ATR + Trailing StopsSimple visualisation of Average True Range in Pinescript V4.
The script has two modes: Running and Trailing.
In Running mode, it continuously displays the ATR above and below the price. Specifically, it displays the High and Low price plus and minus the ATR times a user-supplied multiplier. This can be helpful for visualising volatility.
In Trailing mode, it displays the same ATR line, except the line trails until price crosses it. When price crosses it, it flips from long to short or vice-versa.
You could use trailing ATR as a stop loss. Adjust the multiplier and lookback period for your asset and preference.
ATR ChannelsATR Channels help you to identify where to place your stop-loss or trailing stop-loss based on price volatility, according to the Average True Range (ATR).
Adaptive Trailing StopIntroduction
The ability to adapt to possible markets states is important in technical analysis, this is why making adaptive indicator might help get better results. I propose a trailing stop indicator using recursion that can adapt to the efficiency ratio. I have added alerts since it's a often requested feature.
The Indicator
Its quite classical, bands are firstly made then a trailing stop is built around them. The bands are recursive, this allow for faster calculations in general but it also allow for a faster adaptivity. An higher length or factor will make the indicator detect longer term trends, factor determine the raising power of the efficiency ratio.
When smooth is checked the trailing stop will appear smoother.
When adaptive is unchecked the indicator will still act as a trailing stop but might be more affected to ranging markets.
Set a static/trailing stop loss :
You can set your stop loss based on the indicator, a static stop loss can be set at the value of the trailing stop when you enter the market. You can also set it as trailing stop, the indicator will follow the trend thus allowing for potential profits to grow's.
Determine The Trend Direction :
You can generate buy sell signals based on the indicator position relative to the price, when the indicator is lower than the price this indicate a up trending market, when the indicator is higher than the price this indicate a down trending market. If the trailing stop move this indicate a strong current trend.
False signals with trailing stops can happen, the price might go toward the trailing stop making it generate another signal, when market is ranging and exhibiting cyclical behaviour this can affect the indicator and the user might get stuck in a series of false signals, higher length/factor values can fix that at the cost of less early signals.
Identification Of Support And Resistance
Bands during low volatility/ranging markets can return potential reversal points when crossing with the price. The indicator can also do it, even if high/low crosses are better suited to determine support and resistance levels when using a trailing stop. You can use support/resistance identification in conjonction of the current trend detected by the indicator.
The indicator is fully operational in fixed mode while having potential down points in adaptive mode. As you can see the code that return the bands is fully recursive and might provide a great way to create adaptive bands in the future.
I have been asked to give more detail about the indicator uses rather than the construction, i hope the showcased uses are convenient.
Note that the showcased uses can be applied to any trailing stop.
Thanks for reading.
RePaNoCHa V4 [Backtest]This is the Backtest version of the previous one.
It's important to correctly set the "TICKS / PIPS CORRECTION" parameter in each different chart.
SuperTrend is a moving stop and reversal line based on the volatility (ATR).
The strategy will ride up your stop loss when price moviment 1%.
The strategy will close your operation when the market price crossed the stop loss.
The strategy will close operation when the line based on the volatility will crossed
The strategy has the following parameters:
+ **ATR PERIOD** - To select number of bars back to execute calculation
+ **ATR MULTPLIER** - To add a multplier factor on volatility
+ **INITIAL STOP LOSS** - Where can isert the value to first stop.
+ **POSITION TYPE** - Where can to select trade position.
+ **BACKTEST PERIOD** - To select range.
1. I am not licensed financial advisors or broker dealers. I do not tell you when or what to buy or sell. I developed this software which enables you execute manual or automated trades multiple trades using TradingView. The software allows you to set the criteria you want for entering and exiting trades.
2. Do not trade with money you cannot afford to lose.
3. I do not guarantee consistent profits or that anyone can make money with no effort. And I am not selling the holy grail.
4. Every system can have winning and losing streaks.
5. Money management plays a large role in the results of your trading. For example: lot size, account size, broker leverage, and broker margin call rules all have an effect on results. Also, your Take Profit and Stop Loss settings for individual pair trades and for overall account equity have a major impact on results. If you are new to trading and do not understand these items, then I recommend you seek education materials to further your knowledge.
I accept suggestions to improve the script.
If you encounter any problems i will be happy to share with me.
+ Authors: @exit490
+ Revision: v1.0.0
+ Date: 5-Aug-2019
+ Pinescript version: 4
Copyright 2019 Mauricio Pimenta / exit490
SuperTrend with Trailing Stop Loss script may be freely distributed under the (../LICENSE).
This TradingView strategy it is designed to integrate with other strategies with indicators.
It performs a trailing stop loss from entry and exit conditions.
In this strategy you can add conditions for long and short positions.
The strategy will ride up your stop loss when price moviment 1%.
The strategy will close your operation when the market price crossed the stop loss.
Also is possible to select the period that strategy will execute the backtest.
The strategy has the following parameters:
+ **INITIAL STOP LOSS** - Where can isert the value to first stop.
+ **POSITION TYPE** - Where can to select trade position.
+ **BACKTEST PERIOD** - To select range.
1. I am not licensed financial advisors or broker dealers. I do not tell you when or what to buy or sell. I developed this software which enables you execute manual or automated trades multiple trades using TradingView. The software allows you to set the criteria you want for entering and exiting trades.
2. Do not trade with money you cannot afford to lose.
3. I do not guarantee consistent profits or that anyone can make money with no effort. And I am not selling the holy grail.
4. Every system can have winning and losing streaks.
5. Money management plays a large role in the results of your trading. For example: lot size, account size, broker leverage, and broker margin call rules all have an effect on results. Also, your Take Profit and Stop Loss settings for individual pair trades and for overall account equity have a major impact on results. If you are new to trading and do not understand these items, then I recommend you seek education materials to further your knowledge.
I accept suggestions to improve the script.
If you encounter any problems I will be happy to share with me.
+ Authors: @exit490
+ Revision: v1.0.0
+ Date: 03-Aug-2019
+ Pinescript version: 4
Copyright 2019 Mauricio Pimenta / exit490
Trailing Stop Loss script may be freely distributed under the MIT license .
Linear Trailing StopBased on my latest script "Linear Channels"
This is a trailing stop version of the linear channels. Thanks to capissimo for helping me fix several issues with the linear extrapolation part.
In order to know how the indicator work i recommend reading the post on the Linear Channels indicator here
Hope you like it and feel free to leave your suggestions :)
RePaNoCHa V4 [Alerts]Script for automatic trading with Alerts.
LG --> Long (green: not confirmed) (lime: confirmed)
ST --> Short (maroon: not confirmed) (red: confirmed)
TS --> Trailing Stop
xL --> Close Long Position
xS --> Close Short Position
SL --> Stop Loss
The trailing stop closes the trade if the price changes direction by a specified percentage or offset. There is no ideal distance because markets and price are always changing and we know that is impossible to exit on the top or bottom. This script interpolate the trailing Stop Offset with profit, higher profit --> higher Trailing Stop Offset. Despite this, it's difficult to catch the price but not impossible. It has a TS delay too. It take a snapshot every X seconds, if the TS is activated the alert is triggered, otherwise the price keeps fluctuating until a new snapshot.
It can be easily converted to Backtest. Just delete "//" on the corresponding part.
Default settings for XBT:USD at 1H.
Trade Manager (Open Source Version)Hello my young padawans looking for the FORCE to get richer on your next trade
I got pinged at least three times today asking where the hell is the indicator of the day. You asked, I delivered :)
Here's your free open-source Trade Manager Version. My associates might kill me for sharing that one... anyway this is a real GIFT.
I won't share such quality indicators too often for FREE so hope you'll appreciate its value. It can really help with your day to day trading (on top of making your charts looking more awesome)
This is an even better version compared to my previous Trade Manager Trade-Manager . It's basically a standalone version, meaning you'll have to update with 2 lines your own indicator and follow my educational post from yesterday (pasted it below also) to learn how to do it
Please read this educational post I published for you before proceeding further : How-to-connect-your-indicator-with-the-Trade-Manager
From here you normally connected the data source of your own indicator to the Trade Manager. If not, here's a reminder of the article mentionned above
Step 1 - Update your indicator
For the screenshot you see above, I used this indicator : Two-MM-Cross-MACD/ . "But sir are you really advertising your other indicators here ??" ... hmmm.... YES but I gave them for free so ... stop complaining my friend :)
Somewhere in the code you'll have a LONG and a SHORT condition. If not, please go back to study trading for noobs (I'm kidding !!!)
So it should look to something similar
nUP = ma_crossover and macd_crossover
nDN = ma_crossunder and macd_crossunder
What you will need to add at the very end of your script is a Signal plot that will be captured by the Trade Manager. This will give us :
// Signal plot to be used as external
// if crossover, sends 1, otherwise sends -1
Signal = (nUP) ? 1 : (nDN) ? -1 : na
plot(Signal, title="Signal")
The Trade Manager engines expects to receive 1 for a bullishg signal and -1 for bearish .
Step 2 - Add the Trade Manager to your chart and select the right Data Source
I feel the questions coming so I prefer to anticipate :) When you add the Trade Manager to your chart, nothing will be displayed. THIS IS NORMAL because you'll have to select the Data Source to be "Signal"
Remember our Signal variable from the Two MM Cross from before, now we'll capture it and.....drumb rolll...... that's from that moment that your life became even more AWESOME
The Engine will capture the last signal from the MM cross or any indicator actually and will update the Stop Loss, Take Profit levels based on the parameters you set on the Trade Manager
It should work with any indicator as long as you're providing a plot Signal with values 1 and -1 . In any case, you can change the Trade Manager you'll find a better logic for your trading
Now let's cover the different parameters of the tool
It should be straightforward but better to explain everything here
+Label lines : if unchecked, no SL/TPs/... will be displayed
+Show Stop Loss Signal : Will display the stop loss label. You have the choice between three options :
By default, the Stop Loss is set to NONE. You'll have to select a different option to enable the Stop Loss for real
++Percentage : Will set the SL at a percent distance from the price
++Fixed : SL fixed at a static price
++Trailing % : Trailing stop loss based on percentage level
The following is a KEY feature and I got asked for it many times those past two days. I got annoyed of getting the same request so I just did it
++Trailing TP: Will move the Stop Loss if the take profit levels are hit
Example: if TP1 is hit, SL will be moved to breakeven. If TP2 is hit, SL will be moved from TP1 to TP2
+Take Profit 1,2,3 : Visually define the three Take Profit levels. Those are percentage levels .
Meaning if you set TP1 = 2, it will set the TP1 level 2% away from the entry signal
Please note that once a Take profit level is reached, it will magically disappear. This is to be expected
I'll share in the future a way more complete version with invalidation, stop loss/take profits based on indicator, take profit based on supports/resistances, ...
I believe is such a great tool because can be connected to any indicator. I confess that I tried it only with a few... if you find any that's not working with the Trade manager, please let me know and I'll have a look
I want to give a HUUUUUUUGE shoutout to the PineCoders community who helped me finishing it
Wishing you all the best and a pleasant experience with my work
Trade ManagerHello everyone
Hoped you had a great weekend and are ready for what's coming this week
I'll never fail to satisfy my audience on TradingView and I'll start by sharing some heavy stuff.... Imagine the most amazing thing you had in your life. You got it ? now multiply this good feeling by 100 !!! OK... now I have a tool that is beyond that litteraly. Don't believe me, here's the Trade Manager ladies and gentlemen, I could barely contain my excitement this weekend to share it with the community
I wasn't sure of sharing it but you guys did a great job with my other indicators giving me constructive feedback to improve them. Also, those helping me with such feedback usually get the indicator for a lifetime access for free.
Please read this educational post I published for you before proceeding further : How-to-set-an-indicator-to-work-with-the-Trade-manager/
From here you normally connected the data source of your own indicator to the Trade Manager. If not, here's a reminder of the article mentionned above
Step 1 - Update your indicator
Somewhere in the code you'll have a LONG and a SHORT condition. If not, please go back to study trading for noobs (I'm kidding !!!)
So it should look to something similar
macrossover = crossover(MA1, MA2)
macrossunder = crossunder(MA1, MA2)
What you will need to add at the very end of your script is a Signal plot that will be captured by the Trade Manager. This will give us :
// Signal plot to be used as external
// if crossover, sends 1, otherwise sends -1
Signal = macrossover ? 1 : macrossunder ? -1 : na
plot(Signal, title="Signal")
The Trade Manager engines expects to receive 1 for a bullishg signal and -1 for bearish .
Step 2 - Add the Trade Manager to your chart and select the right Data Source
I feel the questions coming so I prefer to anticipate :) When you add the Trade Manager to your chart, nothing will be displayed. THIS IS NORMAL because you'll have to select the Data Source to be "Signal"
Remember our Signal variable from the Two MM Cross from before, now we'll capture it and.....drumb rolll...... that's from that moment that your life became even more AWESOME
The Engine will capture the last signal from the MM cross or any indicator actually and will update the Stop Loss, Take Profit levels based on the parameters you set on the Trade Manager
Now I'll cover the different parameters of the tool
It should be straightforward but better to explain everything here
+Label lines : if unchecked, no SL/TPs/... will be displayed
+Show indicators : This does nothing. Tradingview doesn't give the possibility to set Labels on an UI so we have to use this hack with a useless checkbox
+Show PnL Panel : Will show a Panel at the right of your chart with the PnL updated for the last position only. In a future version, I'll make it work to list maybe the previous N positions defined by the user
+Show Stop Loss Signal : Will display the stop loss label. You have the choice between three options :
++Percentage : Will set the SL at a percent distance from the price
++Fixed : SL fixed at a static price
++SuperTrend : Trailing stop loss based on Supertrend
'll add many more options this week for sure
+Take Profit 1,2,3 : Visually define the three Take Profit levels
Please note that once a Take profit level is reached, it will magically disappear. This is to be expected
This indicator is a first draft of what I believe is such a great tool because can be connected to any indicator. I confess that I tried it only with a few... if you find any that's not working with the Trade manager, please let me know and I'll have a look (for free)
I'm so excited to share it with all of you and that's the best possible way I could ever dreamt of to start the week with my TradingView community
Wishing you all the best and a pleasant experience with my work
IFTS+TS Strategy OverlayInverse Fisher transform on stochastic with Hull MA and Donchian Channels with oversell/overbuy levels and dynamic trailing stop
Fixed trailing stop
Dynamic, based on ATR trailing stop
Re-enter after trailing stop
Includes Hull MA
Hull MA filtration for re-entering after trailing stop
Donchian channels, with overbuy/oversell levels
No repaints
Adaptive Autonomous Recursive Trailing StopIntroduction
Trailing stop are important indicators in technical analysis, today i propose a new trailing stop A2RTS based on my last published indicator A2RMA (1), this last indicator directly used an error measurement thus providing a way to create enveloppes, which provide a direct way to create trailing stops based on highest/lowest rules.
The Indicator
If you need a more detailed explanation of this indicator i encourage you to check the A2RMA indicator post i made, parameters does not differ from the supertrend, thus having a length parameter and a factor parameter who is here described as gamma , gamma control how far away are the bands from each others thus spotting longer terms trends when gamma is higher.
Something worth mentioning is that the indicator sometimes behave like my MTA trailing stop indicator (2) who is closer to the price when a trend persist thus providing early exit points, however A2RTS behave a bit better.
Price can sometimes break the trailing stop, this can be interpreted as a support/resistance or just as an exit point, the support resistance methodology on trailing stop is not the most recommended.
Sometimes it is recommended to have an higher length rather than an high gamma like in this case for INTEL CORP, below gamma = 3 and length = 20
The microprocessor market like to use higher length's instead of higher gamma's , A2RMA is a non-linear filter, this would explain such behaviour.
Trailing stops might not suffer as much from whipsaw trades than MA crossovers but they still remain inefficient when market is not trending, results of the proposed indicator on major forex pairs are more than disappointing, but i hope this will serve as basis for other trailing stops that might act a little bit better. I conclude this post by thanking everyone who support my work and i encourage you to modify this indicator and share it with the community.
Thanks for reading !
Cited Articles
Ultimate Risk Management System 📈With this tool you can run multiple instances for Stop Loss, Take Profit, Trailing Stop or Trailing Take Profit.
Why use it?
> Some trading platforms don't offer special tools like Trailing Stop;
> In case they do, they don't have to know where you put your stops;
> TradingView offers high performance, you can see the tool working in real-time.
Main Features:
- Real-time;
- Long Order;
- Short Order;
- Stop Loss;
- Take Profit;
- Trailing Stop Loss;
- *Trailing Take Profit.
Disclaimer: This system may help you cut out your losses or lock in your profit, but it does not guarantee profit. Always use at your own risk.
Supertrend collectorHello traders
This is an example of how you can add multiple indicators into a unique one
In this instance, I added two supertrend multitimeframes and draw them on a different timeframe chart
IFT Stochastic + Trailing StopInverse fisher transform on stochastic strategy with trailing stop. Good work on flats with mid-wave length
Modular Filter - Spot Trends And Smooth PriceIntroduction
This indicator can have a wide variety of usages, and since it is based on exponential averaging then the whole indicator can be made adaptive, thus ending up with a really promising tool. This indicator who can both smooth price and act as a trailing stop depending on user preferences, i tried to make it as reactive, stable and efficient as possible in order to both smooth and spot trends, lets view it more in depth.
The Indicator
line 8 and 9 create two bands, one upper and one lower, then based on certain conditions the indicator will only return a certain band or an average of both with different weights, this weight is controlled by the beta parameter, values of 1 will return a simple filter while values of 0 will return a classical trailing stop.
beta = 0
The indicator can use output values as input, thus using smoother values as input, in order to do so just check "Feedback", this help the overall output to be smoother as well as giving more long terms signals
The amount of feedback is controlled by the feedback weighting parameter, lower values will weight more the output values thus creating smoother results.
Feedback weighting of 0.2
Using beta = 0 thus having the indicator act as a trailing stop while having the feedback option activated return more long terms signals. Notes that the colors are based on the initial conditions of the indicator.
You can replace length and change alpha for any smoothing variable such as the efficiency ratio or anything with scale (1,0), same goes for beta and the feedback weighting parameter, this is why the indicator is "Modular" in addition of providing different usages. This indicator can look like cluster filters (smooth price monarch, forexguru) , filters with the ability to follow the price quite fine while being stables. I really hope you find an use to it.
Thanks for reading !
Bollinger Band stops - JDI didn't find a BB stops indicator on TV, so I wrote one myself.
You can select various ma types as a base anchor for the calculations.
This indicator can have various use cases similar to Supertrend or Parabolic SAR: as a trend indicator, as a training stop loss,...
RePaNoCHa [Alerts]Script for automatic trading with Alerts (Use Backtest to customize your own settings)
All timeframes but good results on 2H.
LG --> Long
ST --> Short
TS --> Trailing Stop
xL --> Close Long Position
xS --> Close Short Position
SL --> Stop Loss
The trailing stop closes the trade if the price changes direction by a specified percentage or offset. There is no ideal distance because markets and price are always changing and we know that is impossible to exit on the top or bottom. This script interpolate the trailing Stop Offset with profit, higher profit -- > higher Trailing Stop Offset. Despite this, it's difficult to catch the price. If someone comes up with a good idea, comment, I'm happy to learn.
No security() function so no repaint but has time() and can appear a warning for it.
'Once per bar' More profit but not confirmed alerts (10-20% fake alerts)... I like risk
'Once per bar close' Confirmed alerts (0% fake alerts)... You will sleep better
Some settings:
Timeframe = 2H
Position Side = BOTH
Source = hlc3
T3 Length = 5
T3 Volume Factor = 0.9
Sampling Period = 16
Range Multiplier = 1.3
ADX lenght = 10
ADX Threshold = 20
SAR start = 0.07
SAR inc = 0.02
SAR max = 0.15
Pyramiding = 10
Trailing Stop Activation % = 0.5
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=0.5 %) = 0.35
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=10 %) = 1.5
Stop Loss = 3.5
Tics/Pips Correction = 10
Initial Capital = 1000
Quantity = 100 %
Commission value = 0.075 %
Timeframe = 2H
Position Side = BOTH
Source = hlc3
T3 Length = 5
T3 Volume Factor = 0.7
Sampling Period = 13
Range Multiplier = 0.9
ADX lenght = 11
ADX Threshold = 19
SAR start = 0.06
SAR inc = 0.03
SAR max = 0.15
Pyramiding = 10
Trailing Stop Activation % = 0.5
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=0.5 %) = 0.35
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=10 %) = 1.5
Stop Loss = 4
Tics/Pips Correction = 100
Initial Capital = 1000
Quantity = 100 %
Commission value = 0.075 %
Timeframe = 2H
Position Side = LONG
Source = hlc3
T3 Length = 3
T3 Volume Factor = 1.6
Sampling Period = 17
Range Multiplier = 1.3
ADX lenght = 5
ADX Threshold = 18
SAR start = 0.04
SAR inc = 0.03
SAR max = 0.25
Pyramiding = 10
Trailing Stop Activation % = 0.5
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=0.5 %) = 0.4
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=10 %) = 1.5
Stop Loss == false
Tics/Pips Correction = 10000
Initial Capital = 1000
Quantity = 100 %
Commission value = 0.075 %
Timeframe = 2H
Position Side = LONG
Source = hlc3
T3 Length = 3
T3 Volume Factor = 1.6
Sampling Period = 11
Range Multiplier = 1.1
ADX lenght = 6
ADX Threshold = 22
SAR start = 0.07
SAR inc = 0.04
SAR max = 0.15
Pyramiding = 10
Trailing Stop Activation % = 0.5
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=0.5 %) = 0.4
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=10 %) = 1.5
Stop Loss == false
Tics/Pips Correction = 100
Initial Capital = 1000
Quantity = 100 %
Commission value = 0.075 %
Timeframe = 2H
Position Side = LONG
Source = hlc3
T3 Length = 3
T3 Volume Factor = 0.9
Sampling Period = 8
Range Multiplier = 1.2
ADX lenght = 4
ADX Threshold = 22
SAR start = 0.07
SAR inc = 0.04
SAR max = 0.15
Pyramiding = 10
Trailing Stop Activation % = 0.5
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=0.5 %) = 0.4
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=10 %) = 1.5
Stop Loss == false
Tics/Pips Correction = 100000
Initial Capital = 1000
Quantity = 100 %
Commission value = 0.075 %
Timeframe = 2H
Position Side = BOTH
Source = hlc3
T3 Length = 3
T3 Volume Factor = 1
Sampling Period = 12
Range Multiplier = 1.3
ADX lenght = 18
ADX Threshold = 21
SAR start = 0.08
SAR inc = 0.06
SAR max = 0.25
Pyramiding = 10
Trailing Stop Activation % = 0.2
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=0.5 %) = 0.15
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=10 %) = 1
Stop Loss = 1.8
Tics/Pips Correction = 10
Initial Capital = 1000
Quantity = 3 contracts
Commission value = 0.2 USD per contract
Timeframe = 2H
Position Side = BOTH
Source = hlc3
T3 Length = 3
T3 Volume Factor = 1
Sampling Period = 18
Range Multiplier = 1.1
ADX lenght = 10
ADX Threshold = 17
SAR start = 0.1
SAR inc = 0.04
SAR max = 0.35
Pyramiding = 10
Trailing Stop Activation % = 0.2
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=0.5 %) = 0.15
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=10 %) = 1
Stop Loss = 1.6
Tics/Pips Correction = 1000
Initial Capital = 1000
Quantity = 4500 contracts
Commission value = 0.002 USD per contract
Timeframe = 2H
Position Side = BOTH
Source = hlc3
T3 Length = 3
T3 Volume Factor = 0.6
Sampling Period = 14
Range Multiplier = 1.3
ADX lenght = 12
ADX Threshold = 17
SAR start = 0.23
SAR inc = 0.05
SAR max = 0.2
Pyramiding = 10
Trailing Stop Activation % = 0.15
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=0.5 %) = 0.1
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=10 %) = 0.75
Stop Loss = 1.5
Tics/Pips Correction = 10
Initial Capital = 1000
Quantity = 8 contracts
Commission value = 0.2 USD per contract
Timeframe = 2H
Position Side = BOTH
Source = hlc3
T3 Length = 4
T3 Volume Factor = 0.9
Sampling Period = 11
Range Multiplier = 1.1
ADX lenght = 16
ADX Threshold = 24
SAR start = 0.08
SAR inc = 0.03
SAR max = 0.05
Pyramiding = 10
Trailing Stop Activation % = 0.15
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=0.5 %) = 0.1
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=10 %) = 0.75
Stop Loss = 1.5
Tics/Pips Correction = 10
Initial Capital = 1000
Quantity = 1 contracts
Commission value = 1.5 USD per contract
Timeframe = 2H
Position Side = BOTH
Source = hlc3
T3 Length = 3
T3 Volume Factor = 1.1
Sampling Period = 12
Range Multiplier = 1
ADX lenght = 13
ADX Threshold = 21
SAR start = 0.07
SAR inc = 0.05
SAR max = 0.15
Pyramiding = 10
Trailing Stop Activation % = 0.2
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=0.5 %) = 0.15
Trailing Stop Offset % (when profit=10 %) = 1
Stop Loss = 2.5
Tics/Pips Correction = 1000
Initial Capital = 1000
Quantity = 2500 contracts
Commission value = 0.003 USD per contract
Combo Strategy 123 Reversal & Average True Range Trailing Stops This is combo strategies for get
a cumulative signal. Result signal will return 1 if two strategies
is long, -1 if all strategies is short and 0 if signals of strategies is not equal.
First strategy
This System was created from the Book "How I Tripled My Money In The
Futures Market" by Ulf Jensen, Page 183. This is reverse type of strategies.
The strategy buys at market, if close price is higher than the previous close
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Slow Oscillator is lower than 50.
The strategy sells at market, if close price is lower than the previous close price
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Fast Oscillator is higher than 50.
Secon strategy
Average True Range Trailing Stops Strategy, by Sylvain Vervoort
The related article is copyrighted material from Stocks & Commodities Jun 2009
- For purpose educate only
- This script to change bars colors.
TSLS "Trailing Stop Loss Size"This simple script indicates the exact and secure lot size in Pips to use. The indicator is based on the current average true range and volatility. The line also changes color based on the current volatility, so if you see the yellow color then think twice ;)