Liquidity Sentiment Profile (Auto-Anchored) [LuxAlgo]
The Liquidity Sentiment Profile (Auto-Anchored) is an advanced charting tool that measures by combining PRICE and VOLUME data over specified anchored periods and highlights the distribution of the liquidity and the market sentiment at specific price levels. This version is a variation of the previously published Liquidity Sentiment Profile , wherewith this version allows users to select a variety of different anchoring periods, such as 'Auto', 'Fixed Range', 'Swing High', 'Swing Low', 'Session', 'Day', 'Week', 'Month', 'Quarter', and 'Year'
Liquidity refers to the availability of orders at specific price levels in the market, allowing transactions to occur smoothly.
A Liquidity Sentiment Profile (Auto-Anchored) is a combination of liquidity and a sentiment profile, where the right side of the profile highlights the distribution of the traded activity at different price levels, and the left side of the profile highlights the market sentiment at those price levels
The liquidity profile is categorized by assigning different colors based on the significance of the traded activity of the specific price levels, allowing traders to reveal significant price levels, such as support and resistance levels, supply and demand zones, liquidity gaps, consolidation zones, etc
The Liquidity Sentiment Profiles aim to present Value Areas based on the significance of price levels, thus allowing users to identify value areas that can be formed more than once within the range of a single profile
Level of Significance Line - displays the changes in the price levels with the highest traded activity (developing POC)
Buyside & Sellside Liquidity Zones - displays Liquidity Levels, also known as Supply and Demand Zones
The script takes into account user-defined parameters and plots the profiles, where detailed usage for each user-defined input parameter in indicator settings is provided with the related input's tooltip.
🔹 Liquidity Sentiment Profile
Anchor Period: The indicator resolution is set by the input of the Anchor Period.
Fixed Period: Applicable if the Anchor Period is set to 'Fixed Range' then the period of the profile is defined with this option
Swing Detection Length: Applicable if the Anchor Period is set to 'Swing High' or 'Swing Low' then the length required to detect the Swing Levels is defined with this option which is then used to determine the period of the profile
🔹 Liquidity Profile
Liquidity Profile: Toggles the visibility of the Liquidity Profiles
High Traded Nodes: Threshold and Color option for High Traded Nodes
Average Traded Nodes: Color option for Average Traded Nodes
Low Traded Nodes: Threshold and Color option for Low Traded Nodes
🔹 Sentiment Profile
Sentiment Profile: Toggles the visibility of the Sentiment Profiles
Bullish Nodes: Color option for Bullish Nodes
Bearish Nodes: Color option for Bearish Nodes
🔹 Buyside & Sellside Liquidity Zones
Buyside & Sellside Liquidity Zones: Toggles the visibility of the Liquidity Levels
Buyside Liquidity Nodes: Color option for Buyside Liquidity Nodes
Sellside Liquidity Nodes: Color option for Sellside Liquidity Nodes
🔹 Other Settings
Level of Significance: Toggles the visibility of the Level of Significance Line
Price Levels, Color: Toggles the visibility of the Profile Price Levels
Number of Rows: Specify how many rows each profile histogram will have. Caution, having it set to high values will quickly hit Pine Script™ drawing objects limit and fewer historical profiles will be displayed
Profile Width %: Alters the width of the rows in the histogram, relative to the profile length
Profile Range Background Fill: Toggles the visibility of the Profiles Range
Dynamic Point of Control (POC)The Dynamic Point of Control (POC) indicator provides traders and analysts with insightful information about price levels, volume distribution, and sentiment within a specified historical range.
Instant Updates : POC recalculates with every new bar, keeping you ahead of the game.
Market Bias : Assess market sentiment through bullish volume share.
Customization : Tailor inputs to match your unique trading strategy.
Chart Presence : See POC and related data graphically on your price chart.
How to Use :
Traders can use the Dynamic POC indicator to identify Point of Control price level, understand volume distribution, and gauge market sentiment. The indicator's visual cues and customizable parameters make it a valuable tool for technical analysis and decision-making.
Volume Profile (Maps) [LuxAlgo]The Pine Script® developers have unleashed "maps"!
Volume Profile (Maps) displays volume, associated with price, above and below the latest price, by using maps
The largest and second-largest volume is highlighted.
The proposed script can highlight more frequent closing prices/prices with the highest volume, potentially highlighting more liquid areas. The prices with the highest associated volume (in red and orange in the indicator) can eventually be used as support/resistance levels.
Voids within the volume profile can highlight large price displacements (volatile variations).
🔹 Maps
A map object is a collection that consists of key - value pairs
Each key is unique and can only appear once. When adding a new value with a key that the map already contains, that value replaces the old value associated with the key .
You can change the value of a particular key though, for example adding volume (value) at the same price (key), the latter technique is used in this script.
Volume is added to the map, associated with a particular price (default close, can be set at high, low, open,...)
When the map already contains the same price (key), the value (volume) is added to the existing volume at the associated price.
A map can contain maximum 50K values, which is more than enough to hold 20K bars (Basic 5K - Premium plan 20K), so the whole history can be put into a map.
🔹 Visible line/box limit
We can only display maximum 500 though.
The code locates the current (last) close, and displays volume values around this price, using lines, for example 250 lines above and 250 lines below current price.
If one side contains fewer values, the other side can show more lines, taking the maximum out of the 500 visible line limitation.
Example (max. 500 lines visible)
• 100 values below close
• 2000 values above close
-> 100 values will be displayed below close
-> 400 remaining -> 400 values will be displayed above close
Pushing the limits even further, when ' Amount of bars ' is set higher than 500, boxes - - will be used as well.
These have a limit of 500 as well, bringing the total limit to 1000.
Note that there are visual differences when boxes overlap against lines.
If this is confusing, please keep ' Amount of bars ' at max. 500 (then only lines will be used).
🔹 Rounding function
This publication contains 2 round functions, which can be used to widen the Volume Profile
• "Round" set at zero -> nothing changes to the source number
• "Round" set below zero -> x digit(s) after the decimal point, starting from the right side, and rounded.
• "Round" set above zero -> x digit(s) before the decimal point, starting from the right side, and rounded.
Example: 123456.789
Another option is custom steps.
After setting "Round" to "Step", choose the desired steps in price,
• 2 -> 1234.00, 1236.00, 1238.00, 1240.00
• 5 -> 1230.00, 1235.00, 1240.00, 1245.00
• 100 -> 1200.00, 1300.00, 1400.00, 1500.00
• 0.05 -> 1234.00, 1234.05, 1234.10, 1234.15
🔹 Adjust position & width
🔹 Table
The table shows the details:
• Size originalMap : amount of elements in original map
• # higher: amount of elements, higher than last "close" (source)
• index "close" : index of last "close" (source), or # element, lower than source
• Size newMap : amount of elements in new map (used for display lines)
• # higher : amount of elements in newMap, higher than last "close" (source)
• # lower : amount of elements in newMap, lower than last "close" (source)
🔹 Volume * currency
Let's take as example BTCUSD, relative to USD, 10 volume at a price of 100 BTCUSD will be very different than 10 volume at a price of 30000 (1K vs. 300K)
If you want volume to be associated with USD, enable Volume * currency . Volume will then be multiplied by the price:
• 10 volume, 1 BTC = 100 -> 1000
• 10 volume, 1 BTC = 30K -> 300K
🔹 Put
When the map doesn't contain a price, it will be added, using map.put(id, key, value)
In our code:
map.put(originalMap, price, volume)
originalMap.put(price, volume)
A key (price) is now associated with a value (volume) -> key : value
Since all keys are unique, we don't have to know its position to extract the value, we just need to know the key -> map.get(id, key)
We use map.get() when a certain key already exists in the map, and we want to add volume with that value.
if originalMap.contains(price)
originalMap.put(price, originalMap.get(price) + volume)
-> At the last bar, all prices (source) are now associated with volume.
🔹 Copy & sort
Next, every key of the map is copied and sorted (array of keys), after which the index (idx) is retrieved of last (current) price.
copyK = originalMap.keys().copy()
idx = copyK.binary_search_leftmost(src)
Then left and right side of idx is investigated to show a maximum amount of lines at both sides of last price.
🔹 New map & display
The keys (from sorted array of copied keys) that will be displayed are put in a new map, with the associated volume values from the original map.
newMap =
🔹 Re-cap
• put in original amp (price key, volume value)
• copy & sort
• find index of last price
• fetch relevant keys left/right from that index
• put keys in new map and fetch volume associated with these keys (from original map)
Simple example (only show 5 lines)
bar 0, price = 2, volume = 23
bar 1, price = 4, volume = 3
bar 2, price = 8, volume = 21
bar 3, price = 6, volume = 7
bar 4, price = 9, volume = 13
bar 5, price = 5, volume = 85
bar 6, price = 3, volume = 13
bar 7, price = 1, volume = 4
bar 8, price = 7, volume = 9
Original map:
Copied keys array:
-> 5 keys around last price (7) are fetched (5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
-> keys are placed into new map + volume values from original map
Lastly, these values are displayed.
Source : Set source of choice; default close , can be set as high , low , open , ...
Volume & currency : Enable to multiply volume with price (see Features )
Amount of bars : Set amount of bars which you want to include in the Volume Profile
Max lines : maximum 1000 (if you want to use only lines, and no boxes -> max. 500, see Concepts )
🔹 Round -> ' Round/Step '
Round -> see Concepts
Step -> see Concepts
🔹 Display Volume Profile
Offset: shifts the Volume Profile (max. 500 bars to the right of last bar, see Features )
Max width Volume Profile: largest volume will be x bars wide, the rest is displayed as a ratio against largest volume (see Features )
Show table : Show details (see Features )
• Lines won't go further than first bar (coded).
• The Volume Profile can be placed maximum 500 bar to the right of last price.
• Maximum 500 lines/boxes can be displayed
Price Range Volume Profile [Pt]█ Introduction
The Price Range Volume Profile (PRVP) is a revolutionary indicator. This tool stands out from its peers due to its unique ability to capture the entire price chart history, thus providing a comprehensive volume profile of the entire asset's trading history, as available on TradingView chart. It's worth noting that I believe this tool is the first of its kind to accomplish such a feat. A much recommended tool if you are a volume profile trader.
█ Main Features
► Historical Lookback: This feature dives deep into the past, grasping all the historical data of an asset. It's equipped to handle up to 20,000 bars, although users without a premium TradingView account are advised to keep it at a maximum of 10,000 bars, or just use the "Full Historical Lookback" feature.
► Volume Profile / POC: Displays the distribution of volume across price levels for the selected price range. The Point of Control (POC), which is the price level with the highest traded volume, is also highlighted.
► Customization: Users have the flexibility to adjust the profile's appearance, including profile width, horizontal offset, and the option to fill the background of the profile range.
► Time Weighting: This feature allows users to give more weight to recent trading activity, which can be especially useful for intraday traders or during times of high volatility. Note that this feature will impact the volume profile and POC level.
► Settings Table: A settings table is displayed on the chart for users to quickly reference their input parameters.
█ Input Parameters
► Lookback Timeframe: Determines the period for which the volume profile is generated.
► Price Range: The percentage distance to consider for the profile, adjusted above and below the current closing price.
► Profile Step size: The granularity of the volume profile. Users can opt for automatic step size based on a predefined calculation or set their preferred tick step size.
► Historical Bars Lookback: Determines the number of bars to include in the volume profile calculation.
► Profile Visuals: Adjust the appearance and layout of the volume profile on the chart.
► Extra: Additional settings including the display of a settings table and its location.
█ Basic Understanding of Volume Profile - How to use PRVP?
Volume Profile is a valuable tool for traders who want insights into where the majority of trading activity has occurred. Here are some tips to make the most of it:
► Understand the Basics: Before using the Volume Profile, ensure you understand the difference between it and the standard volume histogram. While both represent volume, the former displays it against price while the latter shows it against time.
► Identify High Volume Nodes (HVN) and Low Volume Nodes (LVN):
◊ HVN: Areas where there's a lot of trading activity and where the price has spent a lot of time. These areas can act as strong support or resistance.
◊ LVN: Areas where there's a lack of trading activity. Prices might move quickly through these areas, and they can act as potential breakpoints or accelerators for price movement.
► Locate the Point of Control (POC): This is the price level with the highest traded volume for a specified period. It often acts as a magnet for price, and it can serve as a pivot or reference point.
► Trend Confirmation: A shift in the volume profile from one price level to another can confirm a trend. For instance, if higher volume starts to build at higher price levels, it may indicate a strong uptrend.
► Watch for Volume Gaps: If there's a significant gap in the volume profile, prices may move quickly through these levels as there's little historical trading activity to act as support or resistance.
█ Other Usage Tips
◊ For optimal performance, ensure that the chosen timeframe aligns closely with the chart timeframe. Differences in timeframes may lead to minor discrepancies in the volume profile.
◊ To address any errors arising from too many levels displayed on the volume profile, consider increasing the Profile Step size or reducing the Price Range.
Historic Volume/Market ProfilesHistoric Volume/Market Profile is a Periodic Volume Profile with all of the improvements known in the original Volume/Market Profile.
VMP is a 2 in 1 Volume and Market Profile Indicator.
HVMP uses the base of VMP to offer a quick and simple view at multiple historic profiles at the same time.
This includes:
Cluster Identification for High Volume and Low Volume Areas.
Maximizing granularity by utilizing boxes and lines to get up to 1000 rows.
New Inclusions in HVMP vs VMP:
HVMP granularity is determined by the # of profiles on display. By doing this, each profile will get an even amount of allocated rows to use and granularity is scaled per-profile, to fit within the row allowance.
For Example: 1000/(# of profiles) = Maximum # of rows per profile.
HVMP introduces the "Auto-Scale" Option (on by Default), this automatically fits each profile within the defined timeframe period to provide a consistent display when switching timeframes.
Even with "Auto-Scale" enabled, "Display Size" dictates which direction the profile is displayed.
Below is a Negative Display Size (Displays from right to left, starting at the end of the period)
Below is a Positive Display Size (Displays from left to right, starting at the beginning of the period)
HVMP is only for historical data, you can get a live profile with the same Node Identification using VMP (Volume Market/Profile). The indicator that this one is based on.
Find it Here: Volume/Market Profile
Price & Volume Profile (Expo)█ Overview
The Price & Volume Profile provides a holistic perspective on market dynamics by simultaneously tracking price action and trading volume across a range of price levels. So it is not only a volume-based indicator but also a price-based one. In addition to illustrating volume distribution, it quantifies how frequently the price has fallen within a particular range, thus offering a holistic perspective on market dynamics.
This unique and comprehensive approach to market analysis by considering both price action and trading volume, two crucial dimensions of market activity. Its distinctive methodology offers several advantages:
Holistic Market View: By simultaneously tracking the frequency of specific price ranges (Price Profile) and the volume traded at those ranges (Volume Profile), this indicator provides a more complete picture of market behavior. It shows not only where the market is trading but also how much it's trading, reflecting both price acceptance levels and market participation intensity.
Point of Control (POC): The POC, as highlighted by this indicator, serves as a significant reference point for traders. It identifies the price level with the highest trading activity, thus indicating a strong consensus among market participants about the asset's fair value. Observing how price interacts with the POC can offer valuable insights into market sentiment and potential trend reversals.
Support and Resistance Levels: Price levels with high trading activity often act as support or resistance in future price movements. The indicator visually represents these levels, enabling traders to anticipate potential price reactions.
Price Profile
Price and Volume Profile
█ Calculations
The algorithm analyzes both trade frequency and volume across different price levels. It identifies these levels within the visible chart range, then examines each bar to determine if the selected price falls within these levels. If so, it increases a counter and adds the trading volume. This process repeats across the visible range and is visualized as a horizontal histogram, each bar representing a price level and the bar length reflecting trade frequency and volume. Additionally, it calculates the Point of Control (POC), signifying the price level with the highest activity.
In summary: The histogram presents a dual perspective - not only the traded volume at each price level but also the frequency of the price hitting each range. The longer the bar, the more times the price has frequented that specific range, revealing key insights into price behavior and acceptance levels. These frequently visited areas often emerge as strong support or resistance zones, helping traders navigate market movements.
Please note that the indicator adjusts to the visible price range, making it adaptable to changing market conditions. This dynamic analysis can provide more relevant and timely information than static indicators.
█ How to use
This indicator is beneficial for traders as it offers insights into the distribution of trading activity across different price levels. It helps identify key areas of support and resistance and gives a visual representation of market sentiment and liquidity.
The point of control (POC) , which is the price level with the highest traded volume or frequency count, becomes even more crucial in this context. It marks the price at which the most trading activity occurred, signaling a strong consensus among market participants about the asset's fair value. If the market price deviates significantly from the POC, it could suggest an overbought or oversold condition, potentially leading to a price reversion.
Fair Price Areas/gaps are specific price levels or zones where an asset has spent limited time in the past. These areas are considered interesting or significant because they may have an impact on future price action.
Similar to the concept of fair value gaps, which refers to discrepancies between an asset's market price and its estimated intrinsic value, Fair Price Areas/gaps focus on price levels that have been relatively underutilized in terms of trading activity. When an asset's price reaches a Fair Price Area/gap, traders and investors pay attention because they expect the price to react in some way. The rationale behind this concept is that price tends to gravitate towards areas where it has spent less time in the past, as the market perceives them as significant levels.
█ Settings
The indicator is customizable, allowing users to define the number of price levels (rows), the offset, the data source, and whether to display volume or frequency count. It also adjusts dynamically to the visible price range on the chart, ensuring that the analysis remains relevant and timely with changing market conditions.
Source: The price to use for the calculation. Typically, this is the closing price. By considering the user-selected Source (typically the closing price), the indicator determines the frequency with which the price lands within each designated price level (row) over the selected period. In essence, the indicator provides a count of bars where the Source price falls within each range, essentially creating a "Price Profile."
Row Size: The number of price levels (rows) to divide the visible price range into.
Display: Choose whether to display the number of bars ("Counter") or the total volume ("Volume") for each price level.
Offset: The distance of the histogram from the price chart.
Point of Control (POC): If enabled, the indicator will highlight the price level with the most activity.
The information contained in my Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, backtest, or individual's trading does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
My Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems are only for educational purposes!
MTF Evolving Weighted Composite Value Area🧾 Description:
This indicator calculates evolving value areas across 3 different timeframes/periods and combines them into one composite, multi-timeframe evolving value area - with each of the underlying timeframes' VAs assigned their own weighting/importance in the final calculation. Layered with extra smoothing options, this creates an informative and useful 'rolling value area' effect that can give you a better perspective on the value area across multiple periods at once as it develops - without total calculation resets at the onset of every new period.
Let's start with a simplified primer on value areas and then jump in to the new ideas this indicator introduces.
🤔 What is a value area?
Value areas are a tool used in market profile analysis to determine the range of prices that represents where most trading activity occurred during a specific time period, typically within a single 'bar' of a certain higher timeframe, such as the 4-hour, daily, or weekly. It helps traders understand the levels where the market finds value.
To calculate the value area, we look at the distribution of prices and trading volume. We determine a percentage, usually 70% or 80%, that represents the significant portion of trading volume. Then, we identify the price range that contains this percentage of trading volume, which becomes the value area.
Value areas are useful because they provide insights into market dynamics and potential support and resistance levels. They show where traders have been most active and where they find value, and traders can use this information to make better-informed decisions.
For example, if price is trading within the value area, it suggests that it's within a range where traders see value and are actively participating, which could indicate a balanced market. If the price moves above or below the value area, it may signal a potential shift in market sentiment or a breakout/breakdown from the established range.
By understanding the value area, traders can identify potential areas of supply and demand, determine levels of interest for buyers and sellers, and make decisions based on the market's perception of value.
📑 Limitations of traditional value areas
Static representation: Value areas are usually represented as static zones calculated after the fact. For example, after a daily period is completed, a typical 1D VA indicator will display the value area for the past period with static horizontal lines. This approach doesn't give you the power to see how the value area evolved, or developed, during the time period, as it is only displayed retroactively. It also doesn't give you the ability to view it as it evolves in real-time. This is why we chose to use an evolving value area representation, specifically borrowed from @sourcey's Value Area POC/VAH/VAL script function for calculating evolving VAs.
Rollover resets - no memory of past periods!: The traditional value area is calculated over a static period - it is calculated from the beginning of the period, for example a 1 day period, to the end, and that's the end of it. When the next daily period begins, the calculation resets, and has no memory of the preceding period. This limits the usefulness of the value area visual when viewed near the beginning of a new period before price and volume have been given ample time to define an area.
Hard to absorb all of that information: Value areas aren't generally meant to be a hardline representation of something extremely exact - they're based on a percentage of the area where traders appeared to find value over a certain time period. Most traders use them as a guide for support and resistance levels or finding an expected range. Traders typically overlay multiple VAs - sometimes requiring several instances of the same indicator to be applied - to represent the VA across multiple timeframes such as the 4H, 1D, or 1W. The chart quickly gets cluttered and it's not necessarily easy to understand the relationship between these multiple periods' VAs at a glance.
🧪 New concepts introduced in this indicator
With the evolving weighted composite value area we tried to address these limitations, and we think the result can be useful and intuitive for traders who want more dynamic and practical VAs for their everyday technical analysis.
⚖️ 1. A composite, weighted multi-timeframe VA
This indicator's value areas represent a combination or composite of the value areas calculated across multiple timeframes. The VAs calculated across each timeframe are then given a weighting percentage, which determines their contribution to the final 'weighted composite value area'.
Pictured below: a 4H/1D/1W MTF evolving weighted composite VA on the BTCUSDT Perpetual Futures (Binance) 5 minute chart:
Traditionally, when traders wanted to get a view of where the majority of trading activity occurred over the past four hours, day, and week, they would need to apply three value area indicators (or sometimes one if it allows multiple custom timeframes), each set to a different period (4H, 1D, 1W). The chart gets cluttered quickly and the information is hard to absorb in one shot. Addressing this problem was the main impetus for creating this weighted composite process.
〰️ 2. Rolling and smoothed evolving VAs
Because the composite VA is calculated based on multiple period VAs, there is no one single point where the area calculation resets (unless all 3 selected timeframes happen to rollover on the same bar). This creates a 'rolling' effect that gives a sense of the progression of the VA as price transitions through the different underlying time periods, without the traditional 'jump' in calculations between periods.
Pictured below: a 1D/1W/1M MTF evolving weighted composite VA on the NQ futures 1H chart:
To help give even more of a sense of perspective and 'progression' of the VA, there are also smoothing options to even out the 'jumps' at period-rollover points.
✔️ What's it good for?
Smoothed, rolling, and evolving multi-timeframe VAs that give you a better real-time perspective of where traders are finding value across multiple time periods at once.
📎 References
1. @sourcey's Value Area POC/VAH/VAL script by adapting its f_poc(tf) function.
💠 Features:
A MTF evolving weighted composite value area based on 3 underlying VAs calculated across customizable timeframes
Aesthetic and flexible coloring and color theme styling options
Period-roller labels and options for ease-of-use and legibility
⚙️ Settings:
Calculation Decimal Resolution: This setting essentially determines how 'granular' the value area calculating process is. This value should be set to some multiple of the tick size/smallest decimal of the symbol's price chart. Eg. On BTCUSDT, the tick size/decimal is usually 0.1. So, you might use 0.5. On TSLA, the tick size is 0.01. You might use 0.05 or 0.25. Beware: if the resolution is too small, calculation will take too long and the script may timeout.
Show Me Suggested Resolutions: If enabled, a label will display in the bottom right of the chart with some suggested resolutions for the current chart.
Area Percentage: Set the displayed percentage of the calculated composite value area. Igor method = 70%; Daniel method: 68%.
Use a Color Theme: When this setting is enabled, all manual 'Bullish and Bearish Colors' are overridden. All plots will use the colors from your selected Color Theme - excepting those plots set to use the 'Single Color' coloring method.
Color Theme: When 'Use a Color Theme' is enabled, this setting allows you to select the color theme you wish to use.
Resistance Color: When 'Use a Color Theme' is disabled, this will set the 'resistance color' for the composite VA.
Support Color: When 'Use a Color Theme' is disabled, this will set the 'support color' for the composite VA.
Show Period Rollover Labels: When enabled, a label will show above or below the composite VA marking any underlying period rollovers with the label 'New __' (eg. 'New 4H', 'New 1D', 'New 1W').
Size: Sets the font size of the period rollover labels.
Show Period Rollover Lines: When enabled, a translucent vertical dashed line will be drawn across the composite VA when one of the underlying periods rolls over.
Fill Composite Value Area: When enabled, the composite VA will be filled with a gradient coloring from the support line to the resistance line using their respective colors.
Smooth: When enabled, a smoothing moving average will be applied to the composite value area.
Smoothing Period: Set the lookback period for the smoothing average.
Smoothing Type: Set the calculation type for the smoothing average. Options include: Exponential, Simple, Weighted, Volume-Weighted, and Hull.
Enable: Include/exclude a timeframe's VA in the composite VA calculation.
Timeframe: Set the timeframe for this specific underlying VA.
Weighting %: Set the weighting percentage or 'importance' of this timeframe's value area in calculating the composite VA. Beware! The sum of the weighting percentages across all enabled timeframes must ALWAYS add up to 100 in order for this indicator to work as designed.
Swing Volume Profiles [LuxAlgo]The Swing Volume Profiles indicator aims to calculate and highlight trading activity at specific price levels between two swing points; allowing traders to reveal dominant and/or significant price levels based on volume.
By measuring traded volume at all price levels in the market over a specified time period, the script can also be used to detect some key analysis generally such as supply & demand, buy-side & sell-side liquidity levels, unfilled liquidity voids, and imbalances that can highlight on the chart.
A volume profile is an advanced charting tool that displays the traded volume at different price levels over a specific period. It helps you visualize where the majority of trading activity has occurred.
Key Levels are the areas where the volume is concentrated or where there are significant volume spikes. These levels are known as key support and resistance levels. High-volume nodes indicate areas of high activity and are likely to act as support or resistance in the future.
Volume profile also helps identify value areas, which represent the price levels where the most trading activity has taken place. These levels can act as areas of support or resistance as traders perceive them as fair value.
The Point of Control describes the price level where the most volume was traded. A Naked Point of Control (also called a Virgin Point of Control) is a previous POC that has not been traded. Extending PoC options 'Until Bar Cross' or 'Until Bar Touch' helps in identifying Naked Point of Control Lines.
Previous PoC levels can serve as support and resistance for future price movements. Extending PoC Level 'Until Last Bar' option will help to identify such levels.
One of the unique features of the script is its ability to detect some other key levels such as levels of acceptance and rejection.
Levels of rejection we may summarize as supply and demand levels, these are also referred to as buy-side and sell-side liquidity levels. They usually occur at extreme highs or lows, where prices may be too high for buyers (high supply, low demand) or too low for sellers (low supply, high demand)
Levels of acceptance are the levels where Liquidity Voids occur, these are also referred to imbalances. Liquidity voids are sudden changes in price when the price jumps from one level to another. The peculiar thing about liquidity voids is that they almost always fill up, so we call them levels of acceptance.
When an alert is configured, the user will have the ability to be notified in case:
Point Of Control Line is touched/crossed
Value Area High Line is touched/crossed
Value Area Low Line is touched/crossed
🔹 Display Options
Mode: Controls the lookback length of detection and visualization, where Present assumes last X bars specifid in '# Bars' option and Historical assumes all data available to the user as well as allowed limits of visiual objects (boxs, lines, labels etc)
# Bars: Controls the lookback length.
🔹 Swing Volume Profiles
The script takes into account user-defined parameters and plots volume profiles. Due to Pine Script™ drwaing objects limit only total volume profiles are presented.
Swing Detection Length: Lookback period
Swing Volume Profiles: Toggles the visibility of the Volume Profiles, with color options to differentiate the Value Area within a profile.
Profile Range Background Fill: Toggles the visibility of the Volume Profiles Range
🔹 Point of Control (PoC)
Point of Control (POC) – The price level for the time period with the highest traded volume
Point of Control (PoC): Toggles the visibility of the Point of Control
Developing PoC: Toggles the visibility of the Developing PoC
Extend PoC: Option that allows detecting virgin PoC levels. Virgin Point of Control (VPoC) is defined as a Point of Control that has never been revisited or touched. The option also allows PoC levels to extend till the last bar aiming to present levels from history where the levels were traded significantly and those levels can be used as support and resistance levels.
🔹 Value Area (VA)
Value Area (VA) – The range of price levels in which the specified percentage of all volume was traded during the time period.
Value Area Volume %: Specifies percentage of the Value Area
Value Area High (VAH): Toggles the visibility of the Value Area High, the highest price level within the Value Area
Value Area Low (VAL): Toggles the visibility of the Value Area Low, the lowest price level within the Value Area
Value Area (VA) Background Fill: Toggles the visibility of the Value Area Range
🔹 Liquidity Levels / Voids
Unfilled Liquidity, Thresh: Enable display of the Unfilled Liquidity Levels and Liquidity Voids, where threshold value defines the significance of the level.
🔹 Profile Stats
Position, Size: Specifies the position and the size of the label presenting Profile Stats, the tooltip of the label includes all related info for each profile.
Price, Price Change, and Cumulative Volume: Enable display of the given options on the chart.
🔹 Volume Profile Others
Number of Rows: Specify how many rows each histogram will have. Caution, having it set to high values will quickly hit Pine Script™ drawing objects limit and may cause fewer historical profiles to be displayed.
Placement: Place profile either left or right.
Profile Width %: Alters the width of the rows in the histogram, relative to the calculated profile length.
Alternative Liquidity Void Detection script, Buyside-Sellside-Liquidity
Volume Profile Regression Channel [LuxAlgo]The Volume Profile Regression Channel calculates a volume profile from an anchored linear regression channel. Users can choose the starting and ending points for the indicator calculation interval.
Like a regular volume profile, a "line" of control (LOC), value area, and a developing LOC are displayed.
Sections: The number of sections the linear regression channel is divided into for the calculation of the volume profile.
Width %: Determines the length of the profile within the channel relative to the channel length.
Value Area %: Highlights the sections starting from the POC whose accumulated volume is equal to the user-defined percentage of the total profile sections volume.
Regular volume profiles are often constructed from a horizontal price area, this can allow highlighting price areas where most trading activity takes place.
However, when price is strongly trending a classical volume profile can sometimes be more uniform. This is where using an angled volume profile can be useful.
The line of control allows highlighting the section of the channel with the most accumulated volume, this line can be used as a potential future support/resistance. This is where an angled volume profile might be the most useful.
The developing LOC highlights the LOC location at a specific time within the profile (from left to right) and can sometimes provide an estimate of the underlying trend in the price.
To be computed the script requires a left and right chart time coordinates. When adding the script to their charts users can determine the left and right time coordinates by clicking on the chart.
The linear regression channel width is determined so that the channel precisely encompasses the whole price.
Using a very large calculation interval can return timeouts. Users can reduce the calculation interval to fix that issue from occurring.
The amount of drawing objects that can be used is limited, as such using a high calculation interval can display an incomplete profile.
If you are interested in these types of scripts, @HeWhoMustNotBeNamed published a similar script where users can use a custom line angle. See his 'Angled Volume Profile' script from March 2023.
Volume Profile Matrix [LuxAlgo]The Volume Profile Matrix indicator extends from regular volume profiles by also considering calculation intervals within the calculation window rather than only dividing the calculation window in rows.
Note that this indicator is subject to repainting & back-painting, however, treating the indicator as a tool for identifying frequent points of interest can still be very useful.
Lookback: Number of most recent bars used to calculate the indicator.
Columns: Number of columns (intervals) used to calculate the volume profile matrix.
Rows: Number of rows (intervals) used to calculate the volume profile matrix.
The Volume Profile Matrix indicator can be used to obtain more information regarding liquidity on specific time intervals. Instead of simply dividing the calculation window into equidistant rows, the calculation is done through a grid.
Grid cells with trading activity occurring inside them are colored. More activity is highlighted through a gradient and by default, cells with a color that are closer to red indicate that more trading activity took place within that cell. The cell with the highest amount of trading activity is always highlighted in yellow.
Each interval (column) includes a point of control which highlights an estimate of the price level with the highest traded volume on that interval. The level with the highest traded volume of the overall grid is extended to the most recent bar.
Volume and vPOC InsightsThe vPOC or volume point of control shows where most of the volume was traded. This is important because this is where the institutions and market makers have opened their positions, and these are the ones that move the markets!
This indicator is designed to cut through the volume noise, and enable the hiding of lower volume data.
The main setting allows you to define a lookback, and obscure the candles whose volume is less than x % of the highest volume in this lookback.
Of the remaining candles, their vPOC will be displayed. There are extra settings to extend naked vPOCs, as well as the highs and lows of these high volume candles, plus an EMA based on the vPOC price levels.
I must credit quantifytools @quantifytools who allowed me to utilize his code, for finding vPOCs using lower timeframe candles - there are comments in the code also. It works perfectly so why reinvent the wheel?
PointofControlLibrary "PointofControl"
The genesis of this project was to create a POC library that would be available to deliver volume profile information via pine to other scripts of indicators and strategies.
This is the indicator version of the library function.
A few things that would be unique with the built in
- it allows you to choose the kind of reset of the period, day/week or bars. This is simple enough to expand to other conditions
- it resets on bar count starting from the beginning of the data set (bar index =0) vs bars back from the end of the data set
- A 'period' in this context is the time between resets - the start of the POC until it resets (for example at the beginning of a new day or week)
- it will calculate an increment level rather than the user specifying ticks or price brackets
- it does not allow for setting the # of rows and then calculating the implied price levels
- When a period is complete it is often useful to look back at the POCs of historical periods, or extend them forward.
- This script will find the historical POCs around the current price and display them rather than extend all the historical POC lines to the right
- This script also looks across all the period POCs and identifies the master POC or what I call the Grand POC, and also the next 3 runner up POCs
There is a matching indicator to this library
Magnifying Glass (LTF Candles) by SiddWolf█ OVERVIEW
This indicator displays The Lower TimeFrame Candles in current chart, Like Zooming in on the Candle to see it's Lower TimeFrame Structure. It plots intrabar OHLC data inside a Label along with the volume structure of LTF candle in an eloquent format.
Just apply it to the chart, Hover the mouse on the Label and ta-da you have a Lower Timeframe OHLC candles on your screen. Move the indicator to the top and shrink it all the way up, because all the useful data is inside the label.
Inside the label: The OHLC ltf candles are pretty straightforward. Volume strength of ltf candles is shown at bottom and Volume Profile on the left. Read the Details below for more information.
In the settings, you will find the option to change the UI and can play around with Lower TimeFrame Settings.
First of all, I would like to thank the @TradingView team for providing the function to get access to the lower timeframe data. It is because of them that this magical indicator came into existence.
Magnifying Glass indicator displays a Candle's Lower TimeFrame data in Higher timeframe chart. It displays the LTF candles inside a label. It also shows the Volume structure of the lower timeframe candles. Range percentage shown at the bottom is the percentage change between high and low of the current timeframe candle. LTF candle's timeframe is also shown at the bottom on the label.
This indicator is gonna be most useful to the price action traders, which is like every profitable trader.
How this indicator works:
I didn't find any better way to display ltf candles other than labels. Labels are not build for such a complex behaviour, it's a workaround to display this important information.
It gets the lower timeframe information of the candle and uses emojis to display information. The area that is shown, is the range of the current timeframe candle. Range is a difference between high and low of the candle. Range percentage is also shown at the bottom in the label.
I've divided the range area into 20 parts because there are limitation to display data in the labels. Then the code checks out, in what area does the ltf candle body or wick lies, then displays the information using emojis.
The code uses matrix elements for each block and relies heavily on string manipulation. But what I've found most difficult, is managing to fit everything correctly and beautifully so that the view doesn't break.
Volume Structure:
Strength of the Lower TimeFrame Candles is shown at the bottom inside the label. The Higher Volume is shown with the dark shade color and Lower Volume is shown with the light shade. The volume of candles are also ranked, with 1 being the highest volume, so you can see which candle have the maximum to minimum volume. This is pretty important to make a price action analysis of the lower timeframe candles.
Inside the label on the left side you will see the volume profile. As the volume on the bottom shows the strength of each ltf candles, Volume profile on the left shows strength in a particular zone. The Darker the color, the higher the volume in the zone. The Highest volume on the left represents Point of Control (Volume Profile POC) of the candle.
Lower TimeFrame Settings:
There is a limitation for the lowest timeframe you can show for a chart, because there is only so much data you can fit inside a label. A label can show upto 20 blocks of emojis (candle blocks) per row. Magnifying Glass utilizes this behaviour of labels. 16 blocks are used to display ltf candles, 1 for volume profile and two for Open and Close Highlighter.
So for any chart timeframe, ltf candles can be 16th part of htf candle. So 4 hours chart can show as low as 15 minutes of ltf data. I didn't provide the open settings for changing the lower timeframe, as it would give errors in a lot of ways. You can change the timeframe for each chart time from the settings provided.
Like I mentioned earlier, this indicator is a workaround to display ltf candles inside a label. This indicator does not work well on smaller screens. So if you are not able to see the label, zoom out on your browser a bit. Move the indicator to either top or bottom of all indicators and shrink it's space because all details are inside the label.
This indicator provides you an edge, on top of your existing trading strategy. How you use Magnifying Glass is entirely dependent on your strategy.
I use this indicator to get a broad picture, before getting into a trade. For example I see a Doji or Engulfing or any other famous candlestick pattern on important levels, I hover the mouse on Magnifying Glass, to look for the price action the ltf candles have been through, to make that pattern. I also use it with my "Wick Pressure" indicator, to check price action at wick zones. Whenever I see price touching important supply and demand zones, I check last few candles to read chart like a beautiful price action story.
Also volume is pretty important too. This is what makes Magnifying Glass even better than actual lower timeframe candles. The increasing volume along with up/down trend price shows upward/downward momentum. The sudden burst (peak) in the volume suggests volume climax.
Volume profile on the left can be interpreted as the strength/weakness zones inside a candle. The low volume in a price zone suggests weakness and High volume suggests strength. The Highest volume on the left act as POC for that candle.
Before making any trade, I read the structure of last three or four candles to get the complete price action picture.
█ Conclusion
Magnifying Glass is a well crafted indicator that can be used to track lower timeframe price action. This indicator gives you an edge with the Multi Timeframe Analysis, which I believe is the most important aspect of profitable trading.
~ @SiddWolf