GOLD 60min.... could be a top 1260, and down > 1238-1243 ?

skrotkalle tarafından
Watch this 1260-level , at FIB.ext 1,618.... maybe a small top here ?
Back down in the channel, and maybe out on downside channel FIB 0,382 or more 0,5 ?
If it show's more strenght at 1260 and above, then maybe the idea is not valid enough ?

If and when it hits down outside the channel, we can maybe look for a long again, I've seen some upside target 1280ish.... but I've not looked for possible upside yet, soo I do it later.
closer look at 15min
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Update..... it has developed to a a triangel top, or it could be a bull-flag.... we wait for more confirmation, and watch how it develope further here... :)
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Update.... break up, retesting 1260 again..... we watch reaction here now...
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Emir iptal
Update.... have to look at it more careful now, b.c it break up above 1260 again.....
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İşlem aktif
Update..... 60min in a wider picture, adjusted FIB, put on one more fib... fib.ext 1,618 and 2,618 could fit with this new high 1263ish. Price back down under 1260.
BEAR dvg in MOM in 60min, is a quite strong sign, that we can look for, if Gold has more down to go, from this 1255-60 level....
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Update...... closer look here..... watch for 1257-1260 priceaction...
I closely also monitore USD.... they are inverse corelative now...
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Sorry, have to correct some.... it's RSI with Bear dvg , and not MOM (don't have it here, in this chart). It's also heavy bear dvg in that indicator at bottom.
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1250 hold as support now, signs for more up again..... small bull dvg...
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1250 did hold as support, yes.... is a HS building here now ? or what.... watch
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30min chart........ will it retest 1260 once again ? Look for bear dvg there... 1258-60
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Bull dvg indicator's in 15min at 1258..... could it be the right shoulder ?
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Sorry.... Bear dvg , of course...... :)
GOLD is definitly finished making it's right shoulder.... bear dvg 30min 2 hours ago...
TV don't upload a screenshot longer... GOLD 1252 now, 1258 high in r.shoulder.
İşlem kapandı: hedefe ulaştı
1242 is the first target now..... så then I look for what happen next.
Bull dvg in 30min now..
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Did reach the hole way down 1236, same the high of HS-head, from neckline... And FIB 2,618 too...
Now, maybe a HIDDEN bear dvg..... will push it down again ?
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That hidden bear didn't work at all, so now it did stop at 1248.... watch priceaction, for a pullback again >> maybe we could eye a new bullcase soon.... inverse HS ?

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sorry, looks like 1250 (not 1248)...
Gold is strugling now, down in red channel.....
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15min update....
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İşlem kapandı: hedefe ulaştı
15min chart.... watch if a minor turn up here now..low 1224,85... small bull dvg
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Gold made low 1195.... and are working on something here now....

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