[RS]Function - Normaly Distributed Pseudo Random GeneratorEXPERIMENTAL:
Function to generate a normally distributed pseudo random value.
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Optimized Random Average (Linear) mcbw_This is a moving average with a customizable random kernel. You can shape your kernel by selecting your parameters in the settings window. This is not something that is immediately ready to mess with by just applying it on the chart, it is very useful for people who are researching indicators and developing new tools. To see the shape of your kernel you can plug it into google or wolfram. This indicator and the related ones are rather technical in nature, so feel free to comment any questions you may have and to see if anyone has asked your question.
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Happy studying and enjoy your life!
2019 will be absolutely insane!
Function Pseudo Random GeneratorFunction to return a pseudo random number.
you can constrict it to a range and provide a seed to step through on the same bar.
thanks to Duyck, for the link.
Alert BatchesThis script lets you separate alerts into batches, and trigger each batch in either sequential order or (pseudo)random order. You can also specify the number of batches being used.
This is helpful when you have alerts to be triggered on every candle, but the number of alerts causes API errors if they are all executed at once.
Random signal generatorThis script uses a new technique to give truly random output, which can be used to accurately compare real indicators with pure chance.