Contrarian Scalping Counter Trend Bb Envelope Adx and Stochastic

Contrarian Scalping is an trading strategy designed to take advanted of a counter-trend.
The advantage of these strrategies types is that they have a good profitability but with do not great gain (in relation at the time frame).

Indicators used:

Rules for entry
For short: close of the price is above upper band from bb and envelope, adx is below 30 and stochastic is above 50
For long: close of the price is below lower band from bb and envelope, adx is below 30 and stochastic is below 50

Rules for exit
For short: either close of the candle is below lower band of bb or enveloper or stochastic is below 50
For long: either close o the candle is above upper band of bb or envelope or stochastic is above 50

If there are any questions let me know !
