Custom Band Strategy1. Trend
if ema200 > ema30 Long entry only
else Short entry only
2. Custom Band
Upper band = sma(period) + max(close, period) * multiplier
Lower band = sma(period) - max(close, period) * multiplier
Multiplier can be either 1.3 or 1.1 depending on the trend.
(If trend is long, upper band's factor would be 1.3, lower band be 1.1)
2. Long entry condition
- Cross over the lower band and band width is greater than (close price)*2.2%(assume this band width as an expected ROE)
- Previous candle change rate((close-open)/open*100) is less than 3%.
3. Short entry condition
- Cross under the upper band and band width is greater than (close price)*2.2%
- Previous candle change rate is less than 3%.
4. Long/Short exit condition
- cross over/under the lower/upper band and roe is higher than 2%.
5. Stop/Target condition
- Target 10%, Stoploss 3%
- Previous candle change rate is higher than 3%.
Most variables can be set manually.
Test period changeable.
Üstel Hareketli Ortalama (EMA)
Tangram Bot 2 - SmartbotPrimeira Versão do Script Tangram Bot 2 da Smartbot para tradingview.
A intenção é agilizar e fazer um teste prévio e rápido do setup.
O resultado indicado aqui jamais corresponderá a um resultado real. É apenas uma ferramenta de estudo.
Ainda falta fazer e melhorar a parte de gestão de risco.
Caso queria fazer alguma sugestão ao cógido para melhorar a gestão de risco ou caso tenha encontrado algum erro, favor comunicar.
O tangram bot 2 combina o uso de até dez Indicadores de Análise Técnica com Gerenciamento de Risco (stop gain, stop loss, stop móvel, realização parcial, bloqueio de reversões, lucro máximo por dia e prejuízo máximo por dia) e Filtros Diversos (sentido das operações, uso do after-market, bloqueio de nova entrada após saída, hora inicial e hora final para negociação). São utilizados os indicadores Médias Móveis, HiLo Activator, MACD, ADX, Estocástico, VWAP, IFR, Bandas de Bollinger, Stop ATR e SAR Parabólico
Elliott strategyIt uses Elliott teory to shift two moving averages 8 positions (based on 5-3 fractal), and the crossing is close to reversions. And it keeps an eye on RSI level to be sure it is on hot level to sell/buy
CM Super Guppy ala WY StrategyThis is a work-in-progress..
Created a strategy from CM Super Guppy by FritzMurphy
Have been using that script to eyeball for long positions, so I decided to transform the CM Super Guppy script into a strategy to automate long positions
The results are kinda massacred as the Long entry and exit are somehow one bar delayed from where I want it to enter and exit, care to help improve this?
After fixing the entry and exit delay..
Next iterations will be to have a drop down selection for various MAs
Then, to add short positions
Credits to Chris Moody and Fritz Murphy prior work on Super Guppy
Simple Alt Coin Strategy - EMA and MACD w/Profit and StopThis script prints BUY and SELL signals based on settings you input. I use it to save time while scrolling through charts deciding what alts I want to look at.
Positive EMA Crossover
Positive MACD Crossover
Single Candle Gains
Profit Capture
Stop Loss
I don't trade based just on the BUY or SELL from this strategy, but I have found that these indicators do very well well looking at the large cap alt coins. It backtests well.
Default Settings EMA 5/12/50, MACD 9/12/26, Single Candle Gain 10%, Stop 10%, Profit Capture 45%
Adaptive Zero Lag EMA Strategy [Ehlers + Ric]Behold! A strategy that makes use of Ehlers research into the field of signal processing and wins so consistently, on multiple time frames AND on multiple currency pairs.
The Adaptive Zero Lag EMA (AZLEMA) is based on an informative report by Ehlers and Ric .
I've modified it by using Cosine IFM, a method by Ehlers on determining the dominant cycle period without using fast-Fourier transforms
Instead, we use some basic differential equations that are simplified to approximate the cycle period over a 100 bar sample size.
The settings for this strategy allow you to scalp or swing trade! High versatility!
Since this strategy is frequency based, you can run it on any timeframe (M1 is untested) and even have the option of using adaptive settings for a best-fit.
Source : Choose the value for calculations (close, open, high + low / 2, etc...)
Period : Choose the dominant cycle for the ZLEMA (typically under 100)
Adaptive? : Allow the strategy to continuously update the Period for you (disables Period setting)
Gain Limit : Higher = faster response. Lower = smoother response. See for more information.
Threshold : Provides a bit more control over entering a trade. Lower = less selective. Higher = More selective. (range from 0 to 1)
SL Points : Stop Poss level in points (10 points = 1 pip)
TP Points : Take Profit level in points
Risk : Percent of current balance to risk on each trade (0.01 = 1%)
MACD/EMA Long StrategyThis incredibly simple strategy uses a combination of the 20 EMA and bullish/bearish MACD crosses as a low risk method of getting in and out of markets.
Depending on whether the market is above or below the 200 SMA, the script determines if the market is in bullish or bearish territory. Above the 200 SMA, the script will ignore the 20 EMA as a buy condition and buy solely on the confirmation of a bullish MACD cross upon the close of a candle. In this bullish market, the script will only enable the sell condition if both the MACD is bearish AND a close below the 20 EMA occurs. This is to reduce the chances of the script selling prematurely in the event of a bearish MACD cross, if the market is still in overall bullish territory.
When the market is below the 200 SMA, the confirmation occurs in the opposite direction. The buy condition will only be met if both the MACD is bullish AND a close above the 20 EMA occurs. However, the sell condition ignores the 20 EMA and will sell solely on the confirmation of a bearish MACD cross upon the close of the candle.
This strategy can be used in both bullish and bearish markets. This conservative strategy will slightly underperform in a bull market, with the sell condition occasionally being met and then potentially buying back higher. However, it will successfully get you out of a turning market and automatically switch into a more 'risk-off' mentality during a bear market. This strategy is not recommended for sideways markets, as trading around the 20 EMA coupled with a relatively flat MACD profile can cause the strategy to buy the peaks and sell troughs easily.
[New series!] [Consistent Losing Strategies] 34 EMA Scalping//---------------------------INTRO------------------------------
Hi All!
Let me introduce myself as a semi-successful forex trader & lover of automation.
I've taken to algo trading and have been hunting down strategies (that usually use indicators) to automate, backtest, and hopefully implement in MT4.
Unfortunately, most strategies are complete bulls*** and the select cases that are shown to "prove" success are limited.
These strategy sources often do not provide useful analytics either.
I want to change that approach to trading! We can really benefit each other and the community by being methodical about backtesting
as well as evaluating our results with some kind of scoring heuristic.
As for what that standardized process looks like..well I'm still working on it.
I'm pretty much on Tv for multiple hours of the day, screening strategies via Pinescript and I'd like to start sharing my progress!
This is a new series I'd like to start on consistently losing strategies. I'll make all the code public, so if you think I've made a blunder
or approached a problem the wrong way, then drop me a DM or paste your fix into the comments.
34 EMA Scalping strategy (ref. forextradingstrategies4u )
How you're supposed to trade it:
1. Market is in an down trend as shown by the 34 EMA
2. Price breaks above a downwards trend line
3. Price breaks above the 34 EMA
4. Look for a very bullish candlestick or chart pattern
1. Look for the 34 EMA to show we are in an uptrend
2. Price breaks below an upwards sloping trend line
3. Price breaks below 34 EMA
4. Look for a bearish candlestick or a chart pattern
Q: Why does it fail?
A: I believe this strategy relies too much on subjective input (aka, trendlines).
Q: Why does it fail as an algo?
A: The 34 EMA is no more predictive than any other EMA, although it does a good job at filtering out noise.
Q: Should I try it out?
A: No, it's trash. This is the proof that it is trash.
Multiple MACD RSI simple strategySimple strategy script I've had for a while but looks like I never published.
Although it is one of my most simple it seems to have the best profitability. It is pretty rough though. the Stoch RSI has only a little weight to the trade trigger. I'll refine it more over time or you can by all means. Basically the Stoch RSI current K line has to be OVER 40 to trigger a SELL. It has no effect on buy side.
The triggers are roughly as follows:
Year - since so many assets have gone 2x, 3x, 10x+ since 2013 having a strategy that earns a 500% return from 2013 to now isn't that good if buy-and-holding would have got you 800%. This eliminates some of that noise and makes it a little easier to quickly gauge success. So buy/sell trigger need a value of greater or equal to 2018 (default)
MACD 1 - First MACD (short) needs to indicate greater than 0 to buy or less than 0 to sell.
MACD 2 - Same as MACD1 but for second MACD set (long)
Uptrend - Latest close + high divided by last periods close + high needs to be grater than 1. So if latest is 34.30 close and 34.60 high and previous interval is 34.80 close and 34.82 high, that is 0.99 and will not trigger a buy trade.
Downtrend - Same thing but close + low and less than 1.
This script/strategy is pretty rough but if there is interest I'll polish it more since it is a pretty solid but simple strategy for most assets.
13/21 EMA + Ichimoku Kinko Hyo StrategyThis trading strategy uses combination of the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo system with Fibonacci numbers based 13/21 exponential moving average ( EMA ) crossover, giving excellent results in trending assets !
Double EMA & ALMA StrategyThe ALMA (50 period) acts as the main trend filter, meaning that long positions are taken above the ALMA and short positions are taken below the ALMA. For instance, the 5 and 10 period exponential moving averages are added on the chart to give early signals to the trend.
Therefore, when the 5/10 EMA triggers a bullish crossover, long signals are taken when price is above the ALMA, likewise, when the 5/10 EMA triggers a bearish crossover, short signals are taken when price is below the ALMA.
Find out optimal values by trying. May not produce accurate results in horizontal markets. Thank you.
PlutusX Tutorial Strategy | Fast RSIHi PlutusX Family,
Here is a simple FAST RSI script i built during a "How to Build a Trading Script Tutorial". If you have questions message us here.
Thank you!
The Trading Channel (EAP Course) - Pullback Indicator 1.0I've recently subscribed to TTC's EAP course and created this script to help me.
This is a script to assist with backtesting the strategy outlined in the course. It follows the 5 basic rules of entry.
[Strategy] CCI EMA scalping [DEV]Recommended timeframe: 5M or higher
Based on EMA crosses and CCI levels.
Take profit can be also at Pivot levels like Daily/Weekly
Stop loss should be between 12-15 pips.
This strategy is still under development!
Ema cross strat / Turtle Trading This is just a simple EMA cross strategy which is meant to be similar to Turtle Trading Strategy.
It uses in default 4 Hour 21 / 10 EMA to long or short. This is not perfect but in the long run it will profit. Works best in bull market.
Strong Potential Asset Strategy (EMA + EMA)During experiments with the market, I found out that simple strategy is the best solution. However, I decided to bring some of my ideas on the 2 MA strategy.
- Instead of SMA - there will be 2 EMA, so the strategy will be more sensitive to the latest data;
- There is an option, which regulates the difference between those 2 EMAs, this should protect us from false trend enter;
- There is an option "Exit tolerance", which regulates how much could be the difference between 2 EMAs after crossover. This supposed to protect us from the false trend exit.
Hope this will be helpful :)
Ehlers Cyber Cycle StrategyEhlers Cyber Cycle Strategy by John Ehlers from his book "Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures".
[STRATEGY]EMA 30/60 Cross Strategystrategy based on EMA 30/60 cross
works best on 4hr timeframes & high-midcaps
EMA Cross by MarketAlphaSignals are generated when EMA(FastLength) and EMA(SlowLength) cross each other.
Below are the additional user parameters:
1. User defined backtesting period
2. User defined Target and StopLoss percentage points
BB limitMarket maker strategy using Bollinger bands as entry, moving average as close and simple stop-loss with percentage of entry position. It was extremely profitable in june on xbtusd.