Market Sessions

indicator('Market Sessions', 'Sessions', overlay=true, max_lines_count=200, max_boxes_count=200, max_labels_count=200, max_bars_back=500, explicit_plot_zorder=true)

import boitoki/AwesomeColor/9 as ac
import boitoki/Utilities/3 as util

// Groups
g0 = '// GENERAL //'
g1_01 = '// ♯1 SESSION //'
g1_02 = '// ♯2 SESSION //'
g1_03 = '// ♯3 SESSION //'
g1_04 = '// ♯4 SESSION //'
g1_05 = '// ♯5 SESSION //'
g4 = '// BOX //'
g6 = '// LABELS //'
g5 = '// OPENING RANGE //'
g8 = '// OPTIONS //'
g11 = '// CANDLE //'
g12 = '// INFORMATION //'

// Defined
MAX_BARS = 500

option_yes = 'Yes'
option_no = '× No'
option_extend1 = 'Yes'
option_hide = '× Hide'
option_border_style1 = '────'
option_border_style2 = '- - - - - -'
option_border_style3 = '•••••••••'
option_chart_x = '× No'
option_chart_1 = 'Bar color'
option_chart_2 = 'Candles'
option_opr_label1 = 'High・Low'
option_opr_label2 = 'Buy・Sell'
option_opr_label_none = 'None'
option_candle_color1 = 'Session color'
option_candle_color2 = 'Red • Green'

fmt_price = '{0,number,#.#####}'
fmt_pips = '{0,number,#.#}'

icon_separator = ' • '

color_text =, 0)

// Methods
method clear (array<string> id, int _min = 0) =>
if array.size(id) > _min

method clear (array<float> id, int _min = 0) =>
if array.size(id) > _min

// Types
type OHLC
float open
float high
float low
float close
float hl

// Dot
type Dot
int x
float y
string t = ''
color c

method create(Dot this) =>, this.y, this.t, style=label.style_label_center, color=TRANSPARENT, textcolor=this.c, size=size.small)

// Candle
type Candle
box[] body
line[] wick

method create(Candle this) =>
this.body :=<box>()
this.wick :=<line>()

type State
string extend_style
bool show_fibs
bool show_op

method is_extended (State this) =>
this.extend_style != option_no

// OpeningRange
type OpeningRange
float top
float btm
float avg
float R1
float R2
float S1
float S2
int total_count = 0
int reached_count = 0
int reached_R1_count = 0
int reached_R2_count = 0
int reached_S1_count = 0
int reached_S2_count = 0

// Data
type Session
string sess
string tz
string name
color colour

float[] price_ranges
float price_range_avg
box[] boxes
line[] lines
label[] labels
line[] oclines
box[] ocboxes
label[] oc_labels
box[] opr_boxes
line[] opr_lines
linefill[] opr_linefills
label[] opr_labels
line[] fib
int session
bool is_extended
bool in_session

Candle candle
OHLC ohlc
State state
OpeningRange op

method create (Session this, string _extend, bool _show_fib, bool _show_op) =>
this.boxes :=<box>()
this.lines :=<line>()
this.labels :=<label>()
this.oclines :=<line>()
this.ocboxes :=<box>()
this.oc_labels :=<label>()
this.opr_boxes :=<box>()
this.opr_lines :=<line>()
this.opr_linefills :=<linefill>()
this.opr_labels :=<label>()
this.fib :=<line>()
this.price_ranges :=<float>()

this.state :=, _show_fib, _show_op)
this.candle :=
this.ohlc :=
this.op :=

this.is_extended := this.state.is_extended()


method session (Session this) =>
time(timeframe.period, this.sess,

method add (Session this, range_price, length = 50) =>
this.price_range_avg := array.avg(this.price_ranges)

// Functions
f_get_time_by_bar (bar_count) => timeframe.multiplier * bar_count * 60 * 1000

f_border_style (_style) =>
switch _style
option_border_style1 => line.style_solid
option_border_style2 => line.style_dashed
option_border_style3 => line.style_dotted
=> _style

f_get_period (_session, _start, _lookback) =>
result = math.max(_start, 1)
for i = result to _lookback
if na(_session[i+1]) and _session
result := i+1

f_get_label_position (_y, _side) =>
switch _y
'top' => _side == 'outside' ? label.style_label_lower_left : label.style_label_upper_left
'bottom' => _side == 'outside' ? label.style_label_upper_left : label.style_label_lower_left

f_get_started (_session) => na(_session[1]) and _session

f_get_ended (_session) => na(_session) and _session[1]

f_message_limit_bars (_v) => '⚠️ This box\'s right position exceeds 500 bars(' + str.tostring(_v) + '). This box is not displayed correctly.'

f_set_line_x1 (_line, _x) =>
if (line.get_x1(_line) != _x)
line.set_x1(_line, _x)

f_set_line_x2 (_line, _x) =>
if (line.get_x2(_line) != _x)
line.set_x2(_line, _x)

f_set_box_right (_box, _x) =>
if box.get_right(_box) != _x
box.set_right(_box, _x)

// Inputs
// Timezone
i_tz = input.string('GMT+0', title='Timezone', options=['GMT-11', 'GMT-10', 'GMT-9', 'GMT-8', 'GMT-7', 'GMT-6', 'GMT-5', 'GMT-4', 'GMT-3', 'GMT-2', 'GMT-1', 'GMT+0', 'GMT+1', 'GMT+2', 'GMT+3', 'GMT+330', 'GMT+4', 'GMT+430', 'GMT+5', 'GMT+530', 'GMT+6', 'GMT+7', 'GMT+8', 'GMT+9', 'GMT+10', 'GMT+11', 'GMT+12'], group=g0)
i_history_period =, 'History', minval=0, group=g0)
i_show = i_history_period > 0
i_lookback = 12 * 60

// Sessions
i_show_sess1 = input.bool(true, 'Session 1 ', group=g1_01, inline='session1_1') and i_show
i_sess1_label = input.string('London', '', group=g1_01, inline='session1_1')
i_sess1_color = input.color(#66D9EF, '', group=g1_01, inline='session1_1')
i_sess1_barcolor1 = input.color(#66D9EF, '•', group=g1_01, inline='session1_1')
i_sess1_barcolor2 = input.color(#66D9EF, '', group=g1_01, inline='session1_1')
i_sess1 = input.session('0800-1700', 'Time', group=g1_01)
i_sess1_extend = input.string(option_no, 'Extend', options=[option_no, option_extend1], group=g1_01)
i_sess1_op = input.string(option_no, 'Opening range', group=g1_01, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no and i_show
i_sess1_fib = input.string(option_no, 'Fibonacci levels', group=g1_01, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no
i_sess1_chart = input.string(option_chart_x, 'Bar', options=[option_chart_1, option_chart_2, option_chart_x], group=g1_01)
i_sess1_barcolor = i_sess1_chart == option_chart_1
i_sess1_plotcandle = i_sess1_chart == option_chart_2

i_show_sess2 = input.bool(true, 'Session 2 ', group=g1_02, inline='session2_1') and i_show
i_sess2_label = input.string('New York', '', group=g1_02, inline='session2_1')
i_sess2_color = input.color(#FD971F, '', group=g1_02, inline='session2_1')
i_sess2_barcolor1 = input.color(#FD971F, '•', group=g1_02, inline='session2_1')
i_sess2_barcolor2 = input.color(#FD971F, '', group=g1_02, inline='session2_1')
i_sess2 = input.session('1300-2200', 'Time', group=g1_02)
i_sess2_extend = input.string(option_no, 'Extend', options=[option_no, option_extend1], group=g1_02)
i_sess2_op = input.string(option_no, 'Opening range', group=g1_02, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no and i_show
i_sess2_fib = input.string(option_no, 'Fibonacci levels', group=g1_02, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no
i_sess2_chart = input.string(option_chart_x, 'Bar', options=[option_chart_1, option_chart_2, option_chart_x], group=g1_02)
i_sess2_barcolor = i_sess2_chart == option_chart_1
i_sess2_plotcandle = i_sess2_chart == option_chart_2

i_show_sess3 = input.bool(true, 'Session 3 ', group=g1_03, inline='session3_1') and i_show
i_sess3_label = input.string('Tokyo', '', group=g1_03, inline='session3_1')
i_sess3_color = input.color(#AE81FF, '', group=g1_03, inline='session3_1')
i_sess3_barcolor1 = input.color(#AE81FF, '•', group=g1_03, inline='session3_1')
i_sess3_barcolor2 = input.color(#AE81FF, '', group=g1_03, inline='session3_1')
i_sess3 = input.session('0000-0900', 'Time', group=g1_03)
i_sess3_extend = input.string(option_no, 'Extend', options=[option_no, option_extend1], group=g1_03)
i_sess3_op = input.string(option_no, 'Opening range', group=g1_03, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no and i_show
i_sess3_fib = input.string(option_no, 'Fibonacci levels', group=g1_03, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no
i_sess3_chart = input.string(option_chart_x, 'Bar', options=[option_chart_1, option_chart_2, option_chart_x], group=g1_03)
i_sess3_barcolor = i_sess3_chart == option_chart_1
i_sess3_plotcandle = i_sess3_chart == option_chart_2

i_show_sess4 = input.bool(false, 'Session 4 ', group=g1_04, inline='session4_1') and i_show
i_sess4_label = input.string('Sydney', '', group=g1_04, inline='session4_1')
i_sess4_color = input.color(#FB71A3, '', group=g1_04, inline='session4_1')
i_sess4_barcolor1 = input.color(#FB71A3, '•', group=g1_04, inline='session4_1')
i_sess4_barcolor2 = input.color(#FB71A3, '', group=g1_04, inline='session4_1')
i_sess4 = input.session('2000-0500', 'Time', group=g1_04)
i_sess4_extend = input.string(option_no, 'Extend', options=[option_no, option_extend1], group=g1_04)
i_sess4_op = input.string(option_no, 'Opening range', group=g1_04, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no and i_show
i_sess4_fib = input.string(option_no, 'Fibonacci levels', group=g1_04, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no
i_sess4_chart = input.string(option_chart_x, 'Bar', options=[option_chart_1, option_chart_2, option_chart_x], group=g1_04)
i_sess4_barcolor = i_sess4_chart == option_chart_1
i_sess4_plotcandle = i_sess4_chart == option_chart_2

i_show_sess5 = input.bool(false, 'Session 5 ', group=g1_05, inline='session5_1') and i_show
i_sess5_label = input.string('Sydney', '', group=g1_05, inline='session5_1')
i_sess5_color = input.color(#FB71A3, '', group=g1_05, inline='session5_1')
i_sess5_barcolor1 = input.color(#FB71A3, '•', group=g1_05, inline='session5_1')
i_sess5_barcolor2 = input.color(#FB71A3, '', group=g1_05, inline='session5_1')
i_sess5 = input.session('2000-0500', 'Time', group=g1_05)
i_sess5_extend = input.string(option_no, 'Extend', options=[option_no, option_extend1], group=g1_05)
i_sess5_op = input.string(option_no, 'Opening range', group=g1_05, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no and i_show
i_sess5_fib = input.string(option_no, 'Fibonacci levels', group=g1_05, options=[option_yes, option_no]) != option_no
i_sess5_chart = input.string(option_chart_x, 'Bar', options=[option_chart_1, option_chart_2, option_chart_x], group=g1_05)
i_sess5_barcolor = i_sess5_chart == option_chart_1
i_sess5_plotcandle = i_sess5_chart == option_chart_2

// Show & Styles
i_sess_box_style = input.string('Box', '', options=['Box', 'Background', 'Hamburger', 'Sandwich'], group=g4, inline='box_style')
i_sess_border_style = f_border_style(input.string(option_border_style2, '', options=[option_border_style1, option_border_style2, option_border_style3], group=g4, inline='box_style'))
i_sess_border_width =, '', minval=0, group=g4, inline='box_style')
i_sess_box_background = input.bool(true, 'BG color', group=g4, inline='box_style_options')
i_sess_box_dots = input.bool(true, 'Dots', group=g4, inline='box_style_options')
i_sess_end_offset = input.bool(true, 'Include the latest bar in the Session end', group=g4)
i_sess_bgopacity = i_sess_box_background ? 94 : 100
i_sess_bgopacity2 = math.min(i_sess_bgopacity - 4, 100)
i_sess_border_width := i_sess_box_style == 'Background' ? 0 : i_sess_border_width
session_end_offset = i_sess_end_offset ? 0 : 1

// Labels
i_label_show = input.bool(true, '', inline='label_show', group=g6) and i_show
i_label_size = str.lower(input.string('Small', '', options=['Auto', 'Tiny', 'Small', 'Normal', 'Large', 'Huge'], inline='label_show', group=g6))
i_label_position_y = str.lower(input.string('Top', '', options=['Top', 'Bottom'], inline='label_show', group=g6))
i_label_position_s = str.lower(input.string('Outside', '', options=['Inside', 'Outside'], inline='label_show', group=g6))
i_label_position = f_get_label_position(i_label_position_y, i_label_position_s)
i_label_format_name = input.bool(true, 'Name', inline='label_format', group=g6)
i_label_format_day = input.bool(false, 'Day', inline='label_format', group=g6)
i_label_format_price = input.bool(false, 'Price', inline='label_format', group=g6)
i_label_format_pips = input.bool(false, 'Pips', inline='label_format', group=g6)

// Opening range
i_o_minutes =, title='Periods mins', minval=1, step=1, group=g5)
i_o_minutes := math.max(i_o_minutes, timeframe.multiplier + 1)
i_o_transp = 65
i_o_size = input.string(size.small, 'Label size', options=[, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge], group=g5)
i_o_color = input.string(option_candle_color1, 'Label color', options=[option_candle_color1, option_candle_color2], group=g5)
i_o_label_1 = input.string('High', 'Label text   ', group=g5, inline='op_label', tooltip="Type \"price\" to display the price")
i_o_label_2 = input.string('Low', '', group=g5, inline='op_label')
i_o_nowonly = input.bool(false, 'Now only', group=g5, inline='op_options')
i_o_breakout_icon = input.bool(false, 'Breakout flag', group=g5, inline='op_options')
i_o_target = input.bool(false, 'Target lines', group=g5, inline='op_options')

// Candle
option_candle_body = 'OC'
option_candle_wick = 'OHLC'
i_show_candle = input.bool(false, '', group=g11, inline='candle_display') //and (i_candle_border_width > 0)
i_candle = input.string(option_candle_wick, '', options=[option_candle_wick, option_candle_body], group=g11, inline='candle_display')
i_candle_border_width =, '', minval=1, group=g11, inline='candle_display')
i_candle_color = input.string(option_candle_color1, '', options=[option_candle_color1, option_candle_color2], group=g11, inline='candle_display')
i_candle_color_g = input.color(#A6E22E, '', group=g11, inline='candle_display')
i_candle_color_r = input.color(#F92672, '', group=g11, inline='candle_display')

i_candle := i_show_candle ? i_candle : option_hide
i_show_candle_wick = i_candle == option_candle_wick
i_sess_bgopacity2 := i_show_candle ? 100 : i_sess_bgopacity2

// Fibonacci levels
i_f_show = input.bool(true, '', group=g7, inline='fib_display')
i_f_linestyle = f_border_style(input.string(option_border_style1, '', options=[option_border_style1, option_border_style2, option_border_style3], group=g7, inline='fib_display'))
i_f_linewidth =, '', minval=1, group=g7, inline='fib_display')
i_sess1_fib := i_f_show ? i_sess1_fib : false
i_sess2_fib := i_f_show ? i_sess2_fib : false
i_sess3_fib := i_f_show ? i_sess3_fib : false
i_sess4_fib := i_f_show ? i_sess4_fib : false

// Information table
i_show_info = input.bool(true, '', group=g12, inline='info_display')
i_info_size = input.string(size.normal, '', options=[, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge], group=g12, inline='info_display')
i_info_value_type = input.string('Pips', '', options=['Price', 'Pips'], group=g12, inline='info_display')
i_info_period =, '', group=g12, inline='info_display')

// Alerts
i_alert1_show = input.bool(false, 'Alerts - Sessions stard/end', group=g10)
i_alert2_show = input.bool(false, 'Alerts - Opening range breakouts', group=g10)
i_alert3_show = input.bool(false, 'Alerts - Price crossed session\'s High/Low after session closed', group=g10)

// ------------------------
// Drawing labels
// ------------------------
f_render_label (_show, Session data, _is_started, _color, _top, _bottom) =>
var label my_label = na
var int start_time = na
session = data.session()

v_position_y = (i_label_position_y == 'top') ? _top : _bottom
v_label = array.new_string()
v_chg = _top - _bottom

if _is_started
start_time := time

if i_label_format_name and not na(

if i_label_format_day
array.push(v_label, util.get_day(dayofweek(start_time, i_tz)))

if i_label_format_price
array.push(v_label, str.format(fmt_price, v_chg))

if i_label_format_pips
array.push(v_label, str.format(fmt_pips, util.toPips(v_chg)))

if _show
if _is_started
my_label :=, v_position_y, array.join(v_label, icon_separator), textcolor=_color, color=TRANSPARENT, size=i_label_size, style=i_label_position, tooltip='Pips')

array.push(data.labels, my_label)
util.clear_labels(data.labels, data.is_extended ? 1 : i_history_period)

else if session
label.set_y(my_label, v_position_y)
label.set_text(my_label, array.join(v_label, icon_separator))


// ------------------------
// Drawing Fibonacci levels
// ------------------------
f_render_fibonacci (_show, data, _is_started, _is_ended, _x1, _x2, _color, _top, _bottom, _level, _width, _style) =>
var line my_line = na
session = data.session()

if _show
y = (_top - _bottom) * _level + _bottom

if _is_started
my_line :=, y, _x2, y, width=_width,, 30), style=_style)
array.push(data.fib, my_line)

if data.is_extended
line.set_extend(my_line, extend.right)

else if session
line.set_y1(my_line, y)
line.set_y2(my_line, y)

f_set_line_x2(my_line, _x2)
else if _is_ended
f_set_line_x2(my_line, _x2-session_end_offset)

// ------------------------
// Drawing Opening range
// ------------------------
f_render_oprange (_show, Session data, _is_started, _is_ended, _x1, _x2, _color, _max) =>
var int start_time = na
var box my_box = na
var line my_line1 = na
var line my_line2 = na
var label my_label1 = na
var label my_label2 = na
var bool is_opened = false
var float R1 = na, var float R2 = na
var float S1 = na, var float S2 = na

var is_reached_R1 = false
var is_reached_R2 = false
var is_reached_S1 = false
var is_reached_S2 = false
var color_gray = ac.tradingview('gray')
var color_orange = ac.tradingview('orange')
var target_line_width = 2

session = data.session()

top = ta.highest(high, _max)
btm = ta.lowest(low, _max)
is_crossover = ta.crossover(close, box.get_top(my_box))
is_crossunder = ta.crossunder(close, box.get_bottom(my_box))

var float saved_top = na

if _show
if _is_started
util.clear_boxes(data.opr_boxes, math.max(0, i_history_period - 1))
util.clear_lines(data.opr_lines, math.max(0, (i_history_period - 1) * 6))
util.clear_labels(data.opr_labels, math.max(0, (i_history_period - 1) * 2))

start_time := time
my_box := na
is_opened := true

else if session
time_op = start_time + (i_o_minutes * 60 * 1000)
time_op_delay = time_op - f_get_time_by_bar(1)

if time <= time_op and time > time_op_delay
top_color = i_o_color == option_candle_color2 ? ac.tradingview('blue') : _color
btm_color = i_o_color == option_candle_color2 ? ac.tradingview('red') : _color
top_text_color = color.from_gradient(85, 0, 100, top_color, ac.panda('white'))
bot_text_color = color.from_gradient(85, 0, 100, btm_color, ac.panda('white'))

mdl = math.avg(top, btm)
avg1 = (data.price_range_avg * 0.786) * 0.5
avg2 = (data.price_range_avg * 1.272) * 0.5

saved_top := top

R1 := math.avg(btm, mdl) + avg1
R2 := math.avg(btm, mdl) + avg2
S1 := math.avg(top, mdl) - avg1
S2 := math.avg(top, mdl) - avg2

array.push(data.opr_boxes, (_x1, top, bar_index, btm, border_width=0,, i_o_transp)))
array.push(data.opr_lines,, top, _x2, top, style=line.style_dashed, color=top_color))
array.push(data.opr_lines,, btm, _x2, btm, style=line.style_dashed, color=btm_color))

array.push(data.opr_lines,, R2 , _x2, R2 , style=line.style_solid, color=i_o_target ?, 40) : TRANSPARENT, width=target_line_width))
array.push(data.opr_lines,, S2 , _x2, S2 , style=line.style_solid, color=i_o_target ?, 40) : TRANSPARENT, width=target_line_width))
array.push(data.opr_lines,, R1 , _x2, R1 , style=line.style_solid, color=i_o_target ?, 40) : TRANSPARENT, width=target_line_width))
array.push(data.opr_lines,, S1 , _x2, S1 , style=line.style_solid, color=i_o_target ?, 40) : TRANSPARENT, width=target_line_width))

if i_o_target
array.unshift(data.opr_linefills,, array.size(data.opr_lines)-1), array.get(data.opr_lines, array.size(data.opr_lines)-3),, 96))) // S
array.unshift(data.opr_linefills,, array.size(data.opr_lines)-2), array.get(data.opr_lines, array.size(data.opr_lines)-4),, 96))) // R

t1 = i_o_label_1 == 'price' ? str.tostring(top, format.mintick) : i_o_label_1
t2 = i_o_label_2 == 'price' ? str.tostring(btm, format.mintick) : i_o_label_2

my_label1 :=, top, t1, yloc=yloc.price, style=label.style_label_right, color=top_color, textcolor=top_text_color, size=i_o_size, tooltip=str.tostring(top, format.mintick))
my_label2 :=, btm, t2, yloc=yloc.price, style=label.style_label_right, color=btm_color, textcolor=bot_text_color, size=i_o_size, tooltip=str.tostring(btm, format.mintick))

array.push(data.opr_labels, my_label1)
array.push(data.opr_labels, my_label2)
array.push(data.opr_boxes , my_box)

if data.is_extended
box.set_extend(my_box, extend.right)

alert('Opening range is fixed.', alert.freq_once_per_bar)
else if is_opened
if ta.crossover(high, R1) and (not is_reached_R1)
is_reached_R1 := true

if i_o_breakout_icon, high, '×', yloc=yloc.price, style=label.style_label_center, color=TRANSPARENT, textcolor=ac.tradingview('blue'), size=size.large)

if ta.crossover(high, R2) and (not is_reached_R2)
is_reached_R2 := true

if i_o_breakout_icon, high, '×', yloc=yloc.price, style=label.style_label_center, color=TRANSPARENT, textcolor=ac.tradingview('blue'), size=size.large)

if ta.crossunder(low, S1) and (not is_reached_S1)
is_reached_S1 := true

if i_o_breakout_icon, low, '×', yloc=yloc.price, style=label.style_label_center, color=TRANSPARENT, textcolor=ac.tradingview('red'), size=size.large)

if ta.crossunder(low, S2) and (not is_reached_S2)
is_reached_S2 := true

if i_o_breakout_icon, low, '×', yloc=yloc.price, style=label.style_label_center, color=TRANSPARENT, textcolor=ac.tradingview('red'), size=size.large)
if is_crossover
alert('Price crossed over the opening range', alert.freq_once_per_bar)

if i_alert2_show, box.get_top(my_box), "×",, textcolor=ac.tradingview('blue'), style=label.style_none, size=size.large)

if is_crossunder
alert('Price crossed under the opening range', alert.freq_once_per_bar)

if i_alert2_show, box.get_bottom(my_box), "×",, textcolor=ac.tradingview('red'), style=label.style_none, size=size.large)

else if _is_ended

if i_o_nowonly
util.clear_lines(data.opr_lines, 0)
util.clear_labels(data.opr_labels, 0)
util.clear_boxes(data.opr_boxes, 0)

else if array.size(data.opr_lines) > 0
for i = 0 to 5
the_line = array.get(data.opr_lines, array.size(data.opr_lines) - (i + 1))
line.set_x2(the_line, _x2-session_end_offset)

for i = 0 to 1
the_label = array.get(data.opr_labels, array.size(data.opr_labels) - (i + 1))
label.set_text(the_label, '●')
label.set_style(the_label, label.style_label_center)
label.set_textcolor(the_label, i_o_color == option_candle_color2 ? label.get_y(the_label) >= saved_top ? ac.tradingview('blue') : ac.tradingview('red') : _color)
label.set_color(the_label, TRANSPARENT)
label.set_size(the_label, size.tiny)

data.op.total_count := data.op.total_count + 1
data.op.reached_count := (is_reached_R1 or is_reached_R2 or is_reached_S1 or is_reached_S2) ? data.op.reached_count + 1 : data.op.reached_count
data.op.reached_R1_count := is_reached_R1 ? data.op.reached_R1_count + session_end_offset : data.op.reached_R1_count
data.op.reached_R2_count := is_reached_R2 ? data.op.reached_R2_count + session_end_offset : data.op.reached_R2_count
data.op.reached_S1_count := is_reached_S1 ? data.op.reached_S1_count + session_end_offset : data.op.reached_S1_count
data.op.reached_S2_count := is_reached_S2 ? data.op.reached_S2_count + session_end_offset : data.op.reached_S2_count

// Reset
R1 := na, R2 := na, S1 := na, S2 := na
is_reached_R1 := false
is_reached_R2 := false
is_reached_S1 := false
is_reached_S2 := false
is_opened := false
saved_top := na


// ------------------------
// Drawing candle
// ------------------------
f_render_candle (_show, Session data, _is_started, _is_ended, _color, _top, _bottom, _open, _x1, _x2) =>
var box body = na
var line wick1 = na
var line wick2 = na
session = data.session()

border_width = i_candle_border_width
cx = math.round(math.avg(_x2, _x1)) - math.round(border_width / 2)

body_color = i_candle_color == option_candle_color2 ? close > _open ? i_candle_color_g : i_candle_color_r : _color
body_color :=, 30)

if _show
if _is_started
body :=, _top, _x2, _bottom, body_color, border_width, line.style_solid,, 100))
wick1 := i_show_candle_wick ?, _top, cx, _top, color=body_color, width=border_width, style=line.style_solid) : na
wick2 := i_show_candle_wick ?, _bottom, cx, _bottom, color=body_color, width=border_width, style=line.style_solid) : na

array.push(data.candle.body, body)
array.push(data.candle.wick, wick1)
array.push(data.candle.wick, wick2)

util.clear_boxes(data.candle.body, i_history_period)
util.clear_lines(data.candle.wick, i_history_period * 2)

else if session
top = math.max(_open, close)
bottom = math.min(_open, close)

box.set_top(body, top)
box.set_bottom(body, bottom)
box.set_right(body, _x2)
box.set_border_color(body, body_color)

line.set_y1(wick1, _top)
line.set_y2(wick1, top)
f_set_line_x1(wick1, cx)
f_set_line_x2(wick1, cx)
line.set_color(wick1, body_color)

line.set_y1(wick2, _bottom)
line.set_y2(wick2, bottom)
f_set_line_x1(wick2, cx)
f_set_line_x2(wick2, cx)
line.set_color(wick2, body_color)

else if _is_ended
box.set_right(body, bar_index-session_end_offset)


// ------------------------
// Rendering limit message
// ------------------------
f_render_limitmessage (_show, Session data, _is_started, _is_ended, _x, _y, _rightbars) =>
var label my_note = na
session = data.session()

if _show
if _is_started
if _rightbars > MAX_BARS
my_note :=, _y, f_message_limit_bars(_rightbars), style=label.style_label_upper_left, color=color.yellow, textalign=text.align_left, yloc=yloc.price)

else if session
if _rightbars > MAX_BARS
label.set_y(my_note, _y)
label.set_text(my_note, f_message_limit_bars(_rightbars))

else if _is_ended

// Rendering session
f_render_sessionrange (_show, Session data, _is_started, _is_ended, _color, _top, _bottom, _x1, _x2, _is_vertical = false) =>
var line above_line = na
var line below_line = na
session = data.session()

if _show
if _is_started
if _is_vertical
above_line :=, _top, _x1, _bottom, width=i_sess_border_width, style=i_sess_border_style, color=_color)
below_line :=, _top, _x2, _bottom, width=i_sess_border_width, style=i_sess_border_style, color=_color)
above_line :=, _top, _x2, _top, width=i_sess_border_width, style=i_sess_border_style, color=_color)
below_line :=, _bottom, _x2, _bottom, width=i_sess_border_width, style=i_sess_border_style, color=_color), below_line,, i_sess_bgopacity))

array.push(data.lines, above_line)
array.push(data.lines, below_line)

util.clear_lines(data.lines, data.is_extended ? 2 : i_history_period * 2)

if data.is_extended
if _is_vertical
line.set_extend(above_line, extend.both)
line.set_extend(below_line, extend.both)
line.set_extend(above_line, extend.right)
line.set_extend(below_line, extend.right)

else if session
if _is_vertical
line.set_y1(above_line, _bottom)
line.set_y2(above_line, _top)
line.set_y1(below_line, _bottom)
line.set_y2(below_line, _top)
line.set_y1(above_line, _top)
line.set_y2(above_line, _top)
line.set_x2(above_line, _x2)

line.set_y1(below_line, _bottom)
line.set_y2(below_line, _bottom)
line.set_x2(below_line, _x2)

else if _is_ended
if _is_vertical
line.set_x1(below_line, _x2-session_end_offset)
line.set_x2(below_line, _x2-session_end_offset)
line.set_x2(above_line, _x2-session_end_offset)
line.set_x2(below_line, _x2-session_end_offset)

data.add(_top[1] - _bottom[1], i_info_period)


// ------------------------
// Rendering session box
// ------------------------
f_render_session (_show, Session data, _is_started, _is_ended, _color, _top, _bottom, _x1, _x2) =>
var box my_box = na
session = data.session()

if _show
if _is_started
my_box :=, _top, _x2, _bottom, _color, i_sess_border_width, i_sess_border_style,, i_sess_bgopacity))
array.push(data.boxes, my_box)

util.clear_boxes(data.boxes, data.is_extended ? 1 : i_history_period)

if data.is_extended
box.set_extend(my_box, extend.right)

else if session
box.set_top(my_box, _top)
box.set_bottom(my_box, _bottom)
f_set_box_right(my_box, _x2)

else if _is_ended
box.set_right(my_box, bar_index-session_end_offset)
data.add(_top[1] - _bottom[1], i_info_period)


f_render_dots (_show, Session data, _is_started, _is_ended, _color, _top, _bottom, _x1, _x2) =>
var float _open = na
var box oc_box = na
var line oc_line_u = na
var line oc_line_l = na
session = data.session()

if _show and i_sess_box_dots
if _is_started
oc_line_u :=, open , _x2, open ,, 70), style=line.style_dotted)
oc_line_l :=, close, _x2, close,, 70), style=line.style_dotted), oc_line_l,, i_sess_bgopacity2))

array.push(data.oclines, oc_line_u)
array.push(data.oclines, oc_line_l)

util.clear_lines(data.oclines, data.is_extended ? 2 : i_history_period * 2)
util.clear_labels(data.oc_labels, data.is_extended ? 2 : math.max(0, (i_history_period - 1) * 2))

_open := open

else if session
line.set_x2(oc_line_u, _x2)
line.set_x2(oc_line_l, _x2)
line.set_y1(oc_line_l, close)
line.set_y2(oc_line_l, close)

else if _is_ended
array.push(data.oc_labels,, _open, '●', _color).create())
array.push(data.oc_labels,, close[1], '◉', _color).create())

line.set_x2(oc_line_u, _x2-session_end_offset)
line.set_x2(oc_line_l, _x2-session_end_offset)
line.set_y1(oc_line_l, close[1])
line.set_y2(oc_line_l, close[1])

_open := na

// ------------------------
// Drawing market
// ------------------------
f_render_main (_show, Session data, _is_started, _is_ended, _color, _top, _bottom) =>
var x1 = 0
var x2 = 0
x2_offset = 1
session = data.session()

x0_1 = ta.valuewhen(na(session[1]) and session, bar_index, 1)
x0_2 = ta.valuewhen(na(session) and session[1], bar_index, 0)
x0_d = math.min(math.abs(x0_2 - x0_1), MAX_BARS)
rightbars = x0_d

if _show
if _is_started
x1 := bar_index
x2 := bar_index + x0_d := open
data.ohlc.high := _top
data.ohlc.low := _bottom
data.ohlc.hl := _top -_bottom
data.in_session := true

else if session
true_x2 = x1 + x0_d
rightbars := true_x2 - bar_index
max_bars = bar_index + MAX_BARS
x2 := math.min(true_x2, max_bars)

data.ohlc.high := _top
data.ohlc.low := _bottom
data.ohlc.hl := _top - _bottom

else if _is_ended
data.in_session := false := na

[x1, x2, data.ohlc, rightbars]

// ------------------------
// Drawing
// ------------------------
draw (_show, Session data, _extend, _show_fib, _show_op) =>
session = data.session()
max = f_get_period(session, 1, i_lookback)
top = ta.highest(high, max)
bottom = ta.lowest(low, max)

col = data.colour

is_started = f_get_started(session)
is_ended = f_get_ended(session)

[x1, x2, ohlc, _rightbars] = f_render_main(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, col, top, bottom)

if i_sess_box_style == 'Box' or i_sess_box_style == 'Background' or i_sess_box_style == 'Candle'
f_render_session(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, col, top, bottom, x1, x2)
f_render_dots(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, col, top, bottom, x1, x2)

else if i_sess_box_style == 'Hamburger'
f_render_sessionrange(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, col, top, bottom, x1, x2)

else if i_sess_box_style == 'Sandwich'
f_render_sessionrange(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, col, top, bottom, x1, x2, true)

if i_show_candle
f_render_candle(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, col, top, bottom,, x1, x2)

if i_label_show
f_render_label(_show, data, is_started, col, top, bottom)

if _show_op
f_render_oprange(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, x1, x2, col, max)

if _show_fib
f_render_fibonacci(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, x1, x2, col, top, bottom, 0.500, 2, line.style_solid)
f_render_fibonacci(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, x1, x2, col, top, bottom, 0.628, i_f_linewidth, i_f_linestyle)
f_render_fibonacci(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, x1, x2, col, top, bottom, 0.382, i_f_linewidth, i_f_linestyle)
util.clear_lines(data.fib, i_history_period * 3)

f_render_limitmessage(_show, data, is_started, is_ended, x1, bottom, _rightbars)

[session, ohlc]

// Calculating
string tz = (i_tz == option_no or i_tz == '') ? na : i_tz

// Plotting
var sess1_data =, tz, i_sess1_label, i_sess1_color).create(i_sess1_extend, i_sess1_fib, i_sess1_op)
var sess2_data =, tz, i_sess2_label, i_sess2_color).create(i_sess2_extend, i_sess2_fib, i_sess2_op)
var sess3_data =, tz, i_sess3_label, i_sess3_color).create(i_sess3_extend, i_sess3_fib, i_sess3_op)
var sess4_data =, tz, i_sess4_label, i_sess4_color).create(i_sess4_extend, i_sess4_fib, i_sess4_op)
var sess5_data =, tz, i_sess5_label, i_sess5_color).create(i_sess5_extend, i_sess5_fib, i_sess5_op)

[is_sess1, sess1_ohlc] = draw(i_show_sess1, sess1_data, i_sess1_extend, i_sess1_fib, i_sess1_op)
[is_sess2, sess2_ohlc] = draw(i_show_sess2, sess2_data, i_sess2_extend, i_sess2_fib, i_sess2_op)
[is_sess3, sess3_ohlc] = draw(i_show_sess3, sess3_data, i_sess3_extend, i_sess3_fib, i_sess3_op)
[is_sess4, sess4_ohlc] = draw(i_show_sess4, sess4_data, i_sess4_extend, i_sess4_fib, i_sess4_op)
[is_sess5, sess5_ohlc] = draw(i_show_sess5, sess5_data, i_sess5_extend, i_sess5_fib, i_sess5_op)

is_positive_bar = close > open

color c_barcolor = na
color c_plotcandle = na

c_sess1_barcolor = (is_sess1) ? (is_positive_bar ? i_sess1_barcolor1 : i_sess1_barcolor2) : na
c_sess2_barcolor = (is_sess2) ? (is_positive_bar ? i_sess2_barcolor1 : i_sess2_barcolor2) : na
c_sess3_barcolor = (is_sess3) ? (is_positive_bar ? i_sess3_barcolor1 : i_sess3_barcolor2) : na
c_sess4_barcolor = (is_sess4) ? (is_positive_bar ? i_sess4_barcolor1 : i_sess4_barcolor2) : na
c_sess5_barcolor = (is_sess5) ? (is_positive_bar ? i_sess5_barcolor1 : i_sess5_barcolor2) : na

if (i_sess1_chart != option_chart_x) and is_sess1
c_barcolor := i_sess1_barcolor ? c_sess1_barcolor : na
c_plotcandle := i_sess1_plotcandle ? c_sess1_barcolor : na

if (i_sess2_chart != option_chart_x) and is_sess2
c_barcolor := i_sess2_barcolor ? c_sess2_barcolor : na
c_plotcandle := i_sess2_plotcandle ? c_sess2_barcolor : na

if (i_sess3_chart != option_chart_x) and is_sess3
c_barcolor := i_sess3_barcolor ? c_sess3_barcolor : na
c_plotcandle := i_sess3_plotcandle ? c_sess3_barcolor : na

if (i_sess4_chart != option_chart_x) and is_sess4
c_barcolor := i_sess4_barcolor ? c_sess4_barcolor : na
c_plotcandle := i_sess4_plotcandle ? c_sess4_barcolor : na

if (i_sess5_chart != option_chart_x) and is_sess5
c_barcolor := i_sess5_barcolor ? c_sess5_barcolor : na
c_plotcandle := i_sess5_plotcandle ? c_sess5_barcolor : na

plotcandle(open, high, low, close, color=is_positive_bar ? TRANSPARENT : c_plotcandle, bordercolor=c_plotcandle, wickcolor=c_plotcandle)

// Alerts
// Session alerts
sess1_started = is_sess1 and not is_sess1[1], sess1_ended = not is_sess1 and is_sess1[1]
sess2_started = is_sess2 and not is_sess2[1], sess2_ended = not is_sess2 and is_sess2[1]
sess3_started = is_sess3 and not is_sess3[1], sess3_ended = not is_sess3 and is_sess3[1]
sess4_started = is_sess4 and not is_sess4[1], sess4_ended = not is_sess4 and is_sess4[1]
sess5_started = is_sess5 and not is_sess5[1], sess5_ended = not is_sess5 and is_sess5[1]

alertcondition(sess1_started, 'Session #1 started')
alertcondition(sess1_ended, 'Session #1 ended' )
alertcondition(sess2_started, 'Session #2 started')
alertcondition(sess2_ended, 'Session #2 ended' )
alertcondition(sess3_started, 'Session #3 started')
alertcondition(sess3_ended, 'Session #3 ended' )
alertcondition(sess4_started, 'Session #4 started')
alertcondition(sess4_ended, 'Session #4 ended' )
alertcondition(sess5_started, 'Session #5 started')
alertcondition(sess5_ended, 'Session #5 ended' )

alertcondition((not is_sess1) and ta.crossover (close, sess1_ohlc.high), 'Session #1 High crossed (after session closed)')
alertcondition((not is_sess1) and ta.crossunder(close, sess1_ohlc.low) , 'Session #1 Low crossed (after session closed)' )
alertcondition((not is_sess2) and ta.crossover (close, sess2_ohlc.high), 'Session #2 High crossed (after session closed)')
alertcondition((not is_sess2) and ta.crossunder(close, sess2_ohlc.low) , 'Session #2 Low crossed (after session closed)' )
alertcondition((not is_sess3) and ta.crossover (close, sess3_ohlc.high), 'Session #3 High crossed (after session closed)')
alertcondition((not is_sess3) and ta.crossunder(close, sess3_ohlc.low) , 'Session #3 Low crossed (after session closed)' )
alertcondition((not is_sess4) and ta.crossover (close, sess4_ohlc.high), 'Session #4 High crossed (after session closed)')
alertcondition((not is_sess4) and ta.crossunder(close, sess4_ohlc.low) , 'Session #4 Low crossed (after session closed)' )
alertcondition((not is_sess5) and ta.crossover (close, sess5_ohlc.high), 'Session #5 High crossed (after session closed)')
alertcondition((not is_sess5) and ta.crossunder(close, sess5_ohlc.low) , 'Session # Low crossed (after session closed)' )

// Alerts visualized
if i_alert1_show
if i_show_sess1
if sess1_started, close, 'Start', yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess1_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)
if sess1_ended - session_end_offset, close, 'End' , yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess1_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)

if i_show_sess2
if sess2_started, close, 'Start', yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess2_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)
if sess2_ended - session_end_offset, close, 'End' , yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess2_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)

if i_show_sess3
if sess3_started, close, 'Start', yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess3_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)
if sess3_ended - session_end_offset, close, 'End' , yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess3_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)

if i_show_sess4
if sess4_started, close, 'Start', yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess4_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)
if sess4_ended - session_end_offset, close, 'End' , yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess4_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)

if i_show_sess5
if sess5_started, close, 'Start', yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess4_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)
if sess5_ended - session_end_offset, close, 'End' , yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=i_sess5_color, textcolor=color_text, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)

plot(i_alert3_show ? sess1_ohlc.high : na, 'sess1_high', style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess1_color)
plot(i_alert3_show ? sess1_ohlc.low : na, 'sess1_low' , style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess1_color, linewidth=2)
plot(i_alert3_show ? sess2_ohlc.high : na, 'sess2_high', style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess2_color)
plot(i_alert3_show ? sess2_ohlc.low : na, 'sess2_low' , style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess2_color, linewidth=2)
plot(i_alert3_show ? sess3_ohlc.high : na, 'sess3_high', style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess3_color)
plot(i_alert3_show ? sess3_ohlc.low : na, 'sess3_low' , style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess3_color, linewidth=2)
plot(i_alert3_show ? sess4_ohlc.high : na, 'sess4_high', style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess4_color)
plot(i_alert3_show ? sess4_ohlc.low : na, 'sess4_low' , style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess4_color, linewidth=2)
plot(i_alert3_show ? sess5_ohlc.high : na, 'sess5_high', style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess5_color)
plot(i_alert3_show ? sess5_ohlc.low : na, 'sess5_low' , style=plot.style_linebr, color=i_sess5_color, linewidth=2)

plotshape(i_alert3_show and (not is_sess1) and ta.crossover (close, sess1_ohlc.high) ? sess1_ohlc.high : na, 'cross sess1_high', color=i_sess1_color, style=shape.triangleup , location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(i_alert3_show and (not is_sess1) and ta.crossunder(close, sess1_ohlc.low) ? sess1_ohlc.low : na, 'cross sess1_low' , color=i_sess1_color, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(i_alert3_show and (not is_sess2) and ta.crossover (close, sess2_ohlc.high) ? sess2_ohlc.high : na, 'cross sess2_high', color=i_sess2_color, style=shape.triangleup , location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(i_alert3_show and (not is_sess2) and ta.crossunder(close, sess2_ohlc.low) ? sess2_ohlc.low : na, 'cross sess2_low' , color=i_sess2_color, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(i_alert3_show and (not is_sess3) and ta.crossover (close, sess3_ohlc.high) ? sess3_ohlc.high : na, 'cross sess3_high', color=i_sess3_color, style=shape.triangleup , location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(i_alert3_show and (not is_sess3) and ta.crossunder(close, sess3_ohlc.low) ? sess3_ohlc.low : na, 'cross sess3_low' , color=i_sess3_color, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(i_alert3_show and (not is_sess4) and ta.crossover (close, sess4_ohlc.high) ? sess4_ohlc.high : na, 'cross sess4_high', color=i_sess4_color, style=shape.triangleup , location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(i_alert3_show and (not is_sess4) and ta.crossunder(close, sess4_ohlc.low) ? sess4_ohlc.low : na, 'cross sess4_low' , color=i_sess4_color, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)

// Analysis //
var text_color = #e1e2e4
var bgcolor = #1a1c20
var color_green = ac.monokai('green')
var color_orange = ac.monokai('orange')
var color_red = ac.monokai('red')
var color_ind_green = ac.tradingview('green')
var color_ind_gray ='gray'), 30)
var color_white = #e1e2e4

i_show_op_analysis = false//input.bool(true, 'Opening range table')
i_show_analysis2 = false//input.bool(false)

if i_show_info and barstate.islast
data =<Session>()

if array.size(sess1_data.price_ranges) > 0
if array.size(sess2_data.price_ranges) > 0
if array.size(sess3_data.price_ranges) > 0
if array.size(sess4_data.price_ranges) > 0

var tbl_avg =, 5, 5, frame_width=2, bgcolor=bgcolor, frame_color=#25272c, border_width=1, border_color=#25272c)

table.cell(tbl_avg, 0, 0, 'Session',, 60), text_size=i_info_size, text_halign=text.align_center)
table.cell(tbl_avg, 1, 0, '',, 60), text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_avg, 2, 0, 'Cur',, 60), text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_avg, 3, 0, 'Avg('+str.tostring(i_info_period)+')',, 60), text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_avg, 4, 0, '%',, 60), text_size=i_info_size)
table.merge_cells(tbl_avg, 0, 0, 1, 0)

if array.size(data) > 0
for i = 0 to array.size(data) - 1
my_data = array.get(data, i)
in_session = my_data.in_session and session.ismarket
p = my_data.ohlc.hl / my_data.price_range_avg
col_cur = p < 0.75 ? color_green : p < 1.25 ? color_orange : color_red
v1 = i_info_value_type == 'Price' ? str.tostring(my_data.ohlc.hl, format.mintick) : str.tostring(util.toPips(my_data.ohlc.hl), '#.#')
v2 = i_info_value_type == 'Price' ? str.tostring(my_data.price_range_avg, format.mintick) : str.tostring(util.toPips(my_data.price_range_avg), '#.#')
v3 = in_session ? '◉' : '●'

color_name = in_session ? color_white :'gray'), 30)
color_ind = in_session ? color_ind_green : color_ind_gray
color_cur = in_session ? col_cur :, 60)

table.cell(tbl_avg, 0, i + 1,, text_color=color_name, text_size=i_info_size, text_halign=text.align_left)
table.cell(tbl_avg, 1, i + 1, v3, text_color=color_ind , text_size=size.tiny, text_halign=text.align_center, text_valign=text.align_center)
table.cell(tbl_avg, 2, i + 1, v1, text_color=color_cur , text_size=i_info_size, text_halign=text.align_right, text_font_family=font.family_monospace)
table.cell(tbl_avg, 3, i + 1, v2, text_color=color_name, text_size=i_info_size, text_halign=text.align_right, text_font_family=font.family_monospace)
table.cell(tbl_avg, 4, i + 1, str.format('{0,number,percent}', p), text_color=color_cur, text_size=i_info_size, text_halign=text.align_right, text_font_family=font.family_monospace)

if i_show_op_analysis and (barstate.islast or barstate.isconfirmed)
data =<Session>()

if sess1_data.op.reached_count > 0
array.unshift(data, sess1_data)
if sess2_data.op.reached_count > 0
array.unshift(data, sess2_data)
if sess3_data.op.reached_count > 0
array.unshift(data, sess3_data)
if sess4_data.op.reached_count > 0
array.unshift(data, sess4_data)

var tbl_op =, 7, 5, frame_width=2, bgcolor=bgcolor, frame_color=#25272c, border_width=1, border_color=#25272c)
table.cell(tbl_op, 0, 0, 'Opening range' + (array.size(data) == 0 ? ' (No data)' : ''), text_size=i_info_size)
table.merge_cells(tbl_op, 0, 0, 6, 0)

if array.size(data) > 0
table.cell(tbl_op, 0, 1, 'Session', text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 1, 1, 'Sum', text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 2, 1, 'R1', text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 3, 1, 'S1', text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 4, 1, 'R2', text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 5, 1, 'S2', text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 6, 1, 'Total', text_size=i_info_size)

row_index = 2
for i = 0 to array.size(data) -1
my_data = array.get(data, i)
table.cell(tbl_op, 0, row_index + i,, text_size=i_info_size, text_color=color_white, text_halign=text.align_left)
table.cell(tbl_op, 1, row_index + i, str.format('{0,number,percent}', my_data.op.reached_count / my_data.op.total_count), text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_halign=text.align_right, text_color=color_white, text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 2, row_index + i, str.format('{0,number,percent}', my_data.op.reached_R1_count / my_data.op.total_count), text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_halign=text.align_right, text_color=color_white, text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 3, row_index + i, str.format('{0,number,percent}', my_data.op.reached_S1_count / my_data.op.total_count), text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_halign=text.align_right, text_color=color_white, text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 4, row_index + i, str.format('{0,number,percent}', my_data.op.reached_R2_count / my_data.op.total_count), text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_halign=text.align_right, text_color=color_white, text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 5, row_index + i, str.format('{0,number,percent}', my_data.op.reached_S2_count / my_data.op.total_count), text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_halign=text.align_right, text_color=color_white, text_size=i_info_size)
table.cell(tbl_op, 6, row_index + i, str.tostring(my_data.op.total_count), text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_halign=text.align_right, text_color=color_white, text_size=i_info_size)

if i_show_analysis2 and barstate.islast
max = 100
g_base = ta.lowest(max)
s3_count = 0
s2_count = 0

var g_lines =<line>()
x = bar_index + 20
util.clear_lines(g_lines, 0)
array.push(g_lines, + 0, g_base, x + 0, g_base + sess1_data.price_range_avg, color=sess1_data.colour, width=3))
array.push(g_lines, + 2, g_base, x + 2, g_base + sess2_data.price_range_avg, color=sess2_data.colour, width=3))
array.push(g_lines, + 4, g_base, x + 4, g_base + sess3_data.price_range_avg, color=sess3_data.colour, width=3))
array.push(g_lines, + 6, g_base, x + 6, g_base + sess4_data.price_range_avg, color=sess4_data.colour, width=3))

if array.size(sess1_data.price_ranges) > 0 and array.size(sess3_data.price_ranges) > 0
for i = 0 to array.size(sess1_data.price_ranges) - 1
s1 = array.get(sess1_data.price_ranges, i)
s3 = array.get(sess3_data.price_ranges, i)

if s3 / s1 > 1
s3_count := s3_count + 1

tbl =, 3, 3, frame_width=2, bgcolor=bgcolor, frame_color=#25272c, border_width=1, border_color=#25272c)

table.cell(tbl, 0, 0, + ' > ' +, text_color=#e1e2e4)
table.cell(tbl, 1, 0, str.tostring(s3_count) + ' / ' + str.tostring(array.size(sess1_data.price_ranges)), text_color=#e1e2e4)
table.cell(tbl, 2, 0, str.format('{0,number,percent}', s3_count / array.size(sess1_data.price_ranges) ), text_color=#e1e2e4)

table.cell(tbl, 0, 1, syminfo.ticker + '('+ syminfo.currency +')', text_color=#e1e2e4)
table.merge_cells(tbl, 0, 1, 2, 1)

// --- Input Definitions ---
range_start_hour =, "Range Start Hour", group="START", inline="start", minval=0, maxval=23)
range_start_minute =, "Minutes", group="START", inline="start", minval=0, maxval=59)
range_end_hour =, "Range End Hour", group="END", inline="end", minval=0, maxval=23)
range_end_minute =, "Minutes", group="END", inline="end", minval=0, maxval=59)

timezone_offset_hours =, "Timezone UTC Offset Hours", group="Time Zone Offset", minval=-12, maxval=14)
timezone_offset_minutes =, "Timezone UTC Offset Minutes", group="Time Zone Offset", minval=-59, maxval=59)

count = input(3, "Count")
colorTop = input(, "Top Color", group="STYLING")
colorBetween = input(, 50), "Between Color", group="STYLING")
colorBottom = input(, "Bottom Color", group="STYLING")
colorRange = input(, "Range Color", group="STYLING")
rangeIsDotted = input(true, "Dash Line Style For The Range", group="STYLING")
plot_mid = input(true, "Plot Mid Lines")
close_to_close = input(false, "Close To Close (instead of low to high distance)")

// --- Variable Initialization ---
var float range_high = na
var float range_low = na
var float distance = na
var int startIDX = na

// Function to calculate adjusted time based on timezone offset
getAdjustedTime(hour, minute, offset_hours, offset_minutes) =>
total_minutes = hour * 60 + minute + offset_hours * 60 + offset_minutes
[total_minutes / 60 % 24, total_minutes % 60]

// Function to normalize time to minutes from the start of the week
normalizeTimeToWeek(hour, minute) =>
(dayofweek - 1) * 24 * 60 + hour * 60 + minute

// Adjusted Time Calculations
[adjusted_start_hour, adjusted_start_minute] = getAdjustedTime(range_start_hour, range_start_minute, timezone_offset_hours, timezone_offset_minutes)
[adjusted_end_hour, adjusted_end_minute] = getAdjustedTime(range_end_hour, range_end_minute, timezone_offset_hours, timezone_offset_minutes)

// Normalize times to minutes from the start of the week
start_time_minutes = normalizeTimeToWeek(adjusted_start_hour, adjusted_start_minute)
end_time_minutes = normalizeTimeToWeek(adjusted_end_hour, adjusted_end_minute)

// Adjust the end time if the range spans over midnight
if adjusted_start_hour > adjusted_end_hour or (adjusted_start_hour == adjusted_end_hour and adjusted_start_minute > adjusted_end_minute)
end_time_minutes := end_time_minutes + 7 * 24 * 60 // Add 7 days worth of minutes

// Current time normalized to minutes from the start of the week
current_time_minutes = normalizeTimeToWeek(hour, minute)

// Detect if the current time is before the start of the week normalized time
if current_time_minutes < start_time_minutes
current_time_minutes := current_time_minutes + 7 * 24 * 60 // Adjust for new week

// Determine if we are in the plotting range
isInRange = current_time_minutes >= start_time_minutes and current_time_minutes <= end_time_minutes

// Main Logic
if isInRange
if na(range_high) // If this is the first bar to plot
startIDX := bar_index
range_high := close_to_close ? close : high
range_low := close_to_close ? close : low
range_high := math.max(range_high, close_to_close ? close : high)
range_low := math.min(range_low, close_to_close ? close : low)
distance := range_high - range_low
else if not na(range_high) // If we have completed the range
// Draw the range lines, range_high, bar_index[1], range_high, xloc=xloc.bar_index, style=rangeIsDotted ? line.style_dashed : line.style_solid, color=colorRange), range_low, bar_index[1], range_low, xloc=xloc.bar_index, style=rangeIsDotted ? line.style_dashed : line.style_solid, color=colorRange)

// Draw additional lines based on the count input
for i = 1 to count, range_high + i * distance, bar_index[1], range_high + i * distance, xloc=xloc.bar_index, style=line.style_solid, color=colorTop), range_low - i * distance, bar_index[1], range_low - i * distance, xloc=xloc.bar_index, style=line.style_solid, color=colorBottom)
if plot_mid, range_high + (i - 0.5) * distance, bar_index[1], range_high + (i - 0.5) * distance, xloc=xloc.bar_index, style=line.style_dashed, color=colorBetween), range_low - (i - 0.5) * distance, bar_index[1], range_low - (i - 0.5) * distance, xloc=xloc.bar_index, style=line.style_dashed, color=colorBetween)

// Reset the variables after plotting
range_high := na
range_low := na
distance := na
startIDX := na

Açık kaynak kodlu komut dosyası

Gerçek TradingView ruhuna uygun olarak, bu komut dosyasının yazarı komut dosyasını açık kaynak olarak yayınlamıştır, böylece yatırımcılar betiği anlayabilir ve doğrulayabilir. Yazar çok yaşa! Ücretsiz olarak kullanabilirsiniz, ancak bu kodun yayında yeniden kullanımı Ev kurallarına tabidir. Bir grafikte kullanmak için favorilere ekleyebilirsiniz.

Bu komut dosyasını bir grafikte kullanmak ister misiniz?
