Smart Money Index + True Strength IndexThe Smart Money Index + True Strength Index indicator is a combination of two popular technical analysis indicators: the Smart Money Index (SMI) and the True Strength Index (TSI). This combined indicator helps traders identify potential entry points for long and short positions based on signals from both indexes.
Main Components:
Smart Money Index (SMI):
The SMI measures the difference between the closing and opening price of a candle multiplied by the trading volume over a certain period of time. This allows you to assess the activity of large players ("smart money") in the market. If the SMI value is above a certain threshold (smiThreshold), it may indicate a bullish trend, and if lower, it may indicate a bearish trend.
True Strength Index (TSI):
The TSI is an oscillator that measures the strength of a trend by comparing the price change of the current bar with the previous bar. It uses two exponential moving averages (EMAS) to smooth the data. TSI values can fluctuate around zero, with values above the overbought level indicating a possible downward correction, and values below the oversold level signaling a possible upward correction.
SMI Length: Defines the number of candles used to calculate the average SMI value. The default value is 14.
SMI Threshold: A threshold value that is used to determine a buy or sell signal. The default value is 0.
Length of the first TSI smoothing (tsiLength1): The length of the first EMA for calculating TSI. The default value is 25.
Second TSI smoothing length (tsiLength2): The length of the second EMA for additional smoothing of TSI values. The default value is 13.
TSI Overbought level: The level at which the market is considered to be overbought. The default value is 25.
Oversold level TSI: The level at which it is considered that the market is in an oversold state. The default value is -25.
Logic of operation:
SMI calculation:
First, the difference between the closing and opening price of each candle (close - open) is calculated.
This difference is then multiplied by the trading volume.
The resulting product is averaged using a simple moving average (SMA) over a specified period (smiLength).
Calculation of TSI:
The price change relative to the previous bar is calculated (close - close ).
The first EMA with the length tsiLength1 is applied.
Next, a second EMA with a length of tsiLength2 is applied to obtain the final TSI value.
The absolute value of price changes is calculated in the same way, and two emas are also applied.
The final TSI index is calculated as the ratio of these two values multiplied by 100.
Graphical representation:
The SMI and TSI lines are plotted on the graph along with their respective thresholds.
For SMI, the line is drawn in orange, and the threshold level is dotted in gray.
For the TSI, the line is plotted in blue, the overbought and oversold levels are indicated by red and green dotted lines, respectively.
Conditions for buy/sell signals:
A buy (long) signal is generated when:
SMI is greater than the threshold (smi > smiThreshold)
TSI crosses the oversold level from bottom to top (ta.crossover(tsi, oversold)).
A sell (short) signal is generated when:
SMI is less than the threshold (smi < smiThreshold)
TSI crosses the overbought level from top to bottom (ta.crossunder(tsi, overbought)).
Signal display:
When the conditions for a long or short are met, labels labeled "LONG" or "SHORT" appear on the chart.
The label for the long is located under the candle and is colored green, and for the short it is above the candle and is colored red.
Notification generation:
The indicator also supports notifications via the TradingView platform. Notifications are sent when conditions arise for a long or short position.
This combined indicator provides the trader with the opportunity to use both SMI and TSI signals simultaneously, which can improve the accuracy of trading decisions.
analytics_tablesLibrary "analytics_tables"
📝 Description
This library provides the implementation of several performance-related statistics and metrics, presented in the form of tables.
The metrics shown in the afforementioned tables where developed during the past years of my in-depth analalysis of various strategies in an atempt to reason about the performance of each strategy.
The visualization and some statistics where inspired by the existing implementations of the "Seasonality" script, and the performance matrix implementations of @QuantNomad and @ZenAndTheArtOfTrading scripts.
While this library is meant to be used by my strategy framework "Template Trailing Strategy (Backtester)" script, I wrapped it in a library hoping this can be usefull for other community strategy scripts that will be released in the future.
🤔 How to Guide
To use the functionality this library provides in your script you have to import it first!
Copy the import statement of the latest release by pressing the copy button below and then paste it into your script. Give a short name to this library so you can refer to it later on. The import statement should look like this:
import jason5480/analytics_tables/1 as ant
There are three types of tables provided by this library in the initial release. The stats table the metrics table and the seasonality table.
Each one shows different kinds of performance statistics.
The table UDT shall be initialized once using the `init()` method.
They can be updated using the `update()` method where the updated data UDT object shall be passed.
The data UDT can also initialized and get updated on demend depending on the use case
A code example for the StatsTable is the following:
var ant.StatsData statsData =
statsData.update(,, 0)
if (barstate.islastconfirmedhistory or (barstate.isrealtime and barstate.isconfirmed))
var statsTable ='TOP', 'RIGHT'))
A code example for the MetricsTable is the following:
var ant.StatsData statsData =
statsData.update(,, 0)
if (barstate.islastconfirmedhistory or (barstate.isrealtime and barstate.isconfirmed))
var metricsTable ='BOTTOM', 'RIGHT'))
metricsTable.update(statsData, 10)
A code example for the SeasonalityTable is the following:
var ant.SeasonalData seasonalData =
if (barstate.islastconfirmedhistory or (barstate.isrealtime and barstate.isconfirmed))
var seasonalTable =, ant.getTablePos('BOTTOM', 'LEFT'))
🏋️♂️ Please refer to the "EXAMPLE" regions of the script for more advanced and up to date code examples!
Special thanks to @Mrcrbw for the proposal to develop this library and @DCNeu for the constructive feedback 🏆.
getTablePos(ypos, xpos)
Get table position compatible string
ypos (simple string) : The position on y axise
xpos (simple string) : The position on x axise
Returns: The position to be passed to the table
method init(this, pos, height, width, positiveTxtColor, negativeTxtColor, neutralTxtColor, positiveBgColor, negativeBgColor, neutralBgColor)
Initialize the stats table object with the given colors in the given position
Namespace types: StatsTable
this (StatsTable) : The stats table object
pos (simple string) : The table position string
height (simple float) : The height of the table as a percentage of the charts height. By default, 0 auto-adjusts the height based on the text inside the cells
width (simple float) : The width of the table as a percentage of the charts height. By default, 0 auto-adjusts the width based on the text inside the cells
positiveTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when positive
negativeTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when negative
neutralTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when neutral
positiveBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when positive
negativeBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when negative
neutralBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when neutral
method init(this, pos, height, width, neutralBgColor)
Initialize the metrics table object with the given colors in the given position
Namespace types: MetricsTable
this (MetricsTable) : The metrics table object
pos (simple string) : The table position string
height (simple float) : The height of the table as a percentage of the charts height. By default, 0 auto-adjusts the height based on the text inside the cells
width (simple float) : The width of the table as a percentage of the charts width. By default, 0 auto-adjusts the width based on the text inside the cells
neutralBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when neutral
method init(this, seas)
Initialize the seasonal data
Namespace types: SeasonalData
this (SeasonalData) : The seasonal data object
seas (simple Seasonality) : The seasonality of the matrix data
method init(this, data, pos, maxNumOfYears, height, width, extended, neutralTxtColor, neutralBgColor)
Initialize the seasonal table object with the given colors in the given position
Namespace types: SeasonalTable
this (SeasonalTable) : The seasonal table object
data (SeasonalData) : The seasonality data of the table
pos (simple string) : The table position string
maxNumOfYears (simple int) : The maximum number of years that fit into the table
height (simple float) : The height of the table as a percentage of the charts height. By default, 0 auto-adjusts the height based on the text inside the cells
width (simple float) : The width of the table as a percentage of the charts width. By default, 0 auto-adjusts the width based on the text inside the cells
extended (simple bool) : The seasonal table with extended columns for performance
neutralTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when neutral
neutralBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when neutral
method update(this, wins, losses, numOfInconclusiveExits)
Update the strategy info data of the strategy
Namespace types: StatsData
this (StatsData) : The strategy statistics object
wins (SideStats)
losses (SideStats)
numOfInconclusiveExits (int) : The number of inconclusive trades
method update(this, stats, positiveTxtColor, negativeTxtColor, negativeBgColor, neutralBgColor)
Update the stats table object with the given data
Namespace types: StatsTable
this (StatsTable) : The stats table object
stats (StatsData) : The stats data to update the table
positiveTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when positive
negativeTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when negative
negativeBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when negative
neutralBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when neutral
method update(this, stats, buyAndHoldPerc, positiveTxtColor, negativeTxtColor, positiveBgColor, negativeBgColor)
Update the metrics table object with the given data
Namespace types: MetricsTable
this (MetricsTable) : The metrics table object
stats (StatsData) : The stats data to update the table
buyAndHoldPerc (float) : The buy and hold percetage
positiveTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when positive
negativeTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when negative
positiveBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when positive
negativeBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when negative
method update(this)
Update the seasonal data based on the season and eon timeframe
Namespace types: SeasonalData
this (SeasonalData) : The seasonal data object
method update(this, data, positiveTxtColor, negativeTxtColor, neutralTxtColor, positiveBgColor, negativeBgColor, neutralBgColor, timeBgColor)
Update the seasonal table object with the given data
Namespace types: SeasonalTable
this (SeasonalTable) : The seasonal table object
data (SeasonalData) : The seasonal cell data to update the table
positiveTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when positive
negativeTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when negative
neutralTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when neutral
positiveBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when positive
negativeBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when negative
neutralBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when neutral
timeBgColor (simple color) : The background color of the time gradient
Object that represents the strategy statistics data of one side win or lose
numOf (series int)
sumFreeProfit (series float)
freeProfitStDev (series float)
sumProfit (series float)
profitStDev (series float)
sumGain (series float)
gainStDev (series float)
avgQuantityPerc (series float)
avgCapitalRiskPerc (series float)
avgTPExecutedCount (series float)
avgRiskRewardRatio (series float)
maxStreak (series int)
Object that represents the stats table
table (series table) : The actual table
rows (series int) : The number of rows of the table
columns (series int) : The number of columns of the table
Object that represents the statistics data of the strategy
wins (SideStats)
losses (SideStats)
numOfInconclusiveExits (series int)
avgFreeProfitStr (series string)
freeProfitStDevStr (series string)
lossFreeProfitStDevStr (series string)
avgProfitStr (series string)
profitStDevStr (series string)
lossProfitStDevStr (series string)
avgQuantityStr (series string)
Object that represents the metrics table
table (series table) : The actual table
rows (series int) : The number of rows of the table
columns (series int) : The number of columns of the table
Object that represents the seasonal table dynamic data
seasonality (series Seasonality)
eonToMatrixRow (map)
numOfEons (series int)
mostRecentMatrixRow (series int)
balances (matrix)
returnPercs (matrix)
maxDDs (matrix)
eonReturnPercs (array)
eonCAGRs (array)
eonMaxDDs (array)
Object that represents the seasonal table
table (series table) : The actual table
headRows (series int) : The number of head rows of the table
headColumns (series int) : The number of head columns of the table
eonRows (series int) : The number of eon rows of the table
seasonColumns (series int) : The number of season columns of the table
statsRows (series int)
statsColumns (series int) : The number of stats columns of the table
rows (series int) : The number of rows of the table
columns (series int) : The number of columns of the table
extended (series bool) : Whether the table has additional performance statistics
Buy-Sell-Hold RecommendationsDescription:
The indicator displays "recommendations" for the active symbol (Buy, Strong buy, Sell, Strong sell or Hold), based on the Tradingview's recommendations data. There are 3 presentations you can choose from:
- Bar -> displays a vertical/horizontal bar with sections for each rating
- Pie chart -> displays a pie chart with sections
- Table -> displays a table with score for each recommendation
- Display mode -> data presentation mode
- Position -> position of the bar/pie chart/table
- Highlight the highest rating -> recommendation(s) with highest score will be highlighted
- Buy, Strong buy, Sell, etc. -> colors of the "bar" sections
- Pixel Width, Pixel Height, etc. -> size of each "pixel" (cell) of the pie chart
- Resolution (X), Resolution (Y) -> how many pixels (cells) the pie chart has on each axis
- Inner area size (%) -> size of the empty space at the center of the pie chart
- Invert theme -> invert coloring scheme for "table" presentation mode
- Tradingview seems to provide the recommendations only for major stocks
- Data is taken directly from Tradingview and is based on opinions of "analysts"