CommonMarkupLibrary "CommonMarkup"
Provides functions for chart markup, such as indicating recession bands.
markRecessionBands(showBands, lineY, labelY)
Mark vertical bands and show recession band labels if argument showBands is true. Example "markRecessionBands(bar_index ,3.0"
showBands : - show vertical recession bands when true. Functionally equiv to no op when false
lineY : - y-axis value for line positioning
labelY : - y-axis value for label positioning
@return true - always answers the value of showBands
Göstergeler ve stratejiler
Object: object oriented programming made possible! Hash map's in Pinescript?? Absolutely
This Library is the first step towards bringing a much needed data structure to the Pine Script community.
"Object" allows Pine coders to finally create objects full or unique key:value pairs, which are converted to strings and stored in an array. Data can be stored and accessed using dedicated get and set methods.
The workflow is simple, but has a few nuances:
0. Import this library into your project; you can give it whatever alias you'd like (I'll be using obj)
1. Create your first object using the method and assign it a variable or "ID".
2. Use the object's ID as the first argument into the obj.set() method, for the key and value there's one extra step required. They must be added as arguments to the appropriate prop_() method.
Note: While objects in this library technically only store data as strings, any primitive data type can be converted to a string before being stored, meaning that one object can hold data from multiple types at once. There's a trade off though..Pine Script requires that all exported function parameters have pre-defined types, meaning that as convenient as it would be to have a single method for storing and returning data of every type, it's not currently possible. Instead there are functions to add properties for each individual type, which are then converted to strings automatically (the original type is flagged and stored along with the data). Furthermore, since switch/if statements can only return values of the same type, there must also be "get" methods which correspond with each type. Again, a single "get" method which auto-detects the returned value's type was the goal but it's just not currently possible. Instead each get method is only allowed to return a value of its own type. No worries though, all the "get" methods will throw errors if they can't access the data you're trying to access. In that error message, you'll be informed exactly which "get" method you need to use if you ever lose track of what type of data you should be returning.
3. The second argument for obj.set() method is the obj.prop_() method. You just plug in your key as a string and your value and you're done. Easy as that.
Please do not skip this step, properties must be formatted correctly for data to be stored and accessed correctly
4. Obj.get_ (s: string, f: float, b: bool, i: int) methods are even easier, just choose whichever method will return the data type you need, then plug in your ID, and key and that's it. Objects will output data of the same type they were stored as!
There's a short example at the end of the script if you'd like to see more!
prop_string(string: key, string: value)
returns property formatted to string and flagged as string type
prop_float(string: key, float: value)
returns property formatted to string and flagged as float type
prop_bool(string: key, bool: value)
returns property formatted to string and flagged as bool type
prop_int(string: key, int: value)
returns property formatted to string and flagged as int type
Support for lines and shapes coming soon!
returns an empty object
set(string : ID, string: property)
adds new property to object
get_f(string : ID, string: key)
returns float values
get_s(string : ID, string: key)
returns string values
get_b(string : ID, string: key)
returns boolean values
get_i(string : ID, string: key)
returns int values
More methods like Obj.remove(), Obj.size(), Obj.fromString, Obj.fromArray, Obj.toJSON, Obj.keys, & Obj.values coming very soon!!
arraysLibrary "arrays"
Library contains utility functions using arrays.
delete( arr , index)
remove an item from array at specific index. Also deletes the item
arr: - array from which the item needs to be deleted
index: - index of item to be deleted
Returns: void
pop( arr )
remove the last item from array. Also deletes the item
arr: - array from which the last item needs to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
shift( arr )
remove an item from array at index 0. Also deletes the item
arr: - array from which the first item needs to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
unshift( arr , val, maxItems)
add an item to the beginning of an array with max items cap
arr: - array to which the item needs to be added at the beginning
val: - value of item which needs to be added
maxItems: - max items array can hold. After that, items are removed from the other end
Returns: resulting array
clear( arr )
remove and delete all items in an array
arr: - array which needs to be cleared
Returns: void
push( arr , val, maxItems)
add an item to the end of an array with max items cap
arr: - array to which the item needs to be added at the beginning
val: - value of item which needs to be added
maxItems: - max items array can hold. After that, items are removed from the starting index
Returns: resulting array
HarmonicCalculation█ OVERVIEW
This library is complementary for XABCD Harmonic Pattern Custom Range Interactive
: Price Difference
: : price_1, price_2
Returns: : PriceDiff
: Time Difference
: : time_1, time_2
Returns: : TimeDiff
: Return Index Of 3 Arrays
: : id1, id2, id3, _int
Returns: : ReturnIndexOf3Arrays
: Price Difference
: : price, y, point
Returns: : AbsoluteRange
: To calculate average of 2 prices
: : price_1, price_2
Returns: : PriceAverage
: To calculate average of 2 times
: : time_1, time_2
Returns: : TimeAverage
: To show ratio in 3 decimals format
: : _value, _bool, _text
Returns: : StringBool
: To show Price in percent format
: : _price, PriceRef, str_dir
Returns: : PricePercent
: To show syminfo.currency
: : _bool
Returns: : BoolCurrency
: To show RatioText in 3 decimals format
: : _value, _text
Returns: : RatioText
: To display RangeText in Harmonic Range Format
: : _id1, _id2, _int, _text
Returns: : RangeText
: To show Currency in Price Format
: : _bool, _value
Returns: : PriceCurrency
This library was to showcase database for specifications of Harmonic Patterns using arrays.
Scott M Carney, author of Harmonic Trading : Volume Three
TODO: export animal_db
x : TODO: float value is set to default if not necessary
Returns: TODO:
DeleteArrayObject█ OVERVIEW
Delete array object according to array size such as label, line, linefill, box and table.
PriceTimeInteractive█ OVERVIEW
This library was intended to Get price of given time.input
Credits to TradingView for CAGR Custom Range.
: Get OHLC price of given time.input
: : Time (t) must be using time.input
Returns: : OHLC
: Get HLC price of given time.input
: : Time (t) must be using time.input
Returns: : HLC
: Get HL price of given time.input
: : Time (t) must be using time.input
Returns: : HL
AdxlLibrary "Adxl"
Functions to calculate the Average Directional Index
getDirectionUp(bar, lookback)
Bar high changed from open for bar
bar : series int The bar to calculate at
lookback : series int The lookback period
Returns: series float
getDirectionDown(bar, lookback)
Bar low changed from open for bar
bar : series int The bar to calculate at
lookback : series int The lookback period
Returns: series float
getPositiveDirectionalMovement(bar, lookback)
Positive directional movement for bar during lookback
bar : series int The bar to calculate at
lookback : series int The lookback period
Returns: series float
getNegativeDirectionalMovement(bar, lookback)
Negative directional movement for bar during lookback
bar : series int The bar to calculate at
lookback : series int The lookback period
Returns: series float
getTrueRangeMovingAverage(bar, lookback)
True range moving average for bar during lookback
bar : series int The bar to calculate at
lookback : simple int The lookback period
Returns: series int
getDirectionUpIndex(bar, lookback)
Direction up index for bar during lookback
bar : series int The bar to calculate at
lookback : simple int The lookback period
Returns: series int
getDirectionDownIndex(bar, lookback)
Direction down index for bar during lookback
bar : series int The bar to calculate at
lookback : simple int The lookback period
Returns: series int
getTotalDirectionIndex(bar, lookback)
Total direction index for bar during lookback
bar : series int The bar to calculate at
lookback : simple int The lookback period
Returns: series int
getAverageDirectionalIndex(bar, lookback)
Average Directional Index (ADX) for bar during lookback
bar : series int The bar to calculate at
lookback : simple int The lookback period
Returns: series int
Heikin Ashi CandlesLibrary "heikin_ashi_candles"
This library is programmed to calculate the Heikin Ashi candles using the standard formula of Heikin Ashi Candles.
Notice the Heikin Ashi chart type isn't 100% like the results from this calculation.
You can import this library in your code to use it as a smoothing method for your strategy which operates on the standard chart type.
CalculatePercentageSlTpLibrary "CalculatePercentageSlTp"
This Library calculate the sl and tp amount in percentage
sl_percentage(entry_price, sl_price)
this function calculates the sl value in percentage
entry_price : indicates the entry level
sl_price : indicates the stop loss level
Returns: stop loss in percentage
tp_percentage(entry_price, tp_price)
this function calculates the tp value in percentage
entry_price : indicates the entry level
tp_price : indicates the take profit level
Returns: take profit in percentage
sl_level(entry_price, sl_percentage)
this function calculates the sl level price
entry_price : indicates the entry level
sl_percentage : indicates the stop loss percentage
Returns: stop loss price in $
tp_level(entry_price, tp_percentage)
this function calculates the tp level price
entry_price : indicates the entry level
tp_percentage : indicates the take profit percentage
Returns: take profit price in $
AdxCalcHourlyLibrary "AdxCalcHourly"
getBars: Returns the number of bars to use in the historical lookback period
Returns: simple int
directionDown: Calculates the direction down for bar_index
Returns: series float
directionUp: Calculates the direction up for bar_index
Returns: series float
trueRangeMovingAverage: Calculates the true range moving average over the historical lookback period
Returns: series float
positiveDirectionalMovement: Calculates the positive direction movement for bar_index
Returns: series float
negativeDirectionalMovement: Calculates the begative direction movement for bar_index
Returns: series float
totalDirectionDown: Calculates the total direction down for the historical lookback period
Returns: series float
totalDirectionUp: Calculates the total direction up for the historical lookback period
Returns: series float
totalDirection: Calculates the total direction movement for the historical lookback period
Returns: series float
averageDirectionalIndex: Calculates the average directional index (ADX) based on the trend for the historical lookback period
Returns: series float
getAdxHistoricalAverage: Calculates the average directional index (ADX) for the historical lookback period
Returns: series float
getAdxHistoricalHigh: Calculates the historical high of the directional index (ADX) for the historical lookback period
Returns: series float
getAdxHistoricalLow: Calculates the historical low of the directional index (ADX) for the historical lookback period
Returns: series float
getAdxOpinion: Calculatesa recomendation for the directional index (ADX) based on the historical lookback period
Returns: series float
"Swap" - Bool/Position/Value : Array / Matrix / Var AutoswapLibrary "swap"
Side / Boundary Based All Types Swapper
- three automagical types for Arrays, Matrixes, and Variables
-- no signal : Long/ Short position autoswap
-- true / false : Boolean based side choice
-- Src / Thresh : if source is above or below the threshold
- two operating modes for variables, Holding mode only for arrays/matrixes
-- with two items, will automatically change between the two caveat is it does not delete table/box/line(fill VAR items automatically)
-- with three items, a neutral is available for NA input or neutral
- one function name for all of them. One import name that's easy to type/remember
-- make life easy for your conditional items.
side(source, thresh, _a, _b, _c)
side Change outputs based on position or a crossing level
source : (float) OPTIONAL value input
thresh : (float) OPTIONAL boundary line to cross
_a : (any) if Long/True/Above
_b : (any) if Short/False/Below
_c : (any) OPTIONAL NOT FOR MTX OR ARR... Neutral Item, if var/varip on a/b it will leave behind, ie, a table or box or line will not erase , if it's a varip you're sending in.
Returns: first, second, or third items based on input conditions
Please notify if bugs found.
RouterOrdersIronLibrary "RouterOrdersIron"
Library for routing orders to the Binance exchange.
MsgDoLongMKT(id, symbol, balance)
Returns json for Iron to buy a symbol for the amount of the balance with market order.
id : ID of your Iron router.
symbol : Symbol for a trade, BTC example
balance : The amount for which to carry out the transaction.
Returns: true
MsgDoShortMKT(id, symbol, balance)
Returns json for Iron to sell a symbol for the amount of the balance with market order.
id : ID of your Iron router.
symbol : Symbol for a trade, BTC example
balance : The amount for which to carry out the transaction.
Returns: true
MsgDoLongLR(id, symbol, balance)
Returns json for Iron to buy a symbol for the amount of the balance. It is set at the best price and is re-set each time if a new price has risen before the application.
id : ID of your Iron router.
symbol : Symbol for a trade, BTC example
balance : The amount for which to carry out the transaction.
Returns: true
MsgDoShortLR(id, symbol, balance)
Returns json for Iron to sell a symbol for the amount of the balance. It is set at the best price and is re-set each time if a new price has risen before the application.
id : ID of your Iron router.
symbol : Symbol for a trade, BTC example
balance : The amount for which to carry out the transaction.
Returns: true
DoLongMKT(id, symbol, balance)
Buy a symbol for the amount of the balance. It is send market order to Iron.
id : ID of your Iron router.
symbol : Symbol for a trade, BTC example
balance : The amount for which to carry out the transaction.
Returns: true
DoShortMKT(id, symbol, balance)
Sell a symbol for the amount of the balance. It is send market order to Iron.
id : ID of your Iron router.
symbol : Symbol for a trade, BTC example
balance : The amount for which to carry out the transaction.
Returns: true
DoLongLR(id, symbol, balance)
Buy a symbol for the amount of the balance. It is set at the best price and is re-set each time if a new price has risen before the application.
id : ID of your Iron router.
symbol : Symbol for a trade, BTC example
balance : The amount for which to carry out the transaction.
Returns: true
DoShortLR(id, symbol, balance)
Sell a symbol for the amount of the balance. It is set at the best price and is re-set each time if a new price has risen before the application.
id : ID of your Iron router.
symbol : Symbol for a trade, BTC example
balance : The amount for which to carry out the transaction.
Returns: true
GetQty(price, balance)
Get Qty for strategy on balance
price : Order price
balance : The amount for which to carry out the transaction.
Returns: Qty for strategy order TV
Moving_AveragesLibrary "Moving_Averages"
This library contains majority important moving average functions with int series support. Which means that they can be used with variable length input. For conventional use, please use tradingview built-in ta functions for moving averages as they are more precise. I'll use functions in this library for my other scripts with dynamic length inputs.
ema(src, len)
Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Exponential Moving Average with Series Int Support (EMA)
alma(src, len, a_offset, a_sigma)
Arnaud Legoux Moving Average (ALMA)
src : Source
len : Period
a_offset : Arnaud Legoux offset
a_sigma : Arnaud Legoux sigma
Returns: Arnaud Legoux Moving Average (ALMA)
covwema(src, len)
Coefficient of Variation Weighted Exponential Moving Average (COVWEMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Coefficient of Variation Weighted Exponential Moving Average (COVWEMA)
covwma(src, len)
Coefficient of Variation Weighted Moving Average (COVWMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Coefficient of Variation Weighted Moving Average (COVWMA)
dema(src, len)
DEMA - Double Exponential Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: DEMA - Double Exponential Moving Average
edsma(src, len, ssfLength, ssfPoles)
EDSMA - Ehlers Deviation Scaled Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
ssfLength : EDSMA - Super Smoother Filter Length
ssfPoles : EDSMA - Super Smoother Filter Poles
Returns: Ehlers Deviation Scaled Moving Average (EDSMA)
eframa(src, len, FC, SC)
Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average (EFRAMA)
src : Source
len : Period
FC : Lower Shift Limit for Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
SC : Upper Shift Limit for Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
Returns: Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average (EFRAMA)
ehma(src, len)
EHMA - Exponential Hull Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Exponential Hull Moving Average (EHMA)
etma(src, len)
Exponential Triangular Moving Average (ETMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Exponential Triangular Moving Average (ETMA)
frama(src, len)
Fractal Adaptive Moving Average (FRAMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Fractal Adaptive Moving Average (FRAMA)
hma(src, len)
HMA - Hull Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Hull Moving Average (HMA)
jma(src, len, jurik_phase, jurik_power)
Jurik Moving Average - JMA
src : Source
len : Period
jurik_phase : Jurik (JMA) Only - Phase
jurik_power : Jurik (JMA) Only - Power
Returns: Jurik Moving Average (JMA)
kama(src, len, k_fastLength, k_slowLength)
Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA)
src : Source
len : Period
k_fastLength : Number of periods for the fastest exponential moving average
k_slowLength : Number of periods for the slowest exponential moving average
Returns: Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA)
kijun(_high, _low, len, kidiv)
Kijun v2
_high : High value of bar
_low : Low value of bar
len : Period
kidiv : Kijun MOD Divider
Returns: Kijun v2
lsma(src, len, offset)
LSMA/LRC - Least Squares Moving Average / Linear Regression Curve
src : Source
len : Period
offset : Offset
Returns: Least Squares Moving Average (LSMA)/ Linear Regression Curve (LRC)
mf(src, len, beta, feedback, z)
MF - Modular Filter
src : Source
len : Period
beta : Modular Filter, General Filter Only - Beta
feedback : Modular Filter Only - Feedback
z : Modular Filter Only - Feedback Weighting
Returns: Modular Filter (MF)
rma(src, len)
RMA - RSI Moving average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: RSI Moving average (RMA)
sma(src, len)
SMA - Simple Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Simple Moving Average (SMA)
smma(src, len)
Smoothed Moving Average (SMMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Smoothed Moving Average (SMMA)
stma(src, len)
Simple Triangular Moving Average (STMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Simple Triangular Moving Average (STMA)
tema(src, len)
TEMA - Triple Exponential Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA)
thma(src, len)
THMA - Triple Hull Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Triple Hull Moving Average (THMA)
vama(src, len, volatility_lookback)
VAMA - Volatility Adjusted Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
volatility_lookback : Volatility lookback length
Returns: Volatility Adjusted Moving Average (VAMA)
vidya(src, len)
Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA)
vwma(src, len)
Volume-Weighted Moving Average (VWMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Volume-Weighted Moving Average (VWMA)
wma(src, len)
WMA - Weighted Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Weighted Moving Average (WMA)
zema(src, len)
Zero-Lag Exponential Moving Average (ZEMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Zero-Lag Exponential Moving Average (ZEMA)
zsma(src, len)
Zero-Lag Simple Moving Average (ZSMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Zero-Lag Simple Moving Average (ZSMA)
evwma(src, len)
EVWMA - Elastic Volume Weighted Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Elastic Volume Weighted Moving Average (EVWMA)
tt3(src, len, a1_t3)
Tillson T3
src : Source
len : Period
a1_t3 : Tillson T3 Volume Factor
Returns: Tillson T3
gma(src, len)
GMA - Geometric Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Geometric Moving Average (GMA)
wwma(src, len)
WWMA - Welles Wilder Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Welles Wilder Moving Average (WWMA)
ama(src, _high, _low, len, ama_f_length, ama_s_length)
AMA - Adjusted Moving Average
src : Source
_high : High value of bar
_low : Low value of bar
len : Period
ama_f_length : Fast EMA Length
ama_s_length : Slow EMA Length
Returns: Adjusted Moving Average (AMA)
cma(src, len)
Corrective Moving average (CMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Corrective Moving average (CMA)
gmma(src, len)
Geometric Mean Moving Average (GMMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Geometric Mean Moving Average (GMMA)
ealf(src, len, LAPercLen_, FPerc_)
Ehler's Adaptive Laguerre filter (EALF)
src : Source
len : Period
LAPercLen_ : Median Length
FPerc_ : Median Percentage
Returns: Ehler's Adaptive Laguerre filter (EALF)
elf(src, len, LAPercLen_, FPerc_)
ELF - Ehler's Laguerre filter
src : Source
len : Period
LAPercLen_ : Median Length
FPerc_ : Median Percentage
Returns: Ehler's Laguerre Filter (ELF)
edma(src, len)
Exponentially Deviating Moving Average (MZ EDMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Exponentially Deviating Moving Average (MZ EDMA)
pnr(src, len, rank_inter_Perc_)
PNR - percentile nearest rank
src : Source
len : Period
rank_inter_Perc_ : Rank and Interpolation Percentage
Returns: Percentile Nearest Rank (PNR)
pli(src, len, rank_inter_Perc_)
PLI - Percentile Linear Interpolation
src : Source
len : Period
rank_inter_Perc_ : Rank and Interpolation Percentage
Returns: Percentile Linear Interpolation (PLI)
rema(src, len)
Range EMA (REMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Range EMA (REMA)
sw_ma(src, len)
Sine-Weighted Moving Average (SW-MA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Sine-Weighted Moving Average (SW-MA)
vwap(src, len)
Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
mama(src, len)
MAMA - MESA Adaptive Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA)
fama(src, len)
FAMA - Following Adaptive Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Following Adaptive Moving Average (FAMA)
hkama(src, len)
HKAMA - Hilbert based Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Hilbert based Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average (HKAMA)
bullratioLibrary "bullratio"
Calculate the profit/loss ratio of a permabull for configurable time range
calculates the profit/loss ratio for a permabull of age len
len : the number of candles to include in the running bull ratio - 0 for all time
Returns: series float of profit/loss percentage
Time FunctionsLibrary "TimeFunctions"
Utility functions to handle time in Pine Script
Returns an int that corresponds to a timeframe string:
"1" => 1
"5" => 5
"10" => 10
"15" => 15
"30" => 30
"60" => 60
"H1" => 60
"H4" => 240
"1D" => 1440
Returns the number of bars that have passed since the opening of the New York Session.
[LIB] Array / Matrix DisplayLibrary "ArrayMatrixHUD"
Show Array or Matrix Elements In Table
For Arrays: Set the number of rows you want the data displayed in and it will generate a table, calculating the columns based on the size of the array being displayed.
For Matrix: It will automatically match the Rows and Columns to the values in the matrix.
Note: On the left, the table shows the index of the array/matrix value starting at 1. So, to call that value from inside the array, subtract 1 from the index value to the left. For matrices, keep in mind that the row and column are also starting at one when trying to call a value from the matrix. The numbering of the values on the left is for display purposes only.
viewArray(_arrayName, _pos, _txtSize, _tRows)
Array Element Display (Supports float, int, string, and bool)
_arrayName : ID of Array to be Displayed
_pos : Position for Table
_txtSize : Size of Table Cell Text
_tRows : Number of Rows to Display Data In (columns will be calculated accordingly)
Returns: A Display of Array Values in a Table
viewMatrix(_matrixName, _pos, _txtSize)
Matrix Element Display (Supports float, int, string, and bool)
_matrixName : ID of Matrix to be Displayed
_pos : Position for Table
_txtSize : Size of Table Cell Text
Returns: A Display of Matrix Values in a Table
RecursiveAlertsLibrary "RecursiveAlerts"
The library provides options to run alert() calls in loop without worrying about limitations of frequency options.
When an alert statement is called within a loop,
it will fire just once per bar irrespective of how many iterations allowed when fequency is set to alert.freq_once_per_bar or alert.freq_once_per_bar_close
it will fire continuously till it breaks when frequency is set to alert.freq_all
The function helps overcome this issue by using varip key array which resets on every bar
rAlert(message, key) Enhanced alert which can be used in loops
message : Alert message to be fired
key : Key to be checked to avoid repetitive alerts
Returns: array containing id of already fired alerts
Thanks to @theheirophant, @JohnBaron and @LucF for discussions and suggestion which eventually lead to this solution :)
CarlLibLibrary "CarlLib"
LastLowRedHighGreen(open, close, high, close, reqChangePerc) returns values representing the high of the most recent green and the low of the most recent red
open : open series
close : close series
high : high series
close : close series
reqChangePerc : the minimum require change percentage for the values to switch to new ones.
TradingHookLibrary "TradingHook"
This library is a client script for making a webhook signal formatted string to TradingHook webhook server.
buy_message(password, amount, order_name) Make a buy Message for TradingHook.
password : (string) password that you set in .env file.
amount : (float) amount. If not set, your strategy qty will be sent.
order_name : (string) order_name. The default name is "Order".
Returns: (string) A string containing the formatted webhook message.
sell_message(password, percent, order_name) Make a sell message for TradingHook.
password : (string) password that you set in .env file.
percent : (string) what percentage of your quantity you want to sell.
order_name : (string) order_name. The default name is "Order".
Returns: (string) A string containing the formatted webhook message.
You can use TradingHook WebServer open source code in github(
PlurexSignalIntegrationLibrary "PlurexSignalIntegration"
Provides tools for integrating Strategies and Alerts into signals.
plurexMarket() Build a Plurex market from a base and quote asset symbol.
Returns: A market string that can be used in Plurex Signal messages.
tickerToPlurexMarket() Builds simple Plurex market string from the syminfo
Returns: A market string that can be used in Plurex Signal messages.
simpleMessage(secret, action, marketOverride) Builds simple Plurex Signal Messages
secret : The secret for your Signal on plurex
action : The action of the message. One of .
marketOverride : Optional, defaults to the syminfo for the ticker. Use the `plurexMarket` function to build your own.
Returns: A json string message that can be used in alerts to send messages to Plurex.
executeStrategy(secret, openLong, openShort, closeLongs, closeShorts, marketOverride) Executes strategy actions with Plurex Signal messages
secret : The secret for your Signal on plurex
openLong : Strategy should open long if true, aggregated with other boolean values
openShort : Strategy should open short if true, aggregated with other boolean values
closeLongs : Strategy should close longs if true, aggregated with other boolean values
closeShorts : Strategy should close shorts if true, aggregated with other boolean values
marketOverride : Optional, defaults to the syminfo for the ticker. Use the `plurexMarket` function to build your own.
fontilabLibrary "fontilab"
Provides function's indicators for pivot - trend - resistance.
pivots(src, lenght, isHigh) Detecting pivot points (and returning price + bar index.
src : The chart we analyse.
lenght : Used for the calcul.
isHigh : lookging for high if true, low otherwise.
Returns: The bar index and the price of the pivot.
calcDevThreshold(tresholdMultiplier, closePrice) Calculate deviation threshold for identifying major swings.
tresholdMultiplier : Usefull to equilibrate the calculate.
closePrice : Close price of the chart wanted.
Returns: The deviation threshold.
calcDev(basePrice, price) Custom function for calculating price deviation for validating large moves.
basePrice : The reference price.
price : The price tested.
Returns: The deviation.
pivotFoundWithLines(dev, isHigh, index, price, dev_threshold, isHighLast, pLast, iLast, lineLast) Detecting pivots that meet our deviation criteria.
dev : The deviation wanted.
isHigh : The type of pivot tested (high or low).
index : The Index of the pivot tested.
price : The chart price wanted.
dev_threshold : The deviation treshold.
isHighLast : The type of last pivot.
pLast : The pivot price last.
iLast : Index of the last pivot.
lineLast : The lst line.
Returns: The Line and bool is pivot High.
getDeviationPivots(thresholdMultiplier, depth, lineLast, isHighLast, iLast, pLast, deleteLines, closePrice, highPrice, lowPrice) Get pivot that meet our deviation criteria.
thresholdMultiplier : The treshold multiplier.
depth : The depth to calculate pivot.
lineLast : The last line.
isHighLast : The type of last pivot
iLast : Index of the last pivot.
pLast : The pivot price last.
deleteLines : If the line are draw or not.
closePrice : The chart close price.
highPrice : The chart high price.
lowPrice : The chart low price.
Returns: All pivot the informations.
getElIntArrayFromEnd() Get the last element of an int array.
getElFloatArrayFromEnd() Get the last element of an float array.
getElBoolArrayFromEnd() Get the last element of a bool array.
isTrendContinuation(isTrendUp, arrayBounds, lastPrice, precision) Check if last price is between bounds array.
isTrendUp : Is actual trend up.
arrayBounds : The trend array.
lastPrice : The pivot Price that just be found.
precision : The percent we add to actual bounds to validate a move.
Returns: na if price is between bounds, true if continuation, false if not.
getTrendPivots(trendBarIndexes, trendPrices, trendPricesIsHigh, interBarIndexes, interPrices, interPricesIsHigh, isTrendHesitate, isTrendUp, trendPrecision, pLast, iLast, isHighLast) Function to update array and trend related to pivot trend interpretation.
trendBarIndexes : The array trend bar index.
trendPrices : The array trend price.
trendPricesIsHigh : The array trend is high.
interBarIndexes : The array inter bar index.
interPrices : The array inter price.
interPricesIsHigh : The array inter ishigh.
isTrendHesitate : The actual status of is trend hesitate.
isTrendUp : The actual status of is trend up.
trendPrecision : The var precision to add in "iscontinuation" function.
pLast : The last pivot price.
iLast : The last pivot bar index.
isHighLast : The last pivot "isHigh".
Returns: trend & inter arrays, is trend hesitate, is trend up.
drawBoundLines(startIndex, startPrice, endIndex, endPrice, breakingPivotIndex, breakingPivotPrice, isTrendUp) Draw bounds and breaking line of the trend.
startIndex : Index of the first bound line.
startPrice : Price of first bound line.
endIndex : Index of second bound line.
endPrice : price of second bound line.
breakingPivotIndex : The breaking line index.
breakingPivotPrice : The breaking line price.
isTrendUp : The actual status of the trend.
Returns: The lines bounds and breaking line.
ColorArrayLibrary "ColorArray"
Simple color array gradient tool.
makeGradient(size, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5) Color Gradient Array from 5 colors.
size : : default 10
_col1 : : default #ff0000
_col2 : : default #ffff00
_col3 : : default #00ff00
_col4 : : default #00ffff
_col5 : : default #0000ff
Returns: array of colors to specified size.