Polyphase Stochastic RSI (PSRSI)

The Polyphase Stochastic RSI (PSRSI) provides a continuous estimate of higher timeframe Stochastic RSI behavior by using polyphase decimation. The number of phases represents the timeframe multiplier - for example, 3 phases approximates a 3x higher timeframe.

While traditional higher timeframe indicators only update at the completion of each higher timeframe bar, the PSRSI creates a continuous signal by maintaining multiple phase-shifted calculations and combining them with appropriate anti-aliasing filters. This approach eliminates the gaps and discontinuities typically seen in higher timeframe indicators, though the resulting signal may sometimes deviate from the true higher timeframe values due to its estimative nature.

The indicator processes data through parallel phase calculations, each handling a different subset of price data offset in time. These phases are then filtered and combined to prevent aliasing artifacts that occur in simple timeframe conversions. The result is a smooth, continuous signal that starts providing meaningful values immediately, without requiring a warm-up period of higher timeframe bars.

Users can choose between RSI and Stochastic RSI modes, with both benefiting from the same polyphase processing technique. The indicator maintains the standard interpretation of overbought and oversold conditions while providing a more continuous view of higher timeframe momentum.
