The State of Verge

As I'm sure many of your were doing. I spent a good part of my New Years Eve checking on the Verge twitter account wondering if Wraith Protocol would be released by their own given deadline. Having been a developer many years, last night was just poorly handled by their social media team, and frontman. But honestly is the normal way dev goes, without the self induced pressure of a NYE release it would have likely gone flawlessly once ready, in a few days. Great way to start the new years imo. Instead they took the story away from the technology and made it the deadline being missed. Gave fuel to the people who think the whole idea is a scam, and give people who do believe in the coin pause to consider just who it is we're dealing with behind the coin. Overall I don't think anyone, even those who love XVG, thinks last night went well.

I'm very new to Crypto so I'm curious what some of the pro's on here think about XVG and its future. Is it a coin in decent or will the technology behind it override this speed bump?

Thank you for taking the time to reply if you do.

Happy new year!
