
Library "AoDivergenceLibrary_"
this has functions which calculate and plot divergences which are used for ao divergences. essentially, this finds divergences by using the ao divergence logic. this logic has been used in "AO Hid & Reg Div with LC & Kernel".

regBullDivergence(swingLow, osc, colour)
    swingLow (bool)
    osc (float)
    colour (color)

regBearDivergence(swingHigh, osc, colour)
    swingHigh (bool)
    osc (float)
    colour (color)

hidBullDivergence(swingHigh, osc, colour)
    swingHigh (bool)
    osc (float)
    colour (color)

hidBearDivergence(swingHigh, osc, colour)
    swingHigh (bool)
    osc (float)
    colour (color)
Sürüm Notları

findLowestAo(start, osc, _end)
    start (int)
    osc (float)
    _end (int)

findHighestAo(start, osc, _end)
    start (int)
    osc (float)
    _end (int)

credit goes to @sammie123567858
Sürüm Notları

findLowestAo(start, osc, _end)

findHighestAo(start, osc, _end)
Sürüm Notları

findLowestAo(start, osc, _end)
  to find the lowest ao in the given range (starting from _end upto end)
    start (int): is for the left side. the parameter value is supposed to be a bar index
    osc (float)
    _end (int): is for the right side. the parameter value is supposed to be a shift

findHighestAo(start, osc, _end)
  to find the highes ao in the given range (starting from _end upto end)
    start (int): is for the left side. the parameter value is supposed to be a bar index
    osc (float)
    _end (int): is for the right side. the parameter value is supposed to be a shift
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findLowestPrice(start, end)
  to find the lowest price in the given range (starting from start upto end)
    start (int): is for the right side. the parameter value is supposed to be a bar index
    end (int): is for the left side. the parameter value is supposed to be a bar index

findHighestPrice(start, end)
  to find the highest price in the given range (starting from start upto end)
    start (int): is for the right side. the parameter value is supposed to be a bar index
    end (int): is for the left side. the parameter value is supposed to be a bar index

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