
Library "lib_risk_management"
a lib to help with dynamic position sizing

position_size(risk, account_balance, entry_price, sl_price)
  calculate the position size required to meet the account size based risk given when the stop loss is triggered
    risk (float): percentage of account balance to risk (1-100)
    account_balance (float): account balance in instrument currency
    entry_price (float): entry price
    sl_price (float): stop loss price
  Returns: the position size in instrument currency that will loose the given risk percentage of the account balance when a stop loss is triggered

account_balance(to_currency, live)
converts the (current(default)/initial) account balance to the given currency at the daily rate
    to_currency (simple string) The currency in which the account balance is to be converted. Possible values: a three-letter string with the currency code in the ISO 4217 format (e.g. "USD"), or one of the built-in variables that return currency codes, like syminfo.currency or currency.USD.
    live (bool) converts the current account balance (strategy.equity) (default:true) or otherwise the initial capital (strategy.initial_capital)
  Returns: the (current/initial) account balance converted to the given currency with at the current daily rate

Pine kitaplığı

Gerçek TradingView ruhuyla, yazar bu Pine kodunu açık kaynaklı bir kütüphane olarak yayınladı, böylece topluluğumuzdaki diğer Pine programcıları onu yeniden kullanabilir. Yazar çok yaşa! Bu kütüphaneyi özel olarak veya diğer açık kaynaklı yayınlarda kullanabilirsiniz, ancak bu kodun bir yayında yeniden kullanılması Ev kuralları tarafından yönetilir.
