Exchange : Bitmex | Margin Trading
Trading Pair : TRXM19
Position : Long
Leverage : 5x
Approx Risking: 3.7%
Approx Reward: 13.7%
Risk/Reward: 3.7
STOP LOSS: 100% @ 0.00000338
Approx Entry AVG 0.0000351
Entry 1: 1x @ 0.0000362
Entry 2: 2x @ 0.00000360
Entry 3: 6x @ 0.00000357
Entry 4: 18x @ 0.00000348
Approx Exit AVG: 0.00000399
Exit 1: 25% @ 0.00000377
Exit 2: 25% @ 0.00000390
Exit 3: 25% @ 0.00000411
Exit 4: 25% @ 0.00000427
Reasons to enter (Prioritized from most to less important):
1. Broke Support. hanging on the purple triangle as a support
2. If it breaks, it will most likely follow the teal falling wedge/triangle
3. Should hold next support. Stagger all the way down.