont visualisées que de manière intermittente (géré par une temporisation réglable ).
Le paramètre de configuration "HISTORICAL INFO READING" réglé sur zéro (par défaut) permet de lire toutes les informations de la barre actuelle en cours (Barre #0).
Toutes autres valeurs permet de lire les informations d'une barre historique. La valeur 1 permet de lire les informations de la barre précédant la barre en cours (-1).
La valeur 10 permet de lire les information de la dixième barre en arrière (-10) par rapport à la barre en cours, etc.
Dans le bas de la table et de l'étiquette de DATAS, des voyants, rouge, vert ou blanc indique de manière rapide la synthèse de la tendance issue des différents indicateurs.
Chaque voyant représente le nombre d'indicateur ayant la même tendance à un instant donné. Vert pour une tendance Bullish, rouge pour une tendance Bearish et blanc pour une tendance neutre.
Les conditions pour déterminer une tendance sont pour chaque indicateur :
SUPERTREND ICHIMOHU + DMI : les 2 Super trends sont ensemble soit bullish soit Bearish. Sinon le signal est neutre.
DMI : 2 conditions principales :
BULLISH si DI+ >= DI- et ADX >25.
BEARISH si DI+ < DI- et ADX >25.
NEUTRE si les 2 conditions ne sont pas remplies.
ICHIMOKU : 3 conditions principales :
BULLISH si PRIX au dessus du nuage et TENKAN > KIJUN et NUAGE VERT DEVANT.
BEARISH si PRIX en dessous du nuage et TENKAN < KIJUN et NUAGE ROUGE DEVANT.
Les autres conditions complémentaires (Datas) complètent l'analyse et sont présents à titre informatif de la tendance et dépendent du contexte.
CANAL DONCHIAN : 1 condition principale :
BULLISH : le prix est passé au dessus de la ligne HIGH DC.
BEARISH : le prix est passé au dessous de la ligne LOW DC.
NEUTRE si le prix se situe entre les lignes HIGH DC et LOW DC
Les 2 autres conditions complémentaires (Datas) complètent l'analyse : HIGH DC et LOW DC sont croissants, descendants ou stables.
Le script détermine plusieurs niveaux de tendance :
VOLUME : 3 niveaux de tendance :
PRIX : 3 niveaux de tendance :
Si vous utilisez cet indicateur/ stratégie et que vous êtes satisfait des résultats,
vous pouvez éventuellement me faire un don (un café, une pizza ou plus ...) via paypal à :
Merci d'avance !!!
Ayez de bons Trades gagnants.
Hull MA HLCThis Indicator calculates and plots 3 Hull Moving Averages with the same period based on the High, Low & Close price.
The color of plot changes to indicate positive or negative slope.
Original Hull MA code written by mohamed982 | Original Triple Hull MA code written by CMKirkham
This triple Hull MA HLC (High Low Close) Pine v5 code written by MaxDecimus 2022
Hull Suite by MRonin added B&S signals
This indicator was written by inciona . I just wanted to alerts for BUY and SELL signals in order to see on the chart how it works on it. So ıt think it gives an idea how ıt works the indicator with alert conditions.
Ultimate Custom ScreenerThis indicator will allow you to make your custom TradingView screener without coding. Add it to the chart, select up to 40 symbols and five indicators, and the screener will do the rest for you. The indicator will form a lovely table with all values and highlighted signals.
The screener is highly customizable, and you can choose its position on the chart, sorting, order of the columns, colors for the tables, and all signals separately. You can easily change parameters for all supported indicators and their signals.
Currently, there are 19 different custom indicators available. Current list of indicators:
Average Directional Index (ADX) - displaying the value of ADX and checking if it's higher than the threshold
Average True Range (ATR) - showing the value of ATR
Awesome Oscillator (AO) - displaying the value of AO and highlighting positive/negative values.
Bollinger Bands (BB) - showing if the price is above/below/in the channel.
Breakout Pivots - Displaying when the price is below/above the most recent pivot low/high.
Commodity Channel Index (CCI) - shows the last CCI value and highlights overbought/oversold values.
Directional Movement Index (DMI) - Up/Down signal (+DI above or below -DI)
Donchian Channel (DC) - showing if the price is above/below/in the channel.
Historical Volatility (HV) - Current value of Historical Volatility
Keltner Channel (KC) - showing if the price is above/below/in the channel.
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) - Up/Down signal (MACD above / below signal)
Moving Average Crossover (MA Cross) - Displaying MA crosses signals (SMA, EMA, WMA, HMA, VWMA, SMMA, DEMA, VWAP supported)
Moving Average Distance (MA DIST) - Displaying distance to the MA (SMA, EMA, WMA, HMA, VWMA, SMMA, DEMA, VWAP supported)
Price - Displaying the last price for the instrument
Relative Strength Index (RSI) - Displaying the last RSI value and highlighting overbought/oversold values.
Stochastic (STOCH) - Displaying the last Stochastic value and highlighting overbought/oversold values.
Stochastic RSI (STOCH RSI) - Displaying the last Stochastic RSI value and highlighting overbought/oversold values.
SuperTrend - Current state of the SuperTrend.
True Strength Index (TSI) - Displaying the last TSI value and highlighting overbought/oversold values.
We're already working on adding a few more supported indicators. If you have any ideas about the indicators you want to see in our screener, contact us, and we'll consider them.
Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results.
Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, the strategy may no longer perform as well as in historical backtesting.
This post and the script don’t provide any financial advice.
Hull Suite + Stoch RSI Strategy v1.1 This strategy uses Hull Suite with Stoch RSI
Uses Hull Suite as trend and only trades with the direction of the trend.
Entry conditions:
Hull Suite as a trend
Stoch RSI overbought for short entries & oversold for long entries
Current parameters works best on BINANCE:BNBBUSDPERP pair.
EHMA Range StrategyThis script is a modified version of @borserman's script for the Exponential Hull Moving Average
All credit for the EHMA goes to him :)
In addition to the EHMA, this script works with a range around the EHMA (which can be modified), in an attempt to be robust against fake signals. Many times a bar will close below a moving average, only to reverse again the next bar, which eats away at your profits. Especially on shorter timeframes, but also on choppy longer timeframes this can make a strategy unattractive to use.
With the range around the EHMA, the strategy only enters a long/exit-short position if a bar crosses above the upper range. Vice versa, it only enters a short/exit-long position if a bar crosses below the lower range. This avoids positions if bars behave choppy within the EHMA range & only enters a position if the market is confident in it's direction. Having said that, fakeouts are still possible, but a lot less frequent. Having backtested this strategy vs the regular EHMA strategy (and having experimented with various settings), this version seems to be a lot more robust & profitable!
Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results.
Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, the strategy may no longer perform as good as in historical backtesting.
This post and the script don’t provide any financial advice.
Guppy WavesA lightweight version of the popular "Moving Average Ribbon" or "Guppy" indicators where the visuals are plotted as "waves" rather than moving average lines. As is customary for my indicators, nearly everything about it is user selectable.
Visual Features:
User Customizable Colors
RSI-Based Rainbow Color Scheme
Simple Offset for adjusting transparency
Create great-looking charts very easily
Moving Average Options:
Running (SMoothed) Moving Average (RMA or SMMA ) - very slow/smooth
Simple Moving Average ( SMA )
Exponential Moving Average ( EMA )
Weighted Moving Average ( WMA )
Volume-Weighted Moving Average ( VWMA )
Triple EMA ( TEMA ) - very fast
Exponential Hull Moving Average (EHMA) - Hull with Smoothing (Slower than Hull)
Least Squares Moving Average ( LSMA ) - Simple Linear Regression
Arnaud Legoux Moving Average ( ALMA ) - Adjustable, set offset=1 to be current, offset=0.85 for good smoothing
Hull Moving Average ( HMA ) - very fast
Tillson T3 - very smooth
Donchian Moving Average - plots the average of (lowest, highest) for a given period length
The user can change the source, period, and type of moving average used for every single line on the chart.
super SSL [ALZ]This script is designed and optimized for MULTI TIME
by Ali Zebardast (ALZ) part of ssl
Original Version credits to Mihkel00
Actual Version i just set alerts and change the parameters for BTCUSDT 1min Chart.
He designed for daily time. I tried to optimize 1 min time-frame .
And fix the errors with OTT
"This script has a SSL / Baseline (you can choose between the SSL or MA), a secondary SSL for continiuation trades and a third SSL for exit trades.
Alerts added for Baseline entries, SSL2 continuations, Exits.
Baseline has a Keltner Channel setting for "in zone" Gray Candles
Added "Candle Size > 1 ATR" Diamonds from my old script with the criteria of being within Baseline ATR range." part of Range
two Filter Buy and Sell for 3min
Wait For Bar close
ssl2 :Be under the candle for buy
and The bar color must confirm the order of purchase (Blue) part of OTT
when candles close over HOTT, means an UPTREND SIGNAL
and to Fuchia when candles begin closing under LOTT line to indicate a DOWNTREND SIGNAL.
FLAT ZONE is highlighted also to have the maximum concentration on sideways market conditions.
There are three quantitative parameters in this indicator:
The first parameter in the OTT indicator set by the two parameters is the period/length.
OTT lines will be much sensitive to trend movements if it is smaller.
And vice versa, will be less sensitive when it is longer.
As the period increases it will become less sensitive to little trends and price actions.
In this way, your choice of period, will be closely related to which of the sort of trends you are interested in.
The OTT percent parameter in OTT is an optimization coefficient. Just like in the period
small values are better at capturing short term fluctuations, while large values
will be more suitable for long-term trends.
The final adjustable quantitative parameter is HIGHEST and LOWEST length which is the source of calculations.
Credits go to:
SSL Hybrid
Range Filter
MilleMachineHello traders,
I hereby present to you the second stage of my journey to finding a reliable, profitable trading strategy.
The "Millemachine" is based on the "Millebot", my previous published strategy. This means the backbone of the strategy is still the same: a trend following system. Instead of using a fixed TP and SL, a trailing stoploss is now used. To limit the losses when the trend weakens, the trailing stoploss automatically gets smaller, as it is based on the ATR.
A new utility is you can now easily switch between indicators on which the decision making is based. This allows the user to discover which indicators work best for entry, long/short switching and stoploss configuration.
The strategy has been proven to be very profitable in trending markets, but can suffer losses during ranging market. To make the system more robust, the strategy cannot solely rely on a trending system. Other systems must be added.
I believe that a good trading bot must consist of more than 4 different strategies, based on different systems. This is what I am currently working on.
My goal for publishing this strategy is to help other traders build their own. In my journey I found it difficult to find a good strategy that employs a decent risk management, which is truly essential for having good, consistent results. Also, a realistic commission needs to be defined to have a realistic performance prediction. This weighs on the profitability and therefore is often set at 0 by authors of other strategies, which I find misleading.
If you have found this strategy informative or useful, please leave a comment.
Greetings Michael
Hull Keltner ChannelThis script is a Keltner Channel that uses a Hull Moving Average as source, instead of the 20-period EMA.
A hull band improves on lag and smoothness to Simple and Exponential Moving Averages.
And ATR based envelop is generated from this improved MA to form the Keltner Channel.
Hull on EHMA source with 180 periods loopback, coupled with a 200 period loopback for the Keltner Channel and 2 and 6 standard deviations, are my fav settings on Bitcoin, but feel free to try new settings.
Use it as you would use a normal Keltner Channel or Bollinger Bands.
Bogdan Ciocoiu - Sniper EntryWhat is Sniper Entry
Sniper Entry is a set indicator that encapsulates a collection of pre-configured scripts using specific variables that enable users to extract signals by interpreting market behaviour quickly, suitable for 1-3min scalping. This instrument is a tool that acts as a confluence for traders to make decisions concerning current market conditions. This indicator does not apply solely to an asset.
What Sniper Entry is not
Sniper Entry is not interpreting fundamental analysis and will also not be providing out of box market signals. Instead, it will provide a collection of integrated and significantly improved open-source subscripts designed to help traders speculate on market trends. Traders must apply their strategies and configure Sniper Entry accordingly to maximise the script's output.
Originality and usefulness
The collection of subscripts encapsulated in this tool makes it unique in the Trading View ecosystem. This indicator enables traders to consider entry positions or exit positions by comparing similar algorithms at once.
Its usefulness also emerges from the unique configurations embedded in the indicator's settings, which are different from those of the original scripts.
This indicator's originality is also reflected in how its modules are integrated, including the integration of the settings.
Open-source reuse
I used the following open-source resources, which I simplified significantly and pre-configured for short term scalping. The source codes for the below are already in the public domain, including the following links listed below. (open source)
(open source and generic algorithm) (open source)
(open source)
(open source) (generic MA algorithm and open source)
(generic VWAP algorithm and open source)
HODL LINE [AstrideUnicorn]This indicator determines periods of bull market when a buy-and-hold investor can hold the asset, and bear market periods when they should avoid holding it. Though it was designed primarily with cryptocurrencies in mind, it can be successfully used for any market.
Technically, the indicator is an asymmetric trend filter aimed to account for the fact that market sell-offs tend to be sharper than up-trends. The algorithm has two regimes – with and without price smoothing.
The step-like line is the main trend filter. It is colored green in an uptrend and red in a downtrend. When the smoothing is on, in addition to the trend filter, the indicator plots a purple line. It is a Hull Moving Average (HMA) of the price. In this case, the indicator uses this line instead of the price to find crossings with the trend filter.
When the price or the smoothed line crosses the trend filter above, it is an uptrend signal. The indicator marks such crossings with green circles. It also colors the chart background green in an uptrend. The price or the purple line crossing the trend filter below means a downtrend signal. Downtrend signals show as red circles. The chart background in a downtrend turns red.
Sensitivity – a dropdown list that allows the user to choose an averaging period of the indicator. Users can select a value for sensitivity from a predetermined set that better suits their investment horizon.
Use Smoothing – turns on and off smoothing of the price with HMA. With the smoothing turned on, the indicator responds slower to price changes, but at the same time produces less amount of false signals.
This script designed to identify up, down, and sideways trends. 200 HMA , 9 EMA , PSAR, and ATR are used to identify the strength of any instrument.
Candle Colors - Simpler approach to follow:
Green color indicates for up side trade signals
Red color indicates for down side trade signals
Yellow color can be interpreted for stop, sideways, and counter trade trade signals
Multiple Trade Setups:
Green Zone - Trading green candles within green zone has better odds of long trades
Red Zone - Trading red candles within red zone has better odds of short trades
200 HMA - Candles above 200 HMA mostly for long trades. Candles below 200 HMA usually for short trades. But the zone also very important to consider
9 EMA - Cross over above 200 HMA in Green zone, look for long trades. Cross over below 200 HMA in red zone, look for short trades
PSAR - This can be used as potential initial warning sign. Also can be used to exit partial or wait for it goes to opposite side for taking trade decisions
Candle Above all - If Green candle and above all the indicators, then very good sign of long side. If red candle and below all indicators, then very good sign of short side.
Multiple Time Frame:
This works very well with any instrument and on any time frame. Always its better to do analysis on multi time frame before entry, exit, and trade execution. Back test it with this setup and also observe it on live market. That will give edge in taking trade decisions. All the best and happy trading.
Kahlman HullMA / WT Cross StrategyA strategy created using Hull Moving Average and WT Cross .
Hull Moving Average turns green and WT Cross crossover this is a long. Otherwise short.
Stop Loss and Take Profit settings are available. You can set it to the level you want or turn it off.
According to my measurements, it shows the best performance in the 4-hour period. But you can find the best settings that are correct from the Strategy settings.
HMAISR This indicator is very similar to the movements of the original rsi, but in some places it works faster.
This indicator is not perfect and does not work everywhere, this version is just my experiment.
Use this indicator at your own risk, it may be suitable for your trading as some areas that I have indicated have worked out perfectly, experiment if you find it interesting and remember that it can make a mistake at any time!
Here is another example of how you can use the indicator where I highlighted the green arrow up, notice how quickly the indicator reacted, note that it went faster for the simple moving average than the same RSI.
Jerry J5 Dashboard & Buy Sell Strategy
----- Strategy
The strategy allows you to select from multiple moving averages and uses the concave function and the price being above or below a user defined EMA to provide buy and sell signals. You can select long trades, short trades, or both.
Concavity describes the direction of the curve and how it bends. And, just like a direction the concavity of curves can change and we call these changing points (technically they are inflection points). These changing points are used in conjunction with the stock price relationship to user defined EMAs and provide buy and sell signals when the trend is changing.
Moving Averages available in this strategy are the Exponential Moving Average (EMA), Simple Moving Average (SMA), Weighted Moving Average (WMA), Hull Moving Average (HMA), and Arnaud Legoux Moving Average (ALMA). Best results are typically with HMA and ALMA.
The indicator can be used for every type of market: indices, stocks, cryptocurrencies, currencies and others.
----- 27 Data Point Dashboard
Short Term Trend
Total Trades
Profit Factor
Win Rate %
Net Profit $, % & ROI
Buy & Hold Profit
Max Win $ & %
Max Loss $ & %
Avg Trade $, ROI%, & Bars
Avg Win $, ROI%, & Bars
Avg Loss $, ROI%, & Bars
Max Drawdown $ & %
Open Trade P&L $ & ROI%
For the dashboard you are able to set the target profit factor, win rate, net profit target ROI, winning trade target ROI, Strategy Start Date, and the Buy and Hold Start Date. The inputs are used to color dashboard labels making it easier to identify winning and losing trades based on your criteria.
Option Traders will likely appreciate the ROI% and number of bars being readily available. For example if the Average Winning Trade has a 5% ROI over 5 bars this can help you decide when to enter a trade and how long to stay in the trade.
Some of the label data is available in the TradingView Strategy Tester. However, I wanted a custom dashboard that was always visible on my chart and the J5 dashboard displays a total of 27 data points plus buy and sell signals .
Note: We calculate the ROI for Net Profit, Avg Trade, Avg Win, Avg Loss, and Open Trade based on the capital used for those trade(s). TradingView uses a different method and calculates the return percentage based on initial capital.
Indicators are not a magic pill and should be used to support trading decisions, not to make them for you. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. The results of individual stocks with any strategy do not constitute proof they will repeat in the future.
I hope you enjoy the J5.
DISCLAIMER: The information contained in our scripts/indicators/ideas does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. Trading and investing in the stock market and cryptocurrencies involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for every investor. I’m NOT a financial adviser. All trading strategies are used at your own risk.
Please Use the link below for more information.
Ultimate HODL WaveThe basis for this indicator is the HODL Wave (> 1 Year) developed by Unchained Capital. This represents the percentage of coins that have not been moved for at least a year.
The Hull MA perfectly tracks the HODL Wave and provides an easy bull/bear trend in the mid-term.
The long-term and more macro bull/bear trend is decided by if the Hull MA is above or below the base MA.
I have purposefully chosen the 365 day length for the Hull MA and the 730 day for the base MA on the daily timeframe since they represent 1 year and 2 years respectively.
Hull ZigZagA simple indicator I use to filter out noise. it tracks reversals of a Hull Moving Average, which ultimately highlights short term trends and potential chart patterns. I've also included an option to project the most recent trend forward, if that is something you would like to tinker with.
CF - KAMI KAMI EMA-HMA-VWMA SCALPERThis is your dark knight, your shining light in the crypto darkness... It's you and me against the machine..... rage, rage against the dying of the night!
This my greedy minions is the ticket..... the disruptive technology, the red pill, that breaks the Matrix.... get ready to join the revolution.
Lowest green/red line
The lowest alternating green red band is simply a general market indicator. It's EMA 50 over 200. This is a generally good indicator of current market conditions. If the band is red, you should favor taking short positions. If the band is green, long positions.
The three MA colored bands
This sophisticated indicator uses 3 central MA's in calculating its goodness. The HMA (Hull's Moving Average), at the bottom (of the three principal bands), is the most sensitive and responsive to immediate market conditions. It will generally give you the signal to enter or exit at the beginning of the price action move. But, this could also be a "false" signal - that doesn't continue in the expected direction.
The middle band is VWMA, volume-weighted moving average, and it is sensitive to volume - so it may turn green or red faster as volume increases or decreases. It gives somewhat similar signals to the top moving average which is the EMA or exponential moving average.
The GREEN RED signals
The signals below the bands which are true green and true red are "SUPER" signals which represent that all of the six small bands of each MA agree. These are very strong signals to enter and exit a position. If multiple SUPER signals agree this is even more confirmation.
You can change the ema signals. They are currently optimized for scalping, but this indicator can work for larger timeframes.
I couldn't make this open-source as it represents a lot of work to get it to this point. If you are interested in this indicator and would like to have a custom version coded for your purposes, let me know.
Fusion: Delta mixerBe warned, this indicator will unlikely be effective if you just load it and see what it has for you. It generally requires tuning, quite a bit of time, and a methodical approach but you might get lucky!
So why make something that's complicated and difficult like this? Simple, I've yet to find another indicator that can discern ranging like this one once tuned. I generally use to avoid trading when it's ranging.
The basic approach that has worked for me so far in tuning is as follows:
Set " Slope of Slope 2 " and " Slope of Slope 3 " to about 3.5.
Try to keep them mostly even and move them up and down for your environment while keeping an eye on how much ranging it's detecting.
When you have it about right try adding in the other threshold options (bring them up from 0) and see if they help detect more ranging.
Generally I found that any value other than zero doesn't make sense for " Slope 1 " however the others seem to be fair game although I generally have found that " Slope of Slope Avg 23 " doesn't add anything once the others are set.
You may find a completely different approach and better way! If you do please do leave a comment, drop me a note or something as I would appreciate learning better ways to use this indicator.
Because there's too many lines to be shown all at once, 10 in all, it's generally better to just leave the show settings as they are and see the collective effect as a single background color. However, if you want to experience some pain feel free to uncheck "As one color" and play around with the other settings as well.
The indenting of the "Show" settings (setting 2, 3 & 4 from the top) are to show that the one most indented will override the ones above it. Again, this is for the sanity of not showing 10 lines at once so what you see is grouped but mostly I just look at the background color and don't worry about the lines. If none of the three are checked then you will just see the HMA lines from which all the others are derived. The bottom-left corner will name which group of lines you are looking at so you don't have to check your settings to figure it out.
That said, maybe some clever person will find an alternative use for it, perhaps something useful in the lines crossing when setup a particular way or something which is why I left options to see the lines.
For clarification of the "Show" settings hover over the circled 'i' at the right of each setting.
If you find value please do make a comment, give thumbs up etc.
Enjoy and good luck!
Fusion: ATR RangingA simple way to determine a ranging market.
The defaults are for a specific use of my own so by no means feel a need to use them, adjust as needed.
By default this sits on the main chart however if you want to see the lines behind the result make a copy and put the copy on it's own chart and then just flip the "show" flags.
The is no reason for using the Hull MA over any other except that it's a preference of mine, that is, it's not for some magical reason I figured out. That said, the Hull is perhaps my favorite because of what I learned about after quite a bit of research so take that as you will.
There's no one indicator I borrowed from so credit to both:
Hull Suite by InSilico
Average True Range by S6thSense
The code is structured to easily drop into bigger system so use as a lone indicator or add to some bigger project you are creating.
Finally, if you find value please do make a comment, give thumbs up etc.
Enjoy and good luck!
Creentrend Pressure SignalsThe hull moving average is my favorite moving average, as well as slower (55ma Bollinger Bands dev@(1.618)) is my favorite standard deviation indicator. Lets combine the two to evaluate overbought, oversold, and pressure.
Use for all time frames- I PREFER daily.
Bollinger band MA at 55
Hull ma at 55
The Hull is more reactive and faster than any band on the BB (both at 55)
When HULL closes BELOW LOWER BAND- it will print a buy signal, remember- over sold and overbought in VOLATILITY could be dangerous on low time frames, as swift moves typically have short term reversals but return to the main trend eventually, this is why i reccomend daily candles.
When PRICE closes ABOVE UPPER BOLLINGER BAND- it will print a green ^ signal under candle indicating upward pressure.
When HULL closes ABOVE UPPER BOLLINGER BAND- it will print a red resistance line. Complex tops happen a lot with bitcoin so take a 1-5% stop above it if shorting.