SFC Valuation Model - Fair Value

Valuation is the analytical process of determining the current (or projected) worth of an asset or a company. There are many techniques used for doing a valuation. An analyst placing a value on a company looks at the business's management, the composition of its capital structure, the prospect of future earnings, and the market value of its assets, among other metrics.

Fundamental analysis is often employed in valuation, although several other methods may be employed such as the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) or the dividend discount model (DDM), Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and many others.

A valuation can be useful when trying to determine the fair value of a security, which is determined by what a buyer is willing to pay a seller, assuming both parties enter the transaction willingly. When a security trades on an exchange, buyers and sellers determine the market value of a stock or bond.

There is no universal standard for calculating the intrinsic value of a company or stock. Financial analysts attempt to determine an asset's intrinsic value by using fundamental and technical analyses to gauge its actual financial performance.

Intrinsic value is useful because it can help an investor understand whether a potential investment is overvalued or undervalued.

This indicator allows investors to simulate different scenarios depending on their view of the stock's value. It calculates different models automatically, but users can define the fair value manually by changing the settings.

For example: change the weight of the model; choose how conservatively want to evaluate the stock; use different growth rate or discount rate and so on.

The indicator shows other useful metrics in order to help investors to evaluate the stock.

This indicator can save users hours of searching financial data and calculating fair value.

There are few valuation methods/steps
- Macroeconomics - analyse the current economic;
- Define how the sector is performing;
- Relative valuation method - compare few stocks and find the Outlier;
- Absolute valuation method historically- define how the stock performed in the past;
- Absolute valuation method - define how the stock is performed now and find the fair value;
- Technical analysis

How to use:
1. Once you have completed the initial evaluation steps, simply load the indicator.
2. Check the default settings and see if they suit you.
3. Find the fair value and wait for the stock to reach it.
Sürüm Notları
- added descriptions for all metrics
- added more metrics for full analysis
- added Graham valuation model
Sürüm Notları
- added calculated price for min\max returns. They could be used as Stop Loss and Take Profit prices.
Sürüm Notları
- added CAGR
Sürüm Notları
- added Retained Earnings Valuation
Sürüm Notları
- added Peter Lynch Valuation Method
- added Net current asset value per share (NCAVPS)
DCFDDMdiscountpricingfairvaluefinancialsforecastforecastingFundamental Analysisfundamental-analysisquantitativestatisticsvaluation

Yalnızca davetli komut dosyası

Bu komut dosyasına erişim, yazar tarafından yetkilendirilen kullanıcılarla sınırlıdır ve genellikle ödeme gerektirir. Sık kullanılanlarınıza ekleyebilirsiniz, ancak bunu yalnızca izin talep edip yazarından bu izni aldıktan sonra kullanabileceksiniz. Daha fazla bilgi için SerpentForexClub ile iletişime geçin veya yazarın aşağıdaki talimatlarını izleyin.

TradingView, yazarına %100 güvenmediğiniz ve komut dosyasının nasıl çalıştığını anlamadığınız sürece bir komut dosyası için ödeme yapmanızı ve onu kullanmanızı önermez. Çoğu durumda, Topluluk Komut Dosyaları bölümümüzde ücretsiz olarak iyi bir açık kaynak alternatifi bulabilirsiniz.

Yazarın talimatları

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Uyarı: Erişim talebinde bulunmadan önce lütfen okuyun.

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