Bank of America Corporation Depositary Shares (Each representing a 1/1200th interest in a Share of Floating Rate Non-Cumulative PrefBank of America Corporation Depositary Shares (Each representing a 1/1200th interest in a Share of Floating Rate Non-Cumulative PrefBank of America Corporation Depositary Shares (Each representing a 1/1200th interest in a Share of Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Pref

Bank of America Corporation Depositary Shares (Each representing a 1/1200th interest in a Share of Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Pref

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BML/PH temelleri

Bank of America Corporation Depositary Shares (Each representing a 1/1200th interest in a Share of Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Pref temettülere genel bakış

BML/PH temettüleri üç aylık ödenir. Son hisse başına temettü 0.35 USD miktarındaydı. Bugün itibarıyla Temettü Getirisi (TTM) 2.42%'dir.