Alert BatchesThis script lets you separate alerts into batches, and trigger each batch in either sequential order or (pseudo)random order. You can also specify the number of batches being used.
This is helpful when you have alerts to be triggered on every candle, but the number of alerts causes API errors if they are all executed at once.
Komut dosyalarını "bot" için ara
Gunbot MACDgenOk this is just some strat based on MACD, checking for a few conditions until giving buy/sell signals to Gunbot via alerts.
It is generalized but if you want to go play with the values. I will continue to develop this further and am happy to receive feedback.
Notations are coming.
Usage notes:
-ONLY use this with TV_GAIN: 0.6 because on downtrends it is supposed to double up to pull down the average bought price!
-Use "buying condition" and "selling condition" for alerts, trigger on close and I suggest you use 3 min intervals but try what looks good to you
-Use this on pairs that are curvy and have atleast 0.6% gain between buy/sell triggers. This is also general advise when you want to take microprofits.
-Don't be confused with sell arrows, it will only trigger the bot sell on gain when you've set TV_GAIN
Corpus Christi (EMA&SMA for 15 minutes) +50% in one monthIt's very simple script, useful for crypto market. Uses only SMA and EMA
How to automate this strategy for free... Version 2Hello fellow traders and automation lovers.
It has been about 2 years since we originally created Autoview to connect your exchanges/brokers with your TradingView alerts. We've since added multiple exchanges, parameters and have built a large community filled with awesome, passionate traders.
One of the first strategies we built was sadly not a viable one for trading due to it using built-in variables that resulted in the backtest results being inaccurate in comparison to placing live trades. Luckily, we did not encounter repainting until a few strategies in, however, there was a point where we published a few of them as well. We will be going through all of our scripts again to not only eliminate any repainting and update to version 3, but to also include all the code snippets that we've learned to use over the years that allow for accurate backtesting and live trading.
The first script we are redoing is our How to automate this strategy for free using a chrome extension. .
Easter egg: This includes a new snippet of code that makes controlling how many orders you pyramid within a study fast and easy.
We look forward to bringing all of our scripts and delving deep into Pine again :)
Happy Trading
[Autoview] Every Candle Alert ScriptThis script is designed specifically for firing an alert every candle. It can also be used to just fire an alert on a green candle, or a red candle to slow it down a bit.
This is a script we use to close all of our orders or positions on any of the integrated exchanges.
You can use a fire once alert with greater than on condition and the alert will typically fire within seconds. You can also use this to place orders for you without having to navigate away from TradingView to your exchange/brokerage site.
If you would like a better understanding of how to create an alert for automation, please visit the article this strategy is being published for.
Stealthy7 Bayes Conditional RSI Trader StrategyWhat does it do?
This script checks whether RSI movement affects future price.
Trades when probability increases or decreases.
Developed for daily(D) bars and Bitcoin. This script is just a toy and for educational use.
Please rent my bots at
MTF MACD 2 By YuthavithiIf you want a good strategy without repaint. This one might be for you. Excellent profitable for BTCUSD3M for OKCoin.
It uses multiple time frame MACD for trading decision. To avoid repaint, set the delay period = 1 for both long term and midterm.
The idea is that, if long term, mid term and current time frame all agree on traidng direction, the trade will take place.
I also uses it in my automated trading bot with good result.
Price Regression AgreggatorPrice Estimator with aggregated linear regresion
How it works:
It uses 6 linear regression from time past to get an estimated point in future time, and using transparency, those areas that are move "visited" by those 6 different regressions and maybe more probable to be visited by the price (in fact if you zoom out you will see that price normally is around the lighter zones) have more aggregated painted colors, the transparency is lower and well, the lighter area should be more probable to be visited by the price should we put any faith on linear regression estimations and even more when many of them coincide in several points where the color is more aggregated.
If the "I" (the previous regressions increment) is too low, then we will have huge spikes as the only info gathered from the oldest linear regresssion will be within the very same trend we are now, resulting in "predictions" of huge spikes in the trend direction. (all regressions estimating on a line pointing to infinite)
If the "I" is high enough (not very or TV won't be able to display it) then you will get somewhat a "vectorial" resultant force of many linear regressions giving a more "real prediction" as it comes from tendencies from higher timeframes. E.g. 12 hours could be going down, 4h could be going sideways, 30m could be going up.
contact tradingview -> hecate . The idea and implementation is mine.
Note: transparency + 10 * tranparencygradient cannot be > 100 or nothing will be displayed
Note2: if the Future increment (how many lines are displayed to the right of the actual price ) are excessive, it will start to do weird things.
Note3: two times the standard deviation statistically correponds to a probability of 95%. We are calculating Top and Bot with that amount above and below. So anything inside those limits is more probable and if we are out of those limits it should fall back soon. Increase the number of times the std deviation as desired. There are calculators in the web to translate number of times std dev to their correspondent probability.
Note4: As we use backwards in time linear regressions for our "predictions" we lose responsiveness. Those old linear regressions are weighted with less value than more recent ones.
Note5: In the code i have included many color combinations (some horrible :-) )
Note6: This was an experiment while i was quite bored although ended enjoying playing with it.
Have fun! :-)
I leave it here because i am getting dizzy.
4H CCI Strategy 1.5Included adaptive lot size based on ATR, and also ATR based stop and take profit levels.
Risk/reward increased to 1:2 and should work in all ranging FX pairs as long as they are not trending.
Once the market starts trending it'll eat this bot alive.
Ivan Labrie
Time at Mode FX