52 Week High/Low Tracking Table

This Indicator helps the User to Quickly view Current Closing Price Compared to the Mentioned Period High and Low.
"Bars Back" indicate the period you need to look back. In case of Daily charts 260 Bars Back usually indicate 52 Weeks/1 year. This is set a default. But you can change it as well.
The Indicator will show the data for below:-
1) High - Highest Close price for the Mentioned Period
2) % from High - The Percentage difference between the Current Close Price Vs Highest Close price for the Mentioned Period. (-) indicate that the current close price is lesser then then High Price.
3) Low - Lowest Close price for the Mentioned Period
4) % from Low - The Percentage difference between the Current Close Price Vs Highest Close price for the Mentioned Period. (-) indicate that the current close price is lesser then then High Price.

You can add this indicator to Quickly Scan multiple stocks to see were they stand.
