TWITTER INCGüncellendi

TWTR-Inverse correlation with s&p 500 or no correlation at all?

Just eyeballing it's difficult to say if there is an inverse correlation or not. Other than the period from Oct/17 through Jun/2018 they haven't moved together all that much.

So the S&P is useless as a twitter trading signal.

It's amazing how much you can learn visually. I guess that is how my brain works. As an artist (Viewing TA as an art but also someone who studied art among other subjects.) I always try and explain things visually. It's often easier than the alternative.

As some of you know I've been presented with some unique challenges in my personal life. I try and remain on topic but I get distracted at times.

Plus the feeling of wanting to explain myself to people I meet and others. It's annoying. But that's life.

Anyway, for those of you out there creating. Keep doing what you do. As long as you maintain a clear intent I don't mind the absurdism because life is absurd. (Except for that one b****.) In which case please stop.

Harassment is not ok. I don't care who you are or how right you think you are.

Treat eachother with respect and life is better for everyone. Happy trading.
PPS Incase you're wondering about my recent artistic choices I've been feeling like there's a void in modern feminism. I've been working to fill that void.
(That was a joke. Although perhaps in bad taste.)
