Multi conditions matrices

Library "multi_conditions_matrices"
: facilitate including multiple AND / OR conditions to a script such as two entry / exit inputs groups.

method addConditions(conditions, conditionPair)
  Helper to append conditions to a matrix<bool> condition array
  Namespace types: matrix<bool>
    conditions (matrix<bool>)
    conditionPair (array<bool>): array<bool> A condition pair [enabled, condition], an input can be passed directly to enable

method check(conditions, operatorAnd)
  check several condition within given operator
  Namespace types: matrix<bool>
    conditions (matrix<bool>)
    operatorAnd (bool): bool true if the operator between condition is AND (default OR)
  Returns: bool Evaluates conditions


isNightSignal(nightHour, morningHour, timezone)
    nightHour (int)
    morningHour (int)
    timezone (string)
Sürüm Notları
v2 -> removed log and updated chart

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