VIX Spike to 'Covid' Crash Levels... What Happens Next

The last time the VIX spiked this high was during the March 2020 Covid 'Crash' which was followed by an epic Bull run after that, and proved to be one of the best buying opportunities.

With Japan's unwinding of their 'Carry Trade' and overall US stock market correction, the FED is likely to do an emergency rate cut this month.

And the US elections are coming up, which likely means QE to prop up the economy, as the the next liquidity cycle begins...

So this could be a great signal to flip back to Bullish in the crypto markets.

Fear and Greed is also down to 25, which is another good indicator of sentiment reverting to the mean and back toward Greed sooner than later.

I'm buying, and happy my limit buy orders from yesterdy for SOL at $115, $120, and $125 all filled today and already are in profit.
