Dual Bollinger Band Mean ReversionSimple but solid mean reversion indicator with sl and tp levels. Most of the code is based on the built in bollinger bands script. Designed for scalping 1-5 minute timeframes.
The indicator consists of two sets of bollinger bands.
Price has to close below the lower (fast) bollinger band, above the moving average of the (slower) bollinger band.
If price now closes above the lower (fast) bb, the indicator draws a label at the open of the next candle (which would be a potential entry point). Take profit becomes the upper bollinger band, stop loss the same distance below the open of the candle.
I've built in a simple backtesting function that calculates the potential win/loss-ratio. Loss and profit levels are 1:1. Exit strategy could be improved on.
Adjusting the lengths depending on the asset proves to be a good idea.
The slower bollinger bands can help to identify ranging markets and/or trends following regular bollinger bands theory.
Feel free to comment with any changes that you'd like to be made.
Multi IND Dashboard [Skiploss]Multi IND Dashboard is dashboard combine with price change, RSI, ATR, Alligator and Supertrend. With a maximum of 10 timeframes, I think it's going to make your life easier. In looking at the momentum of each chart.
How it work??
Change :
It is the distance from the close price of previous candlestick and shows the movement value of the candlestick in that timeframe.
Default setting are 14 and source close
Value >= 75 : Fill text color maximum overbought
Value >= 65 : Fill text color medium overbought
Value >= 55 : Fill text color minimum overbought
Value >= 45 : Fill text color minimum overbought
Value >= 35 : Fill text color medium overbought
Value >= 25 : Fill text color maximum overbought
Default setting are 14 length and RMA smoothing, It like the average swing of the candlesticks.
Alligator :
Default setting are 13, 8 and 5
Bullish status is value lips > teeth and teeth > jaw
Bearish status is value lips < teeth and teeth < jaw
Neutral status status is value lips > teeth and teeth < jaw or lips < teeth and teeth > jaw
Supertrend :
Default setting are 8 and 3.0
Bullish status is uptrend
Bearish status is downtrend
True Trend Average BandsThis is the indicator I am most proud of. After reading Glenn Neely's book "Mastering Eliott Waves" / "Neowave" and chatting with @timwest who got acknowledged by Neely, we came up with the idea of an moving average which does calculate the real average price since a trend started. Addionally I adapted a method from Neely Neowave and Tim Wests TimeAtMode to not force a timeframe on a chart but instead let the charts data decide which timeframe to use, to then calculate the real average price since the trend started.
It took me a while to get this right and coded, so take a moment and dive deeper and you might learn something new.
We assume that the price is in multiple trends on multiple timeframes, this is caused by short term traders, long term traders and investors who trade on different timeframes. To find out in which timeframe the important trends are, we have to look out for significant lows and highs. Then we change the timeframe in the chart to a value so that we have 10 to 20 bars since the significant low/high. While new bars are printed, and we reach more than 20 bars, we have to switch to a higher timeframe so we have 10 to 20 bars again. In the chart you see two significant trends: a downtrend on the 3 week timeframe and an uptrend from the 2 month timeframe. Based on the logic I have described, these are the two important timeframes to watch right now for the spx (there is another uptrend in the yearly chart, which is not shown here).
Now that we understand how to find the important timeframes, let's look what the magic in this script is that tells us the real average price since a trend started.
I developed a new type of moving average, which includes only the prices since a trend started. The difference to the regular sma is that it will not include prices which happened before the significant low or high happened. For example, if a top happened in a market 10 days ago, the regular sma20 would be calculated by 10 bars which happened before the top and 10 bars which happened after the top. If we want to know the average price of the last 10 bars we manually have to change the ma20 to the ma10 which is annoying manual work, additionally even if we use the ma10 in this case, and we look at yesterday's bar the ma10 will include 9 bars from after the top and one bar before the top, so the ma10 would only show the real average price for the current bar which is not what we want.
To come up with a solution to this problem, the True Trend Average searches for the lowest/highest bar in a given period (20 bars). Then starts to calculate the average value since the low/high. For example: if the price reaches a new 20 day high and then trades below it, the day of the high will be the sma1, the day after it's the sma2, ... up to the maximum look back length.
This way, we always know what the average price would have been if someone sold/bought a little bit every bar of his investment since the high/low.
Why is this even important? Let's assume we missed selling the top or buying the low, and think it would have been at least better to buy/sell a little bit since the new trend started. Once the price reaches the true trend average again, we can buy/sell, and it would be as good as selling/buying a little bit every day. We find prices to buy the dip and sell the bounce, which are as good as scaling in/out.
There is a lot more we can learn from these price levels but I think it is better to let you figure out yourself what you can learn from the information given by this indicator. Think about how market participants who accumulate or distribute feel when prices are above or below certain levels.
Now that we understand this new type of moving average, let's look into the lines we see in the chart:
The upper red band line shows the true trend average high price since the last significant top within 20 bars.
The lower red band line shows the true trend average hl2 price since the last significant top within 20 bars.
The lower green band line shows the true trend average low price since the last significant low within 20 bars.
The upper green band line shows the true trend average hl2 price since the last significant low within 20 bars.
The centerline is the average between the upper red band and the lower green band.
The teal lines show 1 standard deviation from the outer bands.
Before today only a few people had access to this indicator, now that it is public and open source, I am curious if you will find it useful and what you will do with it. Please share your findings.
/edit: The chart only shows the 3week timeframe so here are the other two trends from the 2month and 1year timeframe
New Highs-New-Lows on US Stock Market - Main Chart Edition#### ENGLISH ####
This script visualizes divergences between the price and new highs and new lows in the US stock market. The indicator should be used exclusively on the US stock indices (timeframe >= D).
This is the indicator for the main chart. It should be used together with the subchart indicator of the same name. In order to get the same results between the main and subchart editions, the indicator settings must be manually adjusted equally in both charts.
The approach:
Let's take a bull market as an example. A bull market is characterized by rising highs and rising lows. We can therefore assume that with the rising prices, the number of stocks that form new highs also rises or at least remains constant. This confirms the upward trend and thus expresses that it is supported by the broad stock market. If the market forms new highs and the number of stocks forming new highs decreases at the same moment, these new index highs are no longer supported by the broad stock market but exclusively by a few highly capitalized stocks. This creates a bearish divergence between the index and the NHNL indicator. This means that the uptrend tends to be overheated and a correction becomes more likely. Stops should be drawn closer.
The approach applies conversely, of course, to downtrends as well.
The indicator itself:
The number of new highs and lows (NHNL) are determined using the data sources included in Tradingview, such as "INDEX:HIGN" for NYSE highs. This data is provided on a daily basis. For higher time units (week, month) the daily numbers are shown summed up and not only the Friday value like most other NHNL indicators.
The signal strength is determined on the basis of two factors. The stronger the signal, the clearer (less transparent) the line/arrow. The two factors are on the one hand the strength of the divergence in and of itself, and on the other hand the strength of the overriding trend. The trend strength is determined using a 50 EMA on the NHNL indicator.
To avoid displaying every small divergence and to reduce false signals, the threshold for the signal strength can be set in the indicator settings.
#### GERMAN #####
Dieses script visualisiert Divergenzen zwischen dem Preis und neuer Hochs sowie neuer Tiefs im US Aktienmarkt. Der Indikator sollte ausschließlich auf den US Aktienindizes verwendet werden (Timeframe >= D).
Dies ist der Indikator für den Hauptchart. Er sollte zusammen mit dem gleichnamigen Subchart Indikator verwendet werden. Um gleiche Ergebnisse zwischen Haupt- und Subchart Edition zu erhalten, müssen die Indikatoreistellung manuell in beiden Charts gleichermaßen eigestellt werden.
Der Ansatz:
Nehmen wir uns als Beispiel einen Bullenmarkt. Ein Bullenmarkt zeichnet sich durch steigende Hochs und steigende Tiefs aus. Man kann also annehmen, dass mit den steigenden Preisen auch die Anzahl der Aktien die neuen Hochs ausbilden steigt oder zumindest konstant bleibt. Dies bestätigt den Aufwärtstrend und drückt somit aus, dass dieser vom breiten Aktienmarkt mitgetragen wird. Wenn der Markt neue Hochs bildet und die Anzahl der Aktien, die neue Hochs bilden im selben Moment sinkt, so werden diese neuen Indexhochs vom breiten Aktienmarkt nicht mehr getragen sonder ausschließlich von wenigen hochkapitalisierten Aktien. Es entsteht eine bärische Divergenz zwischen Index und dem NHNL Indikator. Das bedeutet, dass der Aufwärtstrend tendenziell überhitzt ist und ein Korrektur wahrscheinlicher wird. Die Stops sollten näher herangezogen werden.
Der Ansatz gilt umgekehrt natürlich auch bei Abwärtstrends.
Der Indikator an sich:
Die Anzahl der neuen Hochs und Tiefs (NHNL) werden anhand der in Tradingview enthaltenen Datenquellen wie z.B. "INDEX:HIGN" für die NYSE Hochs ermittelt. Diese Daten werden auf Tagesbasis bereitgestellt. Für höher Zeiteinheiten (Woche, Monat) werden die Tageszahlen aufsummiert dargestellt und nicht wie bei den meisten anderen NHNL Indikatoren nur der Freitagswert.
Die Signalstärke wird Anhand zweier Faktoren ermittelt. Je stärker das Signal um so deutlicher (weniger transparent) die Linie/der Pfeil. Die zwei Faktoren sind zum einen die stärke der Divergenz an und für sich, sowie zum anderen die Stärke des übergeordneten Trends. Die Trendstärke wird anhand eines 50er-EMA auf den NHNL-Indikator ermittelt.
Um nicht jede kleine Divergenz anzuzeigen und um Fehlsignale zu reduzieren, kann die Schwelle für die Signalstärke in den Indikatoreinstellungen festgelegt werden.
New Highs-New-Lows on US Stock Market - Sub Chart Edition#### ENGLISH ####
This script visualizes divergences between the price and new highs and new lows in the US stock market. The indicator should be used exclusively on the US stock indices (timeframe >= D).
This is the indicator for the sub chart. It should be used together with the main chart indicator of the same name. In order to get the same results between the main and subchart editions, the indicator settings must be manually adjusted equally in both charts.
The approach:
Let's take a bull market as an example. A bull market is characterized by rising highs and rising lows. We can therefore assume that with the rising prices, the number of stocks that form new highs also rises or at least remains constant. This confirms the upward trend and thus expresses that it is supported by the broad stock market. If the market forms new highs and the number of stocks forming new highs decreases at the same moment, these new index highs are no longer supported by the broad stock market but exclusively by a few highly capitalized stocks. This creates a bearish divergence between the index and the NHNL indicator. This means that the uptrend tends to be overheated and a correction becomes more likely. Stops should be drawn closer.
The approach applies conversely, of course, to downtrends as well.
The indicator itself:
The number of new highs and lows (NHNL) are determined using the data sources included in Tradingview, such as "INDEX:HIGN" for NYSE highs. This data is provided on a daily basis. For higher time units (week, month) the daily numbers are shown summed up and not only the Friday value like most other NHNL indicators.
The signal strength is determined on the basis of two factors. The stronger the signal, the clearer (less transparent) the line/arrow. The two factors are on the one hand the strength of the divergence in and of itself, and on the other hand the strength of the overriding trend. The trend strength is determined using a 50 EMA on the NHNL indicator.
To avoid displaying every small divergence and to reduce false signals, the threshold for the signal strength can be set in the indicator settings.
#### GERMAN #####
Dieses script visualisiert Divergenzen zwischen dem Preis und neuer Hochs sowie neuer Tiefs im US Aktienmarkt. Der Indikator sollte ausschließlich auf den US Aktienindizes verwendet werden (Timeframe >= D).
Dies ist der Indikator für den Subchart. Er sollte zusammen mit dem gleichnamigen Hauptchart Indikator verwendet werden. Um gleiche Ergebnisse zwischen Haupt- und Subchart Edition zu erhalten, müssen die Indikatoreistellung manuell in beiden Charts gleichermaßen eigestellt werden.
Der Ansatz:
Nehmen wir uns als Beispiel einen Bullenmarkt. Ein Bullenmarkt zeichnet sich durch steigende Hochs und steigende Tiefs aus. Man kann also annehmen, dass mit den steigenden Preisen auch die Anzahl der Aktien die neuen Hochs ausbilden steigt oder zumindest konstant bleibt. Dies bestätigt den Aufwärtstrend und drückt somit aus, dass dieser vom breiten Aktienmarkt mitgetragen wird. Wenn der Markt neue Hochs bildet und die Anzahl der Aktien, die neue Hochs bilden im selben Moment sinkt, so werden diese neuen Indexhochs vom breiten Aktienmarkt nicht mehr getragen sonder ausschließlich von wenigen hochkapitalisierten Aktien. Es entsteht eine bärische Divergenz zwischen Index und dem NHNL Indikator. Das bedeutet, dass der Aufwärtstrend tendenziell überhitzt ist und ein Korrektur wahrscheinlicher wird. Die Stops sollten näher herangezogen werden.
Der Ansatz gilt umgekehrt natürlich auch bei Abwärtstrends.
Der Indikator an sich:
Die Anzahl der neuen Hochs und Tiefs (NHNL) werden anhand der in Tradingview enthaltenen Datenquellen wie z.B. "INDEX:HIGN" für die NYSE Hochs ermittelt. Diese Daten werden auf Tagesbasis bereitgestellt. Für höher Zeiteinheiten (Woche, Monat) werden die Tageszahlen aufsummiert dargestellt und nicht wie bei den meisten anderen NHNL Indikatoren nur der Freitagswert.
Die Signalstärke wird Anhand zweier Faktoren ermittelt. Je stärker das Signal um so deutlicher (weniger transparent) die Linie/der Pfeil. Die zwei Faktoren sind zum einen die stärke der Divergenz an und für sich, sowie zum anderen die Stärke des übergeordneten Trends. Die Trendstärke wird anhand eines 50er-EMA auf den NHNL-Indikator ermittelt.
Um nicht jede kleine Divergenz anzuzeigen und um Fehlsignale zu reduzieren, kann die Schwelle für die Signalstärke in den Indikatoreinstellungen festgelegt werden.
Tick based chart [DotH]Version 1.0 - 2nd January 2023
Hi All,
This is my first published indicator, although I have written several hundreds for private use.
Tick based chart
I got intrigued while reading about tick based charts on this page (please note this link/website owner is not affiliated with me) , so I decided to see if it would be possible to recreate this type of chart in TradingView, and here's the results.
This is an implementation for displaying a tick based chart in Trading View. There are benefits to using ticks based candles, as each candle represents the same number of "price moves" rather than an unknown number of moves.
Tick based charts are charts with candles that are rendered in the same way as traditional candles. However, instead of rendering a new candle at a specific time period,tick based candles are rendered after a set number of ticks have occured. For example, in a 50 tick chart, each candle that you see represents exactly 50 ticks, i.e. 50 price changes/moves. Having a view of what happens on the tick level, may help some traders evaluate what is happening within very large candles, or even detect a change in trend, volatility or some other metric which otherwise may not be visible using a standard chart.
Please note that this indicator DOES NOT match/synchronize timewise with the main chart in TradingView. You must view it independently. If you need to see what times are represented in the tick chart, you can look at the custom time labels and X-Axis grid lines in it to get an idea what parts of the tick based chart correspond to the main chart.
Limitations/known issues:
Currently the indicator has been restricted to 100 candles. This is for limiting the line and box usage to a max of 300 objects.
On timeframes above 1 minute, the seconds values will always be 0. In order to be able to see seconds values in the chart scale you need to be on a second level chart, which requires a premium TradingView subscription.
Changing the parameters in the settings will cause the chart to empty and start redrawing from its first candle again. This is because the tick chart is being drawn from realtime data, unlike the standard TradingView charts.
TODOs & Bugs:
Add some moving average indicators (SMA, EMA as a minimum)
Add a corresponding tick based volume chart
Create RSI, MACD, BB variations of this indicator
If you have any ideas/suggestions or bug reports, please feel free to let me know, however keep in mind that I do not have too much spare time to add things, so updates are going to be sporadic.
The code is free to use/change. However, if you plan to use this code to make a derivative indicator or strategy, it would be nice to know, so let me know if you feel like it!
About the script:
This script is an easy-to-use trend indicator, which is based on another popular indicator called "Supertrend" . The basic idea is very simple, i.e. to compute Average True Range(ATR) and use that as the basis for trend detection. The key difference lies in a custom trend detection method, that computes trends across different timeframes and projects them in a table view. The script also tries to improve the behaviour of the existing indicator by highlighting flat regions on the chart, indicating sideways market or potential trend reversals.
How to use it:
You can use it just like any other indicator, add it to your chart and start analysing market trends. Results can be interpreted as follows.
Indicator output is currently made up of two main components:
>> Trend Table:
Appears at the bottom right of your screen
Contains trend indicator for 9 different timeframes
Timeframes can be adjusted using indicator settings panel
Green Up Arrow --> Up Trend
Red Down Arrow --> Down Trend
>> Enhanced Supertrend:
Shows up as a line plot on the chart
Green line indicates up trend
Red line indicates down trend
White regions indicates slow moving markets or a potential trend reversal
Indicator can be used on any timeframe, it provides a view of current and historical market trend
Can be used as an indicator for entering/exiting trades
Can be used to build custom trading strategies
The known 90 min cycle is used as one killzone. But actually all 18 min are relevant to search for a trade. All 18 min when a new box starts only then is the placement of an order valid. If the entry candle isn't in a box then it will probably fail. The boxes should only be used in the M1 or M5 timeframe. The best hitrate is in the M1 timeframe. Included are the last 48 "Mini-Killzones" für intraday trading and backtesting. These "Mini-Killzones" can be used with the "Liquidity Inducement Strategy".
This is the first indicator on tradingview that shows all mini-killzones for trading and backtesting a whole tradingday. The well-known killzones of ICT are from 08:00-11:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 (UTC+1) but with this indicator there is finally a refinement of the ICT Smart Money Concept killzones.
For a proper use of this indicator we suggest to know already at least SMC or better Liquidity Indcuement Trading. This indicator is a further confluence before placing an order. After you made your setup you will have these mini-killzones as a confluence. We don't suggest to open a trade only according to this indicator.
This indicator is free to use for all tradingview users.
This is not financial advice.
Elliot Wave Helper Table█ OVERVIEW
This indicator is intend to be helper to help Elliot Wave user to properly Elliot Wave tools according to correct degree such as 12345 or ABCWXY. The abbreviation changes according to timeframe.
1. Abbreviation degree adaptive to timeframe. Eg : Subminutte for 1 minute chart, etc.
2. Works for custom timeframe. Eg : Subminutte for 1 to 4 minute chart, etc.
3. Show reference table if necessary.
Adaptive Elliot Wave Degree Chart
Multi-timeframe Harmonic PatternsHello friends. In recent months I have been busy with my academic research and haven't had much time to publish new scripts. To fill the gap of these months, I decided to publish the indicator Multi-timeframe Harmonic Patterns . Harmonic technical chart patterns can predict the next price trend and provide traders with clues to the price direction, which is one of the indicators widely used by professional traders.
(1) Indicator description
This indicator is built on ZigZag Multi Time Frame with Fibonacci Retracement@LonesomeTheBlue . Thanks to LonesomeTheBlue for contributing the awesome indicator
The indicator supports 6 different timeframes , and 25 different harmonic patterns
This indicator supports indicating key indicator prices: entry price, stop loss price, and two take profit prices
(2) Key parameters
timeframe resolution: The timeframe of the harmonic pattern
pivot high/low source: Calculation method of high/low pivot points
timeframe pivot period: Minimum period of high/low pivot points
delay for confirmations: Wait for N candles to confirm the chart pattern
bullish/bearish colors: Bullish/bearish pattern colors
enable harmonic patterns: Enable current harmonic patterns
show harmonic patterns: Show harmonic patterns found
show trading prices of patterns: Show key prices of harmonic patterns
(3) Supported Patterns:
各位朋友大家好。最近几个月我忙于自己的学术研究没有过多时间更新脚本。为弥补这几个月的空缺,我决定发布该 多时间周期的谐波指标 。谐波技术图表形态在一定程度上可以预测下一个价格走势,为交易者提供价格方向的线索,是广大专业交易人员广泛使用的指标之一。
(1) 指标说明
该指标建立于 ZigZag Multi Time Frame with Fibonacci Retracement@LonesomeTheBlue ,感谢LonesomeTheBlue贡献的出色指标
该指标支持 6种不同的时间周期 ,以及 25种不同的谐波形态
(2) 关键参数
timeframe resolution: 谐波形态的时间周期
pivot high/low source: 高/低枢纽点的计算方式
timeframe pivot period: 高/低枢纽点的最小周期
delay for confirmations: 等待N个蜡烛以确认图表形态
bullish/bearish colors: 看涨/看跌的形态颜色
enable harmonic patterns: 使能当前的谐波形态
show harmonic patterns: 显示被发现的谐波形态
show trading prices of patterns: 显示谐波形态的关键价格
(3) 支持形态:
OHLC ToolOHLC Tool allows you to display Current or Historical OHLC Values as horizontal lines that extend to the right on your chart.
Variable Lookback to display a specific historical bar's values. Default = 1 (Previous Candle)
Customizable Timeframe to view HTF Candle values.
Custom Line Colors, Styles, and Thicknesses.
Price Scale Value Display Capability.
For displaying the line values and labels on the price scale you will need to enable:
"Indicator and financials name labels"
"Indicator and financials value labels"
These options are found in the Price Scale Menu under Labels. Price Scale Menu > Labels
When you do this you will notice your other indicator values will also be on the price scale,
if you wish to disable these, go to the indicator settings under the "Style" Tab, Uncheck the "Labels on price scale" box.
Indicator Settings > Style > "Labels on price scale"
The script uses following mechanism to give a signal of BUY if multiple parameters evaluated are all passed.
1. 5 min MACD should be more than its previous tick
2. 15 min MACD should be more than its previous tick
3. 60 min MACD should be more than its previous tick
4. ADX should be more than 12
5. RSI should be more than 60
6. Stochastic %k should have cross over with %d
7. Bollinger band upper band value should be more than previous tick
If the 5 min bar price closes below 5 min EMA , it gives an exit signal.
The script uses following mechanism to give a signal of SELL if multiple parameters evaluated are all passed.
1. 5 min MACD should be less than its previous tick
2. 15 min MACD should be less than its previous tick
3. 60 min MACD should be less than its previous tick
4. ADX should be more than 12
5. RSI should be less than 40
6. Stochastic %k should have negative cross over with %d
7. Bollinger band lower band value should be less than previous tick
If the 5 min bar price closes above 5 min EMA , it gives an exit signal.
ICT Killzone by JeawThis is an indicator script for TradingView called "ICT Killzone". It is a useful tool for identifying the London and New York open and close sessions, as well as the Asian range on the chart. The appearance of the "killzones" can be customized by selecting colors and transparencies for each session. Boxes can also be displayed around each session and labels with additional information can be added. This script is compatible with intraday charts and time multipliers up to 60 minutes. It was created by Jeaw and is based on the ideas of the ICT (Institutional Cash Trades) methodology. This script can help traders avoid entering the market during high impact news events and periods of low liquidity. By identifying these potentially volatile times, traders can better manage their risk and improve their overall trading strategy.
Volatility Trackerhi there, fellows.
this is a very simple and quite straightforward indicator.
so far the simplest we've built.
on what it does
in regard to current chart and timeframe it plots
a. Open - Close as a percentage of the Open (we regard open as more relevant than close, for as you can use latest estimates in current candle) in daily change coloring (so one may have an idea if there is a trend or sideways move unfolding)
b. High - Low as a percentage of the Open, so one may compare extreme moves with final ones in the period
c. Volume as a percentage distance from its WMA200 (always this one, a way better reference for normalcy). (e. g. a positive value x means Volume is x% above its WMA200)
on what it means
to the best of our imperfect and incomplete understanding, we believe that low volatility periods lead to high volatility periods, so one might want to enter the market in low volatility periods to enjoy wild rides afterwards. such a trade of course would be, for the sake of making sense, a long volatility one.
the timing for entrance could be once that the volatility waves fades to chart minimums.
we're open to critics, suggestions and comments.
best regards.
[7H] Trading HUD - MTF EMAs and RSIThis is a MTF HUD built around Chartguy Dan's trading style of 12/26 EMAs and RSI levels from multiple time frames. The HUD is configurable, allowing you to change the time frame of RSI levels and EMAs. The EMAs can be displayed at their current price or a percentage distance away. The HUD values will change color.
dmn's ICT ToolkitThis is my quality of life indicator for forex trading using the methods and concepts of ICT.
The idea is to automate marking up important price levels and times of the day instead of doing it manually every day.
Marks the most volatile times of the day on the chart, during which the intraday high/low usually takes place.
Particularly impactful when there's news released during these times.
London Open (02:00-05:00 EST)
New York Open (08:30-11:00 EST)
London Close (10:00-11:30 EST)
True Day delineation
Vertical line at the start of the "true day" (00:00 EST), start of the algorithmic trading day and aids in visualizing the intraday direction.
New York midnight price level
Noteworthy price level at the start of the "true day".
This price level is referenced by the interbank trading algorithms during the day. Buy below it on bullish days, sell above it on bearish days.
Daily open price level
Reference level for optimal trade entries. Buy below it on bullish days, sell above it on bearish days.
Central Banks Dealers Range (CBDR) (14:00-20:00 EST) &
Central Banks Dealers Flout (CBDF) (15:00-24:00 EST) &
Asian Range (AR) (20:00-24:00 EST)
The standard deviation lines available are used to make predictions for short-term future highs/lows when the CBDR and AR are smaller than 40 pips.
Trade them by looking for 5/15min key levels that converge with the projection levels.
X days Average Daily Range (ADR)
Default to 5 days back, gives an idea of how much movement to expect intraday when the ADR high/low is converging with CBDR/CBDF/AR standard deviations.
Current Daily Range (CDR)
Used for comparison against the ADR to help determine if there's enough intraday range left to enter a trade.
Dynamically changes color based on percentage of the ADR. Green below 50% of ADR, orange between 50 and 100%, red when CDR exceeds ADR.
All of the above are used in conjunction with each other and higher timeframe levels of importance to find entries and target.
Note: Preferably use New York's time zone for your charts.
Musashi_Katana=== Musashi-Katana ===
This tool was designed to fit my particular trading style and personal theories about the "Alchemy of the markets" and ''Harmonic Structure'.
When following a Technical approach to to surf the markets, there are teachings that must be understood before reaching a confort-zone, this usually happen the possible worst way by constant experimentation, it hurts.
Here few technical hints:
- Align High timeframes with lower timeframes:
This simple concept relax a lot complexity of finding of a trend bias. Musashi-Katana allows you to use technical indicator corresponding to specific timeframes, like daily weekly or yearly. They wont change when you change the chart's timeframe, its very useful as you know where you're standing in the long term, Its quite relaxing.
- Use volume:
The constant usage of volume will allow you to sync with the market's breathing. This shows you the mass of money flowing into and out of the market, is key if you want to understand momentum. This tool can help here, as it have multi-period vwaps. You can use yearly, monthly for swing trading, and even weekly if you enjoy scalping.
Useful stuff:
- You have access to baselines, AMA and Kijun-sen with the possibility of adding ATR bands.
- AMAs come as two lines strategies for different approaches, fast medium or slow.
- You can experiment with normal and multi timeframe moving averages and other trend tools.
Final Note
If used correctly Musashi-Katana is a very powerful tool, which makes no sense as there is no correct usage. Don't add everything at the same time, experiment, combine stuff, every market is different.
Backtest every possible strategy before using it, see what works and doesn't. This gives you a lot of peace, specially while you're at the tip of the spear surfing the markets
--> I personally use this in combination with 'Musashi_Slasher (Mometum+Volatility)', as it gives me volatility and momentum in a very precise way.
EMA Close DistanceThis script show you the distance between the close price, and EMA in the histogram.
Red histogram: close price is under the EMA.
Green histogram: close price is above the EMA.
Default EMA value: 20.
Coin & market cap tableThis table was built specifically for the Crypto market.
It gives you a quick overview of the markets without having to scroll through numerous charts. The information is the overall markets daily change and the charts coins movement on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
The weeks start on a Monday morning, the months start on the 1st of the month so this is last weeks data and last calendar months data.
It also gives you Bitcoins dominance. (Total2) you can change it to Bitcoin & Ethereum dominance (Total3)
OHMLC Candles LevelsPlot Open / High / Middle / Low / Close Lines of current and previous candles.
The indicator is Multi-Timeframe.
Choose the line style and the type of extension.
Estimated Time At Price [Kioseff Trading]Hello!
This script uses the same formula as the recently released "Volume Delta" script to ascertain lower timeframe values.
Instead, this script looks to estimate the approximate time spent at price blocks; all time estimates are in minute.second format.
The image above shows functionality. Time spent at price levels/blocks are estimated in duration. The highest estimated block is the highlighted level and a POC line is extended right until violated. Colors, the presence of POC lines and whether they're removed subsequent violation are all configurable.
As show in the image above, the data is displayable in an additional format. When select the "non-classic" format shown above - precise price levels are calculated and the estimated time spent at those levels is summed and displayed right of the current bar. The off-colored level (yellow in the example) denotes the price level encompassing the highest *estimated* time spent.
You can deselect the neon effect and choose to have the script recalculate after any conceivable amount of time has passed.
The script can also calculate for the most current bar should you configure it to do so.
That's all! (for now). A quick/easy script building off an existing foundation.
If you've any ideas for features and ways to "spice up" this script please let me know (: I'll gladly incorporate requests.
Thank you!
WaveTrend 3D█ OVERVIEW
WaveTrend 3D (WT3D) is a novel implementation of the famous WaveTrend (WT) indicator and has been completely redesigned from the ground up to address some of the inherent shortcomings associated with the traditional WT algorithm.
The WaveTrend (WT) indicator has become a widely popular tool for traders in recent years. WT was first ported to PineScript in 2014 by the user @LazyBear, and since then, it has ascended to become one of the Top 5 most popular scripts on TradingView.
The WT algorithm appears to have origins in a lesser-known proprietary algorithm called Trading Channel Index (TCI), created by AIQ Systems in 1986 as an integral part of their commercial software suite, TradingExpert Pro. The software’s reference manual states that “TCI identifies changes in price direction” and is “an adaptation of Donald R. Lambert’s Commodity Channel Index (CCI)”, which was introduced to the world six years earlier in 1980. Interestingly, a vestige of this early beginning can still be seen in the source code of LazyBear’s script, where the final EMA calculation is stored in an intermediate variable called “tci” in the code.
WaveTrend 3D is an alternative implementation of WaveTrend that directly addresses some of the known shortcomings of the indicator, including its unbounded extremes, susceptibility to whipsaw, and lack of insight into other timeframes.
In the canonical WT approach, an exponential moving average (EMA) for a given lookback window is used to assess the variability between price and two other EMAs relative to a second lookback window. Since the difference between the average price and its associated EMA is essentially unbounded, an arbitrary scaling factor of 0.015 is typically applied as a crude form of rescaling but still fails to capture 20-30% of values between the range of -100 to 100. Additionally, the trigger signal for the final EMA (i.e., TCI) crossover-based oscillator is a four-bar simple moving average (SMA), which further contributes to the net lag accumulated by the consecutive EMA calculations in the previous steps.
The core idea behind WT3D is to replace the EMA-based crossover system with modern Digital Signal Processing techniques. By assuming that price action adheres approximately to a Gaussian distribution, it is possible to sidestep the scaling nightmare associated with unbounded price differentials of the original WaveTrend method by focusing instead on the alteration of the underlying Probability Distribution Function (PDF) of the input series. Furthermore, using a signal processing filter such as a Butterworth Filter, we can eliminate the need for consecutive exponential moving averages along with the associated lag they bring.
Ideally, it is convenient to have the resulting probability distribution oscillate between the values of -1 and 1, with the zero line serving as a median. With this objective in mind, it is possible to borrow a common technique from the field of Machine Learning that uses a sigmoid-like activation function to transform our data set of interest. One such function is the hyperbolic tangent function (tanh), which is often used as an activation function in the hidden layers of neural networks due to its unique property of ensuring the values stay between -1 and 1. By taking the first-order derivative of our input series and normalizing it using the quadratic mean, the tanh function performs a high-quality redistribution of the input signal into the desired range of -1 to 1. Finally, using a dual-pole filter such as the Butterworth Filter popularized by John Ehlers, excessive market noise can be filtered out, leaving behind a crisp moving average with minimal lag.
Furthermore, WT3D expands upon the original functionality of WT by providing:
First-class support for multi-timeframe (MTF) analysis
Kernel-based regression for trend reversal confirmation
Various options for signal smoothing and transformation
A unique mode for visualizing an input series as a symmetrical, three-dimensional waveform useful for pattern identification and cycle-related analysis
This is a summary of the settings used in the script listed in roughly the order in which they appear. By default, all default colors are from Google's TensorFlow framework and are considered to be colorblind safe.
Source: The input series. Usually, it is the close or average price, but it can be any series.
Use Mirror: Whether to display a mirror image of the source series; for visualizing the series as a 3D waveform similar to a soundwave.
Use EMA: Whether to use an exponential moving average of the input series.
EMA Length: The length of the exponential moving average.
Use COG: Whether to use the center of gravity of the input series.
COG Length: The length of the center of gravity.
Speed to Emphasize: The target speed to emphasize.
Width: The width of the emphasized line.
Display Kernel Moving Average: Whether to display the kernel moving average of the signal. Like PCA, an unsupervised Machine Learning technique whereby neighboring vectors are projected onto the Principal Component.
Display Kernel Signal: Whether to display the kernel estimator for the emphasized line. Like the Kernel MA, it can show underlying shifts in bias within a more significant trend by the colors reflected on the ribbon itself.
Show Oscillator Lines: Whether to show the oscillator lines.
Offset: The offset of the emphasized oscillator plots.
Fast Length: The length scale factor for the fast oscillator.
Fast Smoothing: The smoothing scale factor for the fast oscillator.
Normal Length: The length scale factor for the normal oscillator.
Normal Smoothing: The smoothing scale factor for the normal frequency.
Slow Length: The length scale factor for the slow oscillator.
Slow Smoothing: The smoothing scale factor for the slow frequency.
Divergence Threshold: The number of bars for the divergence to be considered significant.
Trigger Wave Percent Size: How big the current wave should be relative to the previous wave.
Background Area Transparency Factor: Transparency factor for the background area.
Foreground Area Transparency Factor: Transparency factor for the foreground area.
Background Line Transparency Factor: Transparency factor for the background line.
Foreground Line Transparency Factor: Transparency factor for the foreground line.
Custom Transparency: Transparency of the custom colors.
Total Gradient Steps: The maximum amount of steps supported for a gradient calculation is 256.
Fast Bullish Color: The color of the fast bullish line.
Normal Bullish Color: The color of the normal bullish line.
Slow Bullish Color: The color of the slow bullish line.
Fast Bearish Color: The color of the fast bearish line.
Normal Bearish Color: The color of the normal bearish line.
Slow Bearish Color: The color of the slow bearish line.
Bullish Divergence Signals: The color of the bullish divergence signals.
Bearish Divergence Signals: The color of the bearish divergence signals.
@LazyBear - For authoring the original WaveTrend port on TradingView
@PineCoders - For the beautiful color gradient framework used in this indicator
@veryfid - For the inspiration of using mirrored signals for cycle analysis and using multiple lookback windows as proxies for other timeframes