💰🧧 Metal OX 🐂 🏮❤️💰💰💰 ( Year for Softer Metals)

This is the second part, I would recommend you watch the First part

So this is the Year of Softer Metals and our focus will NOT be on Gold. Gold is the 'Hardest metal' for the Financial standards and has already reached all time highs last Year ( last year was also a Metal year but Yang, not Yin!)

In this video we cover:

🏮Silver which is far away from it's price in 1981 (!!!)

🏮Platinum which has been our first pick in January

🏮💰Lithium which is the definition of a 'soft metal' and was a huge success for us in 2020

🏮 Nickel which we like to invest through an (ETN) exchanged traded note or NIC🦘
