Analysis of SMH Monthly Chart (Buying 3 more @ 257.52)

Decided to buy 3 more shares of SMH today, taking advantage of the 9% pullback from its previous all-time highs. Here’s why:

The chart shows a well-defined Elliott Wave pattern, currently in Wave (4) with Wave (5) expected next. This suggests further gains are on the horizon.

The RSI is at 76.25, approaching overbought territory but not quite there yet. Historically, SMH has sustained high RSI levels, indicating that there’s still room for growth.

SMH is a long-term play. The semiconductor sector is vital for tech innovation and growth. With continuous advancements in AI, IoT, and more, this ETF is positioned to benefit significantly in the coming years.

This pullback presents a great buying opportunity for long-term investors looking to capitalize on the potential growth in the semiconductor industry.


Analysis of SMH Monthly Chart

The chart depicts the monthly performance of the VanEck Semiconductor ETF (SMH), showing some promising signs for long-term investment, especially considering the recent pullback.

Elliott Wave Analysis:

The chart illustrates a clear Elliott Wave pattern, with waves (1), (2), (3) already completed, and (4) in the making.
The current position appears to be in Wave (4), suggesting that Wave (5) could be on the horizon, indicating potential for future upward movement.

RSI (Relative Strength Index):

The RSI is currently at 76.25, which indicates that SMH is approaching overbought territory. However, it's not yet at extreme levels, suggesting there is still room for upward movement before a significant correction.
Historically, the RSI has shown that even when the ETF reaches higher levels, it can sustain those levels for extended periods.

Recent Price Movement:

SMH is currently down 9% from its previous all-time highs, making it an attractive entry point for long-term investors.
This pullback provides a buying opportunity, especially given the historical performance and future potential as indicated by the Elliott Wave analysis.

Long-Term Relevance:

The VanEck Semiconductor ETF (SMH) is a critical investment for those looking to gain exposure to the semiconductor industry, which is foundational to technology and innovation.
The semiconductor sector has shown consistent growth over the years and is expected to continue its upward trajectory, driven by advancements in AI, IoT, and other tech developments.

Technical IndicatorssmhlongTrend AnalysisWave Analysis
