Delta% per CandleIl delta% nell'indicatore rappresenta la percentuale dell'imbalzo tra il volume degli acquisti e delle vendite in una singola barra. In altre parole, viene calcolato come:
Delta% = (Volume Buy – Volume Sell) / Volume Totale × 100
It's better to use it for futures—enjoy!
Göstergeler ve stratejiler
PSAR & RSI Strategy with Risk Management navin✅ Custom Buy & Sell Conditions:
Buy: When price crosses above PSAR and RSI is oversold (<30)
Sell: When price crosses below PSAR and RSI is overbought (>70)
✅ Take Profit & Stop Loss Added:
Take Profit: +5% from the entry price (adjustable)
Stop Loss: -3% from the entry price (adjustable)
✅ Dynamic RSI Color Coding:
Green when RSI is oversold (<30)
Red when RSI is overbought (>70)
Blue in the neutral range
✅ Alerts for Trading Signals:
Sends alerts when buy/sell conditions trigger
✅ Strategy Execution for Backtesting:
Opens Long Trades when a buy signal appears
Closes Trade Automatically on a sell signal, take profit, or stop loss
Línea Vertical de Horas importantes NYEste script marca visualmente momentos clave en la sesión de Nueva York dentro del gráfico de TradingView: ✅ Dibuja líneas verticales en horarios clave.
✅ Guarda el precio de apertura de la medianoche.
✅ Calcula los máximos y mínimos de las últimas 500 barras.
✅ Sombrea el intervalo de 11:00 a 13:30.
Este indicador es útil para traders que operan con base en sesiones horarias y quieren resaltar estos momentos en su análisis.
Quicktrade703@quicktrade703This indicator best work in option trading for Intraday . You can use this in 5 minute time frame chart and take trade as per ema and stop loss as per vstop .Try for 1:2 target for best performance
Trend Yönü Ölçer - Mustafa Üstün//@version=5
indicator("Trend Yönü Ölçer", overlay=false)
// Parametreler
length = input(14, title="Hesaplama Periyodu")
// Hareket Yönü Hesaplama
priceChange = close - ta.sma(close, length)
// Trend Yönü Belirleme (-1, 0, 1)
trendDirection = priceChange > 0 ? 1 : priceChange < 0 ? -1 : 0
// Renk Belirleme
colorTrend = trendDirection == 1 ? : trendDirection == -1 ? : color.gray
// Gösterge Çizimi
plot(trendDirection, title="Trend Yönü", color=colorTrend, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_columns)
hline(0, "Nötr Bölge", color=color.gray, linestyle=hline.style_dotted)
Session Boxes Higher / Low + Nachhandelszeiten//@version=6
indicator("Session Boxes", overlay=true)
// Zeit-Einstellung
is_summertime = input.bool(true, title="Sommerzeit aktiv", group="Zeiteinstellung", tooltip="Bei Winterzeit werden alle Zeiten automatisch um 1 Stunde früher angesetzt")
time_offset = is_summertime ? 0 : -1 // -1 Stunde im Winter
// Einstellungen für Sessions anzeigen/ausblenden
show_asia = input.bool(true, title="Asien Session anzeigen", group="Session Anzeige")
show_london = input.bool(true, title="London Session anzeigen", group="Session Anzeige")
show_ny_morning = input.bool(true, title="New York Vormittag anzeigen", group="Session Anzeige")
show_ny_afternoon = input.bool(true, title="New York Nachmittag anzeigen", group="Session Anzeige")
show_afterhours = input.bool(true, title="Nachhandelszeit anzeigen (2h)", group="Session Anzeige")
// Zeiten konfigurierbar machen (Sommerzeit-Zeiten, werden automatisch für Winterzeit angepasst)
asia_start = input.float(1.0, title="Asien Start (Stunde)", minval=0, maxval=23.59, step=0.5, group="Asien Zeiten")
asia_end = input.float(7.0, title="Asien Ende (Stunde)", minval=0, maxval=23.59, step=0.5, group="Asien Zeiten")
london_start = input.float(9.0, title="London Start (Stunde)", minval=0, maxval=23.59, step=0.5, group="London Zeiten")
london_end = input.float(11.0, title="London Ende (Stunde)", minval=0, maxval=23.59, step=0.5, group="London Zeiten")
ny_morning_start = input.float(15.5, title="NY Vormittag Start (Stunde)", minval=0, maxval=23.59, step=0.5, group="NY Vormittag Zeiten")
ny_morning_end = input.float(17.0, title="NY Vormittag Ende (Stunde)", minval=0, maxval=23.59, step=0.5, group="NY Vormittag Zeiten")
ny_afternoon_start = input.float(19.5, title="NY Nachmittag Start (Stunde)", minval=0, maxval=23.59, step=0.5, group="NY Nachmittag Zeiten")
ny_afternoon_end = input.float(21.0, title="NY Nachmittag Ende (Stunde)", minval=0, maxval=23.59, step=0.5, group="NY Nachmittag Zeiten")
// Angepasste Zeiten mit Sommer/Winterzeit-Offset
asia_start_adjusted = asia_start + time_offset
asia_end_adjusted = asia_end + time_offset
london_start_adjusted = london_start + time_offset
london_end_adjusted = london_end + time_offset
ny_morning_start_adjusted = ny_morning_start + time_offset
ny_morning_end_adjusted = ny_morning_end + time_offset
ny_afternoon_start_adjusted = ny_afternoon_start + time_offset
ny_afternoon_end_adjusted = ny_afternoon_end + time_offset
// Berechnung der Bars für 2 Stunden basierend auf dem Timeframe
t = str.tonumber(timeframe.period)
bars_2hours = int(120 / t) // 120 Minuten = 2 Stunden
// Farben für die verschiedenen Sessions
asia_color = input.color(, 70), title="Asien Session Farbe", group="Farben")
london_color = input.color(, 70), title="London Session Farbe", group="Farben")
ny_morning_color = input.color(, 70), title="NY Vormittag Farbe", group="Farben")
ny_afternoon_color = input.color(, 70), title="NY Nachmittag Farbe", group="Farben")
// Nachhandelszeit Farben (heller als die Hauptsessions)
asia_afterhours_color =, 85)
london_afterhours_color =, 85)
ny_morning_afterhours_color =, 85)
ny_afternoon_afterhours_color =, 85)
// Funktionen zur Überprüfung, ob wir uns in einer bestimmten Session befinden
inAsiaSession(t) =>
h = hour(t)
m = minute(t)
time_decimal = h + m/60
time_decimal >= asia_start_adjusted and time_decimal < asia_end_adjusted
inLondonSession(t) =>
h = hour(t)
m = minute(t)
time_decimal = h + m/60
time_decimal >= london_start_adjusted and time_decimal < london_end_adjusted
inNYMorningSession(t) =>
h = hour(t)
m = minute(t)
time_decimal = h + m/60
time_decimal >= ny_morning_start_adjusted and time_decimal < ny_morning_end_adjusted
inNYAfternoonSession(t) =>
h = hour(t)
m = minute(t)
time_decimal = h + m/60
time_decimal >= ny_afternoon_start_adjusted and time_decimal < ny_afternoon_end_adjusted
// High/Low-Berechnung für Asien Session
var float asiaHigh = na
var float asiaLow = na
var int asiaStartBar = na
var bool inAsiaSessionPrev = false
inAsiaSessionCurr = inAsiaSession(time)
if inAsiaSessionCurr and not inAsiaSessionPrev
asiaHigh := high
asiaLow := low
asiaStartBar := bar_index
else if inAsiaSessionCurr
asiaHigh := math.max(asiaHigh, high)
asiaLow := math.min(asiaLow, low)
else if not inAsiaSessionCurr and inAsiaSessionPrev and show_asia, asiaHigh, bar_index, asiaLow, asia_color, bgcolor=asia_color)
if show_afterhours, asiaHigh, bar_index + int(bars_2hours), asiaLow, asia_afterhours_color, bgcolor=asia_afterhours_color)
asiaHigh := na
asiaLow := na
inAsiaSessionPrev := inAsiaSessionCurr
// High/Low-Berechnung für London Session
var float londonHigh = na
var float londonLow = na
var int londonStartBar = na
var bool inLondonSessionPrev = false
inLondonSessionCurr = inLondonSession(time)
if inLondonSessionCurr and not inLondonSessionPrev
londonHigh := high
londonLow := low
londonStartBar := bar_index
else if inLondonSessionCurr
londonHigh := math.max(londonHigh, high)
londonLow := math.min(londonLow, low)
else if not inLondonSessionCurr and inLondonSessionPrev and show_london, londonHigh, bar_index, londonLow, london_color, bgcolor=london_color)
if show_afterhours, londonHigh, bar_index + int(bars_2hours), londonLow, london_afterhours_color, bgcolor=london_afterhours_color)
londonHigh := na
londonLow := na
inLondonSessionPrev := inLondonSessionCurr
// High/Low-Berechnung für NY Morning Session
var float nyMorningHigh = na
var float nyMorningLow = na
var int nyMorningStartBar = na
var bool inNYMorningSessionPrev = false
inNYMorningSessionCurr = inNYMorningSession(time)
if inNYMorningSessionCurr and not inNYMorningSessionPrev
nyMorningHigh := high
nyMorningLow := low
nyMorningStartBar := bar_index
else if inNYMorningSessionCurr
nyMorningHigh := math.max(nyMorningHigh, high)
nyMorningLow := math.min(nyMorningLow, low)
else if not inNYMorningSessionCurr and inNYMorningSessionPrev and show_ny_morning, nyMorningHigh, bar_index, nyMorningLow, ny_morning_color, bgcolor=ny_morning_color)
if show_afterhours, nyMorningHigh, bar_index + int(bars_2hours), nyMorningLow, ny_morning_afterhours_color, bgcolor=ny_morning_afterhours_color)
nyMorningHigh := na
nyMorningLow := na
inNYMorningSessionPrev := inNYMorningSessionCurr
// High/Low-Berechnung für NY Afternoon Session
var float nyAfternoonHigh = na
var float nyAfternoonLow = na
var int nyAfternoonStartBar = na
var bool inNYAfternoonSessionPrev = false
inNYAfternoonSessionCurr = inNYAfternoonSession(time)
if inNYAfternoonSessionCurr and not inNYAfternoonSessionPrev
nyAfternoonHigh := high
nyAfternoonLow := low
nyAfternoonStartBar := bar_index
else if inNYAfternoonSessionCurr
nyAfternoonHigh := math.max(nyAfternoonHigh, high)
nyAfternoonLow := math.min(nyAfternoonLow, low)
else if not inNYAfternoonSessionCurr and inNYAfternoonSessionPrev and show_ny_afternoon, nyAfternoonHigh, bar_index, nyAfternoonLow, ny_afternoon_color, bgcolor=ny_afternoon_color)
if show_afterhours, nyAfternoonHigh, bar_index + int(bars_2hours), nyAfternoonLow, ny_afternoon_afterhours_color, bgcolor=ny_afternoon_afterhours_color)
nyAfternoonHigh := na
nyAfternoonLow := na
inNYAfternoonSessionPrev := inNYAfternoonSessionCurr
FVG By SHARKImbalance (IMB/FVG/дисбаланс/не ефективність) - імпульсний рух ціни, який супроводжується відсутністю балансу між покупками і продажами, простими словами це дисбаланс котрий формує не ефективність.
Простими словами це сильний імпульс, де не було проторговано майже ніякого об’єму однієї з сторін (наприклад якщо імпульс бичий, то в такому випадку було мало об’єму від продавців). З’являється пустота/не ефективна зона, яку треба заповнити ліквідністю, що і робить маркет мейкер(алгоритм).
за допомогою цього індикатора ви можете полегшити свою роботу з неефективностями, тепер вони автоматично підсвічуватимуться на графіку
T3 with Adjustable BandsT3 with Adjustable Bands
The T3 with Adjustable Bands indicator is an advanced technical analysis tool designed to provide a smooth and responsive trend-following line, combined with customizable upper and lower bands. This indicator is based on the T3 moving average, developed by Tim Tillson, which is known for its low lag and ability to reduce noise in price data.
In addition to the T3 line, this script introduces two adjustable bands calculated by offsetting the T3 line by a user-defined number of pips. These bands can help traders identify potential overbought or oversold conditions, as well as areas of price consolidation or breakout.
Key Features
1. Dynamic T3 Line:
o The T3 line is calculated using recursive exponential moving averages (EMAs) for smooth and reliable trend detection.
o Optionally highlights upward movements in green and downward movements in red for better visual clarity.
2. Customizable Upper and Lower Bands:
o The upper and lower bands are offset by a user-defined pip value, allowing traders to adapt the indicator to different market conditions or trading strategies.
3. Fully Adjustable Parameters:
o Length: Control the sensitivity of the T3 line by adjusting the EMA length.
o Factor: Adjust the smoothing factor to fine-tune the responsiveness of the T3 line.
o Source: Choose the price source for calculations (e.g., close, open, high, low).
o Pip Adjustment: Set the pip value for the upper and lower bands to match your trading instrument and strategy.
4. Versatile Use Cases:
o Identify trends and trend reversals with the T3 line.
o Use the bands to spot price ranges, breakouts, and potential support/resistance levels.
o Combine with other indicators for confirmation signals.
How to Use
1. Trend Identification:
o Observe the T3 line for direction and color changes. Green indicates bullish momentum, while red indicates bearish momentum.
2. Support and Resistance:
o Use the upper and lower bands to identify key levels where price might reverse or consolidate.
3. Breakout Zones:
o Look for price breaks above the upper band or below the lower band for potential breakout opportunities.
Customization Options
• Length: Adjust the length of the EMA used to calculate the T3 line.
• Factor: Control the smoothing factor for the T3 calculation (ranges from 0 to 1).
• Highlight Movements: Enable or disable dynamic color highlighting for the T3 line.
• Source: Select the price source for the indicator.
• Pip Adjustment: Customize the offset for the upper and lower bands in pips.
Who Can Benefit from This Indicator?
• Trend Traders: Gain a clear view of the prevailing market trend with minimal lag.
• Range Traders: Use the bands to identify potential reversal zones or mean-reversion opportunities.
• Scalpers and Swing Traders: Customize the indicator for different timeframes and trading styles using adjustable parameters.
This indicator is a technical analysis tool and should not be used as the sole basis for making trading decisions. Always combine it with other forms of analysis and risk management strategies. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
Currency Strength [BY MYMADAMDIOR]The Currency Strength indicator displays the historical relative strength of 5 user selected currencies over a user selected period of time. Users can also display relative strength of currencies as a scatter plot, further informing on the evolution of currency strength.
Display: Determines the type of data displayed by the indicator. By default, the trailing relative strength of currencies is displayed, with the other option displaying the scatter plot.
Timeframe: Timeframe period used to calculate currency relative strength.
🔹 Meter
Show Strength Meter: Displays the currency strength meter on the indicator panel.
Strength Meter Resolution: Resolution of the currency strength meter, higher resolutions allow to observe smaller difference in strength.
Location: Location of the currency strength meter on the indicator pane.
Size: Size of the currency strength meter.
🔹 Relative Strength Scatter Graph
Scatter Graph Resolution: Horizontal and vertical width of the scatter plot (in bars). Higher values allow a more precise position on the X axis.
Measuring the relative strength of a currency allows users to assess the relative performance of a currency against a basket of other currencies.
The term "strength" can convey various interpretations depending on the indicator. Here "strength" is interpreted as an indicator of performance, with stronger currencies having greater performances over the selected period (positive changes of higher magnitude).
The Currency Strength indicator allows users to analyze the relative strength of currencies over a user selected period - the returned results will reset periodically and will accumulate afterward.
🔹 Scatter Graph
The scatter graph displays the relative strength of a currency over its value during the previous period. This not only allows users to see if a currency is strong... but also if it's getting stronger compared to the previous period.
In order to quickly interpret results, the graph is divided into four areas. A currency (displayed as a point) being in a specific area returns the following information:
Strong(Green): Currency has a positive relative strength (bullish) and is greater than its value over the previous period.
Improving (Yellow): Currency has a negative relative strength (bearish) and is greater than its value over the previous period.
Weakening (Aqua): Currency has a positive relative strength (bullish) and is lower than its value over the previous period.
Weak (Red): Currency has a negative relative strength (bearish) and is lower than its value over the previous period.
There is a wide variety of methods for the calculation of a currency's relative strength. The primary focus of the indicator is on the meter as well as the relative strength scatter graph. The currency strength calculation can be considered more basic.
Given two currencies, B (base) and Q (quote), the proposed indicator calculation process is as follows:
Exchange rate BQ(t) over time t is obtained, a rising value of BQ(t) means that a unit of B is now worth a higher amount of Q, highlighting strength of B over Q on that precise variation.
The individual relative strength over time IRS(t) is obtained as the percentage relatively close to the open difference of BQ(t), that is:
sarch cloud EMA, MACD ve Bollinger Bantlarıema yukarıayken buy asagıdayken sell bollinger bantları asagıdayken buy yukarıdayken sell
欧元交易策略(自定义EMA/SMA参数)建议 SMA101 EMA12 EMA21 以下是该策略的详细文字说明:
– 策略允许用户自定义三个主要参数:
• SMA Length:用于计算简单移动平均线(SMA);
• EMA Fast Period:用于计算快速指数移动平均线(EMA Fast);
• EMA Slow Period:用于计算慢速指数移动平均线(EMA Slow)。
– 根据这些参数分别计算出 SMA、EMA Fast 和 EMA Slow,并将它们绘制到图表上,便于观察价格与均线之间的关系。
– 做多(买入)条件包含两个触发方式:
a. 条件1:当收盘价高于SMA,同时EMA Fast向上穿越EMA Slow时,认为价格处于上行趋势,此时触发做多信号;
b. 条件2:当收盘价上穿SMA且前5根K线的最低价均高于各自时的SMA,说明近期价格一直处于SMA上方,亦触发做多信号。
– 做空(卖出)条件与做多相反:
a. 条件1:当收盘价低于SMA,同时EMA Fast向下穿越EMA Slow时,触发做空信号;
b. 条件2:当收盘价下穿SMA且前5根K线的最高价均低于各自时的SMA,也触发做空信号。
– 当策略满足入场条件且当前无持仓时,记录入场时的价格和当时的EMA Fast值。
– 计算初始止损时,采用“入场时EMA Fast价格与固定0.2%止损”中较大的差值作为止损百分比。
• 例如,对于做多来说,若入场价与EMA Fast之间的差距大于0.2%,则以该差距作为止损标准,否则采用0.2%;
– 初始止损价格计算为:
• 多头:入场价 × (1 – 止损百分比);
• 空头:入场价 × (1 + 止损百分比);
– 初始止盈目标设置为止损幅度的5倍(即止盈为止损的5倍)。
– 在持仓期间,策略持续追踪:
• 多头时记录持仓期间的最高价;
• 空头时记录持仓期间的最低价。
– 当持仓盈利达到0.8%时,启动移动止损机制:
• 对于多头,更新止损价格为持仓期间最高价的0.3%以下;同时重新计算止盈目标(仍保持止盈为更新后止损的5倍);
• 对于空头,更新止损价格为持仓期间最低价的0.3%上方,并相应调整止盈目标。
– 无论是多头还是空头持仓,策略都会监控EMA Fast与EMA Slow之间的交叉:
• 如果持多仓时EMA Fast向下穿越EMA Slow,则立即平多;
• 如果持空仓时EMA Fast向上穿越EMA Slow,则立即平空。
– 这项条件有助于在趋势转变时及时退出,以降低风险。
Body Dominant VWMA Strategy aumCore Features:
Daily VWMA reset option for intraday trading
Body dominant candle detection
Position tracking and signal generation
Buy/Sell labels on candles
Decisive Entry Mode:
When OFF: Signals on close price crossing VWMA
When ON: Signals only when entire candle (including wicks) is above/below VWMA
Body Proportion Check:
Calculates ratio of body to total candle size
Only generates signals on body-dominant candles
Position Management:
Tracks current position
Prevents duplicate signals
Resets positions on new day when daily reset is enabled
VWMA line plotted in blue
Clear BUY/SELL labels on candles
Alert conditions for both signals
WMA EMA RSI with Multi-Timeframe TrendRSI indicator combined with 2 EMA and WMA lines, with an additional table showing the trend considered by RSI in multiple time frames:
Trend determination conditions:
- Uptrend = RSI is above both EMA and WMA lines
- Downtrend = RSI is below both EMA and WMA lines
The default time frames considered are:
- 5m
- 15m
- 1h
- 4h
(Will be updated in the future)
- Vinh -
Sessions by SHARKForex сесії для чого?
По перше трейдеру дуже просто формувати свій робочий час. Найкращі години для відкриття позицій це London KZ та New-York kz. Відходячи від того , що відбувалося в рамках кожної сесії можна вже створювати майбутній аналіз враховуючи контекст.
Ми повинні розуміти, що є конкретні години дня, які є найбільш/найменш волатильними , розуміння цього допоможе вам знати, коли ви хочете шукати налаштування а коли ні.
Торгівля не в рамках KZ - може приводити до пересиджування у позиції , тому що на маркеті зменшується кількість ліквідності , та за рахунок чого й зменшується волатильність.
First Candle +0.9% Line//@version=5
indicator("First Candle +0.9% Line", overlay=true)
// Capture the closing price of the first candle
var float first_candle_close = na
if (bar_index == 0)
first_candle_close := close
// Calculate the 0.9% level above the first candle's closing price
level = first_candle_close * 1.009 // 0.9% above the first candle close
// Plot the line at the calculated level
plot(series=level,, linewidth=2, title="0.9% Above First Candle")
// Optional: Add a label to mark the level
if not na(first_candle_close), y=level, text="+0.9% Level",, style=label.style_label_down, textcolor=color.white)
Scalper Overlay with RSI Bars & Key LevelsThis is a comprehensive technical analysis overlay indicator called "Scalper Overlay with RSI Bars & Key Levels".
It combines several powerful trading tools and patterns in one indicator:
1. Moving Averages System:
- Plots four Smoothed Moving Averages (SMMA) at 20, 50, 100, and 200 periods
- Includes a 2-period EMA with trend filling (green when trending up, red when trending down)
2. RSI Integration:
- Features a 14-period RSI implementation
- Displays colored candles based on RSI levels (green above 70, red below 30)
- Includes toggle options for RSI candle visibility and color customization
3. Pattern Recognition:
- Three Line Strike patterns (both bullish and bearish)
- Three White Soldiers and Three Black Crows patterns
- Harami patterns (bullish and bearish)
- Engulfing candle patterns (labeled as "Big A$$ Candles")
4. Trading Session Tools:
- Customizable trading session visualization
- Timezone selection (multiple options from Sydney to Chicago)
- Flexible session time settings
- Day-of-week session filtering
- Background highlighting for active trading sessions
This indicator is particularly useful for scalpers and day traders who want to:
- Identify trend direction using multiple timeframe analysis
- Spot potential reversal patterns
- Monitor trading sessions
- Track momentum using RSI
- Identify strong candlestick patterns
The indicator offers extensive customization options through its inputs, allowing traders to show/hide various components and adjust colors and parameters to their preferences.
Ondas de Elliott / Zona temporal fibonacci /NeoWaveEste Script aplica a contagem de uma onda 2 em zig zag. 33333, para quem sabe ler um pingo é letra.
Cabe melhorias e atualizações.
Supertrend com Confirmação SMA 50o poder do supertrend com a confirmação de sma de 50 para confirmar as entradas.
Micha Stocks Custom Watermark (fixed offsetY by n.b)fixed Y offset so no overlap with other indicators.
special thanks to "micha stocks" for the idea.