
Library "racille_arrayutils"
The most used array utility functions

  returns sin function as a parameter to calculate the function_array()

  returns cos function as a parameter to calculate the function_array()

  returns tan function as a parameter to calculate the function_array()

  returns cot function as a parameter to calculate the function_array()

  returns asin function as a parameter to calculate the function_array()

  returns acos function as a parameter to calculate the function_array()

  returns atan function as a parameter to calculate the function_array()

  returns acot function as a parameter to calculate the function_array()

  returns sqrt function as a parameter to calculate the function_array()

  returns pow function as a parameter to calculate the function_array()
    x: - power

  returns exp function as a parameter to calculate the function_array()
    x: - base

  returns log function as a parameter to calculate the function_array()
    x: - base

func_replace_array(arr, func)
  replace each element of array with func(element) and returns a new array
    arr: - array
    func: - function to replace. Must be one of func_*()
  Returns: new array, where each element is func(element)

multiply_array(arr, x)
  multiplies each element of array by multiplier and returns a new array
    arr: - array
    x: - multiplier
  Returns: new array, where each element is multiplied on x

multiply_array(arr, n)
  multiplies each element of array by multiplier and returns a new array
    arr: - array
    n: - multiplier
  Returns: new array, where each element is multiplied on n

multiply_array(arr, n)
  multiplies each element of array by multiplier and returns a new array
    arr: - array
    n: - multiplier
  Returns: new array, where each element is multiplied on n

divide_array(arr, x)
  divides each element of array by divider and returns a new array
    arr: - array
    x: - divider
  Returns: new array, where each element is multiplied on x

divide_array(arr, n)
  divides each element of array by divider and returns a new array
    arr: - array
    n: - divider
  Returns: new array, where each element is multiplied on n

increase_array(arr, x)
  adds increment to each element of array and returns a new array
    arr: - array
    x: - increment
  Returns: new array, where each element is multiplied on x

increase_array(arr, n)
  adds increment to each element of array and returns a new array
    arr: - array
    n: - increment
  Returns: new array, where each element is multiplied on n

increase_array(arr, n)
  adds increment to each element of array and returns a new array
    arr: - array
    n: - increment
  Returns: new array, where each element is multiplied on x

decrease_array(arr, x)
  substracts decrement to each element of array and returns a new array
    arr: - array
    x: - decrement
  Returns: new array, where each element is multiplied on x

decrease_array(arr, n)
  substracts decrement to each element of array and returns a new array
    arr: - array
    n: - decrement
  Returns: new array, where each element is multiplied on n

decrease_array(arr, n)
  substracts decrement to each element of array and returns a new array
    arr: - array
    n: - decrement
  Returns: new array, where each element is multiplied on x

  changes each elements sign of array and returns a new array
    arr: - array
  Returns: new array, where each element is of different sign

  calculates elementwise sum of two arrays

  calculates elementwise difference of two arrays

  calculates elementwise product of two arrays

  calculates elementwise division of two arrays
Sürüm Notları

apply_func(arr, func)
  replace each element of array with func(element) and returns a new array
    arr: - array
    func: - function to replace. Must be one of func_*()
  Returns: new array, where each element is func(element)

func_replace_array(arr, func)
  replace each element of array with func(element) and returns a new array
Sürüm Notları

  calculates the product of array elements
    arr (float[])

array_geomean(arr, method)
  calculates the geometric mean of array elements
    arr (float[]): - array
    method (string): - calculation method. Can be chosen from ["auto", "naive", "log"]
  Returns: geometric mean of array elements. 0 if array is empty

divide_array(arr, n)
  divides each element of array by divider and returns a new array
    arr (float[]): - array
    n (int): - divider
  Returns: new array, where each element is divided by n

decrease_array(arr, n)
  substracts decrement to each element of array and returns a new array
    arr (int[]): - array
    n (int): - decrement
  Returns: new array, where each element is decreased by x
Sürüm Notları
v4. Don't use v3 geomean for arr.size > 10
Sürüm Notları

array_decrease fix
Sürüm Notları

Added unit tests

New constraints detected, which are from now ToDo:
- Don't use array_geomean(array with negative values in array
- Don't use apply_func(array, func_exp(x)) with negative values in array

Pine kitaplığı

Gerçek TradingView ruhuyla, yazar bu Pine kodunu açık kaynaklı bir kütüphane olarak yayınladı, böylece topluluğumuzdaki diğer Pine programcıları onu yeniden kullanabilir. Yazar çok yaşa! Bu kütüphaneyi özel olarak veya diğer açık kaynaklı yayınlarda kullanabilirsiniz, ancak bu kodun bir yayında yeniden kullanılması Ev kuralları tarafından yönetilir.
