Buffett Indicator: Wilshire 5000 to GDP Ratio [WhaleCrew]Our Implementation of the famous Buffett Indicator a long-term valuation indicator for stocks.
Calculation: Wilshire 5000 Index divided by US GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
Temel Analiz
Financial Fundamental Analysis (FFA)- Finansal Temel Analiz (TA)The main purpose of the Fundamental Analysis (TA) indicator; It is to determine whether the rising or falling movements in prices are supported by basic indicators. TA can be used in equity markets. With the financial data transferred to the platform by the companies, the development rates, intrinsic values, true values and expensiveness-cheapness situations of the stocks are estimated. In addition to technical data, it provides an impression of the long-term performance of the stock.
Growth Rate (Blue line): It is a percentage data calculated by focusing on companies' periodic net margin, operating margin and return on equity. It is expected to be higher than 0.2. It symbolizes the possibility of holding and returning cash. It is one of the indicators that the development of the company will be negative or positive in the following periods.
Earnings Per Share (Purple line): It is an important indicator of the sustainability of the company. The periodic increase is expected to be above the inflation figures.
Stock true price (Gray line): Data calculated based on the growth rate. Known book value is recalculated by reflecting the effect of growth rate on earnings per share. In a sense, revaluation is done.
Intrinsic value 1 (red line): It is determined by reevaluating the current price with the growth rate. Whether the value here is too high or too low than the stock price is related to the interest of the sector in which the stock is located.
Intrinsic value 2 (green line): The 50-day average price is determined by reassessing with the growth rate. Whether the value here is too high or too low than the stock price is related to the interest of the sector in which the stock is located.
The desired performance is to remain above 0.2, periodic earnings per share to increase above the inflation rate, and to have a regular increase graph without fluctuations in the stock true price. The fact that intrinsic value 1 crosses intrinsic value 2 is also an increase indicator and acts as an oscillator.
Sudden increases in the stock true price indicate that the stock price will increase in the coming periods. However, the current price of the stock should also be examined with technical indicators.
Temel Analiz (TA) indikatörünün temel amacı; fiyatlardaki yükseliş ya da düşüş hareketlerinin temel göstergelerle desteklenip desteklenmediğinin tespit edilmesidir. TA, hisse pay piyasalarında kullanılabilmektedir. Şirketler tarafından platforma aktarılan finansal veriler ile hisselerin gelişim oranları, içsel değerleri, gerçek ederi ve pahalılık-ucuzluk durumları tahmin edilmektedir. Teknik verilere ek olarak hissenin uzun vadede gösterdiği performansa ilişkin izlenim sunmaktadır.
Büyüme Oranı (Mavi çizgi): şirketlerin dönemsel net marjı, faaliyet marjı ve özkaynak karlılığı üzerine odaklanarak hesaplanmış yüzdesel bir veridir. 0.2’den yüksek olması beklenir. Nakit bulundurma ve döndürme imkânını simgelemektedir. Sonraki dönemlerde şirketin gelişiminin negatif ya da pozitif olacağının göstergelerinden biridir.
Hisse Başı Kazanç (Mor çizgi): Şirketin sürdürülebilirliği hakkında önemli bir göstergedir. Dönemsel artışın enflasyon rakamları üzerinde olması beklenir.
Hisse eder fiyatı (Gri çizgi): Gelişim oranına bağlı olarak hesaplanan veridir. Bilinen defter değeri, gelişim oranının hisse başı kazanç üzerine etkisi yansıtılarak tekrar hesaplanmaktadır. Bir anlamda yeniden değerleme işlemi yapılmaktadır.
İçsel değer 1 (kırmızı çizgi): Mevcut fiyatın gelişim oranı ile tekrar değerleme yöntemiyle belirlenmesidir. Buradaki değerin hisse eder fiyatından aşırı yüksek ya da aşırı düşük olması hissenin bulunduğu sektörün çektiği ilgi ile alakalıdır.
İçsel değer 2 (yeşil çizgi): 50 günlük ortalama fiyatın gelişim oranı ile tekrar değerleme yöntemiyle belirlenmesidir. Buradaki değerin hisse eder fiyatından aşırı yüksek ya da aşırı düşük olması hissenin bulunduğu sektörün çektiği ilgi ile alakalıdır.
Gelişim oranının 0.2 üzerinde kalması, dönemsel hisse başı kazancın enflasyon oranı üzerinde artış göstermesi, hisse eder fiyatın dalgalanmalar göstermeden düzenli bir artış grafiğine sahip olması istenen performanstır. İçsel değer 1‘in içsel değer 2’yi yukarı kesmesi aynı zamanda bir artış göstergesi olup osilatör görevi görmektedir.
Hisse eder fiyatındaki ani yükselişler gelecek dönemlerde hisse fiyatının da artacağını göstergesi olmaktadır. Ancak hissenin mevcut fiyatı aynı zamanda teknik göstergelerle de incelenmelidir.
Interest Rates [WhaleCrew]This indicator allows you to display the interest rates of multiple central banks (US, EU, China, Russia, Japan, UK, ...) at once.
Built-in Interest Rates
Custom Symbol (default: ECONOMICS:CHINTR )
Swing Stock designed for Monthly/Yearly Trading This is a strategy tester designed around the most important data from FRED - Federal Reserve Economic Data
As input data, we have:
// Personal Consumption Expenditures
// Real Retail and Food Services Sales
// Leading Index for the United States
// All Employees: Total Nonfarm Payrolls
// Real Gross Domestic Product
// Gross Domestic Product
I adapted the long and short entry based on the GDP data, since they are most accurate in prediction compared to the rest.
However, feel free to test with other as well if you want.
For this test I compared previous GDP values, if they were higher than previous that represent a long signals, if they were smaller that represents a reversal=short signal.
From the tests performed we can see that GDP is highly accurate and overall as long as there is patience, profits are going to be make, sometimes even beat the index itself.
If you have any questions, let me know !
Highlight Trading Window (Simple Hours / Time of Day Filter)As the name says this is a straightforward way to highlight the times of day that you are interested in studying.
Like to trade just a market open, or highlight a full session?
Could also be used negatively to "block out" a window of time each day.
Just set your preferred time zone and then your time window (start and end).
Hope you find it useful! 😁
Top Down Analyzer by 20PipsWelcome and thanks for stopping by. Here we have an indicator I call the Top down analyzer what this does is give you the ability to over lay a higher time frame like H1 to 1M on a 1 sec to 30mins time frame showing real transparent candles on your chart.
What makes the top down analyzer indicator stands out is because it is user friendly, the settings are self explanatory and it helps you stay focus on price action on multiple time frame with you leaving your preferred trade executing time frame.
This indicator give you the best top down analysis simple and straight to the point.
Feel free to try it out and let know what needs to be worked on.
Portfolio SummaryThe stocks in my portfolio has very poor performance since the FED hiked the rate.
since the covid-19, i came to the stock market and buy a stock that i ever heard the name which i don't even know its fundamental.
Some stock, i bought them at the hilltop (and sell at the bottom, hehe).
Everyone is a genius in a bull market ; and now i realized i am gonna loss money.
I have to do something, so i looked for an indicator that allow me to manage my portfolio.
unfortunately, i cannot find one that fit me.
so i make this indicator.
How you can get the benefit from this indicator
This indicator will summarize the gain/loss since you bought the stock.
it also include the dividend.
So that you can see how much you gain and loss, and make a decision as you wish.
How to use it
1. Input some neccessary data like ticker/stock (up to 20 tickers, yeah i know, it is too much), share, average price which you can input manually or depend on your entry date.
2. The indicator will calculate gain/loss, dividend, % of your portfolio.
3. You can select how to display based on "Index" or "Market Value".
4. You can toggle on/off both label and table.
This indicator may display inaccurate and need a lot of improvement.
pls use carefully.
if you have any suggestion, pls dont hersitate to comment below.
Glow-Node AlertsGlow Node Multi Pair Alerts
This indicator allows you to set a single alert in trading view while being alerted of Glow Node auto pilot signals from up to 32 forex pairs.
How to Use
Simply open the indicator on screen.
By default the indicator will have all forex pairs unselected.
Open the settings and toggle the forex pair you would like to set an alert for in the current timeframe.
(Alert signals are optimised using our glow node auto pilot feature. These alerts cant be used with custom settings due to the pair switching.)
Set an alert in trading view and select the drop down.
Select Glow Node Multi alerts and your good to go......
Supported Pairs:
Morningstar Equity Style Box HeatmapStyle boxes are a classification scheme created by Morningstar. They visually provide a graphical representation of investing categories for equity investments. A style box is a valuable tool for investors to use when determining asset allocation.
There are 9 categories:
Large Value, Large Blend, Large Growth
Medium Value, Medium Blend, Medium Growth
Small Value, Small Blend, Small Growth
The strength of the 9 categories are found by using 9 Vanguard ETF's that follow the respective CRSP index of their category.
OGT Intrinsic Value IndicatorOGT Intrinsic Value Indicator
This indicator will show you visually the intrinsic value of a stock. Intrinsic value aims to measure of what an asset is worth. There are a number of intrinsic valuation models where this TradingView indicator uses an earnings valuation model.
There are 4 inputs to the model:
1) EPS trailing 12 months (ttm) - the first step is to know what the current EPS is for a stock. The indicator calculates this for you
2) Annual EPS Growth Next 5 Years - You need to input what you think the annual growth rate is going to be for the stock. You can use you annual estimates which you can obtain by searching "stock name - eps growth forecast"
3) Earnings Multiple (PE Ratio) - The next step is to input the earnings multiple in year 5. You can get this from analyst estimates or looking at the average PE ratio of the asset over the past 3 / 5 / 10 years.
4) Desired Rate Of Return - The last input is your rate of return. I personally use 12.5% as you can invest in an S&P ETF and get 8-10% return. So I prefer a higher rate of return for the risk I am taking.
You will need to input your low, medium and high assumptions so you can see the different price ranges.
All Central Bank Interest RatesWith another period of mass interest rates manipulation, I created this indicator to show them all. It reveals latest interest ratest (at a time of the last update) and a date when each central bank manipulated the rates.
If you would rather view a single pair data check: and
Glow-NodeThis indicator uses multiple different indicators in confluence to identify the direction of the trend, pullback zones, accurate entry points and even exit points to give you a simpler trading experience!
Colour Changing Candles
Our first focus was to identify the direction of the trend so we created an indicator to do just that. Instead of having lots of indicators covering your screen we have set the candles to change colour when the trend changes direction! This means you can focus on taking buy trades when the candles are blue and sell trades when the candles are purple.
Glow Cloud
Our unique cloud works as a support and resistance zone, as well as giving you additional confirmation of the direction of the trend. When the price is above the cloud we’re in a buying market and when the price is below the cloud we’re in a selling market. We can also use breakouts and retests of the cloud to find good trade ideas.
Integrated Volume Indicators
Our volume indicators are working hard in the background to give us a better understanding of the market bias. Although you cannot see the indicators, they are used in confluence with the rest of the features to give us more accurate signals. You can also see whether the volume indicates bullish or bearish momentum using the confirmation table.
Main Signals
Our main signals work best between the 15m-4h timeframes. This feature will send you trading signals based on a few different strategies including MA crossovers. Glow Node will only send the signal when all of the confirmations align, giving you an extremely accurate trade set up. The confirmations consist of the market being in an uptrend, bullish volume, above the cloud and then a cross over signal with our secret tool for a buy trade and vice versa for a sell trade.
Scalping Signals
We know how much you all love scalping! When you drop to a 5 minute timeframe or lower, the main signals disappear and you will only be able to see the scalping signals. The scalping signals are triggered when the market pulls back to the cloud and rejects it meaning you can catch all the pullbacks and continuation as you trade with the trend! We’re honestly extremely excited about this feature!
Confirmation Table
Our confirmation table will tell you if all of the features above are in confluence with each other giving you great trading opportunities. It will also show you what direction the market is trending on higher timeframes. This means you can trade with a higher timeframe trend without having to change your screen. You also don’t have to put lots of effort into adding more confirmations if you miss a signal you can use your own strategy and the confirmations from this table to create your own trade ideas.
Stop Loss Indicators
Stop losses are always a topic of conversation when it comes to trading, do you place your stop loss below the previous low? Previous candle? Below a moving average? There’s so much confusion when it comes to where to put your stop loss so we added 2 different stop loss features which you can decide between. We are always optimising our stop loss settings with the current market conditions so that you can take less losing trades and focus more on winners!
Trapping CandlesIt shows the candles which have higher sell volume then the previous candles and following can show us how the buyers are trapped in.
USDC&USDT DominanceUSDC and USDT combined Daily dominance, a good indicator for the amount of stablecoin volume ready to buy and support BTC & ETH
Taylor RuleThe Taylor rule is a simple formula that John Taylor devised to guide policymakers. It calculates what the federal funds rate should be, as a function of the output gap and current inflation. Here, we measure the output gap as the difference between potential output and real GDP. Inflation is measured by changes in the CPI, and we use a target inflation rate of 2%. We also assume a steady-state real interest rate of 2%.
CPR BY DTTThe Central Pivot Range Indicator was created by Mark Fisher in his The Logical Trader book with some improvements made by Frank Ochoa. This indicator can seem very simple at first since it is a variation of the typical pivot points you see but this indicator aims to capture much data for the market sentiment for each stock that I will go over in detail. This indicator is known as the swiss army knife of pivots for a good reason.
First, this indicator will let you know one method of finding the current trend of the stock by determining where the price lies in comparison with the Central Pivot Range. If the price isn't touching and is above the Central Pivot Range then this stock is in a big uptrend that has a high chance of it continuing. Same for the reverse if the price isn't touching and is below the Central Pivot Range. Another method is when the current Central Pivot Range for the current period is higher than the previous Central Pivot Range and this means that the stock is in an uptrend and vice versa.
Second, you can tell much about if this stock is currently in a trending or sideways market by looking at the spacing between the 3 lines. If there is a bunch of space between each line then the stock is currently in a sideways market or in other words not much volatility. If there is very little space between each line then the stock is currently in a trending market and this means much volatility and so you need to trade in the direction of the current trend.
Finally, this indicator works as a general support and resistance system like a typical pivot point indicator and so you would go long if the price breaks through the resistance level which would be the top line or go short if the price breaks below the support level which would be the bottom line.
I have included many options in my script to allow you to see other support and resistance levels like extended pivot points, high and low points, and pivot points using data that will project what tomorrow's pivot points will look like. Let me know if you find any other uses for this indicator and of course if you have any questions for me!
Make Your Own Index!Intro
For my first script, I have released Make Your Own Index version 1. It has a long way to go so please stay tuned. Scroll down to read all the updates and notes as they come in.
Why it matters
Making your index is important to quickly see an index of symbols that you want to chart. Having the ability to assign weightings gives you the opportunity to make the index equal weighted or custom weighted. As we all know, indexes like the S&P 500 are NOT equal weighted, but more heavily weighted toward the winners. Now, you can make your own of a basket of symbols and make them custom weighted or equal weighted. Have some fun exploring this.
You select the symbols of your choice and then chart them as one line with a specific weighting. This can be done in the settings menu once the indicator is selected. Use the symbol search field to add a symbol. From what I have tested, it works for any symbol whether it's stocks, crypto, FX and more. The default is set to stocks.
The Weight field in the settings menu is where you can assign a specific weight to the symbol of your choice. This way you can make an equal weighted index or a custom weighted index. By default each symbol is set to 10 or 10%. There are 10 symbols in the menu, so at 10%, they are equally weighted! In the script I have made it so each weighting is in percentage terms. So type in the percentage and you're good to go.
The chart is currently displayed in a separate window and not as an overlay. This may change in the future. The line can also be changed slightly and the color of it. Stay tuned for more on this.
Send in feedback
I am a Pine rookie in all regards and I am surely looking for support, feedback, and/or ideas. I want to add a lot more to this. If you look at the settings you will see have some input fields that are in their first iteration and currently needing to be improved. Rather than waiting to make them perfect, I just want to get this out there and update as I go. Also, as mentioned, I will definitely need a little support at adding more features that I have in mind.
Credit where credit is due
I used a lot of Open Source indicators as inspiration to quickly get going so thank you to the following people and accounts who share open source scripts that you can use to learn, test, and get started instantly:
And many others. That's the beauty of open source!
Closing note
Publishing it open source so people can fact check my code and thinking. One thing I know for sure is that this can probably be created in a more efficient way. Nonetheless, please a take look and let me know what you think - I am excited to make some updates over the coming weeks.
Thanks for reading!
world stage index ver02This is an indicator that expresses the ratio of "stage1" and "stage4" of world index.
40 symbols are as follows
("TVC:SHCOMP" is revised to "SSE:000001")
(Pacific Ocean)
(Eastern Europe & Middle East)
The criteria are as follows:
EMA5≧EMA20≧EMA40 : Stage1
EMA5≦EMA20≦EMA40 : Stage4
A.The sum of Stage1 was multiplied by 2.5 and drawn on a scale of 0 to 100, with yellow area
B.The Sum of Stage4 was multiplied by 2.5 and drawn on a scale of 0 to 100, with blue area.
C. The ratio of A/B was multiplied by 2.5 and drawn on a scale of 0 to 100, with red lines.
This idea is from Kojirou Kousi.
40 symbols of this script are partially different from Kojiro kousi's idea.
But he said the difference isn't matter.
tradingview社の上海総合指数の銘柄コード変更に合わせて、"TVC:SHCOMP" を "SSE:000001"に改訂しました。
EPS DashboardThis script creates a little table in an indicator below your chart that allows you to view the earnings per share over the last year as well as calculates the year over year earnings per share growth. According to IBD, strong EPS growth is a great indicator of a potential super-performer stock so hopefully this will make it easier to keep an eye on this metric. Note it does not work on things without financial data like crypto, indexes, and ETFs.
US Stock Market Sectors Overview Table [By MUQWISHI]US Market Overview Table will identify the bullish and bearish sectors of a day by tracking the SPDR sectors funds.
It's possible to add a ticker symbol for correlation compared to each sector.
Overview Indicator
MicroStrategy MetricsA script showing all the key MSTR metrics. I will update the script every time degen Saylor sells some more office furniture to buy BTC.
All based around valuing MSTR, aside from its BTC holdings. I.e. the true market cap = enterprise value - BTC holdings. Hence, you're left with the value of the software business + any premium/discount decided by investors.
From this we can derive:
- BTC Holdings % of enterprise value
- Correlation to BTC (in this case we use CME futures...may change this)
- Equivalent Share Price (true market cap divided by shares outstanding)
- P/E Ratio (equivalent share price divided by quarterly EPS estimates x 4)
- Price to FCF Ratio (true market cap divided by FCF (ttm))
- Price to Revenue (^ but with total revenue (ttm))
Swing School MetricsI wrote this script to give me a few metrics I follow and to quickly identify if they have the strength and momentum I am looking for. The metrics are used by StockBee and Qullamaggie to distinguish fast moving stocks gaining momentum.
The measures are:
Average Daily Range similar to TradingView's Monthly Volatility is above 5%
Intermediate moving average is above long term or short term is over intermediate term
Trend Intensity above 1.05 calculated by (SMA7/SMA65)
Recent ER Beat
Recent Sales Beat
I also list the market cap, average daily dollar volume, and float to give an idea of liquidity and tradability.
Discounted Price ProbabilityHere is an attempt to understand the probability of discounted price of a stock by comparing it to historical price and fundamental correlation. Have made use of some of the new features of pine in developing this script (Such as matrix and new features of tables such as cell merge and tooltip).
Script makes use of the library written on matrix matrix
🎲 Process
Probability is measured in two angles
🎯 Absolute : Measure the percentile of price and fundamentals with respect to all time high. The difference between the two is measure of probability of stock being undervalued.
🎯 Drawdown : Measure the percentile of distance from all time high for both price and fundamentals. The difference between the two is used for depicting the probability of stock being undervalued.
🎲 Components
In short, the definitions of stats presented are as below
🎲 Settings
Settings are pretty straightforward
🎲 How to look at these stats
To Start with
Are most of the fundamental values coloured in green? If yes, it means that they are near all time high in terms of percentile.
If drawdowns of fundamental values coloured in green? If yes, it means, the stock has not suffered much drawdowns of fundamentals from its peak.
Are the percentile values of drawdowns in green? If yes, it means, that drop in fundamentals are not high compared to its previous values.
If all the above are greener, then it means, company is in strong growth space.
Example: TSLA
Even though the financial ratios of TSLA are not in par with most of the fundamentally strong stocks, it is indeed growing steadily and at its near all time high.
Lets take another example of NKLA
Here the base columns regarding fundamentals are mostly red. This means, company has suffered setback with respect to their financials and the company is not where it used to be. But, if you see the differential probabilities, it says 92% of being undervalued?
Well, this is due to the fact that NKLA's fundamentals suffered most of the time and they are always below par when compared to price. Hence, such kind of cases may interpret the stocks as undervalued. Hence, even if the probability of being undervalued is more, it does not guarantee the quality of the stock. We need to be mindful overall financials of the company and how they fare with general standards.
Moving forward
To understand value of trending stock, use Absolute Probability (marked with P). Ex. GOOG, MSFT, BRK.B etc.
To understand value of stock which has been recently suffered huge price drop, look at drawdown based probability (marked with D). Ex. BABA, FB, PYPL, SQ, ROKU etc.
Some examples of high flyers:
Some for deep pullbacks:
And the meme stocks: