Next week one either goes back to investing in "growth" stocks with an EPS of 1,000,000 to infinity once agai... as everything goes through the roof again... for no good reason other than to throw free money given to the ultra rich again... hoping it might trickle down to the poor again...
Or make damn sure you know which physically backed gold ETF's are around to get your money into quickly, assuming you can't get coins (although they are no good if you need to trade back into the market...). Not to earn anything at the end of the day. Just for protection.
Next week the market will go one way or the other radically. If another round of QE it will be really be the loveliest of tulip bubbles, all high on lovely money... If not, we're heading for the dirt for a little while to start over again growing something sensible... tulips starting to look likely, despite the technicals showing they way things ought to be...