ADX Heatmap & Di's + Fib Referencial by [JohnnySnow]

For quicker and easier interpretation, ADX line is displayed in a heatmap style. The more absolute difference between both DIs, the more intense the color.
Because some people use 20 ADX reference and others use 25 ADX reference to confirm the trend, I just add both as reference lines in a 'golden box'
Additionally, reference lines were added with default values set to Fib levels
Sürüm Notları
For quicker and easier interpretation, the ADX line is displayed in a heatmap style.
The more absolute difference between both DIs, more intense the color.
Because some people use 20 ADX reference and others use 25 ADX reference to confirm the trend, I just add both as reference lines forming a 'golden box'
Additionally, reference lines were added with default values set to Fib levels
ADXAverage Directional Index (ADX)Directional Movement Index (DMI)DMIheatmap

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