Customizable MACD (how to detect a strong convergence)Helloooo traders
I wondered once if a MACD was based on an EMA/EMA/SMA or SMA/SMA/EMA (or WHATEVA/WHATEVA/WHATEVA).
Seems they're so many alternatives out there.
I decided to empower my audience more by choosing the type of moving averages you want for your MACD.
More options doesn't always mean better performance - but who knows - some might find a config that they like with it for their favorite asset/timeframe.
I added also a multi-timeframe component because I'm a nice guy ^^
Convergence is my BEST friend
An oscillator (like MACD) is to measure how strong a momentum is - generally, traders use those indicators to confirm a trend.
So understand that a MACD (or any other indicator not based on convergence ) won't likely be sufficient for doing great on the market.
Combined with your favorite indicator, however, you may get great results.
My indicators fav cocktail is mixing :
1) an oscillator (momentum confirmation)
2) a trendline/key level break (momentum confirmation)
3) adding-up on a different trading method but still converging with the first entry.
The reason I'm deep with convergence detection is because I'm obsessed with removing those fakeout signals. You know which ones I'm talking about :)
Those trades when the market goes sideways but our capital goes South (pun 100% intended) - 2 days later, the price hasn't changed much but some lost some capital due to fees, being overexposed, buying the top/selling the bottom of a range they didn't identify.
It's publicly known that ranges are the worst traders' enemy. It's boring, not fun, and .... end up moving in the direction we expected when we go to sleep or outside.
NO ONE/BROKER/EX-GF is tracking your computer - I checked also for mine as it happened for me way too often in the past.
I surely preferred blaming a few external unknown conditions than improving my TA back in the days #bad #dave
But my backtest sir...
Our backtests show what they're being told to show . A backtest without a stop-loss/hard exit logic will show incredible results.
Then trying that backtest with live trading is like in the Matrix movie - discovering the real world is tough and we must choose between the blue pill (learning how to evaluate properly risk/opportunity caught) and the red pill (increasing the position sizing, not setting a stop loss, holding the positions hoping for the best)
Last few words
Convergences aren't invented because it's cool to mix indicators with others. (it is actually and even fun)
They're created to remove most of the fakeouts . For those that can't be removed - a strong risk management would cut most of the remaining potential big losses.
No system works 100% of the time - so a convergence system needs a back-up plan in case the converged signal is wrong (could be stop-loss, hard exit, reducing position sizing, ...)
Wishing you the BEST and happy beginning of your week
ANN Forecast MACD [Noldo] In this script, I tried to convert ANN MACD to MACD Forecast.
It took me quite a while, but it was fun.
After selecting the ticker, select the instrument from the menu and the system will automatically turn on the appropriate Forecast MACD system.
The system is trained with ANN values of ANN MACD 25 in 1.
But because the system is overloaded, only the most popular instruments are left.
The others were unfortunately eliminated.
The only difference is that it was built on the forecast algorithm of my own creation.
The Forecast algorithm is not open-source.
The codes are a nice framework for some of my most valuable systems about ANN . (Working on them. )
But I'm never remove this script.
You can use it forever for free.
As you can see in the presentation, although it is in the same period, it is more accurate and agile than normal MACD.
I think even a bar is important in trade.
For those who don't see that command,listed instruments with alternative tickers and error rates:
WTI : West Texas Intermediate (WTICOUSD , USOIL , CL1! ) Average error : 0.007593
BRENT : Brent Crude Oil ( BCOUSD , UKOIL , BB1! ) Average error : 0.006591
GOLD : XAUUSD , GOLD , GC1! Average error : 0.012767
SP500 : S&P 500 Index ( SPX500USD , SP1! ) Average error : 0.011650
EURUSD : Eurodollar ( EURUSD , 6E1! , FCEU1!) Average error : 0.005500
ETHUSD : Ethereum ( ETHUSD , ETHUSDT ) Average error : 0.009378
BTCUSD : Bitcoin ( BTCUSD , BTCUSDT , XBTUSD , BTC1! ) Average error : 0.01050
GBPUSD : British Pound ( GBPUSD , 6B1! , GBP1!) Average error : 0.009999
USDJPY : US Dollar / Japanese Yen ( USDJPY , FCUY1!) Average error : 0.009198
USDCHF : US Dollar / Swiss Franc ( USDCHF , FCUF1! ) Average error : 0.009999
USDCAD : Us Dollar / Canadian Dollar ( USDCAD ) Average error : 0.012162
SOYBNUSD : Soybean ( SOYBNUSD , ZS1! ) Average error : 0.010000
CORNUSD : Corn ( ZC1! ) Average error : 0.007574
NATGASUSD : Natural Gas ( NATGASUSD , NG1! ) Average error : 0.010000
SUGARUSD : Sugar ( SUGARUSD , SB1! ) Average error : 0.011081
WHEATUSD : Wheat ( WHEATUSD , ZW1! ) Average error : 0.009980
XPTUSD : Platinum ( XPTUSD , PL1! ) Average error : 0.009964
XU030 : Borsa Istanbul 30 Futures ( XU030 , XU030D1! ) Average error : 0.010727
VIX : S & P 500 Volatility Index (VX1! , VIX ) Average error : 0.009999
ES : S&P 500 E-Mini Futures ( ES1! ) Average error : 0.010709
SSE : Shangai Stock Exchange Composite (Index ) ( 000001 ) Average error : 0.011287
XRPUSD : Ripple (XRPUSD , XRPUSDT ) Average error : 0.009803
Extras :
- Crossover and crossunder alerts
- Switchable barcolor
Australian Dollar / US Dollar (AUDUSD ) removed due to high average error. (Average error > 0.013 )
Timeframe advice :
I suggest you to use that system TF >= 1D
My favorite is 1 week bars. (1W)
Info about forecast series :
Special thanks :
Special thanks to dear wroclai for his great effort .
MACD Divergence Tops + BottomsMACD Indicator which plots local peaks and troughs in divergence.
"Classic" Divergence is specified as:
- A higher price, with reduced MACD high --> Potential Sell Point
- A lower price, with higher MACD low --> Potential Buy Point
"Alternative" Divergence is specified as:
- A higher MACD high, with reduced price --> Potential Sell Point
- A lower MACD low, with higher price --> Potential Buy Point
MACD Divergence should be used in combination with other indicators. This indicator identifies local tops and bottoms, with potential for macro trend shifts.
MACDTraderPro for BTC with LONG & SHORT AlertsMostly based on MACD analysis this trend indicator accurately shows you when main trend changes.
It has LONG and SHORT labels and you can use it with tradingview alerts to be in touch and for automated trading bots.
You can use it both with margin(bitmex, bitfinex, etc) and main exchanges (binance and more) with bitcoin for now and soon for alts also.
Zero Lag MACD [ChuckBanger]This is an MACD indicator with the ability to use zeror lag moving average instead of exponential moving average. I also added different background color when histogram is over or under center line, MACD Leader, Laguerre filter and dots to indicate when Leader line crosses macd line. Good luck traders!
QuantNomad - EVWMA MACD StrategyPretty simple EVWMA (Elastic Volume Weighted Moving Average ) MACD Strategy.
EVWMA is a quite interesting moving average where the period of the MA is defined from the volume itself.
It incorporates volume information in a natural and logical way. The EVWMA can be looked at as an approximation to the average price paid per share.
As a volume period, you can use sum of the last x bars volumes.
Here are other EVWMA indicators/strategies:
EVWMA indicator:
EVWMA Cross strategy:
MACD Indicator BFThis is my MACD strategy but in indicator format so I can include alerts. The default settings are the same as in the strategy. The long and short conditions that the alerts are attached to are when the delta (usually illustrated as the histogram) crosses above or below the zero line respectively. There is one alert for long, one for short.
CompoundMACDCompoundMACD is a study that modifies the basic MACD to use four moving averages.
The fast line of the MACD (red line) is calculated from a fast (alpha) and slow (beta) double EMA.
The slow line of the MACD (blue line) is calculated from a fast (alpha) and slow (beta) smooth moving average (SMA).
The delta (green line) is calculated from the fast and slow lines of the MACD.
Buy signals occur when the candlestick is below momentum and the fast and slow lines crossover each other while under the delta. These are marked by triangles at the bottom pointing up. A BUY ASSET alert is also provided.
Sell signals occur when the candlestick is above momentum and the fast and slow lines crossunder each other while above the delta. These are marked by triangles at the top pointing down. A SELL ASSET alert is also provided.
User configurable setting:
MACD fast line: Fast (Alpha) DEMA, Slow (Beta) DEMA
MACD slow line: Fast (Alpha) SMA, Slow (Beta) SMA
MACD Smoothing
ANN MACD : 25 IN 1 SCRIPTIn this script, I tried to fit deep learning series to 1 command system up to the maximum point.
After selecting the ticker, select the instrument from the menu and the system will automatically turn on the appropriate ann system.
Listed instruments with alternative tickers and error rates:
WTI : West Texas Intermediate (WTICOUSD , USOIL , CL1! ) Average error : 0.007593
BRENT : Brent Crude Oil (BCOUSD , UKOIL , BB1! ) Average error : 0.006591
GOLD : XAUUSD , GOLD , GC1! Average error : 0.012767
SP500 : S&P 500 Index (SPX500USD , SP1!) Average error : 0.011650
EURUSD : Eurodollar (EURUSD , 6E1! , FCEU1!) Average error : 0.005500
ETHUSD : Ethereum (ETHUSD , ETHUSDT ) Average error : 0.009378
BTCUSD : Bitcoin (BTCUSD , BTCUSDT , XBTUSD , BTC1!) Average error : 0.01050
GBPUSD : British Pound (GBPUSD,6B1! , GBP1!) Average error : 0.009999
USDJPY : US Dollar / Japanese Yen (USDJPY , FCUY1!) Average error : 0.009198
USDCHF : US Dollar / Swiss Franc (USDCHF , FCUF1! ) Average error : 0.009999
USDCAD : Us Dollar / Canadian Dollar (USDCAD) Average error : 0.012162
SOYBNUSD : Soybean (SOYBNUSD , ZS1!) Average error : 0.010000
CORNUSD : Corn (ZC1! ) Average error : 0.007574
NATGASUSD : Natural Gas (NATGASUSD , NG1!) Average error : 0.010000
SUGARUSD : Sugar (SUGARUSD , SB1! ) Average error : 0.011081
WHEATUSD : Wheat (WHEATUSD , ZW1!) Average error : 0.009980
XPTUSD : Platinum (XPTUSD , PL1! ) Average error : 0.009964
XU030 : Borsa Istanbul 30 Futures ( XU030 , XU030D1! ) Average error : 0.010727
VIX : S & P 500 Volatility Index (VX1! , VIX ) Average error : 0.009999
YM : E - Mini Dow Futures (YM1! ) Average error : 0.010819
ES : S&P 500 E-Mini Futures (ES1! ) Average error : 0.010709
GAZP : Gazprom Futures (GAZP , GZ1! ) Average error : 0.008442
SSE : Shangai Stock Exchange Composite (Index ) ( 000001 ) Average error : 0.011287
XRPUSD : Ripple (XRPUSD , XRPUSDT ) Average error : 0.009803
Note 1 : Australian Dollar (AUDUSD , AUD1! , FCAU1! ) : Instrument has been removed because it has an average error rate of over 0.13.
The average error rate is 0.1850.
I didn't delete it from the menu just because there was so much request,
You can use.
Note 2 : Friends have too many requests, it took me a week in total and 1 other script that I'll share in 2 days.
Reaching these error rates is a very difficult task, and when I keep at a low learning rate, they are trained for a very long time.
If I don't see the error rate at an average low, I increase the layers and go back into a longer process.
It takes me 45 minutes per instrument to command artificial neural networks, so I'll release one more open source, and then we'll be laying 70-80 percent of the world trade volume with artificial neural networks.
Note 3 :
I would like to thank wroclai for helping me with this script.
This script is subject to MIT License on behalf of both of us.
You can review my original idea scripts from my Github page.
You can use it free but if you are going to modify it, just quote this script .
I hope it will help everyone, after 1-2 days I will share another ann script that I think is of the same importance as this, stay tuned.
Regards , Noldo .
MAC-Z & MACD Leader signal [ChuckBanger]This is a combination of my MACD Leader script and MAC-Z with option to add Laguerre filter. The advantage of the MAC-Z over MACD is that it is a more accurate and “assumption-free” indicator that can more accurately describe how a market actually perform. But you can use this as a regular MACD indicator.
Crossovers signals
The MAC-Z line and signal line can be utilized in the same way as a stochastic oscillator, with the crossover between the two lines providing buy and sell signals. As with most crossover strategies, a buy signal comes when the shorter-term, more reactive line – in this case the MAC-Z line (blue line) crosses above the slower signal line (orange line). For example, when the MAC-Z line crosses below the signal line it provides a bearish sell signal.
Zero line crossing
The zero cross strategy is based on either of the lines crossing the zero line. If the MAC-Z crosses the zero line from below, it is a signal for a possible new uptrend, while the MAC-Z crossing from above is a signal that a new downtrend may be starting. This is special powerful if the lines has a fast up or down movement but the price action doesn't reflect that movement.
Bearish and bullish divergences is my favorite signals. When price action and oscillators follow the same path it is called Convergences, when they don’t, it’s called a Divergence. Don't confuse the two because they have not the same meaning. But be aware that for example during consolidation or low liquidity, some small divergences between price and indicators might form, but that doesn't mean we should consider them as real divergences.
There is many different types of divergences. It is easier to show a picture then explaining it so I recommend you to check out the link below. Especially the top image. It sums this up very well
MACD Leader
The MACD leader is only showing the crossing of MACD as a vertical line
Green vertical line = MACD Leader Bullish Cross
Red vertical line = MACD Leader Bearish Cross
MACD Leader:
More Information
Range Force Impulse The "Range Force Impulse" indicator combines 4 useful indicators into one, freeing up chart real-estate and giving the trader insight into trend health, bull/bear commitment, range and volatility all at a glance.
The indicator consists of the following:
Direction - True Range and Average True Range columns shown above and below 0 depending on direction of the period's price
-- TR (gray) shows the current period's trading volatility
-- ATR (Impulse colors, see below) shows an EMA of TR over a specified length
-- Can be used to determine stops and targets (Example: Stop loss at prev close - ATR, Target at 2x ATR)
Index - Alexander Elder's EMA of (change(close) * volume), shows crosses above 0 (green) and below 0 (red), and intermediate signals
-- Shows bull vs. bear interest/commitment/dominance
-- Elder recommends EMA length of 2 for daily chart buy/sell signals, and 13 for weekly chart bull/bear dominance & trend direction signals
-- Intermediate signals are shown above 0 when falling (salmon), or below 0 when rising (pale yellow)
System - Range columns are colored using Alexander Elder's censorship system (green: do not short, red: do not long, blue: is up to you)
-- Shows overall trend health (Macd histogram and EMA up/down changes)
Multi momentum indicatorScript contains couple momentum oscillators all in one pane
List of indicators:
Stochastic RSI
WaveTrend by LazyBear
Default active indicators are RSI and Stochastic RSI
Other indicators are disabled by default
RSI, StochRSI and MFI are modified to be bounded to range from 100 to -100. That's why overbought is 40 and 60 instead 70 and 80 while oversold -40 and -60 instead 30 and 20.
MACD and CCI as they are not bounded to 100 or 200 range, they are limited to 100 - -100 by default when activated (extras are simply hidden) but there is an option to show full indicator.
In settings there are couple more options like show crosses or show only histogram.
Default source for all indicators is close (except WaveTrend and MFI which use hlc3) and it could be changed but for all indicators.
There is an option for 2nd RSI which can be set for any timeframe and background calculated by Fibonacci levels.
Histogram Trends Strategy by SedkurThis gives to you buy-sell signal with MACD's histogram trends.
Use "Fast and Slow length" and "Trend of Histogram Number" inputs to take less or more signal.
"Trend of Histogram Number" : This means how many histogram bars the trend continues before trading.
MACD Strategy by SedkurThis gives to you buy-sell signal with MACD histogram value.
Use "Fast and Slow length" and "Buy or Sell Histogram Value" inputs to take less or more signal.
MAC-Z [ChuckBanger]Here I show the relationship between the MACD and Z-Score in a indicator called MAC-Z. MACD is short for moving average convergence/divergence and is in it self showing the relationship between two EMA. The Z-Score in contrast is related to Bollinger Bands and in MAC-Z the Z-score is the difference between the current price and a moving average divided by the standard deviation of price over the same time period.
MAC-Z has its best use in the short term time frames in my opinion compared to MACD. Here i show from current time of writing how effective it is.
More info on MAC-Z:
Also take a look at MACD Leader:
Derivative Oscillator Cu [ID: AC-P]The "AC-P" version of the Derivative Oscillator is my personal customized version of Constance Brown's Derivative Oscillator (using Everget's implementation of it as the base), with the the following modifications and additions:
VWAP Indication - option to show whether the price input option is above or below the Daily VWAP (red triangles = price input is below vwap, green triangles = price input is above vwap)
Bullish and Bearish phases from shayankm's Waddah Attar Explosion V2 () is included as indication dots (bullish = blue dots, bearish = yellow dots) below/above the Derivative Oscillator histogram
Coral Trend from Lazybear () is included as indication dots (red/green dots below/above the Derivative Oscillator histogram
Input source options for vwap, Waddah components (MACD, Bollinger Upper/Lower)
Centerline option for Coral trend, and Horizontal center option for the Derivative Oscillator with circle indication (optional - provided as option for flexibility in use with overlaying with other indicators)
This indicator is a hybrid, with a combination of leading indicators and lagging trending indicators combined into one. Specifically, a few of the other indicators I use are lacking in the momentum and trend department, and this is one of the indicators I use to address that:
VWAP provides trend information on lower timeframes from a high timeframe interval (D)
Coral Trend provides additional confirmation to VWAP trend wise, and is adjustable
Waddah Attar Explosion provides a third level of confirmation for trending moves, taking into account shorter and longer timeframes (FastEMA and SlowEMA parameters).
Script base for the Derivative Oscillator is credited to Everget () and LazyBear ().
Source attribution to Constance Brown for the Derivative Oscillator formula/indicator:
// Brown, Constance.
// Reference 1: “The Derivative Oscillator: a New Approach to an Old Problem,” Journal of Technical Analysis (Winter-Spring 1994) 45–61.
// Reference 2: Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1999.
Information on the Derivative Oscillator:
Modified Stochastic MACD Oscillator - Vitali ApirineFor all MACD enthusiasts out there, hot off the press, I present this next generation "Modified Stochastic MACD Oscillator" employing PSv4.0, originally formulated by Vitali Apirine for TASC - November 2019 Traders Tips. Just when you may have thought it was the end of the evolutionary line for MACD technology, it's not! Basically it's a NEW hybridization of a MACD and stochastic rolled into one, maintaining scale symmetry to support overbought/oversold defined levels across time frames and assets, unlike the ordinary MACD. On the ordinary MACD, this is virtually impossible to do properly, and trust me, I have tried with zero success. My less than 40 line implementation, at initial release, is a heavily modified version of the original indicator using novel techniques, surpassing not only Apirine's original intended design, but also the "contemporary MACD" provided by TV, visible on the bottom of the chart.
Utilizing the "Power of Pine", I included the maximum amount of features I could surmise in an ultra small yet powerful package. I provided an abundance of control over each feature as an attempt to create another heavenly MACD experience in an open source package, only rivaled by my "Ultimate MACD Super Pack". Configurations are displayed above in multiple scenarios that should be suitable for most traders. Of notable mention, I rescaled the oscillator more towards a zero mean unity scale, while still leaving the waveforms completely intact.
Features List Includes:
Dark Background - Easily disabled in indicator Settings->Style for "Light" charts or with Pine commenting
AND much, much more... you have the source!
For those of you who are new to Pine Script, this script also may help you understand advanced programming techniques in Pine and how they may be utilized in a most effective manner. I would like to see Tradingview become the go to platform for the best MACD indicators attainable with this contribution to the TV community. This is commonly what my dense intricate code looks like behind the veil, and if you are wondering why there is no notes, that's because the notation is in the variable naming. If you wish to contribute additional ideas, please do so below in the comments about all things MACD in Pine.
NOTICE: Copy pasting bandits who may be having nefarious thoughts, DO NOT attempt this, because this may violate Tradingview's terms, conditions and/or house rules. "WE" are always watching the TV community vigilantly for mischievous behaviors and actions that exploit well intended authors for the purpose of unscrupulously increasing brownie points in reputation scores. Hiding behind a "protected" wall may not protect you from investigation and account penalization by TV staff. Be respectful, and don't just throw a meaningless feature in there branding it as "your" gizmo. Fair enough? Alrighty then... I firmly believe in "innovating" future state-of-the-art indicators, and please contact me if you wish to do so.
The comments section below is solely just for commenting and other remarks, ideas, compliments, etc... regarding only this indicator, not others. When available time provides itself, I will consider your inquiries, thoughts, and concepts presented below in the comments section if you do have any questions or comments regarding this indicator. When my indicators achieve more prevalent use by TV members, I may implement more ideas when they present themselves as worthy additions. As always, "Like" it if you simply just like it with a proper thumbs up, and also return to my scripts list occasionally for additional postings. Have a profitable future everyone!
Schaff Trend Cycle [ChuckBanger]The Schaff Trend Cycle is a method, developed by Doug Schaff and based on the concept that trends also have repeating high and low patterns, or cycles. This is a modified MACD line, run through a modified stochastic algorithm and smoothed with Wilders’ smoothing in order to estimate the final Schaff Trend Cycle (STC) indicator. Its purpose is to identify the direction, in which a trend cycle is moving and possible peaks and bottoms within this cycle.
If this is interesting you should also take a look at MACD Leader:
For more info about Schaff Trend Cycle Indicator:
Stochastic RSI and MACD leader [ChuckBanger]Here I have combined Stochastic RSI with my MACD leader.
MACD leader and Stochastic RSI works well together and they are powerful in combination with My Recursive Bands. It is up to you to back test this properly before you use it in real life trades. But in my opinion it is very powerful.
Because of MACD nature it's a little messy when you turn on the MACD's histogram so I commented that out.
MACD Leader:
My Recursive Bands:
Easy to Use MACD+RSI Strategy
Easy to use strategy test using MACD with RSI as a confirming indicator. The code is structured to make it easy to manipulate the variables to your choosing.
LINE 2 = Change the amount you invest every trade and the currency
LINE 8/9/10 = Change the defval of each of these lines to backtest from a certain date
LINE 16/17/18 = Change the MACD sensitivity by changing the defval on each line
LINE 21 = Change the value after close toadjust the sensitivity of the RSI
LINE 37/39 = Change/remove the < and > variables for macdLine and rsivalue after the crossover/crossunder to adjust your buying point further.
As a beginner you may not feel comfortable with shorting stocks, therefore LINE 5 was added to only allows long positions.
Funny how a simple indicator can return such a high profitability. Couple this with some trend/exit strategies and you'll have something really special!