

Library "ObjectHelpers"
Line | Box | Label | Linefill -- Maker, Setter, Getter Library
TODO: add table functionality

  set all params for `line`, `box`, `label`, `linefill` objects with 1 function
## Overloaded
method set(line Line, int x1=na, float y1=na, int x2=na, float y2=na,string xloc=na,string extend=na,color color=na,string style=na,int width=na,bool update=na) => line
### Params
- **Line** `line` - line object | `required`
- **x1** `int` - value to set x1
- **y1** `float` - value to set y1
- **x2** `int` - value to set x2
- **y2** `float` - value to set y2
- **xloc** `int` - value to set xloc
- **yloc** `int` - value to set yloc
- **extend** `string` - value to set extend
- **color** `color` - value to set color
- **style** `string` - value to set style
- **width** `int` - value to set width
- **update** `bool` - value to set update
method set(box Box,int left=na,float top=na,int right=na, float bottom=na,color bgcolor=na,color border_color=na,string border_style=na,int border_width=na,string extend=na,string txt=na,color text_color=na,string text_font_family=na,string text_halign=na,string text_valign=na,string text_wrap=na,bool update=false) => box
### Params
- **Box** `box` - box object
- **left** `int` - value to set left
- **top** `float` - value to set top
- **right** `int` - value to set right
- **bottom** `float` - value to set bottom
- **bgcolor** `color` - value to set bgcolor
- **border_color** `color` - value to set border_color
- **border_style** `string` - value to set border_style
- **border_width** `int` - value to set border_width
- **extend** `string` - value to set extend
- **txt** `string` - value to set _text
- **text_color** `color` - value to set text_color
- **text_font_family** `string` - value to set text_font_family
- **text_halign** `string` - value to set text_halign
- **text_valign** `string` - value to set text_valign
- **text_wrap** `string` - value to set text_wrap
- **update** `bool` - value to set update
method set(label Label,int x=na,float y=na, string txt=na,string xloc=na,color color=na,color textcolor=na,string size=na,string style=na,string textalign=na,string tooltip=na,string text_font_family=na,bool update=false) => label
### Paramas
- **Label** `label` - label object
- **x** `int` - value to set x
- **y** `float` - value to set y
- **txt** `string` - value to set text add`"+++"` to the _text striing to have the current label text concatenated to the location of the "+++")
- **textcolor** `color` - value to set textcolor
- **size** `string` - value to set size
- **style** `string` - value to set style (use "flip" ,as the style to have label flip to top or bottom of bar depending on if open > close and vice versa)
- **text_font_family** `string` - value to set text_font_family
- **textalign** `string` - value to set textalign
- **tooltip** `string` - value to set tooltip
- **update** `bool` - update label to next bar
method set(linefill Linefill=na,line line1=na,line line2=na,color color=na) => linefill
### Params
- **linefill** `linefill` - linefill object
- **line1** `line` - line object
- **line2** `line` - line object
- **color** `color` - color
    object (obj)
  Returns: `line`, `box`, `label`, `linefill`

method set(Line, x1, y1, x2, y2, xloc, extend, color, style, width, update)
  set the location params of a line with 1 function auto detects time or bar_index for xloc param
  Namespace types: series line
    Line (line): `line` - line object | `required`
    x1 (int): `int` - value to set x1
    y1 (float): `float` - value to set y1
    x2 (int): `int` - value to set x2
    y2 (float): `float` - value to set y2
    xloc (string): `int` - value to set xloc
    extend (string): `string` - value to set extend
    color (color): `color` - value to set color
    style (string): `string` - value to set style
    width (int): `int` - value to set width
    update (bool): `bool` - value to set update
  Returns: `line`

method set(Box, left, top, right, bottom, bgcolor, border_color, border_style, border_width, extend, txt, text_color, text_font_family, text_halign, text_valign, text_wrap, update)
  set the location params of a box with 1 function
  Namespace types: series box
    Box (box): `box` - box object | `required`
    left (int): `int` - value to set left
    top (float): `float` - value to set top
    right (int): `int` - value to set right
    bottom (float): `float` - value to set bottom
    bgcolor (color): `color` - value to set bgcolor
    border_color (color): `color` - value to set border_color
    border_style (string): `string` - value to set border_style
    border_width (int): `int` - value to set border_width
    extend (string): `string` - value to set extend
    txt (string): `string` - value to set _text
    text_color (color): `color` - value to set text_color
    text_font_family (string): `string` - value to set text_font_family
    text_halign (string): `string` - value to set text_halign
    text_valign (string): `string` - value to set text_valign
    text_wrap (string): `string` - value to set text_wrap
    update (bool): `bool` - value to set update
  Returns: `box`

method set(Label, x, y, txt, xloc, color, textcolor, size, style, textalign, tooltip, text_font_family, update)
  set the location params of a label with 1 function auto detects time or bar_index for xloc param
  Namespace types: series label
    Label (label): `label` | `required`
    x (int): `int` - value to set x
    y (float): `float` - value to set y
    txt (string): `string` - value to set text add`"+++"` to the _text striing to have the current label text concatenated to the location of the "+++")
    xloc (string)
    color (color)
    textcolor (color): `color` - value to set textcolor
    size (string): `string` - value to set size
    style (string): `string` - value to set style (use "flip" ,as the style to have label flip to top or bottom of bar depending on if open > close and vice versa)
    textalign (string): `string` - value to set textalign
    tooltip (string): `string` - value to set tooltip
    text_font_family (string): `string` - value to set text_font_family
    update (bool): `bool` - update label to next bar
  Returns: `label`

method set(Linefill, line1, line2, color)
  change the 1 or 2 of the lines in a linefill object
  Namespace types: series linefill
    Linefill (linefill)
    line1 (line): `line` - line object
    line2 (line): `line` - line object
    color (color): `color` - color
  Returns: `linefill`

  get all of the location variables for `line`, `box`, `label` objects or the line objects from a `linefill`
## Overloaded
method get(line Line) => [int x1, float y1, int x2, float y2]
### Params
- **Line** `line` - line object | `required`
method get(box Box) => [int left, float top, int right, float bottom]
### Params
- **Box** `box` - box object | `required`
method get(label Label) => [int x, float y, string _text]
### Paramas
- **Label** `label` - label object | `required`
method get(linefill Linefill) => [line line1, line line2]
### Params
- **Linefill** `linefill` - linefill object | `required`
    object (obj)
  Returns: `[location variables of object]`

method get(Line)
  Gets the location paramaters of a Line
  Namespace types: series line
    Line (line): `line` - line object
  Returns: [`int x1`,`float y1`,`int x2`,`float y2`]

method get(Box)
  Gets the location paramaters of a Box
  Namespace types: series box
    Box (box): `box` - box object
  Returns: [`int left`,`float top`,`int right`,`float bottom`]

method get(Label)
  Gets the `x`, `y`, `text` of a Label
  Namespace types: series label
    Label (label): `label` - label object
  Returns: [`int x`,`float y`,`string _text`]

method get(Linefill)
  Gets `line 1`, `line 2` from a Linefill
  Namespace types: series linefill
    Linefill (linefill): `linefill` - linefill object
  Returns: [`line line1`,`line line2`]

method set_x(Line, x1, x2)
  set the `x1`, `x2` of a line
### Params
- **Line** `line` - line object | `required`
- **x1** `int` - value to set x1 | `required`
- **x2** `int` - value to set x2 | `required`
  Namespace types: series line
    Line (line): `line` - line object
    x1 (int): `int` - value to set x1
    x2 (int): `int` - value to set x2
  Returns: `line`

method set_y(Line, y1, y2)
  set `y1`, `y2` of a line
### Params
- **Line** `line` - line object | `required`
- **y1** `float` - value to set y1 | `required`
- **y2** `float` - value to set y2 | `required`
  Namespace types: series line
    Line (line): `line` - line object
    y1 (float): `float` - value to set y1
    y2 (float): `float` - value to set y2
  Returns: `line`

method Line(x1, y1, x2, y2, extend, color, style, width)
  Similar to `` but can detect time or bar_index for xloc param and has defaults for all params but `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`
### Params
- **x1** `int` - value to set
- **y1** `float` - value to set
- **x2** `int` - value to set
- **y2** `float` - value to set
- **extend** `string` - extend value to set line
- **color** `color` - color to set line
- **style** `string` - style to set line
- **width** `int` - width to set line
  Namespace types: series int, simple int, input int, const int
    x1 (int): `int` - value to set
    y1 (float): `float` - value to set
    x2 (int): `int` - value to set
    y2 (float): `float` - value to set
    extend (string): `string` - extend value to set line
    color (color): `color` - color to set line
    style (string): `string` - style to set line
    width (int): `int` - width to set line
  Returns: `line`

method Box(left, top, right, bottom, extend, border_color, bgcolor, text_color, border_width, border_style, txt, text_halign, text_valign, text_size, text_wrap)
  similar to with the but can detect xloc param and has defaults for everything but location params
### Params
- **left** `int` - value to set
- **top** `float` - value to set
- **right** `int` - value to set
- **bottom** `float` - value to set
- **extend** `string` - extend value to set box
- **border_color** `color` - color to set border
- **bgcolor** `color` - color to set background
- **text_color** `color` - color to set text
- **border_width** `int` - width to set border
- **border_style** `string` - style to set border
- **txt** `string` - text to set
- **text_halign** `string` - horizontal alignment to set text
- **text_valign** `string` - vertical alignment to set text
- **text_size** `string` - size to set text
- **text_wrap** `string` - wrap to set text
  Namespace types: series int, simple int, input int, const int
    left (int): `int` - value to set
    top (float): `float` - value to set
    right (int): `int` - value to set
    bottom (float): `float` - value to set
    extend (string): `string` - extend value to set box
    border_color (color): `color` - color to set border
    bgcolor (color): `color` - color to set background
    text_color (color): `color` - color to set text
    border_width (int): `int` - width to set border
    border_style (string): `string` - style to set border
    txt (string): `string` - text to set
    text_halign (string): `string` - horizontal alignment to set text
    text_valign (string): `string` - vertical alignment to set text
    text_size (string): `string` - size to set text
    text_wrap (string): `string` - wrap to set text
  Returns: `box`

method Label(txt, x, y, yloc, color, textcolor, style, size, textalign, text_font_family, tooltip)
  Similar to but can detect time or bar_index for xloc param and has defaults for all params but x, y, txt, tooltip \n
### Params
- **txt** `string` - string to set
- **x** `int` - value to set
- **y** `float` - value to set
- **yloc** `string` - y location to set
- **color** `color` - label color to set
- **textcolor** `color` - text color to set
- **style** `string` - style to set
- **size** `string` - size to set
- **textalign** `string` - text alignment to set
- **text_font_family** `string` - font family to set
- **tooltip** `string` - tooltip to set
  Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
    txt (string): `string` - string to set
    x (int): `int` - value to set
    y (float): `float` - value to set
    yloc (string): `string` - y location to set
    color (color): `color` - label color to set
    textcolor (color): `color` - text color to set
    style (string): `string` - style to set
    size (string): `string` - size to set
    textalign (string): `string` - text alignment to set
    text_font_family (string): `string` - font family to set
    tooltip (string): `string` - tooltip to set
  Returns: `label`

    obj (series__string)
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fixed typo
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Capitalized for letter of functions due to issues with builtins
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