
Great Returns, but the real question is, how important is byzantine fault tolerance? I'm not sure I'm fine with the new governance zil coins popping out for stakers, but I do know it's an ok system that would need to work off another faster system even if it does do 2.5k transactions a second. I think It'll be a solid stable-ish fixed coin at 30, but will be overtaken eventually for another coin that would have to do at least 4.5-6k per.

I believe in a highly diverse, multi-coin system though. May have around 12-18 main players in the end averaging out to 4-8. Don't fret the sequence. It'll stack nicely with smaller ones. I'd call it the 8th best coin in the end if I had to make a crazy prediction. Time will tell. Again. My speq's are just to laugh at when I'm older and for people to deuce on haha.
*smaller coins in the mean time.
the timeframe may half twice depending on the next 4-5 hours trend with the general market volume. May flop. best to use the gains to recapture losses on another bottom with the other cryptos. stellar might be too slow on the decline to make a good difference with. Think carbon-tokens, in general, are gonna open up slightly higher in a week or 3 no matter the presidency. Might just consolidate there temporarily for the next dip at the point of resistance here at .10.. all depends on the next few hours though.
Update to comment 5 min ago:
the trend has halved; buy 5 min ago
nice goblet formation. Within the parameters still. Interesting to see such a strong spike. I'm still following my prediction. It'll still follow the trend I think. Average out at .1.. after that maybe we'll need to adjust the trends slightly.
Once the baggies are gone, there's a possibility of another bull run. It may be safe to say dollar cost average out at .1 before a possible collapse, and then recovery to its high at .13-.15

I'm not sure how far higher it'll go than that. Just look at the cap. Adoption according to their website is rapidly going up too. It's backed by Singapore's gov't. The foundation owns a large chunk... not sure how decentralized it really is, but for ASEA it's the best pick in my book.
Beyond Technical Analysis
