Rate Of Change [Hyperbolic]

akikostas tarafından
Rate Of Change just got fixed!

Do note that you have to activate the "exotic calculations" inside the ROC-H settings.

A hyperbolic curve now transforms price. No more infinities on your indicators!

You may use the "exotic" function, that is embedded in my script in your own scripts.
This formula basically transforms the input (which may be zero or negative) into a strictly positive one.

While the mathematicians out there would opt for alternative formulae (like the exponential for negative numbers), I used the hyperbolic curve for continuity purposes. Feel free to build upon my calculations, and make them even better!

Tread lightly, for this is hallowed ground.
-Father Grigori

P.S. I cannot lock the source code. Science and knowledge belongs to humanity. Knowledge must not be up for sale.
Sürüm Notları
Now it is easier to copy and paste the hyperbolic() formula, and use it in you indicators.
You can now call this formula as many times as you wish, and transform your inputs (high, low, close etc).
Appropriate comments are placed inside the code, to make it more explanatory.
Sürüm Notları
Ridiculously simplified Hyperbolic Curve.
Sürüm Notları
Log-based ROC
Sürüm Notları
Change of title! Now ROC-H is ROC-L.
Sürüm Notları
Added copyright.
Rate of Change (ROC)

Açık kaynak kodlu komut dosyası

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Bu komut dosyasını bir grafikte kullanmak ister misiniz?
