SPXS - Bullish Confirmation on Daily Yesterday


Chart Details
SPXS confirmed Buy Signal on Daily yesterday.
Gaps to fill up to $17.50.
Bullish EMA cross will occur around $13.94.
10WeekMA cross around $14.60.
Anything above $14.60 should confirm Bullish trend up to gap fills.
Price may stop at each gap fill – watch to exit if reversal occurs.
RSI turned Bullish.
Trend Dots confirm Bullish trend on Daily. I will update if Weekly view also confirms.

Entry Options
I am entered in the Jan 17. Expiry, 12/17 Put Credit Spread. $3.83 Credit received. Breakeven SPXS at $13.17. Max loss $117. Max gain $3.83

About Me
Thank you for liking, commenting, throwing up a chart, following, or viewing.
I am not a financial advisor. My comments and reviews are based on what I do with my personal accounts.
I am transitioning to my new website moneypatterns.com and will be updating my username here. Same guy - new name. :)
Website will be ready for launch mid-January 2020. Thank you for your patience while I try to juggle everything and maintain the same standards.
Disclosure - I am long BTCUSD, GBTC.
Short term - GDX Bullish, SPXS Bullish, SMH Bearish
İşlem kapandı: durdurma seviyesi
Stop reached on Options entry. Still holding stock and DCA as we get lower.
Will update SPXS chart after daily close.
shortideasshortspysp500indexSPX (S&P 500 Index)SPXSSPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) Trend Analysis
