
Library "TradingHook"
This library is a client script for making a webhook signal formatted string to TradingHook webhook server.

buy_message(password, amount, order_name) Make a buy Message for TradingHook.
    password: (string) [Required] password that you set in .env file.
    amount: (float) [Optional] amount. If not set, your strategy qty will be sent.
    order_name: (string) [Optional] order_name. The default name is "Order".
  Returns: (string) A string containing the formatted webhook message.

sell_message(password, percent, order_name) Make a sell message for TradingHook.
    password: (string) [Required] password that you set in .env file.
    percent: (string) [Required] what percentage of your quantity you want to sell.
    order_name: (string) [Optional] order_name. The default name is "Order".
  Returns: (string) A string containing the formatted webhook message.

You can use TradingHook WebServer open source code in github(
Sürüm Notları
entry_message(password, amount, leverage, order_name)
  Make a Entry Message for TradingHook.
    password: (string) [Required] password that you set in .env file.
    amount: (float) [Optional] amount. If not set, your strategy qty will be sent.
    leverage: (int) [Optional] leverage. If not set, your leverage doesn't change.
    order_name: (string) [Optional] order_name. The default name is "Order".
  Returns: (string) A string containing the formatted webhook message.

close_message(password, percent, order_name)
  Make a close message for TradingHook.
    password: (string) [Required] password that you set in .env file.
    percent: (string) [Required] what percentage of your quantity you want to close.
    order_name: (string) [Optional] order_name. The default name is "Order".
  Returns: (string) A string containing the formatted webhook message.
Sürüm Notları

Now you can make close order by amount (or percent). Be careful to use!

close_message(password, percent, amount, order_name)
  Make a close message for TradingHook.
    password: (string) [Required] password that you set in .env file.
    percent: (string) [Required/Optional] what percentage of your quantity you want to close.
    amount: (float) [Required/Optional] quantity you want to close.
    order_name: (string) [Optional] order_name. The default name is "Order".
  Returns: (string) A string containing the formatted webhook message.
Sürüm Notları
Support BITGET exchange

Pine kitaplığı

Gerçek TradingView ruhuyla, yazar bu Pine kodunu açık kaynaklı bir kütüphane olarak yayınladı, böylece topluluğumuzdaki diğer Pine programcıları onu yeniden kullanabilir. Yazar çok yaşa! Bu kütüphaneyi özel olarak veya diğer açık kaynaklı yayınlarda kullanabilirsiniz, ancak bu kodun bir yayında yeniden kullanılması Ev kuralları tarafından yönetilir.

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