The Adaptive Cyber Cycle was created by John Ehlers and this is a cycle based indicator which you don't find too many of these days. Each stock goes through cycles which are repeating patterns of price movement and cycle indicators help you find the timing of the cycle to capitalize on the underlying cycle. That is an extremely simple explanation but most...
The Cyber Cycle was created by John Ehlers (Cybernetic Analysis For Stocks And Futures pg 34) and this is one of my favorite Ehlers indicators. I use it personally for exits but it has several uses. It gives great entry and exit signals when you enter when it is at the bottom or at the very top during a cycle. When it is above 0 then the stock is in a strong...
Ehlers Stochastic Cyber Cycle indicator script. This indicator was originally developed by John F. Ehlers (see his book `Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures`, Chapter 8: `Stochasticization and Fisherization of Indicators`).
Ehlers Cyber Cycle indicator script. This indicator was originally developed by John F. Ehlers (see his book `Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures`, Chapter 4: `Trading the Cycle`).