Volatility Across CoinsCompare the recent volatility of 8 cryptocurrencies, based on percentage change per candle.
Useful for volatility strategies to find the highest volatility coins over recent periods or to get an at-a-glance view of volatility correlations.
Options to change the resolution and find average % change per candle over user defined length.
BTC = Yellow/Gold
ETH = Purple
LTC = Gray
NEO = Green
IOTA = Light Blue
XMR = Orange
BCH = Red
Dash = Blue
Bimex Long Short PRO [PlungerMen]Hello!
This free community edition is very good for all time frame , for all the crypto
This Script recognized overbought area and over-selling area extremely accurate
This Script is very well used as it works by itself and very well used in conjunction with the "Bitmex scalping " script, both compliment for each other. the "Bitmex Scalping" script is Free, you can find it
If you want to be more accurate and more efficient, more comfortable when you do not want to see too many other indicators, you can register for our Professional edition.
- The Professional Edition supports Level 1 and Level 2 commands, which are very effective in allocating funds and optimizing your profits
Besides that,You will be supported by personal preferences, profit maximization
- Register for a Professional version will be used 2 Script,Bimex Scalping Pro and Bitmex Long Short Pro
- We will invite you to the signal channel with the announcement of the bottom and the peak of the BTC ,the big variable variable has exists
We hope you enjoy this script. Your support will help us develop more good quality scripts in the future to serve the community
**Remember, Like this script and posivite feedback if you are satisfied**
if you have any questions Plz post a comment ... below here
Bitfinex Open Interest ChangeThe script shows changes in Bitfinex open interest from the previous candle.
Positive green bar = Open interest increase, predominantly longs opening.
Positive red bar = Open interest increase, predominantly shorts opening.
Negative green bar = Open interest decrease, predominantly longs closing.
Negative red bar = Open interest decrease, predominantly shorts closing.
Token selection between top trading pairs is in the options.
Bitfinex Longs v Shorts - Token Selectorimgur.com
The script enables you to easily switch between the top trading pairs on Bitfinex to show the long vs. short data.
BTCUSD Longs & Shorts Change AmountThis indicator contains 3 scripts.
1. "long change amount" & "short change amount"
2. "long plus & short minus" & "long minus & short plus"
3. "long vs short ratio"
Please turn off 2 not used.
BTC-USD Strategy profit with cross basisHello all,
I modified a public script with long and short signals when the basis line is cross by Heikin Ashi.
It's a real-time script and not a scam. The profit is realized with one or two contracts.
You can add alerts and link it to robots for trade.
For access PM,
RENKO INDICATOR OVERLAY by CryptoJoncisA very simple and basic renko indicator for any time frame and ticker.
Please be aware, the minimum value for traditional renko box size = 0.0001 so if you are using this indicator for trading with cryptocurrencies, it might be better to use ATR for that.
Can be merged together with main chart for better performance.
Consider a tip if you find this helpful
ETH: 0xac290B4A721f5ef75b0971F1102e01E1942A4578
Bitfinex Longs vs Shortssexy view of the current long/short positions on Bitfinex. I saw some pay-for, hidden-source-code version of this and thought: "oh man."
GDAX Coin CorrelationPretty viz of how correlated/uncorrelated price of coins BTC ETH LTC BCH are on GDAX.
From the ref:
"Correlation coefficient. Describes the degree to which two series tend to deviate from their sma values."
DBT MoMo v2DBT MoMo v2 uses everything in the MoMo v1 and more. The MoMo finds areas of extension, to the downside and upside. These areas create good opportunities for long and short positions. It consist of a 3 candle back MoMo line and 24 candle back MoMo line. When both lines are above 10 this shows the bulls are very extended and a pullback or trend reversal is imminent, this will be signified as a gold background on the MoMo. When both MoMo lines are below -10 this shows the bears are very extended and a pullback or trend reversal to the upside is imminent, this will be signified as a purple background on the MoMo. When both MoMo lines are correlating and moving in the same direction the trend is strong. If they are showing inverse signals or the 3 MoMo is rapidly moving while the 24 MoMo is flat this means the trend is choppy or weak. When both MoMos are below -10 or above +10 and the 3 momo rapidly moves to +10 or -10, but the 24 momo remains flat this typically shows a trap is being played and you want to be careful taking a trade in the direction of the 3 MoMo. The midline is a trend line that shows trend direction, green for up red for down and white for sideways.
Use at your own risk. This is not financial advise and this indicator is not guaranteed to make you profits. Please message me if you have any questions or feedback. Enjoy.
This is the Official release of the DBT MoMo. It will be available on my website upon launch. Please do not ask for access. If you would like access please go to my website once it releases, Thank You.
40 DOMINANT ALTCOINS BINANCEThis indicator is a combination of 40 different altcoins which are found on Binance exchange.
I have listed all Binance altcoins in the order of the oldest listed and the newest.
Due to limitations on TV for calling only 40 securities at the same time, I have limited myself with adding only the oldest ones (9+ months) and some 8+ to make up at least 40 for more data.
I have excluded BTC, BCC, ETH, USDT, BNB from list as these are the trading pairs.
I have some updates in mind and will try to add more options in coming months
Regularly updating 40 altcoins list by sorting them by market cap and available historical data from Binance
Adding Bitfinex, Bittrex and other exchanges separetly, as there is only 40 security call limit
Adding ETH; USDT pairs for all above exchanges.
You can add any indicator to this indicator - such as MACD, RSI, EMA and so on to help you analyse it more deeper
When you load this indicator, it takes about 1 min wait as it takes and calculates a lot of data. After it is loaded, it works perfectly.
Currently there is only 40 oldest altcoins to gather enough data, but as time passes, I will change some of them to create better picture of alt coins.
Please report any problems and give feedback.
Any idea of improvement is welcome and I will try my best.
Please support me an consider to give a small tip to addresses bellow. It would greatly help me to free more time for improvements as I am working to support family and my time is limited for markets.
ETH: 0xac290B4A721f5ef75b0971F1102e01E1942A4578
BTC: 39p3rKuJYKGqph1Qs35yEfNWoPvpUJBBcy
This will greatly help me to keep update this indicator and give me more time to analyse and sort out all altcoins my their market cap, volume and influence.
Bitfinex Longs vs Shorts [R1984] [Private]TradingView Pine script to compare open Bitfinex BTC long versus short positions.
This indicator compares open Bitfinex BTC long versus short positions in multiple markets (USD, EUR, GBP, and JPY).
Switch between total position and percent comparison.
Convert position values from BTC to EUR, GBP, JPY, or USD.
Configurable gradient shading (useful with total position comparison).
BTCUSD-4720to7640 LongerTimeFrame (LTF)This is a Shorter Time Frame Fib level indicator. It shows where the BTCUSD market is looking to go and where it has been. When the market get above one level ( white bar, for example) look for price action to continue to the next level. If it breaks below the white bar look for it to go the next level below for support. It is great for having targets. It helps in knowing why the market may continue in a direction. For example: When the price action has already moved up, why does it keep going up, because it hasn't reached targeted fib level yet. Same reason price action may move lower. It is looking for its fib level support. You can find them yourself by taking the red level fibs as plug numbers. This makes it fractal in nature. Find the fractal or/of inner fibs by plugging in two consecutive red level fib numbers as the plug numbers. With two plug number it will work for any instrument at any level.
Bull ComparisonBull Comparison is a script that compares the Bull trends for upto 10 coins. This could be dizzying, so for starters start with 3 coins and turn off the 7 remaining in the settings. Default 3 coins are BNB, BTC, ETH USDT. User can customize the coins they want to check, just follow the format in the settings - to see if there is meaningful correlation with other pairs.
Volatility Elasticity MA - used within itself or for a trendAdjusts to volatility of market movement
attempts to stay flat away from ranging areas
to prevent a creeping cross over (as long as possible)
jumps quickly to track a pump or dump to stay useful