Comparison (Malaysia Index & Sector)This is just a simple tool for convenient to compare and showing a clear image of all sector and index in Malaysia. They are just in one indicator. From this indicator, you can predict momentum of each sector in Malaysia, which is currently in bull or bear trend.
In the setting, the first line with the option of the following index (Malaysia Index) :
The rest of lines is all of the following sector (Malaysia Sector):
1. Technology
2. Telecommunication
3. Health
4. Consumer Product
5. Industrial Product
6. Construction
7. Property
8. Plantation
9. Utilities
10. Transportation
11. Energy
12. REIT
13. Finance
The last line (Line 15) is provided for other stock/index which is not available in option to manually fill.
All sector and index price are smoothen by Moving Average (MA). The default moving average is Relative Moving Average (RMA) which is used in Relative Strength Index ( RSI ) Oscillator. But the range is different from RSI , it is from -100 to 100 instead of 0 to 100. In the end, result and interpretation are just the same as RSI . Green area indicates oversold area, while red area is overbought.
Other choice of Moving Averages are available to change.
The problem of putting all together is the script may take longer to process. It is just for convenient use.
Bottom-Up or Top-Down Invest?
Waindrops [Makit0]█ OVERALL
Plot waindrops (custom volume profiles) on user defined periods, for each period you get high and low, it slices each period in half to get independent vwap, volume profile and the volume traded per price at each half.
It works on intraday charts only, up to 720m (12H). It can plot balanced or unbalanced waindrops, and volume profiles up to 24H sessions.
As example you can setup unbalanced periods to get independent volume profiles for the overnight and cash sessions on the futures market, or 24H periods to get the full session volume profile of EURUSD
The purpose of this indicator is twofold:
1 — from a Chartist point of view, to have an indicator which displays the volume in a more readable way
2 — from a Pine Coder point of view, to have an example of use for two very powerful tools on Pine Script:
• the recently updated drawing limit to 500 (from 50)
• the recently ability to use drawings arrays (lines and labels)
If you are new to Pine Script and you are learning how to code, I hope you read all the code and comments on this indicator, all is designed for you,
the variables and functions names, the sometimes too big explanations, the overall structure of the code, all is intended as an example on how to code
in Pine Script a specific indicator from a very good specification in form of white paper
If you wanna learn Pine Script form scratch just start HERE
In case you have any kind of problem with Pine Script please use some of the awesome resources at our disposal: USRMAN , REFMAN , AWESOMENESS , MAGIC
Waindrops are a different way of seeing the volume and price plotted in a chart, its a volume profile indicator where you can see the volume of each price level
plotted as a vertical histogram for each half of a custom period. By default the period is 60 so it plots an independent volume profile each 30m
You can think of each waindrop as an user defined candlestick or bar with four key values:
• high of the period
• low of the period
• left vwap (volume weighted average price of the first half period)
• right vwap (volume weighted average price of the second half period)
The waindrop can have 3 different colors (configurable by the user):
• GREEN: when the right vwap is higher than the left vwap (bullish sentiment )
• RED: when the right vwap is lower than the left vwap (bearish sentiment )
• BLUE: when the right vwap is equal than the left vwap ( neutral sentiment )
• Help menu
• Custom periods
• Central bars
• Left/Right VWAPs
• Custom central bars and vwaps: color and pixels
• Highly configurable volume histogram: execution window, ticks, pixels, color, update frequency and fine tuning the neutral meaning
• Volume labels with custom size and color
• Tracking price dot to be able to see the current price when you hide your default candlesticks or bars
Click here or set any impar period to see the HELP INFO : show the HELP INFO, if it is activated the indicator will not plot
PERIOD SIZE (max 2880 min) : waindrop size in minutes, default 60, max 2880 to allow the first half of a 48H period as a full session volume profile
BARS : show the central and vwap bars, default true
Central bars : show the central bars, default true
VWAP bars : show the left and right vwap bars, default true
Bars pixels : width of the bars in pixels, default 2
Bars color mode : bars color behavior
• BARS : gets the color from the 'Bars color' option on the settings panel
• HISTOGRAM : gets the color from the Bearish/Bullish/Neutral Histogram color options from the settings panel
Bars color : color for the central and vwap bars, default white
HISTOGRAM show the volume histogram, default true
Execution window (x24H) : last 24H periods where the volume funcionality will be plotted, default 5
Ticks per bar (max 50) : width in ticks of each histogram bar, default 2
Updates per period : number of times the histogram will update
• ONE : update at the last bar of the period
• TWO : update at the last bar of each half period
• FOUR : slice the period in 4 quarters and updates at the last bar of each of them
• EACH BAR : updates at the close of each bar
Pixels per bar : width in pixels of each histogram bar, default 4
Neutral Treshold (ticks) : delta in ticks between left and right vwaps to identify a waindrop as neutral, default 0
Bearish Histogram color : histogram color when right vwap is lower than left vwap, default red
Bullish Histogram color : histogram color when right vwap is higher than left vwap, default green
Neutral Histogram color : histogram color when the delta between right and left vwaps is equal or lower than the Neutral treshold, default blue
VOLUME LABELS : show volume labels
Volume labels color : color for the volume labels, default white
Volume Labels size : text size for the volume labels, choose between AUTO, TINY, SMALL, NORMAL or LARGE, default TINY
TRACK PRICE : show a yellow ball tracking the last price, default true
This indicator only works on intraday charts (minutes only) up to 12H (720m), the lower chart timeframe you can use is 1m
This indicator needs price, time and volume to work, it will not work on an index (there is no volume), the execution will not be allowed
The histogram (volume profile) can be plotted on 24H sessions as limit but you can plot several 24H sessions
Depending on the choosed settings, the script performance will be highly affected and it will experience errors
Two of the more common errors it can throw are:
• Calculation takes too long to execute
• Loop takes too long
The indicator performance is highly related to the underlying volatility (tick wise), the script takes each candlestick or bar and for each tick in it stores the price and volume, if the ticker in your chart has thousands and thousands of ticks per bar the indicator will throw an error for sure, it can not calculate in time such amount of ticks.
What all of that means? Simply put, this will throw error on the BITCOIN pair BTCUSD (high volatility with tick size 0.01) because it has too many ticks per bar, but lucky you it will work just fine on the futures contract BTC1! (tick size 5) because it has a lot less ticks per bar
There are some options you can fine tune to boost the script performance, the more demanding option in terms of resources consumption is Updates per period , by default is maxed out so lowering this setting will improve the performance in a high way.
If you wanna know more about how to improve the script performance, read the HELP INFO accessible from the settings panel
The basic parameters to adjust are Period size , Ticks per bar and Pixels per bar
• Period size is the main setting, defines the waindrop size, to get a better looking histogram set bigger period and smaller chart timeframe
• Ticks per bar is the tricky one, adjust it differently for each underlying (ticker) volatility wise, for some you will need a low value, for others a high one.
To get a more accurate histogram set it as lower as you can (min value is 1)
• Pixels per bar allows you to adjust the width of each histogram bar, with it you can adjust the blank space between them or allow overlaping
You must play with these three parameters until you obtain the desired histogram: smoother, sharper, etc...
These are some of the different kind of charts you can setup thru the settings:
• Balanced Waindrops (default): charts with waindrops where the two halfs are of same size.
This is the default chart, just select a period (30m, 60m, 120m, 240m, pick your poison), adjust the histogram ticks and pixels and watch
• Unbalanced Waindrops: chart with waindrops where the two halfs are of different sizes.
Do you trade futures and want to plot a waindrop with the first half for the overnight session and the second half for the cash session? you got it;
just adjust the period to 1860 for any CME ticker (like ES1! for example) adjust the histogram ticks and pixels and watch
• Full Session Volume Profile: chart with waindrops where only the first half plots.
Do you use Volume profile to analize the market? Lucky you, now you can trick this one to plot it, just try a period of 780 on SPY, 2760 on ES1!, or 2880 on EURUSD
remember to adjust the histogram ticks and pixels for each underlying
• Only Bars: charts with only central and vwap bars plotted, simply deactivate the histogram and volume labels
• Only Histogram: charts with only the histogram plotted (volume profile charts), simply deactivate the bars and volume labels
• Only Volume: charts with only the raw volume numbers plotted, simply deactivate the bars and histogram
If you wanna know more about custom full session periods for different asset classes, read the HELP INFO accessible from the settings panel
Full Session Volume Profile on MES 5m chart:
Full Session Unbalanced Waindrop on MNQ 2m chart (left side Overnight session, right side Cash Session):
The following examples will have the exact same charts but on four different tickers representing a futures contract, a forex pair, an etf and a stock.
We are doing this to be able to see the different parameters we need for plotting the same kind of chart on different assets
The chart composition is as follows:
• Left side: Volume Labels chart (period 10)
• Upper Right side: Waindrops (period 60)
• Lower Right side: Full Session Volume Profile
The first example will specify the main parameters, the rest of the charts will have only the differences
• Left: Period size: 10, Bars: uncheck, Histogram: uncheck, Execution window: 1, Ticks per bar: 2, Updates per period: EACH BAR,
Pixels per bar: 4, Volume labels: check, Track price: check
• Upper Right: Period size: 60, Bars: check, Bars color mode: HISTOGRAM, Histogram: check, Execution window: 2, Ticks per bar: 2,
Updates per period: EACH BAR, Pixels per bar: 4, Volume labels: uncheck, Track price: check
• Lower Right: Period size: 2760, Bars: uncheck, Histogram: check, Execution window: 1, Ticks per bar: 1, Updates per period: EACH BAR,
Pixels per bar: 2, Volume labels: uncheck, Track price: check
• Upper Right: Ticks per bar: 10
• Lower Right: Period size: 2880, Ticks per bar: 1, Pixels per bar: 1
• Left: Ticks per bar: 3
• Upper Right: Ticks per bar: 5, Pixels per bar: 3
• Lower Right: Period size: 780, Ticks per bar: 2, Pixels per bar: 2
• Left: Ticks per bar: 2
• Upper Right: Ticks per bar: 6, Pixels per bar: 3
• Lower Right: Period size: 780, Ticks per bar: 1, Pixels per bar: 2
PineCoders for all they do, all the tools and help they provide and their involvement in making a better community
scarf for the idea of coding a waindrops like indicator, I did not know something like that existed at all
All the Pine Coders, Pine Pros and Pine Wizards, people who share their work and knowledge for the sake of it and helping others, I'm very grateful indeed
I'm learning at each step of the way from you all, thanks for this awesome community;
Opensource and shared knowledge: this is the way! (said with canned voice from inside my helmet :D)
This description was formatted following THIS guidelines
I sincerely hope you enjoy reading and using this work as much as I enjoyed developing it :D
MavilimW Strategy MTF EMA with HA CandlesThis is a strategy adapted initially for Mavilim moving average indicator, based on WMA MA.
It seems to works amazingly on long term markets, like stocks, some futures, some comodities and so on.
In this strategy, I form initially the candle, using EMA values, so I take the EMA of last 50 closes, open, highs and lows and form the candle
After this I take interally HA and convert the EMA candle to HA.
Then using the moving averages on multiple timeframes, like in this example we have a chart on 4h, but I use 1h and 1d moving averages.
For long condition we have : close is above moving average timeframe1 and oving average timeframe2 and oving average timeframe3
Initially short would be close below ma timeframe1, ma timeframe2 and timeframe3 -> but here I also convert it into a long signal.
So we actually go only long .
And we have 2 different exits : for first long if we have a crossdown of 1h ma with 1 day ma, and for second long if we have a cross up of 1h ma with 1 day ma in this example.
Message me if you have any questions about this strategy.
Triple RSIThis idea behind this indicator was to show an un cluttered view of the RSI on 3 different timeframes. The RSI for the current chart highlights Lime/Red when it crosses the Overbought and Oversold levels, which are editable in the Inputs tab. RSI 2 defaults to the 1h timeframe and prints a lime dot at the top of the indicator when it's above the 50 level and a Red Dot at the bottom of the indicator when it's below the 50 level. It can also be viewed as a plot line that changes color when it's above or below the 50 level. RSI 3 defaults to the 4h timeframe and prints a blue square at the top of the indicator when it's above the 50 level and an orange square at the bottom of the indicator when it's below the 50 level. It also can be viewed as a plot line that changes color when it's above or below the 50 level.
I've added the indicator multiple times to show a few of the different viewing options, with the default settings at the very bottom.
Bollinger Bands with Moving Averages and MTFBollinger Bands basically use SMA, here I revised it for use with many moving averages. Moving average types I have added: "EMA", "RMA", "SMA", "WMA", "VWMA", "WWMA", "TMA", "VAR", "ZLEMA", "TSF".
There is also an MTF option to view different time zones.
SuperTrend MTF [Anan]Hello friends,
As per many experts, supertrend indicator is best to use in combination with other indicators like MACD and RSI.
The best thing about supertrend it sends out accurate signals on precise time. The indicator offers quickest technical analysis to enable the intraday traders to make faster decisions. It is extremely simple to use and understand.
However, the indicator is not appropriate for all the situations. It works when the market is trending. Hence it is best to use for short-term technical analysis. Supertrend uses only the two parameters of ATR and multiplier which are not sufficient under certain conditions to predict the accurate direction of the market.
Understanding and identifying Bull and Bear signals in supertrend is the main crux for the intraday traders. Both the downtrends as well uptrends are represented by the indicator. The flipping of the indicator over the closing price indicates signal. A Bull signal is indicated in green color whereas Bear signal is given as the indicator turns red.
- Change calculation source ( default SuperTrend uses: hl2)
- Change calculation method (default SuperTrend uses: RMA)
- Additional six multi-time frames SuperTrends
Moving Averages - 5 Ribbon MTF HeatmapThis is a 5 Ribbon heatmap moving averages indicator where each represents a different time frame, The RED or GREEN color palette is also affected by asset velocity using ATR.
Supports various moving averages including VMA (Default), Zero Lag, TSF (Time Series Forecast).
A single ribbon is set to GREEN when fast MA (moving average) is above the slower MA and RED when fast MA is below the slower MA.
In the settings you can set the ATR length (Average True Range) which will affect the velocity calculation for the colors, higher ATR length will smooth the coloring more (Less color changes), while lower ATR will show more instant changes.
The brighter the GREEN is the stronger the up trend.
The brighter the RED is the stronger the down trend.
A weakening GREEN color can be a sign for a down reversal.
A weakening RED color can be a sign for a up reversal .
Supports alerts when fast moving average crosses slow moving average from all time frames, either way, up or down.
Comments/Suggested/Positive feedbacks are welcome and can make this indicator even better.
Follow for upcoming indicators:
MTF VWAP + Fibo Incremental deviationsI made a Fibo variant of my first script "VWAPs + devs" :
This new indicator give you the possibility to plot multi timeframes VWAP (D, W, M, 3M and 12M ) and Fibo deviations for each one.
VWAP is a powerfull indicator which is used by big players to get informations if the price is "overbought" or "oversold". Deviations give the opportunity to have supports and resistances in those "over"-zones.
I searched for better results and found those defaults values :
Fib 1 level : 0.618
Fib 2 level : 0.786
Fib 3 level : 1.000
Fib 4 level : 1.618
Fib 5 level : 2.618
In the thumbnail, we can see that the 1.618 deviation level made a great support on the last uptrend for BTCUSDT .
You can change each values but low ones as 0.382 and 0.5 don't give really interesting supports/resistances.
I made this script as clear and simple as possible with only one menu in the parameters.
Some examples of what you can do :
BTCUSDT (Binance) H4 / D, W, M, 3M ,12M VWAP without devs
BTCUSDT (Binance) M5 / Daily VWAP + Fibo devs
Hope this will be useful for you !
Parabolic SAR (MTF)This is a multi-timeframe Parabolic SAR indicator which uses 1 and 4 hour charts.
Using this indicator is simple, if the LifeTime line is green then buy, if red then sell OR don't trade. So...
Green Line - This strategy is in a buy position
Red Line - This strategy is in a sell position
Any other colour - DON'T TRADE
The traders approach is simple, when all indicators are green or red, then take the trade. As soon as one indicator changes, then re-evaluate using your normal process, such as price action, to determine whether to close the trade or continue.
If you require any further information or script modifications, please message me.
MA MTF Momentum HistogramMy own interpretation indicator which i call multi time frame moving averages momentum with NO LAG EMA support (Optional).
The indicator is calculated by subtracting the long-term EMA from the short-term EMA .
This pretty much resembles the MACD moving averages calculation but without the smoothing of the histogram.
Can also be used to find divergences.
The background shows the main trend with higher time frame which can be set in the settings.
Aimed to use with Higher time frame (Double or more) but can also work with lower time frame.
How to use the indicator?
Green: Momentum of asset is positive and increasing.
Lighter Green: Momentum of asset is still positive but decreasing and can revert to negative momentum.
Red: Momentum of asset is negative and increasing.
Lighter Red: Momentum of asset is still negative but increasing and revert to positive momentum.
==Background Color - Main Trend==
Green: HTF (Higher time frame) momentum is positive.
RED: HTF momentum is negative.
Feel free to comment and Follow to stay updated with upcoming scripts:
Supertrend Screener PanelScript to display Supertrend trend state of 8 different securities in a panel. Timeframe & Tickers which are to be displayed can be configured from settings.
Part of code is from the ADX DI Monitoring Panel script by u/wugamlo with his permission. Thanks to him for that and do please check out his work also.
RSI on VWAP Upgraded strategyFirst of all, the idea of apply RSI to VWAP was inspired by XaviZ; at least, that where I first saw that.
I simply applied the idea and searched for apply this on lower timeframe (M15) to increase the number of positions and improve the profit factor.
The conditions to enter are the same :
long : enter on RSI crossover oversold level
short : enter on RSI crossunder oversell level
To close position, I found a little change to apply :
long : close position when RSI(VWAP) went in overbought zone and crossunder the overbought level OR after being at least x bars in the overbought zone (parameter is 28 by default) => when the first condition happens
short : close position when RSI(VWAP) went in oversold zone and crossover the oversold level OR after being at least x bars in the oversell zone (parameter is 28 by default) => when the first condition happens
With this change, I got better results specially on BTCUSDTPERP (M15) where I reach a 6.8 profit factor with 119 trades closed. Not BAD !
The defaults parameters are the best found for BTCUSDTPERP (M15), but the strategy works fine for other pairs if you take time to find the rights combinations.
In this strategy you can change (with defaults in () ):
RSI length (28)
RSI overbought level (85)
RSI oversell level (30)
Number of bars before leaving as explain above (28)
The choice to take longs only, shorts only or both
The number of coin/token by position
The start date for backtesting
Please note that the script use a pyramiding parameter of 3 (can be changed in the first line of the script); that means that you can take up to 3 positions before closing. It lets you improve average enter price but increase the risk. 3 is the best I found to improve profit factor without expose myself too much.
This script would be better if automated because of the conditions of buy and sell.
It's only for educative purpose, not an advice to invest.
All my free scripts here :
Leave a message and don't forget to follow me ;) !
MA Cross - Multi-Timeframe The MA cross is probably one of my favourite strategies because of its simplicity but it often gets overlooked for more complex strategies.
The original author of this script is ChartArt, I have just added some extra controls and functions which are outlined below. I would just like to add that this is my first published script, everything I have learned about coding has been from studying and tinkering with many of the publicly available scripts on TV so I would like thank all the authors who give out this knowledge so freely!
- Converted to v4
- Made some graphical changes and provided more control over plots
- Added RMA and VWMA
- Added alerts
Original script can be found here
London Open Range Breakout by KviateqThis script is what I currently use to day trade forex on a 5-minute timeframe.
The script features Multi-timeframe EMA20 that uses timeframe multipliers and is smoother by the factor by which you're multiplying your current timeframe.
Default settings are set to display EMA20 on the current (M5) timeframe, as well as M15, H1, H4 and D1 timeframes.
The background color changes intensity based on how many conditions are met - are all EMAs in the right order, is the current close above/below all the EMAs.
Featured is also a range set to 1 hour since the London breakout (can be changed to M15, or however long you'd like - my current setting is 30 minute).
Also featured are levels that I find to be of most importance - such as Daily and Weekly Open, Previous Day's and Week's Highs.
The idea is to only take trades when all stars align - EMAs, break above/below the Opening Range and not to long/short into an important level.
KK_MA_MTFThis is multitimeframe Hull moving average
you can change offset to 0 if you want realtime data
Dual Volatility StopThis merges Volatility Stop & its MTF version both published by u/TradingView . Background is colored green or red when both the current timeframe Vstop and higher timeframe Vstop point in same direction. Aim is to take the standard Vstop script which differentiates market from only uptrend/downtrend to uptrend/downtrend/sideways. There is a tradeoff with this, that there is no need for the Vstop to be always in a position which reduces trade time & frees up capital. However this leads to situations where it takes slightly more time to catch on to a trend after a reversal.
Green Background = Buy
Red Background = Sell
No Background = Flat
MTF Stoch RSI ScreenerDisplays when multiple timeframes of Stochastic RSI are overbought/oversold. Multiple consecutive timeframes being overbought/oversold can signify a short term top or bottom.
Thanks to Micse in Pinescripters telegram who helped remove a few errors from this.
CS Ultimate MA CrossThis indicator adds 5 Moving Averages on your chart. You can select the MA Type: SMA, EMA, RMA or VWMA.
By selecting a Fast MA and a Slow MA you can also draw a cloud to make the Bull or Bear bias more visual. Possibility to add on the chart Long/Short signal.
MTF possible by changing the range which is particularly useful for HTF analysis while looking a LTF price action.
MTF SMA on specific timeframe(5M-4H)Japanese below. 日本語の説明は下記
This is multi time frame simple moving average that is shown only on the specific timeframe; 5M, 15M, 30M, 1H, 4H.
Problem of conventional MTF moving average is that MTF MA is sometimes annoying especially when you look at upper timeframe such as daily chart and/or weekly chart.
e.g. You set 20 MA of 4 hour chart into 1 hour chart, however, when you look at daily chart, daily chart also shows 20MA of 4 hour chart which is unnecessary.
This is why I have developed this MTF SMA indicator shown only on the timeframe from 5M to 4 hour.
With this indicator, even if you set MA of upper timeframe(such as 4 hour) into Lower timeframe, that MA will not be shown on above daily chart.
You can customize adding or removing below code;
timeframe.period == “X”? security(syminfo.tickerid, res, sma(src, ma_len))
X is the timeframe that you would add/remove from the indicator.
例: 4時間足の20MAをマルチタイムフレーム移動平均線としてセットしたとします。この場合、1時間足などの下位足で4時間足の20MAが表示されることになりますが、同時に日足や週足といった上位足チャートを見る時にも、この4時間足の20MAが表示されてしまいます。
timeframe.period == “X”? security(syminfo.tickerid, res, sma(src, ma_len))
timeframe.period == “240”? security(syminfo.tickerid, res, sma(src, ma_len))
Efficient Support & Resistance LevelsThis script is a mixture of my two previous scripts "True Strong Classical Support/Resistance Levels" and "Hidden Supports & Resistances + Round Levels". This combination brings on better identification of the most efficient support/resistance levels.
Note that "Hidden SnR Levels" part of the code is only expected to work on Forex charts, but apart from that, the other parts could be applied to any chart.
The script may:
- Draw classical support/resistance levels which retraced the price previously, aided by multi-timeframe analysis
- Draw hidden support/resistance levels based on psychological patterns of the price
- Adjust to wicks better than Pine Script built-in pivot functions
- Differ the levels color based on chart reactions
- Merge nearby classical levels to avoid congestion on the chart
Feel free to use it and send me your thoughts.
Meander Indicator + fibo MTFI made Meander Indicator with fibo.
It also has MTF.
I haven't made the actual strategy yet, but it reacts quite well to short term, hourly or more.
Have a good day :)
MultiTimeFrame Shifting Predictive Bollinger BandsThis is the optimized version of my MTFSBB indicator with capability of possible bands prediction in case of negative shifting (to the left).
Make me happy by using it and sending me your ideas about the prediction.
Ichimoku ++ public v0.9Description:
The intention of this script is to build/provide a kind of work station / work bench for analysing markets and especially Bitcoin . Another goal is to get maximum market information while maintaining a good chart overview. A chart overloaded with indicators is useless because it obscures the view of the chart as the most important indicator. The chart should be clear and market structure should be easy to see. In addition, some indicator signals can be activated to better assess the quality of signals from the past. The chart environment or the chart context is important for the quality of a signal.
The intention of this script is not to teach someone how to trade or how to use these Indicators but to provide a tool to analyse markets better and to help to draw conclusions of market behaviour in a higher quality.
A general advise:
Use the included indicators and signals in a confluent way to get stoploss, buy and sell entry points. SR clusters can be identified for use in conjunction with fractals as entry and exit pints. My other scripts can also help. Prefer 4 hours, daily and a longer time frame. There is no "Holy Grail" :).
If someone is new to trading you should learn about the indicators first. Definitely learn about Ichimoku Cloud Indicator.
Integrated indicators are:
Ichimoku Cloud and signals
Parabolic SAR and signal
ATR stop
Bollinger Bands
EMA / SMA and background color as signal
Williams Fractals and signal
Puell Multiple signal