ILM Seasonality Monthly - Day of Month - Tabular FormUse this indicator on Daily Timeframe
This indicator displays the seasonality data for any instrument (index/stock/ futures /currency) in a tabular data by day of the month (Day 1..31).
User can change the start of the year and month for analysis from the inputs.
Year is represented in rows and Day of the month (Day) is represented in cols.
This indicator uses Daily Data feed to calculate the % change
Summary data for Day of month is displayed at the bottom of the table
New Trading DayThis indicator creates an alert for a new trading day - as well as contains a variable that counts the number of bars that has passed since the trading day opened.
It posts the alert both on the chart and has an alert condition so it can be sent to you.
Colorful Channelwhat is "Colorful Channel"?
it is a overbought - oversold indicator.
what it does?
It fills the area between the upper band of the channel and the price line with green, the area between the lower band of the channel and the price line with red color and applies a transparency to these colors according to the distance of the price from the channel lines. thus allowing users to get an idea of ??the current value of the price.
how it does it?
subtracts the percentage of the price from the lower channel from the transparency ratio of the red color, and the percentage of the price from the upper band from the transparency ratio of the green color. thus, a different transparency value is obtained for each percentile. In addition, the transparency rate can be changed with a multiplier determined by the users.
how to use it?
In the "lenght" section, you select the number of bars that the indicator will base backwards on. For example, if length=100, the indicator determines the upper and lower bands according to the distances from the highest and lowest values ??within 100 bar. so the length part works like donchian channels.
You can change the transparency ratio of the colors in the "transp" section.
1 saat transp
yan trend
4 saat
ILM Seasonality Big Moves - TableUse this script on Daily Timeframe.
This script calculates Daily Moves ( Intraday / Close basis ) and buckets them into 1% / 2% / 3% moves
Also calculates MAX DD for the financial year from Peak to Trough
Helps in identifying volatility of the instrument and high drawdowns due to volatility
Trading range display with BoxThis script is just for reference to see the trading range.
Do not use this strategy logic, it is just Test strategy.
The trading range is colored depending on whether it is profitable or not.
You can change the color if you want.
When you declare the strategy, put (process_orders_on_close=true,calc_on_every_tick=true, max_boxes_count=500) in your script.
Then it can show you current open trading as well.
If you use switching strategy (e.g longposition to shortposition right away), it may not show you the range properly.
In that case, reduse the test period.
IT IS Repainting Reference.
If you want to see your strategy result visually,
Just copy and paste from line 22 in my script.
Good Luck everyone.
전략 거래 기간 동안을 보여주는 지표입니다.
이 지표에 쓰인 전략은 단순 테스트용 입니다. 절대 사용하지 마세요.
각 거래기간은 수익이냐 아니냐에 따라 색깔이 정해 집니다.
색깔은 여러분이 변경하실 수 있습니다.
전략을 선언부에 process_orders_on_close=true,calc_on_every_tick=true, max_boxes_count=500 을 넣으시면 현재 오픈 거래도 보실 수 있습니다.
스위칭 전략(롱에서 숏으로 바로 전환하는 전략)을 쓰시는 분들은 아마 테스트 기간을 줄이라는 경고를 받으실 수 있습니다.
이 지표는 리페이팅이 될 수 있습니다.
전략 결과를 눈으로 보고 싶으신 분들은 22번째 줄 부터 카피하시면 됩니다.
행운이 있길..
---strategy set---
SpreadTrade - Auto-Cointegration (ps5)Decsription: Auto-Cointegration-Based Pair Trading Strategy (revised version)
To review, there are three popular styles of Pair trading: distance-based pair trading, correlation-based pair trading and cointegration-based pair trading. Typically, they require preliminary statistical estimation of the viability of the corresponding strategy.
Basically a pair trade strategy boils down to shorting the outperforming instrument and going long on the underperforming instrument whenever the temporary correlation weakens which means one instrument is going up and another is going down. Apart from the typical cointegration strategy which employs two cointegrated instruments, this script uses just one instrument, in base timeframe and in lagged timeframe, actually making it an auto-cointegration, or better still, an auto-correlation strategy.
Notice that each moving average function may require different Threshold settings.The orange cross symbol indicates the exit points. To filter out the signals use higher values for the LongWindow and the Threshold parameters. Also pay attention that in some cases with some moving averages the color of the signals has to be inverted.
Big Money Flow & Drift Oscillator [Spiritualhealer117]An easy way to track what big money and market makers are doing in the markets. The Big Money Flow & Drift Oscillator is best suited as a trend indicator, estimating what way the market will drift on low volume and what way it will move on large volume.
This oscillator is composed of two lines, the Big Money Flow and Drift Oscillator. The Big Money Flow line gives the average percentage return of the asset when the volume is greater than the EMA of volume, showing that big money is making moves in the market. The Drift Oscillator gives the average percentage return of the asset when the volume is less than the EMA of volume, where pricing is done by small money and market makers.
By default, between the two lines, there is a color fill, determined based on the following logic:
BMF > drift and BMF > 0: Yellow
drift > BMF and drift > 0: Beige
BMF > drift and BMF < 0: Orange
drift > BMF and drift < 0: Red
Bollinger Pair TradeNYSE:MA-1.6*NYSE:V
Revision: 1
Author: @ozdemirtrading
Revision 2 Considerations :
- Simplify and clean up plotting
Disclaimer: This strategy is currently working on the 5M chart. Change the length input to accommodate your needs.
For the backtesting of more than 3 months, you may need to upgrade your membership.
The general idea of the strategy is very straightforward: it takes positions according to the lower and upper Bollinger bands.
But I am mainly using this strategy for pair trading stocks. Do not forget that you will get better results if you trade with cointegrated pairs.
Bollinger band: Moving average & standard deviation are calculated based on 20 bars on the 1H chart (approx 240 bars on a 5m chart). X-day moving averages (20 days as default) are also used in the background in some of the exit strategy choices.
You can define position entry levels as the multipliers of standard deviation (for exp: mult2 as 2 * standard deviation).
There are 4 choices for the exit strategy:
SMA: Exit when touches simple moving average (SMA)
SKP: Skip SMA and do not stop if moving towards 20D SMA, and exit if it touches the other side of the band
SKPXDSMA: Skip SMA if moving towards 20D SMA, and exit if it touches 20D SMA
NoExit: Exit if it touches the upper & lower band only.
- Strategy hard stop: if trade loss reaches a point defined as a percent of the initial capital. Stop taking new positions. (not recommended for pair trade)
- Loss per trade: close position if the loss is at a defined level but keeps watching for new positions.
- Enable expected profit for trade (expected profit is calculated as the distance to SMA) (recommended for pair trade)
- Enable VIX threshold for the following options: (recommended for volatile periods)
- Stop trading if VIX for the previous day closes above the threshold
- Reverse active trade direction if VIX for the previous day is above the threshold
- Take reverse positions (assuming the Bollinger band is going to expand) for all trades
Close positions after a defined interval: mark this if you want the close the final trade for backtesting purposes. Unmark it to get live signals.
Use custom interval: Backtest specific time periods.
Other Options:
- Use EMA: use an exponential moving average for the calculations instead of simple moving average
- Not against XDSMA: do not take a position against 20D SMA (if X is selected as 20) (recommended for pairs with a clear trend)
- Not in XDSMA 1 DEV: do not take a position in 20D SMA 1*standart deviation band (recommended if you need to decrease # of trades and increase profit for trade)
- Not in XDSMA 2 DEV: do not take a position in 20D SMA 2*standart deviation band
Session management:
- Not in session: Session start and end times can be defined here. If you do not want to trade in certain time intervals, mark that session.(helps to reduce slippage and get more realistic backtest results)
Moving Average Directional IndexMADX is ADX-inspired indicator with moving averages that determines strength of a trend, as well as its direction. Indicator works following:
As the value of MADX increases, so does the strength of a trend
If MADX+ ( green line - bullish MADX ) crosses above MADX- ( red line - bearish MADX ) we consider trend as bullish and vice versa..
There will be situations where MADX- and MADX+ cross multiple times in a short period of time -> that will mean that market indecision is happening and big move will most likely happen after it.
For the calculation of MADX+ and MADX- we need Moving Averages or Exponential Moving Averages with three specific sources ( high, close, low ).
Now, the calculation of each MADX will differ
=> for MADX+: Moving Average (high) / Moving Average (close)
=> for MADX-: Moving Average (close) / Moving Average (low)
Length of Moving Average is editable.
SUPPORT RESISTANCE STRATEGY [5MIN TF]A SUPPORT RESISTANCE BREAKOUT STRATEGY for 5 minute Time-Frame , that has the time condition for Indian Markets
The Timing can be changed to fit other markets, scroll down to "TIME CONDITION" to know more.
The commission is also included in the strategy .
The basic idea is when ,
1) Price crosses above Resistance Level ,indicated by Red Line, is a Long condition.
2) Price crosses below Support Level ,indicated by Green Line , is a Short condition.
3) Candle high crosses above ema1, is a part of the Long condition .
4) Candle low crosses below ema1, is a part of the Short condition .
5) Volume Threshold is an added confirmation for long/short positions.
6) Maximum Risk per trade for the intraday trade can be changed .
7) Default qty size is set to 50 contracts , which can be changed under settings → properties → order size.
8) ATR is used for trailing after entry, as mentioned in the inputs below.
// ═════════════════════════//
// ————————> INPUTS <————————— //
// ═════════════════════════//
→ L_Bars ———————————> Length of Resistance / Support Levels.
→ R_Bars ———————————> Length of Resistance / Support Levels.
→ Volume Break ———————> Volume Breakout from range to confirm Long/Short position.
→ Price Cross Ema —————> Added condition as explained above (3) and (4).
→ ATR LONG —————————> ATR stoploss trail for Long positions.
→ ATR SHORT ————————> ATR stoploss trail for Short positions.
→ RISK ————————————> Maximum Risk per trade intraday.
The strategy was back-tested on TCS ,the input values and the results are mentioned under "BACKTEST RESULTS" below.
// ═════════════════════════ //
// ————————> PROPERTIES<——————— //
// ═════════════════════════ //
Default_qty_size ————> 50 contracts , which can be changed under
Order size
// ═══════════════════════════════//
// ————————> TIME CONDITION <————————— //
// ═══════════════════════════════//
The time can be changed in the script , Add it → click on ' { } ' → Pine editor→ making it a copy [right top corner} → Edit the line 27.
The Indian Markets open at 9:15am and closes at 3:30pm.
The 'time_cond' specifies the time at which Entries should happen .
"Close All" function closes all the trades at 3pm , at the open of the next candle.
To change the time to close all trades , Go to Pine Editor → Edit the line 92 .
All open trades get closed at 3pm , because some brokers don't allow you to place fresh intraday orders after 3pm .
// ═══════════════════════════════════════════════ //
// ————————> BACKTEST RESULTS ( 100 CLOSED TRADES )<————————— //
// ═══════════════════════════════════════════════ //
INPUTS can be changed for better Back-Test results.
The strategy applied to NSE:TCS ( 5 min Time-Frame and contract size 50) gives us 60% profitability , as shown below
It was tested for a period a 6 months with a Profit Factor of 1.8 ,net Profit of 30,000 Rs profit .
Sharpe Ratio : 0.49
Sortino Ratio : 1.4
The graph has a Linear Curve with Consistent Profits.
The INPUTS are as follows,
1) L_Bars —————————> 4
2) R_Bars —————————> 4
3) Volume Break ————> 5
4) Price Cross Ema ——> 100
5) ATR LONG ——————> 2.4
6) ATR SHORT —————> 2.6
7) RISK —————————> 2000
8) Default qty size ——> 50
Save it to favorites.
Apply it to your charts Now !!
Thank You ☺ NSE:TCS
BINANCE_Minimum_qty_for_tradingWe can not buy just 0.001ETH in Binance on 2022.8.8
Why? Binance have trading role about the minimum qty of coins.
Until now, we can not find the info in TradingView.
I hope Our TradingView give us this updating info easily oneday.
I am not a good English speaker.
Sorry about my short explanation.
Month/Month Percentage % Change, Historical; Seasonal TendencyTable of monthly % changes in Average Price over the last 10 years (or the 10 yrs prior to input year).
Useful for gauging seasonal tendencies of an asset; backtesting monthly volatility and bullish/bearish tendency.
~~User Inputs~~
Choose measure of average: sma(close), sma(ohlc4), vwap(close), vwma(close).
Show last 10yrs, with 10yr average % change, or to just show single year.
Chose input year; with the indicator auto calculating the prior 10 years.
Choose color for labels and size for labels; choose +Ve value color and -Ve value color.
Set 'Daily bars in month': 21 for Forex/Commodities/Indices; 30 for Crypto.
Set precision: decimal places
-designed for use on Daily timeframe (tradingview is buggy on monthly timeframe calculations, and less precise on weekly timeframe calculations).
-where Current month of year has not occurred yet, will print 9yr average.
-calculates the average change of displayed month compared to the previous month: i.e. Jan22 value represents whole of Jan22 compared to whole of Dec21.
-table displays on the chart over the input year; so for ES, with 2010 selected; shows values from 2001-2010, displaying across 2010-2011 on the chart.
-plots on seperate right hand side scale, so can be shrunk and dragged vertically.
-thanks to @gabx11 for the suggestion which inspired me to write this
RSI - S&P Sector ETFsThe script displays RSI of each S&P SPDR Sector ETF
XLB - Materials
XLC - Communications
XLE - Energy
XLF - Financials
XLI - Industrials
XLK - Technology
XLP - Consumer Staples
XLRE - Real Estate
XLU - Utilities
XLV - Healthcare
XLY - Consumer Discretionary
It is meant to identify changes in sector rotation, compare oversold/overbought signals of each sector, and/or any price momentum trading strategy applicable to a trader.
Short Swing Bearish MACD Cross (By Coinrule)This strategy is oriented towards shorting during downside moves, whilst ensuring the asset is trading in a higher timeframe downtrend, and exiting after further downside.
This script can work well on coins you are planning to hodl for long-term and works especially well whilst using an automated bot that can execute your trades for you. It allows you to hedge your investment by allocating a % of your coins to trade with, whilst not risking your entire holding. This mitigates unrealised losses from hodling as it provides additional cash from the profits made. You can then choose to hodl this cash, or use it to reinvest when the market reaches attractive buying levels. Alternatively, you can use this when trading contracts on futures markets where there is no need to already own the underlying asset prior to shorting it.
This script utilises the MACD indicator accompanied by the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) 450 to enter trades. The MACD is a trend following momentum indicator and provides identification of short-term trend direction. In this variation it utilises the 11-period as the fast and 26-period as the slow length EMAs, with signal smoothing set at 9.
The EMA 450 is used as additional confirmation to prevent the script from shorting when price is above this long-term moving average. Once price is above the EMA 450 the script will not open any shorts - preventing the rule from attempting to short uptrends. Due to this, this strategy is ideal for setting and forgetting.
The script will enter trades based on two conditions:
1) When the MACD signals a bearish cross. This occurs when the EMA 11 crosses below the EMA 26 within the MACD signalling the start of a potential downtrend.
2) Price has closed below the EMA 450. Price closing below this long-term EMA signals that the asset is in a sustained downtrend. Price breaking above this could indicate a bullish strength in which shorting would not be profitable.
This script utilises a set take-profit and stop-loss from the entry of the trade. The take profit is set at 8% and the stop loss of 4%, providing a risk reward ratio of 2. This indicates the script will be profitable if it has a win ratio greater than 33%.
Take-Profit Exit: -8% price decrease from entry price.
Stop-Loss Exit: +4% price increase from entry price.
Based on backtesting results across a selection of assets, the 45-minute and 1-hour timeframes are the best for this strategy.
The strategy assumes each order is using 30% of the available coins to make the results more realistic and to simulate you only ran this strategy on 30% of your holdings. A trading fee of 0.1% is also taken into account and is aligned to the base fee applied on Binance.
The backtesting data was recorded from December 1st 2021, just as the market was beginning its downtrend. We therefore recommend analysing the market conditions prior to utilising this strategy as it operates best on weak coins during downtrends and bearish conditions, however the EMA 450 condition should mitigate entries during bullish market conditions.
SRT Indicator script based on Knowledge sharing by NKIn a year, there are 248/ 252 trading days .
Half of this is 124. Even 125/ 126 can be taken.
For Ex: We get SRT value by dividing the Nifty Spot with 124 SMA value applied on Nifty in a Day Chart.
This value Travels between 0.6 ( Bottom) to 1.38/1.4/1.45/1.5 ( Top).
Ideal Entry in stock will be at 0.6, which is very rare. You tend to buy at 0.7/0.8/0.9/1.10.
Exit from stock will be at 1.5.
However, generally, we get a value of 0.8/0.9 and we should start investing 20 % at a time. For every 0.1 declines, we should add 20 % to the stock portfolio.
Start Booking Profit if the SRT value is above 1.35 & book 50 % of the portfolio when SRT value is 1.45.
For Traders, as when SRT value comes to 0.8/ 0.9. Buy when HM comes in a buy in Monthly Time Frame.
SRT moves between 0.6 to 1.5 and which is a very reliable parameter for Investing.
Best time to invest in NIFTY is when SRT is between 0.6 to 0.9, NIFTY returned 2X, 3X or even more in less than a year.
Make sure Hilega Milega on Monthly Time frame is BUY before investing at these levels
Invest in batches, 30% of your capital when SRT is 0.9 and repeat every 0.1 downside
Motion LineThis script plots the Motion Line, a concept explained in Glenn Neely's River Trading Technology, on the go.
Due to the limitations on Pine Script at the time of writing this script, plotting Motion Line on Violent Outside-bars does not follow the main procedure...
For example on this occasion, the snapshot below displays how exactly the Motion Line should be drawn when a Violent Outside-bar condition is met:
But this is how the script handles it:
The first connection point to the Violent Outside-bar is ignored and the line is continued from second point of connection. In such situations a different color is applied on the Motion Line.
Bjorgum Double Tap█ OVERVIEW
Double Tap is a pattern recognition script aimed at detecting Double Tops and Double Bottoms. Double Tap can be applied to the broker emulator to observe historical results, run as a trading bot for live trade alerts in real time with entry signals, take profit, and stop orders, or to simply detect patterns.
How Is A Pattern Defined?
Doubles are technical formations that are both reversal patterns and breakout patterns. These formations typically have a distinctive “M” or a “W” shape with price action breaking beyond the neckline formed by the center of the pattern. They can be recognized when a pivot fails to break when tested for a second time and the retracement that follows breaks beyond the key level opposite. This can trap entrants that were playing in the direction of the prior trend. Entries are made on the breakout with a target projected beyond the neckline equal to the height of the pattern.
Pattern Recognition
Patterns are recognized through the use of zig-zag; a method of filtering price action by connecting swing highs and lows in an alternating fashion to establish trend, support and resistance, or derive shapes from price action. The script looks for the highest or lowest point in a given number of bars and updates a list with the values as they form. If the levels are exceeded, the values are updated. If the direction changes and a new significant point is made, a new point is added to the list and the process starts again. Meanwhile, we scan the list of values looking for the distinctive shape to form as previously described.
Back Testing
Historical back testing is the most common method to test a strategy due in part to the general ease of gathering quick results. The underlying theory is that any strategy that worked well in the past is likely to work well in the future, and conversely, any strategy that performed poorly in the past is likely to perform poorly in the future. It is easy to poke holes in this theory, however, as for one to accept it as gospel, one would have to assume that future results will match what has come to pass. The randomness of markets may see to it otherwise, so it is important to scrutinize results. Some commonly used methods are to compare to other markets or benchmarks, perform statistical analysis on the results over many iterations and on differing datasets, walk-forward testing, out-of-sample analysis, or a variety of other techniques. There are many ways to interpret the results, so it is important to do research and gain knowledge in the field prior to taking meaningful conclusions from them.
👉 In short, it would be naive to place trust in one good backtest and expect positive results to continue. For this reason, results have been omitted from this publication.
Repainting is simply the difference in behaviour of a strategy in real time vs the results calculated on the historical dataset. The strategy, by default, will wait for confirmed signals and is thus designed to not repaint. Waiting for bar close for entires aligns results in the real time data feed to those calculated on historical bars, which contain far less data. By doing this we align the behaviour of the strategy on the 2 data types, which brings significance to the calculated results. To override this behaviour and introduce repainting one can select "Recalculate on every tick" from the properties tab. It is important to note that by doing this alerts may not align with results seen in the strategy tester when the chart is reloaded, and thus to do so is to forgo backtesting and restricts a strategy to forward testing only.
👉 It is possible to use this script as an indicator as opposed to a full strategy by disabling "Use Strategy" in the "Inputs" tab. Basic alerts for detection will be sent when patterns are detected as opposed to complex order syntax. For alerts mid-bar enable "Recalculate on every tick" , and for confirmed signals ensure it is disabled.
Limit and Stop Orders
By default, the strategy will place a stop loss at the invalidation point of the pattern. This point is beyond the pattern high in the case of Double Tops, or beneath the pattern low in the case of Double Bottoms. The target or take profit point is an equal-legs measurement, or 100% of the pattern height in the direction of the pattern bias. Both the stop and the limit level can be adjusted from the user menu as a percentage of the pattern height.
Trailing Stops
Optional from the menu is the implementation of an ATR based trailing stop. The trailing stop is designed to begin when the target projection is reached. From there, the script looks back a user-defined number of bars for the highest or lowest point +/- the ATR value. For tighter stops the user can look back a lesser number of bars, or decrease the ATR multiple. When using either Alertatron or Trading Connector, each change in the trail value will trigger an alert to update the stop order on the exchange to reflect the new trail price. This reduces latency and slippage that can occur when relying on alerts only as real exchange orders fill faster and remain in place in the event of a disruption in communication between your strategy and the exchange, which ensures a higher level of safety.
👉 It is important to note that in the case the trailing stop is enabled, limit orders are excluded from the exit criteria. Rather, the point in time that the limit value is exceeded is the point that the trail begins. As such, this method will exit by stop loss only.
Five Built-in 3rd Party Destinations
The following are five options for delivering alerts from Double Tap to live trade execution via third party API solutions or chat bots to share your trades on social media. These destinations can be selected from the input menu and alert syntax will automatically configure in alerts appropriately to manage trades.
Custom JSON
JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a readable format for structuring data. It is used primarily to transmit data between a server and a web application. In regards to this script, this may be a custom intermediary web application designed to catch alerts and interface with an exchange API. The JSON message is a trade map for an application to read equipped with where its been, where its going, targets, stops, quantity; a full diagnostic of the current state and its previous state. A web application could be configured to follow the messages sent in this format and conduct trades in sync with alerts running on the TV server.
Below is an example of a rendered JSON alert:
"passphrase": "1234",
"time": "2022-05-01T17:50:05Z",
"ticker": "ETHUSDTPERP",
"plot": {
"stop_price": 2600.15,
"limit_price": 3100.45
"strategy": {
"position_size": 0.1,
"order_action": "buy",
"market_position": "long",
"market_position_size": 0,
"prev_market_position": "flat",
"prev_market_position_size": 0
Trading Connector
Trading Connector is a third party fully autonomous Chrome extension designed to catch alert webhooks from TradingView and interface with MT4/MT5 to execute live trades from your machine. Alerts to Trading Connector are simple; just select the destination from the input drop down menu, set your ticker in the "TC Ticker" box in the "Alert Strings" section and enter your URL in the alert window when configuring your alert.
Alertatron is an automated algo platform for cryptocurrency trading that is designed to automate your trading strategies. Although the platform is currently restricted to crypto, it offers a versatile interface with high flexibility syntax for complex market orders and conditions. To direct alerts to Alertatron, select the platform from the 3rd party drop down, configure your API key in the ”Alertatron Key” box and add your URL in the alert message box when making alerts.
3 Commas
3 Commas is an easy and quick to use click-and-go third party crypto API solution. Alerts are simple without overly complex syntax. Messages are simply pasted into alerts and executed as alerts are triggered. There are 4 boxes at the bottom of the "Inputs" tab where the appropriate messages to be placed. These messages can be copied from 3 Commas after the bots are set up and pasted directly into the settings menu. Remember to select 3 Commas as a destination from the third party drop down and place the appropriate URL in the alert message window.
Some may wish to share their trades with their friends in a Discord chat via webhook chat bot. Messages are configured to notify of the pattern type with targets and stop values. A bot can be configured through the integration menu in a Discord chat to which you have appropriate access. Select Discord from the 3rd party drop down menu and place your chat bot URL in the alert message window when configuring alerts.
👉 For further information regarding alert setup, refer to the platform specific instructions given by the chosen third party provider.
Setting Alerts
For alert messages to be properly delivered on order fills it is necessary to place the following placeholder in the alert message box when creating an alert.
This placeholder will auto-populate the alert message with the appropriate syntax that is designated for the 3rd party selected in the user menu.
Order Sizing and Commissions
The values that are sent in alert messages are populated from live metrics calculated by the strategy. This means that the actual values in the "Properties" tab are used and must be set by the user. The initial capital, order size, commission, etc. are all used in the calculations, so it is important to set these prior to executing live trades. Be sure to set the commission to the values used by the exchange as well.
👉 It is important to understand that the calculations on the account size take place from the beginning of the price history of the strategy. This means that if historical results have inflated or depleted the account size from the beginning of trade history until now, the values sent in alerts will reflect the calculated size based on the inputs in the "Properties" tab. To start fresh, the user must set the date in the "Inputs" tab to the current date as to remove trades from the trade history. Failure to follow this instruction can result in an unexpected order size being sent in the alert.
• With the recent introduction of matrices in Pine, the script utilizes a matrix to track pivot points with the bars they occurred on, while tracking if that pivot has been traded against to prevent duplicate detections after a trade is exited.
• Alert messages are populated with placeholders ; capability that previously was only possible in alertcondition() , but has recently been extended to `strategy.*()` functions for use in the `alert_message` argument. This allows delivery of live trade values to populate in strategy alert messages.
• New arguments have been added to strategy.exit() , which allow differentiated messages to be sent based on whether the exit occurred at the stop or the limit. The new arguments used in this script are `alert_profit` and `alert_loss` to send messages to Discord
Short Selling EMA Cross (By Coinrule)BINANCE:AVAXUSDT
This short selling script works best in periods of downtrends and general bearish market conditions, with the ultimate goal to sell as the the price decreases further and buy back before a rebound.
This script can work well on coins you are planning to hodl for long-term and works especially well whilst using an automated bot that can execute your trades for you. It allows you to hedge your investment by allocating a % of your coins to trade with, whilst not risking your entire holding. This mitigates unrealised losses from hodling as it provides additional cash from the profits made. You can then choose to to hodl this cash, or use it to reinvest when the market reaches attractive buying levels.
The exponential moving average ( EMA ) 20 and EMA 50 have been used for the variables determining the entry to the short. EMAs can operate better than simple moving averages due to the additional weighting placed on the most recent data points, whereas simple moving averages weight all the data the same. This means that price is tracked more closely and the most recent volatile moves can be captured and exploited more efficiently using EMAs.
Our backtesting data revealed that the most profitable timeframe was the 30-minute timeframe, this also enabled a good frequency of trades and high profitability.
A fast (shorter term) exponential moving average , in this strategy the EMA 20, crossing under a slow (longer term) moving average, in this example the EMA 50, signals the price of an asset has started to trend to the downside, as the most recent data signals price is declining compared to earlier data. The entry acts on this principle and executes when the EMA 20 crosses under the EMA 50.
Enter Short: EMA 20 crosses under EMA 50.
This script utilises a take profit and stop loss for the exit. The take profit is set at -8% and the stop loss is set at +16% from the entry price. This would normally be a poor trade due to the risk:reward equalling 0.5. However, when looking at the backtesting data, the high profitability of the strategy (93.33%) leads to increased confidence and showcases the high probability of success according to historical data.
The take profit (-8%) and the stop loss (+16%) of the strategy are widely placed to ensure the move is captured without being stopped out due to relief rallies. The stop loss also plays a role of mitigating losses and minimising risk of being stuck in a short position once there has been a fundamental trend reversal and the market has become bullish .
Exit Short: -8% price decrease from entry price.
Exit Short: +16% price increase from entry price.
Tip: Research what coins have consistent and large token unlocks / highly inflationary tokenomics, and target these during bear markets to short as they will most likely have substantial selling pressure that outweighs demand - leading to declining prices.
The strategy assumes each order is using 30% of the available coins to make the results more realistic and to simulate you only ran this strategy on 30% of your holdings. A trading fee of 0.1% is also taken into account and is aligned to the base fee applied on Binance.
The backtesting data was recorded from December 1st 2021, just as the market was beginning its downtrend. We therefore recommend analysing the market conditions prior to utilising this strategy as it operates best on weak coins during downtrends and bearish conditions.
Rob Hoffman's 50/80/90/Price Trailing Stop LossA trailing stop loss method by Rob Hoffman.
Set your entry, TP, and SL.
Once price is 50% of its way to the TP, set your stop loss at the gray line.
Once price is 80% of its way to the TP, set your stop loss at the light gray line.
Once price is 90% of its way to the TP set your stop loss at the white line.
Infiten's Price Percentage Oscillator Channel (PPOC Indicator)What is the script used for?
Infiten's Price Percentage Oscillator (PPOC Indicator) can be used as a contrarian indicator for volatile stocks and futures to indicate reversals, areas of support and resistance. For longer term trading, if the Short SMA or prices go above the High PPO Threshold line, it is a sign that the asset is overbought, whereas prices or the Short SMA going below the Low PPO Threshold line indicates that the asset is oversold.
What lines can be plotted?
Low PPO Thresh - Calculated as -PPO Threshold * Short MA + Long MA : Gives the price below which the PPO hits your lower threshold
High PPO Thresh - Calculated as PPO Threshold * Short MA + Long MA : Gives the price above which the PPO hits your upper threshold
MA PPO : Plots candles with the Low PPO Thresh as the low, High PPO Thresh as the high, Short MA as the open, and Long MA as the close.
Short SMA : plots the short simple moving average
Long SMA : plots the long simple moving average
Customizable Values :
Short MA Length : the number of bars back used to calculate the short moving average for a PPO
Long MA Length : the number of bars back used to calculate the long moving average for a PPO
PPO Threshold : the percent difference from the moving average expressed as a decimal (0.5 = 50%)
Longer timeframes like 300 days are best with larger PPO Thresholds, I recommend using a PPO Threshold of 0.5 or higher. For shorter timeframes like 14 days I recommend setting smaller PPO Thresholds, like 0.3 or lower. I find that these values typically capture the most extremes in price action.
5EMA + VP IGHola Divinis
En una villa nació, fue deseo de Dios
Crecer y sobrevivir a la humilde expresión
Enfrentar la adversidad
Con afán de ganarse a cada paso la vida
En un potrero forjó una zurda inmortal
Con experiencia, sedienta ambición de llegar
De cebollita, soñaba jugar un Mundial
Y consagrarse en Primera
Tal vez jugando pudiera a su familia ayudar
En una villa nació, fue deseo de Dios
Crecer y sobrevivir a la humilde expresión
Enfrentar la adversidad
Con afán de ganarse a cada paso la vida
En un potrero forjó una zurda inmortal
Con experiencia, sedienta ambición de llegar
De cebollita, soñaba jugar un Mundial
Y consagrarse en Primera
Tal vez jugando pudiera a su familia ayudar
A poco que debutó (Maradó, Maradó)
La 12 fue quien coreó (Maradó, Maradó)
Su sueño tenía una estrella
Llena de gol y gambetas
Y todo el pueblo cantó (Maradó, Maradó)
Nació la mano de Dios (Maradó, Maradó)
Llenó alegría en el pueblo
Regó de gloria este suelo
Carga una cruz en los hombros por ser el mejor
Por no venderse jamás, al poder enfrentó
Curiosa debilidad, si Jesús tropezó
¿Por qué él no habría de hacerlo?
La fama le presentó una blanca mujer
De misterioso sabor y prohibido placer
Que lo hizo adicto al deseo de usarla otra vez
Involucrando su vida
Y es un partido que un día el Diego está por ganar
A poco que debutó (Maradó, Maradó)
La 12 fue quien coreó (Maradó, Maradó)
Su sueño tenía una estrella
Llena de gol y gambetas
Y todo el pueblo cantó (Maradó, Maradó)
Nació la mano de Dios (Maradó, Maradó)
Llenó alegría en el pueblo
Llenó de gloria este suelo
Olé, olé, olé, olé
¡Diego, Diego!
Olé, olé, olé, olé
¡Diego, Diego!
Olé, olé, olé, olé
¡Diego, Diego!
Olé, olé, olé, olé
¡Diego, Diego!
Y todo el pueblo cantó (Maradó, Maradó)
La 12 fue quien coreó (Maradó, Maradó)
Su sueño tenía una estrella
Llena de gol y gambetas
Y todo el pueblo cantó (Maradó, Maradó)
Nació la mano de Dios (Maradó, Maradó)
Llenó alegría en el pueblo
Regó de gloria este suelo
Regó de gloria este suelo
Regó de gloria
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Optimised RSI strategy for Reversals (by Coinrule)The most common way to use the RSI to spot a good buy opportunity is to check for values lower than 30. Unfortunately, the RSI can remain in oversold territory for long periods, and that could leave you trapped in a trade in loss. It would be appropriate to wait for a confirmation of the trend reversal.
In the example above I use a short-term Moving Average (in this case, the MA9) coupled with an RSI lower than 40. This combination of events is relatively rare as reversal confirmations usually come when RSI values are already higher. As unusual as this setup is, it provides buy-opportunities with much higher chances of success.
The parameters of this strategy would be:
ENTRY: RSI lower than 40 and MA9 lower than the price
TAKE PROFIT and STOP-LOSS with a ratio of at least 2. That means that if you set up a take profit of 3%, your stop-loss shouldn’t be larger than 1.5%.
The advantage of this approach is that it has a high rate of success and allows you the flexibility of setting up the percentages of the take profit and stop-loss according to your preferences and risk appetite.
MACD Multiple AlertsThis script help traders to catch bullish and bearish momentum. It creates an alert for 40 altcoins based on the MACD cross over and cross under.
The MACD input are adjustable in the settings and you can choose your favorite assets.
Simply add this indicator to the chart wait that if finish to load and then create an alert on the time frame of your choice.
Enjoy your trading