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About Ponzi and Cryptocurrency Pump and Dump as TRADING METHODS

🌈 About Ponzi and Cryptocurrency Pump and Dump as ‘TRADING METHODS.’

✏️ By Farhad Moghadamsalimi

About “LOOTING” as an economical method of wealth production

📌 1. “Looting” has been used as an economical method of wealth production since the beginning of history.

📌 2. Looting is based on the simple assumption that some other ethnic groups or individuals do not deserve to have their own resources and wealth at their disposal for assorted reasons. These reasons primarily include physical, military, intellectual, technological, racial, and ethnic weaknesses. The ‘looter,’ who may be an individual or group of people, must capture that wealth and resources because he is ‘more worthy’ and ‘more eligible’ to own them.

📌 3. The theory and act of “looting” during the long years of the presence of Homo Sapiens (the current species of humans) on the planet happened in the form of coercive forces, and it has only been a few years since coercive methods gave way to softer modern types. The current looting practices are done without bloodshed and in complete peace. The modern looting methods involve economic practices rather than the military.

📌 4. One of the types of modern looting is called “Ponzi.”

Regarding Ponzi as a ‘collective’ and not individual looting

📌 5. It is a common mistake to consider “Ponzi” as a personal fraud, in which one person (a company or an entity) takes money from people by promising high profits in return and compensating the distributed yields from other people’s investments. Ponzi schemes end up in massive debt and fraud from many people.

📌 6. Understanding the Ponzi method shows us that Ponzi is not a personal swindle, contrary to widespread belief. Instead, it is a collective fraud and robbery in which the group that invested earlier benefits and the group that sponsored later suffers. Leaders win, and laggers lose. A group loots the other.

The increase in Ponzi looting as a natural result of the denationalization of money

📌 7. The privatization of money (Denationalization of Money), proposed by the distinguished economist F. A. Hayek technically had a problem that made its implementation impossible: the lack of a system to create ‘trust’ between two transaction counterparties without needing third parties.

📌 8. People had to use government-backed money because they could not trust each other. In a small society, it may be feasible for the members to trust each other in their everyday bargains. However, on a large scale, as a big community, a country, and globally, trust in the money-issuing authority is the first and most important basis for using and accepting money.

📌 9. The passage of time in most of the modern world showed that even the most democratic governments and the most independent central banks were unreliable authorities when coming to the money printing machine. Central Banks, even constrained by liberal institutions by taking over the money printing machine, are becoming merciless looters who create Ponzi schemes on a national and even global scale by pumping powerful money into society. We are seeing the manifestations of this Ponzi game in the high inflation rate of different communities and the international dimension. Inflation is the act of looting that governments do against their people: a legal Ponzi scheme.

📌 10. The most critical aspect of Satoshi Nakamoto’s invention in 2009 was creating the first trust system between two strangers without third-party arbitration. With the creation of Bitcoin, a financial system emerged for the first time in the world, where members of that system could trust each other and conduct financial transactions without knowing each other. This invention was a big blow to the state money because, before that, everyone had to rely on their country’s central bank — the only trusted authority — and use the money issued by it.

📌 11. Now the possibility of developing all kinds of cryptographic tokens, which in some ways can be called private money, has been provided for everyone. At present, everyone can have their own self-issued money. All individuals and entities can have a unique, ready-made currency, from small groceries to large international companies.

📌 12. Now, like governments, individuals can also have their own private money printing machine at home and start a new Ponzi scheme. The government monopoly is cracked. For this simple reason, it’s not hard to guess that the amount of Ponzi looting will skyrocket in the future.

About the emergence of a new profession called “BEING FROUD VICTIM”!

📌 13. Looting in its Ponzi style is a group robbery in which a series of participants (those who joined the Ponzi scheme earlier) benefit and a series of participants (those who joined the Ponzi scheme later) suffer. It is a mistake for the judiciaries and public conscience to find only one person guilty of a Ponzi scheme: A group of people is responsible for Ponzi, not just one person.

📌 14. Most of us presume that the Ponzi schemes are conducted just by one scammer, and all other participants in Ponzi schemes are ignorant and innocent people. Indeed, many participants in the Ponzi scheme are not just as naive and straightforward as we think. People who give their hard-earned money to strangers without guarantee have already gone extinct.

📌 15. Every day, increased warnings are published by various sources, especially on social networks, about the disastrous consequences of participating in Ponzi frauds. At the same time, more people join these projects every day. It is improbable if we think that the people who participate in this type of project are simple people who give their money without any guarantee and proof to someone they have not even met. No official authority has regulated these so-called high-yield projects, and most of these projects don’t have a confirmed address or contact number.

📌 16. So, what is the reason? Why do those who often call themselves “wolves of the Wallstreet” suddenly become plain and simple people when facing Ponzi looting projects and give their dearer-than-life money to fraudsters so graciously?

The answer is in the new art and profession created by Ponzi and manifested by the spread of private money: “The art of being a fraud victim!”

📌 17. The idea of a new profession called ‘being a fraud victim’ may seem more like a joke. Still, at least in projects like Ponzi and cryptocurrency pump and dump and other such mass looting strategies, it is considered a profitable job. Undoubtedly, one of the culprits in such projects is the one who invests his money in such projects as an investor, and in most cases, he is fully aware of the nature of such tasks.

📌 18. If the investment in this collective fraud project is successful, our Ponzi investor reaps a colossal profit and withdraws himself without any responsibility. After exiting successfully, he points the finger of accusation at the fraudster who started the Ponzi and tries to show himself as innocent and ignorant.

If the investment is unsuccessful and his money burns in Ponzi, our investor, as an active plaintiff, is present everywhere. He succeeds in reviving his money in many cases, especially if the government or a wealthy organization may be shown responsible.

Meanwhile, he will be looking for new looting projects simultaneously.

📌 19. Indeed, we should not consider those who take part in Ponzi schemes as losers and victims. Instead, we should accuse them of participation (or at least deputy) in the crime. Those who participate in Ponzi projects and cryptocurrency pump and dump know very well that in such mass looting if someone can enter the project in time and exit it in time, it is possible to make an excellent profit.

📌 20. Those who can enter the market earlier than others and leave the market earlier than others can earn astronomical profits. In this way, a minority can rob a majority. Being among the winning minority depends on the investor’s skill, time of entry and exit, and luck. Luck and chance are among the main factors in this looting. Even those who know the nature of this scam willingly participate because they are resiliently eager to try their luck.

📌 21. Regarding item 20, those who lose money in collective looting projects are mere ‘gamblers’ who did not get lucky and lost the bet; that’s it!

Do not call these losers simple-minded and innocent victims of fraud. Most of them have discovered the gambling nature of Ponzi and Pump and Dump projects and are just trying their chance.

📌 22. As private money becomes more widespread, this type of collective looting will increase, mainly because it can create windfall profits for its founders. Not forgetting this importance when dealing with the cryptocurrency market is necessary. Also, let’s not forget that finding and participating in this kind of looting has become a bread-and-butter job in today’s world, to the extent that participating in all types of Pump-and-Dump and cryptocurrency Ponzi can be considered a “profitable trading strategy.”

You need to have the chance to be among the leaders of these lootings.

📌 23. It might not be inappropriate for legislators everywhere in the world, especially regarding Ponzi and Pump-and-Dump projects, to use such delicacy. If the project developer deserves punishment, do not exempt the participants from discipline. Participants in Ponzi schemes, in which most of them are engaged in the ‘being a fraud victim’ profession, even if they have lost their money, should be considered for a fine for fraud.

📌 24. Considering a punishment for all participants of Ponzi schemes will be amazingly effective in limiting this type of “expanding collective looting.” At least, it will significantly reduce the workload of the judiciary courts in different countries. It also prevents, to a great extent, the ‘being a fraud victim’ profession, which is one of the most profitable jobs in cryptocurrency markets.
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