Freedom of MovementFreedom of Movement Indicator
In “Evidence-Based Support & Resistance” article, author Melvin Dickover introduces two new indicators to help traders note support and resistance areas by identifying supply and demand pools. Here you can find the support-resistance technical indicator called "Freedom of Movement".
The indicator takes into account price-volume behavior in order to detect points where movement of price is suddenly restricted, the possible supply and demand pools. These points are also marked by Defended Price Lines (DPLs).
DPLs are horizontal lines that run across the chart at levels defined by following conditions:
* Overlapping bars: If the indicator spike (i.e., indicator is above 2.0 or a custom value) corresponds to a price bar overlapping the previous one, the previous close can be used as the DPL value.
* Very large bars: If the indicator spike corresponds to a price bar of a large size, use its close price as the DPL value.
* Gapping bars: If the indicator spike corresponds to a price bar gapping from the previous bar, the DPL value will depend on the gap size. Small gaps can be ignored: the author suggests using the previous close as the DPL value. When the gap is big, the close of the latter bar is used instead.
* Clustering spikes: If the indicator spikes come in clusters, use the extreme close or open price of the bar corresponding to the last or next to last spike in cluster.
DPLs can be used as support and resistance levels. In order confirm and refine them, FoM (Freedom of Movement) is used along with the Relative Volume Indicator (RVI), which you can find here:
Clustering spikes provide the strongest DPLs while isolated spikes can be used to confirm and refine those provided by the RVI. Coincidence of spikes of the two indicator can be considered a sign of greater strength of the DPL.
More info:
S&C magazine, April 2014.
Hacim Göstergesi
[WJ] - Corrected Seconds Volume** ONLY WORKS FOR SECONDS CHARTS **
After staring at a chart and scratching my head, I realized that the volumes were being incorrectly reported for lower time frames.
A chart that has no updated tick for 5 minutes will report the volume that occurred in the WHOLE 5 minutes - in one tick.
For a 5 second chart like above, we have now a chart that at first appearance is giving us numbers to believe that there is MUCH more liquidity than is real.
This can really confuse us, and other scripts that rely on volume information.
This script simply takes into consideration the time delay before the next tick. If it took 5 minutes to update a tick, the volume should be divided into whatever seconds we are currently using. I also changed the coloring code - if there is no length to the candle it will look at the candle before it to determine if it is a positive or negative movement.
It does make technical sense to have the volume that occurred over 5 minutes in one tick as it is the true volume. However, this script should not be viewed as the absolute value, but a consistent, usable number that will be more accurate with tools.
To give a quick example on why this is important:
In a 10 second chart, we are given an updated tick every minute. In 2 minutes we have 2 ticks that have 1K volume each.
Alternatively, we have a 10 second chart, and we are given an updated tick every 10 seconds. In 2 minutes we have 12 ticks that have 100 volume each.
With quick mental math we can determine that the second scenario is actually (albeit slightly) more busy. However, a script would not do that extra layer of math and would assume that the first scenario is bouncing off the walls with activity and the second is a graveyard.
It's exactly for this example that I have created this script, and I hope it helps someone else out.
MACD-X, More Than MACD by DGTMoving Average Convergence Divergence – MACD
The most popular indicator used in technical analysis, the moving average convergence divergence (MACD), created by Gerald Appel. MACD is a trend-following momentum indicator, designed to reveal changes in the strength, direction, momentum, and duration of a trend in a financial instrument’s price
Historical evolution of MACD,
- Gerald Appel created the MACD line,
- Thomas Aspray added the histogram feature to MACD
- Giorgos E. Siligardos created a leader of MACD
MACD employs two Moving Averages of varying lengths (which are lagging indicators) to identify trend direction and duration. Then, MACD takes the difference in values between those two Moving Averages (MACD Line) and an EMA of those Moving Averages (Signal Line) and plots that difference between the two lines as a histogram which oscillates above and below a center Zero Line. The histogram is used as a good indication of a security's momentum.
Mathematically expressed as;
macd = ma(source, fast_length) – ma(source, slow_length)
signal = ma(macd, signal_length)
histogram = macd – signal
where exponential moving average (ema) is in common use as a moving average (ma)
fast_length = 12
slow_length = 26
signal_length = 9
The MACD indicator is typically good for identifying three types of basic signals ;
Signal Line Crossovers
A Signal Line Crossover is the most common signal produced by the MACD. On the occasions where the MACD Line crosses above or below the Signal Line, that can signify a potentially strong move. The standard interpretation of such an event is a recommendation to buy if the MACD line crosses up through the Signal Line (a "bullish" crossover), or to sell if it crosses down through the Signal Line (a "bearish" crossover). These events are taken as indications that the trend in the financial instrument is about to accelerate in the direction of the crossover.
Zero Line Crossovers
Zero Line Crossovers occur when the MACD Line crossed the Zero Line and either becomes positive (above 0) or negative (below 0). A change from positive to negative MACD is interpreted as "bearish", and from negative to positive as "bullish". Zero crossovers provide evidence of a change in the direction of a trend but less confirmation of its momentum than a signal line crossover
Divergence is another signal created by the MACD. Simply, divergence occurs when the MACD and actual price are not in agreement. A "positive divergence" or "bullish divergence" occurs when the price makes a new low but the MACD does not confirm with a new low of its own. A "negative divergence" or "bearish divergence" occurs when the price makes a new high but the MACD does not confirm with a new high of its own. A divergence with respect to price may occur on the MACD line and/or the MACD Histogram
Moving Average Crossovers , another hidden signal that MACD Indicator identifies
Many traders will watch for a short-term moving average to cross above a longer-term moving average and use this to signal increasing upward momentum. This bullish crossover suggests that the price has recently been rising at a faster rate than it has in the past, so it is a common technical buy sign. Conversely, a short-term moving average crossing below a longer-term average is used to illustrate that the asset's price has been moving downward at a faster rate and that it may be a good time to sell.
Moving Average Crossovers in reality is Zero Line Crossovers, the value of the MACD indicator is equal to zero each time the two moving averages cross over each other. For easy interpretation by trades, Zero Line Crossovers are simply described as positive or negative MACD
False signals
Like any forecasting algorithm, the MACD can generate false signals. A false positive, for example, would be a bullish crossover followed by a sudden decline in a financial instrument. A false negative would be a situation where there is bearish crossover, yet the financial instrument accelerated suddenly upwards
What is “MACD-X” and Why it is “More Than MACD”
In its simples form, MACD-X implements variety of different calculation techniques applied to obtain MACD Line, ability to use of variety of different sources , including Volume related sources, and can be plotted along with MACD in the same window and all those features are available and presented within a single indicator, MACD-X
Different calculation techniques lead to different values for MACD Line, as will further discuss below, and as a consequence the signal line and the histogram values will differentiate accordingly. Mathematical calculation of both signal line and the histogram remain the same.
Main features of MACD-X ;
1- Introduces different proven techniques applied on MACD calculation , such as MACD-Histogram, MACD-Leader and MACD-Source, besides the traditional MACD (MACD-TRADITIONAL)
• MACD-Traditional , by Gerald Appel
It is the MACD that we know, stated as traditional just to avoid confusion with other techniques used with this study
• MACD-Histogram , by Thomas Aspray
The MACD-Histogram measures the distance between MACD and its signal line (the 9-day EMA of MACD). Aspray developed the MACD-Histogram to anticipate signal line crossovers in MACD. Because MACD uses moving averages and moving averages lag price, signal line crossovers can come late and affect the reward-to-risk ratio of a trade. Bullish or bearish divergences in the MACD-Histogram can alert chartists to an imminent signal line crossover in MACD
The MACD-Histogram represents the difference between MACD and its 9-day EMA, the signal line. Mathematically,
macdx = macd - ma(macd, signal_length)
Aspray's contribution served as a way to anticipate (and therefore cut down on lag) possible MACD crossovers which are a fundamental part of the indicator.
Here come a question, what if repeat the same calculations once more (macdh2 = macdh - ma(macdh, signal_length), will it be even better, this question will remain to be tested
• MACD-Leader , by Giorgos E. Siligardos, PhD
MACD Leader has the ability to lead MACD at critical situations. Almost all smoothing methods encounter in technical analysis are based on a relative-weighted sum of past prices, and the Leader is no exception. The concealed weights of MACD Leader are such that more relative weight is used in the more recent prices than the respective weights used by the components of MACD. In effect, the Leader expresses more changes in average price dynamics for the recent price movement than MACD, thus eventually leading MACD, especially when significant trend changes are about to take place.
Siligardos creates two less-laggard moving averages indicators in its formula using the same periods as follows
Indicator1 = ma(source, fast_length) + ma(source - ma(source, fast_length), fast_length)
Indicator2 = ma(source, slow_length) + ma(source - ma(source, slow_length), slow_length)
and then take the difference:
Indicator1 - Indicator2
The result is a new MACD Leader indicator
macdx = macd + ma(source - fast_ma, fast_length) - ma(source - slow_ma, slow_length)
• MACD-Source , a custom experimental interpretation of mine ,
MACD Source, presents an application of MACD that evaluates Source/MA Ratio, relatively with less lag, as a basis for MACD Line, also can be expressed as source convergence/divergence to its moving average. Among the various techniques for removing the lag between price and moving average (MA) of the price, one in particular stands out: the addition to the moving average of a portion of the difference between the price and MA. MACD Source, is based on signal length mean of the difference between Source and average value of shot length and long length moving average of the source (Source/MA Ratio), where the source is actual value and hence no lag and relatively less lag with the average value of moving average of the source . Mathematically expressed as,
macdx = ma(source - avg( ma(source, fast_length), ma(source, slow_length) ), signal_length)
MACD Source provides relatively early crossovers comparing to MACD and better momentum direction indications, assuming the lengths are set to same values
For further details, you are invited to check the following two studies, where the first seeds were sown of the MACD-Source idea
Price Distance to its Moving Averages study, adapts the idea of “Prices high above the moving average (MA) or low below it are likely to be remedied in the future by a reverse price movement", presented in an article by Denis Alajbeg, Zoran Bubas and Dina Vasic published in International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management
First MACD like interpretation comes with the second study named as “ P-MACD ”, where P stands for price, P-MACD study attempts to display relationship between Price and its 20 and 200-period moving average. Calculations with P-MACD were based on price distance (convergence/divergence) to its 200-period moving average, and moving average convergence/divergence of 20-period moving average to 200-period moving average of price.
Now as explained above, MACD Source is a one adapted with traditional MACD, where Source stands for Price, Volume Indicator etc, any source applicable with MACD concept
2- Allows usage of variety of different sources, including Volume related indicators
The most common usage of Source for MACD calculation is close value of the financial instruments price. As an experimental approach, this study will allow source to be selected as one of the following series;
• Current Close Price (close)
• Average of High, Low, and Close Price (hlc3)
• On Balance Volume (obv)
• Accumulation Distribution (accdist)
• Price Volume Trend (pvt)
-Current Close Price and Average of High, Low, and Close Price are price actions of the financial instrument
- Accumulation Distribution is a volume based indicator designed to measure underlying supply and demand
- On Balance Volume (OBV) , is a momentum indicator that measures positive and negative volume flow
- Price Volume Trend (PVT) is a momentum based indicator used to measure money flow
3- Can be plotted along with MACD in the same window using the same scaling
Default setting of MACD-X will display MACD-Source with Current Close Price as a source and traditional MACD can be plotted eighter as a companion of MACD-X or can be selected to be plotted alone.
Applying both will add ability to compare, or use as a confirmation of one other
In case, traditional MACD Is plotted along with MACD-X to avoid misinterpreting, the lines plotted, the area between MACD-X Line and Signal-X Line is highlighted automatically, even if the highlight option not selected. Otherwise highlight will be applied only if that option selected
4- 4C Histogram
Histogram is plotted with four colors to emphasize the momentum and direction
5- Customizable
Additional to ability of selecting Calculation Method, Source, plotting along with MACD, there are few other option that allows users to customize the MACD-X indicator
Lengths are configurable, default values are set as 12, 26, 9 respectively for fast, slow and smoothing length. Setting lengths to 8,21,5 respectively Is worth checking, slower length moving averages will lead to less lag and earlier reaction to price actions but yet requires a caution and back testing before applying
Highlight the area between MACD-X Line and Signal-X Line, with colors emphasising the direction
Label can be added to display Calculation Method, Source and Length settings, the aim of this label is to server only as a reminder to trades to be aware of settings while they are occupied with charts, analysis etc.
Here comes another question, which is of more importance having the reminder or having the indicators with multi timeframe feature? Build-in Multi Time Frame features of Pine is not supported when labels and lines introduced in the script, there are other methods but brings complexity. To be studied further, this version will be with labels for time being.
MACD-X is an alternative variant of MACD, the insight/signals provided by MACD are also applicable to MACD-X with early and clear warnings for the changes in the trend.
If MACD is essential to your analysis, then it is my guess that after using the MACD-X for a while and familiarizing yourself with its unique character and personality, you will make it an inseparable companion to other indicators in your charts.
The various signals generated by MACD/MACD-X are easily interpreted and very few indicators in technical analysis have proved to be more reliable than the MACD, and this relatively simple indicator can quickly be incorporated into any short-term trading strategy
Disclaimer : Trading success is all about following your trading strategy and the indicators should fit within your trading strategy, and not to be traded upon solely
The script is for informational and educational purposes only. Use of the script does not constitutes professional and/or financial advice. You alone the sole responsibility of evaluating the script output and risks associated with the use of the script. In exchange for using the script, you agree not to hold dgtrd TradingView user liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decision you make based on use of the script
Relative Volume (RVOL)I have seen a few RVOL scripts floating around out there, but when creating alerts, the parameters have not been labeled clearly that makes it easy to say: "Alert me when RVOL crosses up my Treshold." Look no further than my retooled version that clearly separates the two data series by color and label. Enjoy!
Large volume indicator to show the price above/belowLarge volume is meaningful that usually the current price above the highest price of the bars with largest volume usually means uptrend in the short-term.
In the opposite, below it means downtrend.
I coded this indicator to save the efforts to compare it, make it easily to tell the uptrend/downtrend by above/below and color.
Hope you guys enjoy it, and welcome to comment.
The Inputs:
Length:the largest volume of bars of the total bars numbers.
Color:the above/below colors.
Text:Remind this line is large volume R/S.
You can find the video tutorial in my ideas sharing.
Volume-Weighted Indicators VWMA/VWAP/EMA_by WWAs traders and investors now urge to console volume factors into their price action analysis. This script is an attempt to combine volume-weighted moving average (VWMA), volume-weighted average price (VWAP), along with the exponential moving average (EMA). I have found that this indicator works quite well with the stock market.
How to use the indicator:
Buy when the VWAP and EMA lines crossing up VWMA.
Sell when the VWAP and EMA crossing down each other OR both VWAP and EMA crossing down VWAP
Any modificatio is welcomed, but please let me know.
Nifty VolumeWhy this Script : Nifty 50 does not provide volume and some time it is really useful to understand the volume .
This is the pine script which calculate the nifty 50 volume .
Logic :
Take each stock contribute to nifty 50 and find it's volume .
Multiply the same with contribution percentage of the same on Nifty 50
Add up all of them and find the total volume .
There is a similar script by @daytraderph which is built for Bank Nifty (custom volume) . I took the same and built for Nfity.
Nifty has 50 stocks and you cant call security method more than 40 times from one Pine script, so this is the limitation of this script. It consider top 40 stocks and find the volume (which contribute pretty much around 95% of the volume) and convert the same to 100 %
Bank Nifty VolumeWhy this Script : Nifty 50 does not provide volume and some time it is really useful to understand the volume .
This is the pine script which calculate the nifty 50 volume .
Logic :
Take each stock contribute to nifty 50 and find it's volume .
Multiply the same with contribution percentage of the same on Nifty 50
Add up all of them and find the total volume .
I took the open source code from @daytraderph script called, Custom Volume
I will make sure I will update the contribution percentage of all stocks my self instead o you update using input methods. This is the difference. Some people don't know where to look at this to update the value, so for them this script might be useful. And this is the only difference comparing to Custom Volume script.
vol difflearn from
change volume bar color vs sma ,
if bar up, volume bar change to orange, volume >20sma, volume change yellow.
if bar down, volume bar change to silver , volume >20sma, volume change black.
Bitcoin Total Output Volume (QUANDL:BCHAIN/TOUTV)Simple script that graphically represents the total dollar output volume at BITCOIN
Blockchain data made available at QUANDL.
Its logic is simple, search the data in the QUANDL database and plot it on the chart.
Rolling Net VolumeMay still make changes, the current study should be helpful as is. Looking to highlight potential relative trend exhaustion in net volume. Should be most effective for stable supply assets. We're looking at an 100 day moving average of net volume essentially. The values of the RNV are slightly exaggerated to help with visibility PLEASE bear this in mind. Never the less, you can look at many commodities and notice moderate and extreme trend exhaustion on the positive and negative side using the transparent bands above and below. The less transparent red band perhaps suggests an opportunity to open a position against the current direction. It's not perfect, I may try to improve it. I am definitely open to feedback and appreciate it very much in advance.
Volume Divergence by MMIt's a simply volume indicator. You should watch for breaks on both volume uptrend and volume downtrend. It uses fibonacci numbers to build smoothed moving average of volume.
Also you can check divergences for trend reversal and momentum loss.
Attributable VolumeA volume indicator which calculates "Attributable Volume”, the portion of volume which contributed to the direction in which the candle moved.
Attributable Volume is calculated as: Total volume excluding the "counter wick" volume.
Where for a green (up) candle, the "counter wick" volume is the top wick volume.
In theory, Attributable Volume should better represent the effort of directional thrust of each candle.
By default, this indicator displays “Attributable RVOL”, but can be set to:
Attributable RVOL
Attributable Volume
Note: RVOL = Relative Volume, the current volume divided by the Volume moving average. RVOL can be used to identify major moves, and potential starts/ends to trends.
Candle VolumeScript Based on Volume Based Coloured Bars by KivancOzbilgic
This indicator turns the candle into a volume-weighted signal, When the price falls, the candle is red, and when the price rises, the candle is green. In addition, we each have two colors Happening:
Dark red: It is dark red when the downtrend trading volume is greater than 200% of its average price (default 20 days), which indicates that our price action is supported by strong bearish trading volume
Red: When the price drops and the trading volume is between 50% and 200% of its average (default 20 days), in this case, we can think that the trading volume is neither strong nor weak
Light red: When the price drops and VOLUME is less than 50% of its average price (default 20 days), the trading volume is weak and there is not much support for price movements
Dark green: When the price rises and the trading volume is greater than 200% of its average price (default 20 days), it indicates that our price movement is supported by a strong bullish trading volume
Green: When the price rises and the trading volume is between 50% and 200% of its average price (the default is 20 days), in this case, we can think that the trading volume is neither strong nor weak
Light green: When the price rises and the trading volume is less than 50% of its average price (default 20 days), the trading volume is weak and does not support the price trend well
Default Low Volume is 50% (0.5) and High 200% (2), but if those values don't suit you, you can change them according to your trading personality
Esse é um indicador que colore a candlera de acordo com o volume baseado na média, quando o volume está acima da média a candlera fica verde, e quando está abaixo, a candlera fica vermelha, e as cores das candleras funcionam dessa forma :
Vermelho escuro: fica vermelho escuro quando o preço cai e o volume de negociação é superior a 200% do preço médio (padrão 20 dias), o que indica que nossa ação de preço é suportada por um forte volume de negociação de baixa
Vermelho: quando o preço cai e o volume de negociação está entre 50% e 200% de sua média (padrão de 20 dias), nesse caso, podemos pensar que o volume de negociação não é forte nem fraco
Vermelho claro: quando o preço cai e VOLUME é inferior a 50% do preço médio (padrão 20 dias), o volume de negociação é fraco e não há muito suporte para movimentos de preço
Verde escuro: quando o preço aumenta e o volume de negociação é superior a 200% do preço médio (padrão 20 dias), isso indica que nosso movimento de preço é suportado por um forte volume de negociação de alta
Verde: quando o preço aumenta e o volume de negociação está entre 50% e 200% do preço médio (o padrão é 20 dias), nesse caso, podemos pensar que o volume de negociação não é forte nem fraco
Verde claro: quando o preço aumenta e o volume de negociação é inferior a 50% do preço médio (padrão 20 dias), o volume de negociação é fraco e não suporta bem a tendência de preço
O volume baixo padrão é 50% (0,5) e alto 200% (2), mas se esses valores não forem adequados para você, você poderá alterá-los de acordo com sua personalidade de trading
Volume, Simple Relative Volume HighlightThis script plots volume bars and highlight bars that have an unusual activity, compare to the average (Standard: Simple Moving Average, 50 periods).
The script is useful for checking daily volume levels on equities. Where there is high volume, there is likely volatility, wich is good for day trading and swing trading entries.
Volume Weighted Exponential Moving AverageYou might have heard that simple moving average barks twice, then you will also notice that volume weighted moving average is even more horrible.
Thanks to Trading View all I had to do was to replace SMA function with EMA.
VWEMA can be used as an adaptive moving average or even an alternative to VWAP.
Relative Volume Strength IndexRVSI is an alternative volume-based indicator that measures the rate of change of average OBV.
How to read a chart using it?
First signal to buy is when you see RVSI is close to green oversold levels.
Once RVSI passes above it's orange EMA, that would be the second alert of accumulation.
Be always cautious when it reaches 50 level as a random statistical correction can be expected because of "market noises".
You know it's a serious uptrend when it reaches above 75 and fluctuates there, grading behind EMA.
The best signal to sell would be a situation where you see RVSI passing below it's EMA when the whole thing is close to Red overbought level
It looks simple, but it's powerful!
I'd use RVSI in combination with price-based indicators.
RedK_Supply/Demand Volume Viewer v1Background
VolumeViewer is a volume indicator, that offers a simple way to estimate the movement and balance (or lack of) of supply & demand volume based on the shape of the price bar. i put this together few years ago and i have a version of this published for another platform under different names (Directional Volume, BetterVolume) in case you come across them
what is V.Viewer
The idea here is to find a "simple proxy" for estimating the demand or supply portions of a volume bar - these 2 forces have the potential to affect the current price trend so we want an easy way to track them - or to understand if a stock is in accumulation or distribution - we want to do this without having access to Level II or bid/ask data, and without having to get into the complexity of exploring the lower timeframe price & volume data
- to achieve that, we depend on a simple assumption, that the volume associated with an up move is "demand" and the volume associated with a down move is "Supply". so we basically extrapolate these supply and demand values based on how the bar looks like - a full "green" price bar / candle will be considered 100% demand, and a full "red" price bar will be considered 100% supply - a bar that opens and closes at the same level will be 50/50 split between supply & demand.
- you may say this is a "too simple" of an assumption to make, but believe me, it works :) at least at the basic scenario we need here: i'm just exploring the volume movement and finding key levels - and it provides a good improvement compared to the classic way we see volume on a chart - which is still available here in VolumeViewer.
in all cases, i consider this to be work in progress, so i'd welcome any ideas to improve (without getting too complicated) - there's already a host of great volume-based indicators that will do the multi timeframe drill down, but that's not my scope here.
Technical Jargon & calculation
1. first we calculate a score % for the volume portion that is considered demand based on the bar shape
skip this part if it sounds too technical => if you're into coding indicators, you would probably know there are couple of different concepts for that algorithm - for example, the one used in Balance Of Power formula - which i'm a big fan of - but the one i use here is different. (how?) this is my own, ant it simply applies double weight for the "wick" parts of a price bar compared to the "body of the bar" -- i did some side-by-side comparison in past and decided this one works better. you can change it in the code if you like
2. after calculating the Bull vs Bears portion of volume, we take a moving average of both for the length you set, to come up with what we consider to be the Demand vs Supply - as usual, i use a weighted moving average (WMA) here.
3. the balance or net volume between these 2 lines is calculated, then we apply a final smoothing and that's the main plot we will get
4. being a very visual person, i did my best to build up the visuals in the correct order - then also to ensure the "study title" bar is properly organized and is simple and useful (Full Volume, Supply, Demand, Net Volume).
- i wish there was a way in Pine to hide a value that i still need to visually plot but don't want it showing its value on the study title bar, but couldn't find it. so the last plot value is repeated twice.
How to use
- V.Viewer is set up to show the simplified view by default for simplicity. so when you first add it to a chart, you will get only the supply vs demand view you can see in the middle pane in the above chart
- Optional / detailed mode: go into the settings, and expose all other plots, you will be able to add the classic volume histogram, and the Supply / Demand lines - note these 2 lines will be overlay-ed on top of each other - this provides an easy way to see who is in control - especially if you change the display of these 2 lines into "area" style. This is what is showing in the lower pane in the above chart.
** Exploring Key Price Levels
- the premise is, at spots where there's big lack of balance, that's where to expect to find key price levels (support / resistance) and these price levels will come into play in future so can be used to set entry / exit targets for our trades - see the example in the AAPL chart where you can easily locate these "balance or reversal levels" using the tops/bottoms/zero-crossings from the Net Volume line
** Use for longer-term Price Analysis
- we can also use this simple indicator to gain more insights (at a high level) of the price in terms of accumulation vs distribution and if the sellers or buyers are in control - for example, in the above AAPL chart, V.Viewer tells us that buyers have been in control since October 19 - even during the recent drop, demand continued to be in play - compare that to DIS chart below for the same period, where it shows that the market was dumping DIS thru the weakness. DIS was bleeding red most of the time
Final thoughts
- V.Viewer is an attempt to enhance the way we see and use Volume by leveraging the shape of the price bar to estimate volume supply & demand - and the Net between the 2
- it will work for stocks and other instruments as long as there's volume data
- note that V.Viewer does not track trend. each bar is taken in isolation of prior bars - the price may be going down and V.Viewer is showing supply going up (absorption scenario?) - so i suggest you do not use it to make decisions without consulting other trend / momentum indicators - of course this is a possible improvement idea, or can be implemented in another indicator, add in trend somehow, or maybe think of making this a +100 / -100 Oscillator .. feel free to play with these thoughts
- all thoughts welcome - if this is useful to you in your trading, please share with other trades here to learn from each other
- the code is commented - please feel free to use it as you like, or build things on top of it - but please continue to credit the author of this code :)
good luck!
Positive Volume Index + Negative Volume IndexThis is my version of plotting the classic Positive Volume Index and Negative Volume Index. They can be wildly different sometimes and not very helpful with entry and exit points but I hope this helps clearly identify buy and sell signals. Buy when the indicator is green and sell when it is red
This was a special request so let me know when you want more scripts from me!
Negative Volume Disparity IndicatorThe Negative Volume Disparity Indicator was created by Phillip C. Holt (Stocks & Commodities V. 14:6 (265-269)). This converts the classic Negative Volume indicator into Bollinger Bands and calculates the percentage of where the value lies within the Bollinger Bands. Buy when the nvdi rises above its signal line and sell when it falls below the signal line.
The OBVDI was a special request so I figured I would add this one as well. Let me know what other indicators you would like me to write scripts for!
On Balance Volume Disparity IndicatorThe On Balance Volume Disparity Indicator was created by Phillip C. Holt (Stocks & Commodities V. 14:6 (265-269)). This converts the classic OBV indicator into Bollinger Bands and calculates the percentage of where the value lies within the Bollinger Bands. Buy when the obvdi rises above its signal line and sell when it falls below the signal line.
This was a special request so let me know what other indicators you would like me to write scripts for!
On Balance Volume ReflexThe On Balance Volume Reflex Indicator was developed by Fred Purifoy (Stocks & Commodities V 6:4 142-144) and it is similar in calculation to the On Balance Volume indicator but uses a lookback period for the change comparisons. Buy when the OVR is above the signal and sell when it falls below the signal.
I have included my On Balance Volume Modified Indicator to highlight the differences between both indicators.
Let me know if you would like to see me write scripts for more indicators!