Gap Absorption StrategyLike the nature, markets don't like the void, and this is something we can take advantage of by trading gaps on some markets.
This technique is well known, so I wanted to write a tiny script based on this strategy to get a bit more comfortable with it.
IMPORTANT: Default parameters wont give you good trades on every markets, you need to modify these parameters to see which proportions correspond to the stock you're trading.
This script triggers signals on predefined variation of a stock price after a gap, and allows its user to configure TP and SL prices corresponding to a specific percentage of this gap movement.
Note: We can observe that opening gaps are often the most interesting.
Trigger: the price variation you want to trigger on (in % of the price)
Stop Loss : in % of the gap
Take profit : in % of the gap
A small table is displayed in the top right corner of the chart to give you TP/SL/Signal prices for each opportunity
SL (red line) and TP (green line) are also displayed on the chart when a signal is triggered
Information concerning the current opportunity is given at the bottom of the chart
Note: This script is based on the Gap-Size-Indicator that I published a few weeks ago.
Contrarian Scalping Counter Trend Bb Envelope Adx and StochasticContrarian Scalping is an trading strategy designed to take advanted of a counter-trend.
The advantage of these strrategies types is that they have a good profitability but with do not great gain (in relation at the time frame).
Indicators used:
Rules for entry
For short: close of the price is above upper band from bb and envelope, adx is below 30 and stochastic is above 50
For long: close of the price is below lower band from bb and envelope, adx is below 30 and stochastic is below 50
Rules for exit
For short: either close of the candle is below lower band of bb or enveloper or stochastic is below 50
For long: either close o the candle is above upper band of bb or envelope or stochastic is above 50
If there are any questions let me know !
RSI Average Swing BotThis is a modified RSI version using as a source a big length(50 candles) and an average of all types of sources for candle calculations such as ohlc4, close, high, open, hlc3 and hl2.
In this case we are going to use a 0-1 scale for an easier calculation, where 0.5 is going to be our middle point.
Above 0.5 we consider a bullish possibility.
Below 0.5 we consider a bearish possibility.
I made a small example bot using that initial logic, together with 2 exit points for long or short positions.
If there are any questions, let me know !
Swing Multi Moving Averages Crypto and Stocks StrategySimple and efficient multi moving average strategy combined with risk management and time condition.
Indicators/ Tools used
Multi selection moving average type like SMA , EMA , SMMA , VWMA , VIDYA , FRAMA , T3 and much more
Limit 1 entry max per week, entry on monday exit on sunday or risk management tp/sl.
Rules for entry:
LONG:Close of the candle cross above the moving average while the previous close was below. All of this is happening during monday session.
SHORT:Close of the candle cross below the moving average while the previous close was above. All of this is happening during monday session.
Rules for exit:
We exit either on sunday or if we reach tp/sl levels.
I recommend use the strategy 2 types, one for long and another for short, using different parameters since long and short movements behave differently.
For example for long we can use a shorter moving average longth and a higher tp/sl while for short we can use a bigger moving average length and a smaller tp/sl
If you have any questions let me know !
Swing VWAP Crypto and Stocks StrategyThis is a strategy designed for swing trading on markets such as crypto and stocks.
Its components are:
Time Management
Risk management
Rules for entry:
We entry only on Monday, if our close of the candle crossed above VWAP
Rules for exit
We exit always on Sunday or if we either hit the TP/SL levels.
If you have any questions let me know
Scalping Trading System bot Crypto and StocksThis is a trend trading strategy scalping bot that can work with any type of market. However I concluded my tests so far with Crypto, Stocks and Forex, and with optimizations always could be found some profitable settings.
SImple Moving Average
Exponential Moving Average
Keltner Channels
MACD Histogram
Rules for entry
long= Close of the candle bigger than both moving averages and close of the candle is between the top and bot levels from Keltner. At the same time the macd histogram is negative and stochastic is below 50.
short= Close of the candle smaller than both moving averages and close of the candle is between the top and bot levels from Keltner. At the same time the macd histogram is positive and stochastic is above 50.
Rules for exit
We exit when we meet an opposite reverse order.
This strategy has no risk management inside, so use it with caution !
Daily HIGH/LOW strategyThis is a DAILY High/LOW strategy combined with a moving average and volume for more accuracy.
The rules are simple :
For long if we had a cross of the high with the previous high and close of the candle is above moving average and chaikin money flow volume is positive we have a long entry.
We exit when we cross down the moving average with the close of the candle.
For short if we had a crossdown of the low with the previous low and close of the candle is below moving average and chaikin money flow volume is negative we have a short entry.
We exit when we cross above the moving average with the close of the candle.
This strategy has no risk management inside so use it with caution.
If you have any questions, let me know
Average Highest High and Lowest Low Swinger StrategyThis is a full price action strategy designed for trending markets such as crypto and stocks.
Its purely made on calculations for the highest high and lowest low using 2 different length , a faster and a slower one.
With those we make multiple averages.
Rules for entry:
For long: our close of the candle is above both the average using fast and slow line
For short: our close of the candle is below both the average using fast and slow line
Rules for exit
We always exit when we have an opposite order
This strategy use no risk management system, so be careful with it
If you have any questions, let me know
Swing Stock Market Multi MA Correlation This is a swing strategy adapted to stock market using correlation with either SP500 or Nasdaq, so its best to trade stocks from this region.
Its components are
Correlation Candle
Fast moving average to choose from SMA , EMA , SMMA (RMA), WMA and VWMA
Medium moving Average to choose from SMA , EMA , SMMA (RMA), WMA and VWMA
Slow moving average to choose from SMA , EMA , SMMA (RMA), WMA and VWMA
Rules for entry
Long: fast ma > medium ma and medium ma > slow ma
Short: fast ma< medium ma and medium ma < slow ma.
Rules for exit
We exit when we receive an inverse condition.
This strategy use no risk management inside, so be careful with it .
If you have any questions, let me know !
Improved Bollinger Swing Strategy Stock NasdaqThis is an improved bollinger band strategy adapted to Nasdaq Index/Stocks.
The new update include a multiple logic calculation BB adapted for long and short, together with a risk management using movement in %.
Rules for entry
For long we have a crossover between the close and the lower band from the bb
For long we have a crossover between the close and the upper band from the bb
Rules for exit
We exit when we either find a reverse condition, or if we hit the take profit/stop loss levels.
If you have any questions, let me know !
Swing VWAP Weekly Stock and Crypto StrategyThis is a simple yet very efficient swing strategy designed for crypto and stock market, using big timeframes.
Its main component is VWAP weekly, so for best scenarios its better to use big timeframes such as 8h+.
The rules for entry are simple:
If our close if above vwap weekly we enter long .
If our close is below vwap weekly we enter short.
We exit from the trade, when a reverse condition than the entry one is triggered.
Because this strategy has no risk management inside, I recommend to be careful with it.
If you have any questions, let me know
High/Low Channel Multi averages Crypto Swing strategyThis is a swing strategy designed for trending markets such as crypto and stock, with big timeframes , like 8h.
For this strategy we take SMA, EMA, VWMA, ALMA, SMMA, LSMA and VWMA and make an apply them all to both HIGH and LOW separately and make 2 averages, 1 applied to high and the other applied to low.
With them we make a channel.
Rules for entry
For long: close of a candle is above avg applied to high.
For short: close of a candle is below avg applied to low.
Rules for exit
We exit when we either hit TP or SL or when we receive a different condition than the entry one.(long- > short and viceversa)
If you have any questions, let me know !
Stock trending strategy This is a long only strategy designed maily for stock markets and futures. In general it works best with 1h, however it can be optimized with other timeframes as well.
MACD histogram
Rules for entry
Long :
For VWAP: close is above the vwap daily
EMA: close is above the moving average
MACD histogram is above 0
For VWAP: close is belowthe vwap daily
EMA: close is below the moving average
MACD histogram is below 0
Rules for exit
This strategy does not have any risk management inside. Instead it exits whenver it receives an opposite signal form the original one used for entry.
If you have any questions let me know !
Ichimoku with MACD/ CMF/ TSIThis is a very powerful trend strategy designed for markets such as stocks market , stock index and crypto.
For time frames I found out that 1h seems to do the trick.
Ichimoku full pack
MACD histogram
CMF oscillator
TSI oscillator
Rules for entry
Long :
For Ichimoku:Tenkan part of cloud is bigger than kijun, Chikou is above 0 , close of a candle is above the Senkou
MACD histogram is above 0
CMF oscillator is positive and bigger than 0.1
TSI oscillator is above 0
For Ichimoku:Tenkan part of cloud is smaller than kijun, Chikou is below 0 , close of a candle is belowthe Senkou
MACD histogram is below 0
CMF oscillator is negative and below -0.1
TSI oscillator is below 0
Rules for exit
This strategy does not have any risk management inside. Instead it exits whenver it receives an opposite signal form the original one used for entry.
If you have any questions let me know !
Supertrend LSMA long StrategyThis is a long strategy which combines Super trend indicator with LSMA moving average.
In general it tends to works better with long trending markets such as stocks and cryptos using a big timeframe.
The rules are simple
Long entry:
Supertrend is telling us to go long and close of a candle is above moving average
Long exit:
Supertrend is telling us to go short
IF you have any questions, let me know !
Pivot Reversal strategy long onlyPivot Point Reversal Strategy
Pivot point reversal strategy is based on the first support level’s price action during the bullish trend and the first resistance level during the bearish trend . Traders follow the main trend and enter into the trade after reversal analyzing pivot point levels.
This version is an upgraded version, combining the initial pivot point reversal strategy together with one of the most accuracy moving average in my opinion for day trade, the Least square moving average.
At the same time I applied an option to backtest using a date range and a leverage calculator.
The default options are optimized for BTC /USDT 2H charts, using 0.1% comission fee.
If you have any questions, let me know
Vwap mtf Swing Stock StrategyThis is a trending strategy designed for stock market, especially long trending assets such as TSLA, NIO, AMAZON and so on.
Its made of volatility bands and weekly VWAP, in this case daily and weekly.
This strategy has been adapted to go long only.
Rules for entry
For long , we want to enter close of a candle is above vwap weekly, and at the same time the close of a candle cross-under the lower volatility band.
For exit , we want to enter close of a candle is below vwap weekly, and at the same time the close of a candle cross-over the upper volatility band.
This strategy does not have a risk management inside, so use it with caution.
If you have any questions, let me know !
ATR with EOM and VORTEXThis is a strategy, designed for long trends for stock and crypto market.
Its made of ATR for volatility, EOM for volume and VORTEX for the trend direction.
In this case on the ATR, I applied an EMA to check if current position is above the EMA -> bull trend, below ema -> bear trend
For EOM I am using the positive and negative value scale, if its positive we are in a bull movement, otherwise a bear movement.
Lastly for VORTEX, I took the min and max, and made an average, after that I am using the average and compare it with 1 value. Above 1 -> bull, belowe 1-> bear.
This strategy only goes long.
If you have any questions, let me know.
Full CRYPTO pack macd, rsi, obv, ema strategyThis is a simple, yet very efficient crypto strategy, adapted to 4h time frame, on big coins like ETH and BTC. However it can be adapted to other markets, timeframes etc
For this strategy I use a combination of a trend line, an oscillator, price action and volume.
This strategy has both the opportunity to go long and short.
As well, it has a leverage simulator .
The rules are the next ones:
Long : we check that current candle is ascending and above the moving average, the macd is in positive range, rsi is below overbought level and volume is bigger than the moving avg of volume.
For short, we have the opposite long rules.
If you have any questions, please let me know !
MACD oscillator with EMA strategy 4H This is a simple, yet efficient strategy, which is made from a combination of an oscillator and a moving average.
Its setup for 4h candles with the current settings, however it can be adapted to other different timeframes.
It works nicely ,beating the buy and hold for both BTC and ETH over the last 3 years.
As well with some optimizations and modifications it can be adapted to futures market, indexes(NASDAQ,NIFTY etc), forex(GBPUSD), stocks and so on.
Time condition
Long/short option
For long/exit short we enter when we are above the ema, histogram is positive and current candle is higher than previous.
For short /exit long , when close below ema, histo negative and current candles smaller than previous
If you have any questions please let me know !
Heikin-Ashi Change Strategy/ Indicator
Today I bring you a simple and efficient indicator/strategy based only on HA.
Can be used together with other TA tools or alone.
The idea behind is simple :
We have to forms to calculate the candle, using inner HA candles or normal candles. Once we have that we apply certain rules to get the max high, min low, open and close(ohlc)
With that then we check for changing in the patters like for example
For long close is higher than open and the previos close is lower than open. For short is going to be the opposite of long condition.
For the purpose of this example, I only use long direction and exit once we have the short signal.
If you have any questions, please let me know in private chat !
MavilimW Strategy MTF EMA with HA CandlesThis is a strategy adapted initially for Mavilim moving average indicator, based on WMA MA.
It seems to works amazingly on long term markets, like stocks, some futures, some comodities and so on.
In this strategy, I form initially the candle, using EMA values, so I take the EMA of last 50 closes, open, highs and lows and form the candle
After this I take interally HA and convert the EMA candle to HA.
Then using the moving averages on multiple timeframes, like in this example we have a chart on 4h, but I use 1h and 1d moving averages.
For long condition we have : close is above moving average timeframe1 and oving average timeframe2 and oving average timeframe3
Initially short would be close below ma timeframe1, ma timeframe2 and timeframe3 -> but here I also convert it into a long signal.
So we actually go only long .
And we have 2 different exits : for first long if we have a crossdown of 1h ma with 1 day ma, and for second long if we have a cross up of 1h ma with 1 day ma in this example.
Message me if you have any questions about this strategy.
Heiken Ashi MTF Strategy- IndicatorHello, this is both a strategy and indicator that revolves around Heikin Ashi candles.
In this case we take 3 different time frames, in this example we use daily , weekly and monthly.
The conditions for entry are :
For long : we check that we have a green daily candle, at the same time we check that the weekly and monthly candles are also green.
For short : We check that all candles, daily, weekly and monthly and red.
For exit of long : as soon as 1 of the 3 candles, daily or weekly or monthly converts to red, we exit.
For exit of short : as soon as 1 of the 3 candles converts to green, we exit.
This strategy- indicator can be adapted to any type of market.