Faytterro Estimator StrategyWhat is "Faytterro Estimator Strategy"?
"Faytterro Estimator Strategy" is strategy of faytterro estimator. if you want to know more about faytterro estimator:
What it does?
It trades according to the signals given by faytterro estimator and some additional restrictions.
How it does it?
Using the faytterro estimator and the following variables, it gives buy and sell signals in different sizes at ideal points.
How to use it?
The "source" part is used to change the source of faytterro estimator.
The "length" is the length of the fayterro estimator.
"Minimum entry-close gap" is the minimum distance between two transactions opened in opposite directions. For example, if you opened long at 20 500 and "Minimum entry-close gap" is 400, you will not receive a sell signal before the price goes above 20900.
If "minimum entry-entry gap" is the minimum difference between two transactions opened in the same direction. For example, if you open long at 20500 level and the "minimum entry-entry gap" is 400, you will not receive a "buy" signal before the price goes below the 20100 level.
"strong entry size" determines the size of strong signals. The size of ordinary signals is always 1.
note: default values for btc/usdt 1 hour timeframe.
Nadaraya-Watson CombineThis is a combination of the Lux Algo Nadaraya-Watson Estimator and Envelope. Please note the repainting issue.
In addition, I've added a plot of the actual values of the current barstate of
the Nadaraya-Watson windows as they are computed (lines 92-95). It only plots values for the current data at
each time update. It is interesting to compare the trajectory of the end points of the Estimator and
Envelope to the smoothing function at each time update. Due to the kernel smoothing at each update the
history is lost at each update (repaint).
I've added a feature to allow adjustment to the kernel smoothing algorithm as suggested by thomsonraja (line 59).
The settings and usage are repeated from Lux Algo below.
Window Size: Determines the number of recent price observations to be used to fit the Nadaraya-Watson Estimator.
Bandwidth: Controls the degree of smoothness of the envelopes , with higher values returning smoother results.
Mult: Controls the envelope width.
Src: Input source of the indicator.
Kernel power: See line 59, adjusts the exponential power (powh) as suggested by thomsonraja
Kernel denominator: See line 59, adjusts the denominator (den) as suggested by thomsonraja
This tool outlines extremes made by the prices within the selected window size.
This is achieved by estimating the underlying trend in the price using kernel smoothing,
calculating the mean absolute deviations from it, and adding/subtracting it
from the estimated underlying trend.
I repeat Lux Algo's caution: 'we do not recommend this tool to be used alone
or solely for real time applications.'
Nadaraya-Watson: Rational Quadratic Kernel (Non-Repainting)What is Nadaraya–Watson Regression?
Nadaraya–Watson Regression is a type of Kernel Regression, which is a non-parametric method for estimating the curve of best fit for a dataset. Unlike Linear Regression or Polynomial Regression, Kernel Regression does not assume any underlying distribution of the data. For estimation, it uses a kernel function, which is a weighting function that assigns a weight to each data point based on how close it is to the current point. The computed weights are then used to calculate the weighted average of the data points.
How is this different from using a Moving Average?
A Simple Moving Average is actually a special type of Kernel Regression that uses a Uniform (Retangular) Kernel function. This means that all data points in the specified lookback window are weighted equally. In contrast, the Rational Quadratic Kernel function used in this indicator assigns a higher weight to data points that are closer to the current point. This means that the indicator will react more quickly to changes in the data.
Why use the Rational Quadratic Kernel over the Gaussian Kernel?
The Gaussian Kernel is one of the most commonly used Kernel functions and is used extensively in many Machine Learning algorithms due to its general applicability across a wide variety of datasets. The Rational Quadratic Kernel can be thought of as a Gaussian Kernel on steroids; it is equivalent to adding together many Gaussian Kernels of differing length scales. This allows the user even more freedom to tune the indicator to their specific needs.
The formula for the Rational Quadratic function is:
K(x, x') = (1 + ||x - x'||^2 / (2 * alpha * h^2))^(-alpha)
where x and x' data are points, alpha is a hyperparameter that controls the smoothness (i.e. overall "wiggle") of the curve, and h is the band length of the kernel.
Does this Indicator Repaint?
No, this indicator has been intentionally designed to NOT repaint. This means that once a bar has closed, the indicator will never change the values in its plot. This is useful for backtesting and for trading strategies that require a non-repainting indicator.
Bandwidth. This is the number of bars that the indicator will use as a lookback window.
Relative Weighting Parameter. The alpha parameter for the Rational Quadratic Kernel function. This is a hyperparameter that controls the smoothness of the curve. A lower value of alpha will result in a smoother, more stretched-out curve, while a lower value will result in a more wiggly curve with a tighter fit to the data. As this parameter approaches 0, the longer time frames will exert more influence on the estimation, and as it approaches infinity, the curve will become identical to the one produced by the Gaussian Kernel.
Color Smoothing. Toggles the mechanism for coloring the estimation plot between rate of change and cross over modes.
SUPER GCOV5 MAPSCALP > MAPPING & SCALPING SUPER GCOV5 MAPSCALP indicator is built specifically for mapping/prediction measurement and fast trading i.e. scalping/intraday in the commodity market or cryptos market. It uses an indicator instrument consisting of ATR TRAILING STOP (ATR), EXPONENTIAL MOVING AVERAGE, PIVOT POINT, FIBONACCI KEY LEVEL, and LINEAR REGRESSION CHANNEL(LRC).
Rebuild of Instrument & Parameter
This indicator is also an upgraded instrument that is sourced from the previous indicator-FUTURES SCALPV2.This R&D of course makes trading activities more effective, and dynamic to increase the confidence of traders in current trading activities. The indicator has been upgraded in terms of parameters as well as additional instruments. Among them are;
1. ATR Trailing Stop
2. ATR BUY/SELL signal
3. Exponential Moving Average(EMA) – fastMA/slowMA Length
5. Breakout/breakdown signal
6. Pivot low/high level
7. Fibonacci extends & retracement
8. Linear Regression Channel(LRC)
9. Alert condition ( a dozen alerts )
> The best timeframe for entry is 3 minutes for FCPO and 15 minutes for other futures & cryptos.
> The best timeframe mapping/prediction is 1 hour & 4 hours.
>The candle/bars have been colored to make it easier for traders to see the price trends whether in bullish or bearish conditions.
1. entry by signal BUY/SELL after signal bar ( 2nd bar) for confirmation.
2. The best entries BUY at support(pivot low-Blue line) after price rebound then signal appears. The best buy also when the price is at lower
low pivot + fibo support level + lower trendline(LRC) + and the price went rebound.
3. The best entries SELL at resistance(pivot high-red line) after price pullback then signal appears.
The best buy also when the price is at a higher high pivot + fibo resistance level + upper trendline LRC + and the price went pullback.
4. Profit-taking areas are usually measured by support and resistance levels. Please refer to the bold line( support & resistance), fibo key level,
and trendline.
*To avoid false signals/wrong positions, you can use the EMA line as a guide and follow the trends, which are the buying weight when the price is above the 20/50 ema, and the selling weight when the price is below the 20/50 ema. EMA can be reset on the input setting.
1. Use a bigger timeframe such as 4 hours or 1 hour
2. Use LRC to identify buy/sell weights when the price makes a zig-zag patent
3. Use monthly and weekly fibo levels to know support and resistance. This fibo is very important to see if the price will make an extension or
retracement based on the regression channel earlier. So here we can evaluate which area to buy/sell/take-profit/exit and the reversal of a
market price.
You can also create an ALERT CONDITION to help you get a reminder of signals and price trend changes
The original instrument has been retained but changed in terms of display & facelift features.
Hopefully, the new one will assist you in making analysis and strategy of trading activities successfully.
Nasdaq DowJones STOCH+RSIAlternative & UPDATED version of my previous indicator for spread trading.
This indicator can work pretty well also with other indices or correlated assets such as nasdaq100 and dax40.
The spikes from one side of the channel or the orizzontal lines signal a possible entry signal for a spread trading strategy.
Regression Channel, Candles and Candlestick Patterns by MontyRegression Candles by ugurvu
Regression Channel by Tradingview
All Candlestick Patterns By Tradingview
This script was combined for a friend of mine who needed this.
This Script has regression candles by ugurvu, Regression channel and Candlestick patterns by tradingview.
The intention was to fuse these together so more information can be processed on the cost of a single indicator.
Standard Deviation Channel V.1Standard Deviation channel For TradingView V.1
Many thanks to and Made with help from @rumpypumpydumpy
█ - How to add the indicator-
You can “Boost” the tool if you like it, then scroll down on this page to "Add to favorite indicators" so it will be saved in your favorites. Easiest way to add to chart past that is simply copy the indicators name, Navigate to a chart, then paste the indicators name into your chart's "Indicators" tab. It should then be immediately added to the current chart. If your display is not large enough, when you first add your channel,, you may realize that you see labels appear, but no channel. Simply scroll backwards in time until the chart loads. TradingView needs to be able to see the data you would like the channel to read in order to plot and display correctly. This is a simple one or two mouse wheel scroll and it will appear.
You may notice a compression of price scale. IF this happens simply right click your right price axis, a menu will appear, select “Scale price chart only”, and "Auto (fits data to screen) This will release the scale compression and let you view the channel and price normally. Once your Channel is added, loaded, and ready to go, you can proceed to settings. In the top left corner of your main chart there will be a Indicator title, hover that and click on the gear icon to access the channels custom settings. You can also double click any of the active plots from the channel or averages on the chart, and gain access to the settings panel through that.
Settings explained -
Inputs and color choices
You can think of the settings panel as 3 separate sections.
First - Look and feel- You will have your Channels visual inputs, Simple Yes or No check boxes on whether you would like to display the visual items listed. You can choose to display the channel in a multitude of ways, with or without half deviations, with no 2nd, 3rd, or 4th deviations. This first section is your quick access control panel to the visual feel and display of the channel and its items.
Then below that you will see quick access color presets for each deviation and half deviations. You can choose to leave these as is, or you can choose custom colors per your preference.
The positive and negative Second deviations (+/-2std) are colored by positive and negative slope of channel. This will help to show overall trend, whether up or down, positive or negative. User can change the positive and negative slope colors if they would like.
Second, - Time and Regression - Next as you scroll down the settings panel you will encounter the Time and regression settings. In order for the channel to match the channel used widely in TOS, we had to Preset the look back lengths into the code because on Tradingview we have an “Continuous left edge of the chart”. We needed to tell the channel how far to look back and start calculating. The frame work for this time logic came initially from the channel that was developed years back by @corgalicious, We then took that time logic and re-worked it in order to fit the parameters that the widely used and popular TOS channel has.
Above the time frame length back inputs you will find a dropdown menu "Regression method type". This will offer different methods of regression and calculating the standard deviation from the center linear regression line. It is preset to “Population standard deviation” which will mimic the widely used TOS channel. There is also a choice for “Regression method standard error, or RMSE. This is a similar regression style, but will result in a tighter fitting, smaller deviation measurement and channel all around. As well as a multitude of other regression styles thanks to the genius of @rumpypumpydumpy
All the time presets were carefully chosen based off Pre set time frames TOS offers for their widely used Standard deviation channel, and time frames I had noted as widely used. You as the user can change those look back windows if you prefer through the input length settings. I recommend using the stock settings in most scenarios. Trading view has a 5000 bar look back limit, so we have implemented “Max lookbacks” inside the code to avoid any user error or confusion. The standard error of the sample mean is an estimate of how far the sample mean is likely to be from the population mean, whereas the standard deviation of the sample is the degree to which individuals within the sample differ from the sample mean. For longer time frames and sample sets I tend to use Population Standard Dev setting. For smaller sample sets I will go with Linreg RMSE setting. This is a personal preference. It is encouraged to try all of them and see what fits your trading style the best.
If the user would like to use a "Max bar lookback and plot the maximum allowed length on the current time frame, Simply select, "Use the full range of data allowed in max bars back for calculation?" This will automatically search back on the current time frame and plot the channel 4999 bars back. User will have to SCROLL BACK in order to fully load the channel into view. Again, Tradingview needs to see the candles you would like to plot on.
Third, - Finally at the bottom of the settings I have included Exponential moving average clouds. These are NOT enabled by default. If the user would like them enabled simply check "show momentum average clouds" and "Show Candle EMA". These are Multiple time frame moving average clouds consisting of 72/89 length 3, and 5min exponential moving averages. I use these to simply show the front or back side of a move and to find if trend is strong or weakening. These are not always needed so they are turned off by default.
Reversion and Repulsion-
You will find that the channel linear regression trend line has two characteristic's, Reversion to the mean, and Repulsion away from the mean. Price either seeks to aggressively return to the mean when it has exited a normal distribution, or price seeks to aggressively move away from the mean in times of momentum. Most seek to participate in the move through MAJOR WHOLE deviation levels in one scenario or the other.
The idea behind using a Standard deviation channel is to see extension and find where in the move we are. Are you extended out to 3 or 4 deviation's up or down? If so, you could start to think about reversion back to the mean. Have you had a violent move down to -3 or -4 deviations in a sell off? Maybe look at reversion back up toward the mean off a whole deviation break. Have you broken out of a normal distribution at +1 deviation and are building trend? maybe seek to join trend.
I have found most success by using a Split screen style layout. On the left chart most will have a 1min intraday channel showing, and on the left chart a 4hr channel showing. The idea is to mark your longer time frame deviations onto your intraday time frame, and use the intraday Channel to guide you through the higher time framed move. The move through +/- 1 deviation is a high momentum area in most names as price either seeks to return to the mean, or move strongly away from the mean.
█ Time periods
The channel has pre determined lookback presets for each major time frame. These have been preset in the code to mimic the widely used channel in TOS to the best of our ability.
Preset timeframe lookbacks include.
//intraday shorter time frames. 1/2min with 2day lookbacks
'1D-1Min' - Default= 2D, minval=1, maxval=5
'1D-2Min' - Default= 2D, minval=1, maxval=7
//intraday shorter time frames. 3/5min with 5day lookbacks. User can set shorter or longer if they choose, up to a 5000k bar look back depending on their Data tier level, Basic, Pro, Pro+, Premium etc.
'5D-3Min' - Default= 5D, minval=1, maxval=7
'5D-5Min' - Default= 5D, minval=1, maxval=20
// larger intraday time frames, 10/15min with 5day look backs.
'5D-10Min' - Default= 5D, minval=1, maxval=20
'5D-15Min' - Default= 5D, minval=1, maxval=60
// "Swing style time frames" 30/60 min with 10 and 20 day look back.
'10D-30Min' - Default= 10D, minval=1, maxval=60
'20D-1Hr' - Default= 20D, minval=1, maxval=90
//longer lookbacks for larger time frames using day lookback with the exception of week/month
'90D-2Hr' - Default = 90D, minval=1, maxval=180
'4h ' - Default = 180D,minval=1, maxval=4999
'6h' - Default = 36D, minval=1, maxval=252
'5Yr-W' - Default = 260W,minval=1, maxval=260
'1Yr-1D' - Default = 252D,minval=1, maxval=4999
'1Yr-1W' - Default = 52W, minval=1, maxval=480
'5Yr-1M' - Default = 60W, minval=1, maxval=480
█ Minimum Window Size
Note that on each time frame you MUST quickly scroll out to the first bar that the channel should start calculating on in order for the channel to populate on longer time frame series. This is under construction and as soon as there is a fix or other way around this, it will be addressed.
In the end I encourage any who tries the Channel to really sit down and spend some time playing around with the settings in order to find out how they like the Channel set up. I usually run the default settings on a intraday 5min chart, and then another instance of the study on a 4 hour chart. That way I can see granular intraday levels, and macro long term levels in the same view. See what fit's you the best, and how you like to trade. Most of all ENJOY!
Good luck -
As always, the creator of this code is NOT a licensed investment advisor. No output of this tool is to be taken as investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any security.
Trading is risky, any one using this tool acknowledges they CAN LOSE some if not all of their initial investment even with this tool enabled.
User assumes ALL RESPONSIBILITY when using this tool in their technical analysis. There is NO GUARANTEE THAT THE USE OF THIS TOOL WILL RESULT IN PROFIT Use at your own risk.
Faytterro EstimatorWhat is Faytterro Estimator?
This indicator is an advanced moving average.
What it does?
This indicator is both a moving average and at the same time, it predicts the future values that the price may take based on the values it has taken before.
How it does it?
takes the weighted average of data of the selected length (reducing the weight from the middle to the ends). then draws a parabola through the last three values, creating a predicted line.
How to use it?
it is simple to use. You can use it both as a regression to review past prices, and to predict the future value of a price. uptrends are in green and downtrends are in red. color change indicates a possible trend change.
T.O/REG/Gauss LineHi Dear Traders/Dealers!
I present you here 3 lines that I developed myself base on statistical issues.
+Reg. Line
+Gauss Line
+T.O Line
-Reg. Line based on linear regression of previous inputs to make an average value.
-Gauss Line based on Gaussian mean value, Standard Deviation and it uses previous inputs to make an average value.
-T.O Line based on Gaussian and RMA methods generate an average value.
Hopefully useful for you!
Best regards and happy trading
Oscillating SSL Channel Strategy - 3m & 5m Time FramesThis script is pretty self-explanatory. I will suggest trying some different exits to get that win rate above 20% (I'd start with Take Profit and Stop Loss percentages).
TASC's September 2022 edition of Traders' Tips includes an article by Vitali Apirine titled "The Linear Regression-Adjusted Exponential Moving Average". This script implements the titular indicator presented in this article.
The Linear Regression-Adjusted Exponential Moving Average (LRAdj EMA) is a new tool that combines a linear regression indicator with exponential moving averages . First, the indicator accounts for the linear regression deviation, that is, the distance between the price and the linear regression indicator. Subsequently, an exponential moving average (EMA) smooths the price data and and provides an indication of the current direction.
As part of a trading system, LRAdj EMA can be used in conjunction with an exponential moving average of the same length to identify the overall trend. Alternatively, using LRAdj EMAs of different lengths together can help identify turning points.
The script uses the following input parameters:
EMA Length
LR Lookback Period
The calculation of LRAdj EMA is carried out as follows:
Current LRAdj EMA = Prior LRAdj EMA + MLTP × (1+ LRAdj × Multiplier ) × ( Price − Prior LRAdj EMA ),
where MLTP is a weighting multiplier defined as MLTP = 2 ⁄ ( EMA Length + 1), and LRAdj is the linear regression adjustment (LRAdj) multiplier:
LRAdj = (Abs( Current LR Dist )−Abs( Minimum LR Dist )) ⁄ (Abs( Maximum LR Dist )−Abs( Minimum LR Dist ))
When calculating the LRAdj multiplier, the absolute values of the following quantities are used:
Current LR Dist is the distance between the current close and the linear regression indicator with a length determined by the LR Lookback Period parameter,
Minimum LR Dist is the minimum distance between the close and the linear regression indicator for the LR lookback period ,
Maximum LR Dist is the maximum distance between the close and the linear regression indicator for the LR lookback period .
Polynomial Regression Derivatives [Loxx]Polynomial Regression Derivatives is an indicator that explores the different derivatives of polynomial position. This indicator also includes a signal line. In a later release, alerts with signal markings will be added.
Polynomial Derivatives are as follows
1rst Derivative - Velocity: Velocity is the directional speed of a object in motion as an indication of its rate of change in position as observed from a particular frame of reference and as measured by a particular standard of time (e.g. 60 km/h northbound). Velocity is a fundamental concept in kinematics, the branch of classical mechanics that describes the motion of bodies.
2nd Derivative - Acceleration: In mechanics, acceleration is the rate of change of the velocity of an object with respect to time. Accelerations are vector quantities (in that they have magnitude and direction). The orientation of an object's acceleration is given by the orientation of the net force acting on that object.
3rd Derivative - Jerk: In physics, jerk or jolt is the rate at which an object's acceleration changes with respect to time. It is a vector quantity (having both magnitude and direction). Jerk is most commonly denoted by the symbol j and expressed in m/s3 (SI units) or standard gravities per second (g0/s).
4th Derivative - Snap: Snap, or jounce, is the fourth derivative of the position vector with respect to time, or the rate of change of the jerk with respect to time. Equivalently, it is the second derivative of acceleration or the third derivative of velocity.
5th Derivative - Crackle: The fifth derivative of the position vector with respect to time is sometimes referred to as crackle. It is the rate of change of snap with respect to time.
6nd Derivative - Pop: The sixth derivative of the position vector with respect to time is sometimes referred to as pop. It is the rate of change of crackle with respect to time.
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
Loxx's Moving Averages
Polynomial Regression Bands w/ Extrapolation of Price [Loxx]Polynomial Regression Bands w/ Extrapolation of Price is a moving average built on Polynomial Regression. This indicator paints both a non-repainting moving average and also a projection forecast based on the Polynomial Regression. I've included 33 source types and 38 moving average types to smooth the price input before it's run through the Polynomial Regression algorithm. This indicator only paints X many bars back so as to increase on screen calculation speed. Make sure to read the tooltips to answer any questions you have.
What is Polynomial Regression?
In statistics, polynomial regression is a form of regression analysis in which the relationship between the independent variable x and the dependent variable y is modeled as an nth degree polynomial in x. Polynomial regression fits a nonlinear relationship between the value of x and the corresponding conditional mean of y, denoted E(y |x). Although polynomial regression fits a nonlinear model to the data, as a statistical estimation problem it is linear, in the sense that the regression function E(y | x) is linear in the unknown parameters that are estimated from the data. For this reason, polynomial regression is considered to be a special case of multiple linear regression .
Related indicators
Polynomial-Regression-Fitted Oscillator
Polynomial-Regression-Fitted RSI
PA-Adaptive Polynomial Regression Fitted Moving Average
Poly Cycle
Fourier Extrapolator of Price w/ Projection Forecast
[KRONOS] Gamma StrengthDescription
This indicator's main component is the signal line which represents a very responsive market strength value calculated from real time data and normalized into a range (0 - 0.5 - 1). Indicator is using Stochastic and RSI functions to get raw value filtered through a linear regression, helping users predict imminent market directions. Lastly, this value oscillation is converted into a range to notice overbought and oversold zones at a quick glance.
It includes
Divergence. Indicator plots R for regular divergence and H for hidden with minimal possible delay which can be used to notice irregularity in the market.
Extreme overbought and oversold areas. Colored background extreme areas are showing points where a reversal is approaching.
How to use?
Buy/Long when the indicator line goes out of the blue/oversold area.
Sell/Short when the indicator line goes out of the red/overbought area.
extra tip: you can use the zero line and overbought/oversold zones as either a take profit or an entry area.
Previous Range Values, BasicOur P.R.V (Previous Range Values)(Basic) indicator is pretty simple; it plots the previous ranges of the high/low for the structured timeframes. This helps to quickly identify the primary Historical supports and resistances according to the Gregorian time structure. Additionally, a 'custom' field allows for a wider selection other than the scripts default, however the custom selection uses the pre-defined timeframes opposed to manual inputs since the conversion is in minutes and would limit/cap the available range. The plotted lines are designed to remain "out of the way" from the current candle.
To disable a range, simply change the opacity to 0%
Additional script features allow for fully adjustable settings and configurations:
• Adjustable; Range Colors
• Adjustable; Toggles
Polynomial-Regression-Fitted RSI [Loxx]Polynomial-Regression-Fitted RSI is an RSI indicator that is calculated using Polynomial Regression Analysis. For this one, we're just smoothing the signal this time. And we're using an odd moving average to do so: the Sine Weighted Moving Average. The Sine Weighted Moving Average assigns the most weight at the middle of the data set. It does this by weighting from the first half of a Sine Wave Cycle and the most weighting is given to the data in the middle of that data set. The Sine WMA closely resembles the TMA (Triangular Moving Average). So we're trying to tease out some cycle information here as well, however, you can change this MA to whatever soothing method you wish. I may come back to this one and remove the point modifier and then add preliminary smoothing, but for now, just the signal gets the smoothing treatment.
What is Polynomial Regression?
In statistics, polynomial regression is a form of regression analysis in which the relationship between the independent variable x and the dependent variable y is modeled as an nth degree polynomial in x. Polynomial regression fits a nonlinear relationship between the value of x and the corresponding conditional mean of y, denoted E(y |x). Although polynomial regression fits a nonlinear model to the data, as a statistical estimation problem it is linear, in the sense that the regression function E(y | x) is linear in the unknown parameters that are estimated from the data. For this reason, polynomial regression is considered to be a special case of multiple linear regression .
Bar coloring
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
Loxx's Moving Averages
Other indicators in this series using Polynomial Regression Analysis.
Poly Cycle
PA-Adaptive Polynomial Regression Fitted Moving Average
Polynomial-Regression-Fitted Oscillator
Polynomial-Regression-Fitted Oscillator [Loxx]Polynomial-Regression-Fitted Oscillator is an oscillator that is calculated using Polynomial Regression Analysis. This is an extremely accurate and processor intensive oscillator.
What is Polynomial Regression?
In statistics, polynomial regression is a form of regression analysis in which the relationship between the independent variable x and the dependent variable y is modeled as an nth degree polynomial in x. Polynomial regression fits a nonlinear relationship between the value of x and the corresponding conditional mean of y, denoted E(y |x). Although polynomial regression fits a nonlinear model to the data, as a statistical estimation problem it is linear, in the sense that the regression function E(y | x) is linear in the unknown parameters that are estimated from the data. For this reason, polynomial regression is considered to be a special case of multiple linear regression .
Things to know
You can select from 33 source types
The source is smoothed before being injected into the Polynomial fitting algorithm, there are 35+ moving averages to choose from for smoothing
This indicator is very processor heavy. so it will take some time load on the chart. Ideally the period input should allow for values from 1 to 200 or more, but due to processing restraints on Trading View, the max value is 80.
Bar coloring
Other indicators in this series using Polynomial Regression Analysis.
Poly Cycle
PA-Adaptive Polynomial Regression Fitted Moving Average
Operietur ⸗ Time Range BreakoutOur T.R.B ( Time Range Breakout ) indicator is very similar to the O.R.B ( Open Range Breakout ) indicator. This script plots the high/Low within a custom time-range which then extends that plot to end-of-day. A Fibonacci extension is then drawn from that range. The default settings of this indicator set the similarities to the ORB. This script only displays the last trading day.
Due to Tradingview's singular refresh rate for the larger timeframes("resolutions"); this indicator works on timeframes LESS than 60min. Additionally, the smaller the timeframe the more accurate the price range will be.
The movements within the specified period of time define the projected Fibonacci prices associated with the allotted time's price range.
• Custom Time Range
• Fibonacci Extensions
• Up to 5 PTs
• Customizable Multiplier
Additional script features allow for fully adjustable settings and configurations:
• Adjustable; PT Colors
• Adjustable; Range Color
• Adjustable; Toggles
Many Moving AveragesA smooth looking indicator created from a mix of ALMA and LRC curves. Includes alternative calculation for both which I came up with through trial and error so a variety of combinations work to varying degrees. Just something I was playing around with that looked pretty nice in the end.
Regression Channel Alternative MTF█ OVERVIEW
This indicator displays 3 timeframes of parallel channel using linear regression calculation to assist manual drawing of chart patterns.
This indicator is not true Multi Timeframe (MTF) but considered as Alternative MTF which calculate 100 bars for Primary MTF, can be refer from provided line helper.
The timeframe scenarios are defined based on Position, Swing and Intraday Trader.
These timeframe scenarios are defined based on Harmonic Trading : Volume Three written by Scott M Carney.
By applying channel on each timeframe, MW or ABCD patterns can be easily identified manually.
This can also be applied on other chart patterns.
Scott M Carney, Harmonic Trading : Volume Three (Reaction vs. Reversal)
Higher / Distal : The (next) longer or larger comparative timeframe after primary pattern has been identified.
Primary / Clear : Timeframe that possess the clearest pattern structure.
Lower / Proximate : The (next) shorter timeframe after primary pattern has been identified.
Lowest : Check primary timeframe as main reference.
Mean Distance IndicatorThe Mean Distance Indicator
The distance indicator is a market regime technique that measures the relative distance between the market price and the moving average. To calculate the indicator we can follow these steps:
Calculate the difference between the market price and the current moving average value.
Calculate the RSI on the differenced values.
BTC - Novel RPPI IndicatorHey Everyone,
This is a collab effort between me (a statistician) and @Stein3d (A coder). So if you like this indicator, be sure to also give him the credit!
This a novel indicator theorized by me and applied by Stein3d. We are calling it the RPPI indicator, standing for Regression based Price Prediction Indicator.
This is specifically coded for BTC and cannot be used for alt coins or ETH.
This is pretty beta so your feedback and comments are encouraged!
I will keep it brief, but here is the run down:
What does it do:
The indicator does 3 main things:
1. Predicts bullish targets;
2. Predicts bearish targets;
3. Predicts close price
Who is it applicable for:
This is generally targeted to day trades, but it can have swing trade applications as well. Feel free to get creative with combining it with other indicators that you feel complement it well.
How does it work:
It uses statistical based regressive analysis of BTC to compare current price action to previous price action and determine where the natural high and lows will fall intra-day based on the current price action of the day.
How to use it:
This does not omit the need for technical analysis and chart interpretation; however, it sets realistic expectations of intra-day bullish and bearish price targets as well as its best guess of where the current day close is most likely to fall. Take a look at some of the images below:
The image is pretty self explanatory but you see that there are 2 bull and bear targets. The bull targets, of course, are listed in Green and the bear targets are listed in Red.
There is a dummy neutral support and resistance target which is listed in yellow and the close price is in the purple dotted line.
Of course these are all customizable.
I think that pretty much covers it in a nut shell but let us know if you have any other questions and also please provide feedback!
Thanks for checking it out!
[BUBBLENUKE] BOB The Reversal Trader Indicator=============================================================: BOB The Reversal Trader :=============================================================
- VWAP Anchored at Friday CME close
- Bitcoin CME close
- Volume bars
BOB is a mean-reversion trading system focused in BTCUSDT asset in the 30M time frame. The system is divided into 2 types of entries:
BOB will trigger his entry when the price of Bitcoin is at one of the two deviations from the VWAP anchored at Friday CME close
BOB will trigger its entry when the price of Bitcoin is at one of the two deviations from the VWAP anchored at the Friday CME close or when a volume candle indicates a reversal