Compound strategyIn this strategy, I looked at how to manage the crypto I bought. Once we have a little understanding of how cryptocurrency is valued, we can manage the coins we have. For example, the most valuable coin in a coin is to sell when it is overvalued and re-buy when it is undervalued. Furthermore, I realised that buying from the right place and selling at the right time is very important to make a good profit. When it says sell, it's divided into several parts.
1. When the major uptrend is over and we are able to make the desired profit, we will sell our holdings outright.
2. Selling in the middle of a down trend and buying less than that amount again
3. When a small uptrend is over, sell the ones you bought at a lower price and make a small profit.
The other important thing is that the average cost is gradually reduced. Also, those who sell at a loss will reduce their profit (winning rate), so knowing that we will have a chance to calculate our loss and recover it. I used this to write a strategy in Trading View. I have put the link below it. From that we can see how this idea works. What I did was I made the signal by taking some technical indicators as I did in the previous one (all the indicators I got in this case were directional indicators, then I was able to get a good correlation and a standard deviation. I multiplied the correlation and the standard deviation by both and I took the signal as the time when the graph went through zero, and I connected it to the volume so that I could see some of the volume supported by it.)
Now let me tell you a little bit about what I see in this strategy. In this I used the compound effect. That is, the strategy, the profit he takes to reinvest. On the other hand, the strategy itself can put a separate stop loss value on each trade and avoid any major loss from that trade. I also added to this strategy the ability to do swing trading. That means we can take the small profits that come with going on a big up trend or a big down trend. Combined with Compound Effect, Stop Loss and Swing Trading, I was able to make a profit of 894% per annum (1,117.62% for 15 months) with a winning rate of 80%. Winning rate dropped to 80% because I added stop loss and swing trading. The other thing is that I applied DCA to this in both the up trend and the down trend (both). That was another reason for me to make a good profit. The orange line shows how to reduction of costly trade. The yellow line shows the profit and you can see that the profit line does not go down during the loss trades. That's because I want to absorb the loss from that trade.
Tendies Heist Auto Compounding ExampleThis is an example of how we can use compounding to control our position size. This example shows how we can automatically add and reduce position size based on account equity. The "initial capital" in properties is the starting account equity. At default its set to 100,000. If our max position size is set to 25 then the very first position that's taken has a position size of 10, IF our leverage is set to 10,000. Account equity divided by leverage equals position size. So in that example 100,000 divided by 10,000 in leverage gives us a max position size of 10. However the max position size was set to 25 meaning we would need 250k in equity for it to open a position size of 25 with the leverage set at 10k. Now if the initial capital was set to 100,000 and the max position size was set to 5 and leverage remained at 10,000, all though 100,000 divided by 10,000 equals 10 it will ONLY open a position size of 5, because the max position size in this example was set at 5. Since this works for strategies you may look through the trade log on the posted back test and check out the position size, you can see in this back test the default 100k is used for the initial capital and the default 10k was used for the leverage. You will be able to see as this logic loses money it takes contracts away and as it gains money it adds contracts. I'm using trading view's basic strategy logic example to provide an example of how the compounding logic works.
Note, don't forget to add the syntax below to your strategy.entry call for this logic to work.
qty = size
Tendies Heist LLC 2021