
Library "ConverterTF"
I have found a bug Regarding the timeframe display, on the chart I have found that the display is numeric, for example 4Hr timeframe instead of '4H', but it turns out to be '240', which I want it to be displayed in abbreviated form. And in all other timeframes it's the same. So this library was created to solve those problems. It converts a timeframe from a numeric string type to an integer type by selecting a timeframe manually and displaying it on the chart.


str = "240"
X.GetTF( str )


str = input.timeframe(title='Time frame', defval='240')
TimeF = CTF(str), high, 'Before>> Timeframe '+str+'\nAfter>> Timeframe '+TimeF,style=label.style_label_down,size=size.large)

Custom timeframes can handle this issue as well.
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An example from the use. You will find it on the bottom right hand side.
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Hopefully it will be helpful to the Tradingview community. :)

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