
Library "WIPTensor"
A Tensor or 3 dimensional array structure and interface.
Note: im just highjacking the name to use it as a 3d array on a project..
there is no optimization attempts or tensor specific functionality within.

  Convert `Tensor` to a string format.
    this: Tensor data.
  Returns: string.

  Convert `Tensor` to a one dimension array.
    this: Tensor data.
  Returns: New array with flattened `Tensor` data.

new(x, y, z, initial_value)
  Create a new `Tensor` with provided shape.
    x: Dimension `X` size.
    y: Dimension `Y` size.
    z: Dimension `Z` size.
    initial_value: Value to fill the `Tensor`.
  Returns: New `Tensor`.

new(shape, initial_value)
  Create a new `Tensor` with provided shape.
    shape: Shape of dimensions size.
    initial_value: Value to fill the `Tensor`.
  Returns: New `Tensor`.

from(expression, sepx, sepy, sepz)
  Create a `Tensor` from provided array and shape.
  Returns: New `Tensor`.

from(vector, x, y, z)
  Create a `Tensor` from provided array and shape.
    vector: Data with flattened dimensions.
  Returns: New `Tensor`.

from(vector, shape)

get(this, x, y, z)
  Get the value at position.
    this: `Tensor` data.
  Returns: Value at position.

get(this, position)

set(this, x, y, z, value)
  Set the value at position.
    this: `Tensor` data.
    value: New Value.

set(this, position, value)

  Helper type for 3d structure.
    v: Vector of the 3rd dimension.

  A Tensor is a three dimensional array were the 3rd dimension accounts for time.
    m: Matrix that holds the vectors.
Sürüm Notları
v2 missing functionality x-ºD

get_vector_xy(this, position)

set_vector_xy(this, position, values)

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